NURSING 395 - Red Deer College · NURS 395 Nursing Practice VI *7 (3-0-28) 7 weeks. Nursing...

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Nurs 395 Course Outline 2015-16



Keyano College Red Deer College

University of Alberta

NURSING 395 Course Outline

2015 - 2016

Associate Dean: Date: September 4, 2015


Nurs 395 Course Outline 2015-16

CALENDAR S T A T E M E N T : NURS 395 Nursing Practice VI *7 (3-0-28) 7 weeks. Nursing practice will focus on restoration, rehabilitation and support (including health promotion and disease prevention) of clients across the lifespan experiencing more acute variances in health. Practice will occur in homes or in acute care settings, or in community-based settings. Prerequisites: NURS 215, 274, 381, 384, 385.

COURSE HOURS: LEC: 0 SEM: 3 hours per week CLINICAL: 27 hours per week LAB: 18 hours

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This clinical course will provide students with the opportunity to assess community as client, and to work with clients experiencing mental health issues. Students will continue to incorporate health promotion, and all levels of prevention in nursing practice with clients, families, groups and/or aggregates. Nursing practice over a continuous block of time will occur in various community and/or acute care settings.


In evaluating objectives, the following levels of independence will be used: With assistance: The student requires direction and information. With minimal assistance: The student requires occasional direction and information. With guidance: The student requires clarification, prompting and confirmation. With minimal guidance: The student requires occasional clarification, prompting and confirmation. Independently: The student works mostly on his or her own and seeks information, clarification and consultation as appropriate.

Definition of Terms: Direction: Clinical tutor tells the student what to do, about what steps to take. Information: Clinical tutor tells the student specifics about a concept or topic. Clarification: Clinical tutor, through questioning and feedback, assists the student to state their information in a different and clearer way, often with more details. The student asks questions to increase their understanding; questions asked demonstrate a sound knowledge base. Prompting: Clinical tutor provides the student with a cue that answer is incomplete or incorrect and how to resolve the lack of information. A prompt is broader than a hint. Prompting is generally used to add breadth or depth. Confirmation: Clinical tutor provides positive feedback for correct information and direction provided by the student. Consultation: The student provides clinical tutor with information and/or direction and asks specific questions about the information or direction which the instructor confirms.

Occasional: The clinical tutor provides input every now and then.


Nurs 395 Course Outline 2015-16

In addition to maintaining competency with previous course objectives, upon completion of NURS 395, the nursing student will be able to:

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students are responsible to familiarize themselves with Graduate Competencies and Year Outcomes (with Cross Reference to courses) 2015-16. Attention must be given to the competencies that are identified as being relevant to NURS 395.

Students must regularly refer to the document entitled Graduate Competencies and Year- End Outcomes Version 2015-16. Attention must be given to the Year 3 Column. This document serves as the basis for the evaluation of students' clinical practice.

All students must practice in a manner that is consistent with:

CARNA Nursing Practice Standards (2003) and all other CARNA standards

The CNA Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses (2008).

1. Demonstrate, with minimal guidance, the processes of self-directed learning,

critical thinking, and context-based learning in a variety of community and/or

acute care settings.

2. Demonstrate, with guidance, the ability to practice in accordance with Year 3

competencies, as described in the document entitled: Graduate Competencies and Year- End Outcomes Version 2015-16.

3. Demonstrate, with minimal guidance, the ability to manage restoration,

rehabilitation, and support activities for clients experiencing mental health issues, in a in a variety of community and/or acute care settings.

4. Demonstrate, with minimal guidance, the ability to provide evidence-based, competent nursing care to clients experiencing more acute variances in health, in a in a variety of community and/or acute care settings.

5. With guidance assess the mental health needs of the community as client.

6. Demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge into clinical practice.


Nurs 395 Course Outline 2015-16

Clinical Instructors:

Term Group Name: Office #: Phone #:

Fall 1 A Maureen Matejka*

2213 403-314-2451

B Kari Nish

1211 403-314-2498

Fall 2 D Peggy Follis*

1507-C 403-314-2470

E Rebekah Nash

1331 403-357-3639

F Sue McRorie

1208 403-357-3635

Winter 1 G Rebekah Nash

1331 403-357-3639

H tba

I tba

Winter 2 J Peggy Follis*

1507-C 403-314-2470

K Kari Nish

1211 403-314-2498

Spring L Maureen Matejka*

2213 403-314-2451

M tba

Instructors will notify students of office hours

IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: Term Last day to add or drop courses Last day to withdraw without academic


Fall 1 September 14, 2015

October 22, 2015

Fall 2 October 30, 2015

December 10, 2015

Winter 1 January 11, 2016

February 12, 2016

Winter 2 February 26, 2016

April 11, 2016

Spring May 6, 2016

June 16, 2016


Nurs 395 Course Outline 2015-16


1. Working Definitions 2. Graduate Competencies and Year-end Outcomes 3. Map of Mental Health Concepts, Clinical Labs

Adams, M.P., Holland, L.N., Bostwick, P.M., & King, S.L. (2010). Pharmacology for nurses: A pathophysiological approach (Canadian ed.). Toronto, ON, Canada: Pearson. (Access code to My Nursing lab included.)

Austin, W., & Boyd, M. (2015). Psychiatric nursing for Canadian practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Stanhope, M., Lancaster, J., Jessup-Falcioni, A, & Viverais-Dresler, G. (2011). Community health nursing in Canada (2nd Canadian ed.). Toronto, ON, Canada: Mosby Elsevier. (Access to Evolve learning System included.)

Stephen, T.C., Skillen, D.L., Day, R.A., & Jensen, S. (2012). Canadian Jensen’s nursing health assessment: A best practice approach. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Nursing 395 (2014-2015) Lab Manual on Blackboard 395 site. U of A Collaborative BScN Student Handbook with Curriculum Guide 2014-2015

(available on line).

The texts used in Year One and Year Two are also required texts for Nursing 395.

RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: Schultz, J., & Videbeck, S. (2013). Lippincott’s manual of psychiatric nursing care plans (9th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Alberta Health Services (2011). Alberta Health Services 2011-2015 health plan. Retrieved


Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing/HESI Exam (purchased through the book store. This online NCLEX

prep resource is available for students to purchase at the bookstore and will assist with

preparation for writing the RN registration exam. This resource will provide students

with a 2 year online review/prep course to use as they progress through years 3 and 4 of

the BSCN program as well as provide three NCLEX style prep exams to complete in the

last 3 months of their 4th year.

Supplementary readings are posted on Nursing 395 Blackboard site.


Nurs 395 Course Outline 2015-16

REQUIRED LEARNING EXPERIENCES In order to pass NURS 395, students must demonstrate safe ethical nursing practice, professional behavior, and complete the following experiences. Students are expected to implement previously learned nursing skills.

1. During this course, students will have a continuous experience in community

and/or acute care settings which will include nursing care of clients, families, groups and/or aggregates experiencing more acute variances in mental health.

2. Participate in site-selected lab activities (see ‘Map of Theoretical Labs, Clinical Labs and Clinical Seminars’).

3. Participate in therapeutic conversations with clients with mental health issues.

4. Using a primary health care focus, examine mental health needs of a community group.

5. Participate in health promotion, and/or harm reduction, and/or illness prevention programs with clients, families, groups and/or aggregates experiencing more acute variances in mental health.

6. Collaborate with client, family, community, nurses and members of other disciplines.

7. An online NCLEX prep resource is available for students to purchase at the bookstore, which will assist them with preparing for writing the RN registration exam. This resource will provide students with a 2 year online review/prep course to use as they progress through 4th year 3 and 4 of the BSCN program as well as 3 NCLEX style prep exams to complete in the last 3 months of their 4th year.

OPTIONAL / ALTERNATIVE LEARNING EXPERIENCES (site specific) Students must confirm optional learning experiences with their instructor prior to booking with agencies.

1. Participate in programs for children with complex mental health issues.

2. Observe Electroconvulsive Therapy. 3. Observe and/or participate in therapy groups. 4. Observe and/or participate in a family conference.

Additional Course Expenses: Depending on the student’s clinical placement, students may incur additional expenses including: parking costs, travel and fuel costs, suitable street clothing for community and hospital agencies, and possibly an RCMP Criminal Record Check, vulnerable persons check, and/or Child Welfare (Cyim) check.

Material and Special Fees: When you paid your tuition, you also paid Material and Special Fees of $65.00. These fees are used for lab supplies, travel for instructors, and guest speakers.


Nurs 395 Course Outline 2015-16

Attendance: Attendance and participation is required of all students in all tutorials, labs and clinical.

Absences: Students are asked to notify the tutor and the agency if they are ill or going to be late or absent prior to the tutorial, lab or clinical day. The student must also discuss, with the tutor, the most appropriate way to make up for missed time and content. Failure to notify the tutor/agency indicates a serious breach of professional/ethical conduct.

Prior Learning: This course may be eligible for prior learning assessment. Students should refer to the RDC Course Calendar for a list of excluded courses.

Learning resources may be available to students in alternative formats. It is the student’s responsibility to discuss learning needs with their instructor.

Students should be aware that Personal Counseling, Career, learning and Disability Services are provided at RDC. Inquire about locations at Information Desk.

It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with the information contained in the Course Outline and to clarify any areas of concern with the instructor.

Students should refer to the Student Dispute, Appeal and Misconduct Processes Policy and Standard Practice should questions or concerns about the Course Outline not be resolved directly with the instructor.

Academic Dishonesty or Misconduct: Please be familiar with what constitutes academic misconduct, as well as the consequences. Plagiarism involves submitting work in a course as if it were the student’s own work. Plagiarism may involve the act of submitting work in which some or all of the phrasing, ideas, or line of reasoning are alleged to be the submitter’s own but in fact were created by someone else. The complete RDC policy is available at: academic-non-academic-policy_0.pdf

Students are advised that a plagiarism detection tool may be used in this course. Changes to the Course Outline:

Changes to the course outline will be made with the consent of the course tutors and students. Changes will be reviewed by the Nursing Department Chairperson for consistency with College policies. Preparation for Clinical and Lab: Students are expected to prepare for all labs and for learning activities in the agency/hospital, field trips and community assessment activities. Preparation includes seeking out scholarly learning resources, orientation manuals, charts, speaking with other professionals/key informants etc. Professional clothing and professional

behavior is mandatory during all clinical activities. Under no circumstances should personal client information be photocopied.


Nurs 395 Course Outline 2015-16

Required Evaluation: Assignments are to be submitted as scheduled in the course outline unless an extension has been granted by the tutor. Requests for extensions must be made at least 24 hours prior to the deadline for submission of the assignment. Ten percent (10%) of the weight of the assignment will be deducted for each day an assignment is late without prior approval.

Nursing practice will be evaluated by means of the following:


Point Value (Raw Score)

Due Date: Fall 1

Due Date: Fall 2

Due Date:

Winter 1

Due Date:

Winter 2

Due Date: Spring

1. Psychotropic Pharmacology/ Lab Quiz


September 28, 2015

November 16, 2016

January 25, 2016

March 14, 2016

May 16, 2016

2. Poster Presentation

25 October 19, 2015

December 7 , 2015

February 8, 2016

April 4, 2016

June 13, 2015

3. Written self- evaluation

Included in ENP

October 19, 2015

December 7, 2015

February 8 , 2016

April 4, 2016

June 13, 2016

4. Evaluation of Nursing Practice (ENP) Students must obtain 36/60 in order to pass


End of term

End of term

End of term

End of term

End of term

For Final Calculations:

Raw Score Marks Range

Grade Grade Point Descriptor

96.5 – 100 A+ 4.0 Exemplary

93.5 – 96.49 A 4.0 Excellent Performance

90 – 93.49 A- 3.7

85 – 89.9 B+ 3.3

80 – 84.9 B 3.0 Good Performance

75 – 79.9 B- 2.7

68 – 74.9 C+ 2.3

62.5 – 67.9 C 2.0 Satisfactory Performance

58 – 62.49 C- 1.7

53.5 – 57.9 D+ 1.3

50 – 53.49 D 1.0 Pass

<50 F 0 Fail


Nurs 395 Course Outline 2015-16

Students will: Complete a quiz that tests the student's knowledge of safe medication practice in the administration of psychotropic medications and demonstrates knowledge of mental status assessment, therapeutic communication, community and suicide assessment labs, and content from World Café.

A formative and written summative evaluation of Nursing Practice will be completed by the student and the tutor. This will be accomplished through observation, assessment, and evaluation of the student during nursing practice. Evaluations will be made by the tutor and may be supplemented with input from peers, the staff of an agency, and clients. Each student will meet with the instructor at midterm for oral or written feedback. All students are expected to complete a written self-evaluation near the end of the clinical experience. Students need to show evidence and rationale that they have met or are meeting the course objectives. This will be accomplished through weekly submission to the tutor which may take the form of weekly ENP’s or summary of learning (form will be decided on by the tutor and communicated to the student at orientation) through Blackboard with detailed, specific, and concise examples of how they are meeting or planning to meet objectives by the end of the course. It is expected the student will use the Graduate Competency Year 3 competencies, as described in the document entitled: Graduate Competencies and Year-End Outcomes Version 2015-16. It is expected students will incorporate a minimum of two resources per week (example: text book, web site or article) to support their examples and demonstrate evidence based practice. It is an expectation students actively participate in labs and seminars which includes coming to the lab and seminar having done the required preparation. Lab, clinical conference and seminar time is considered to be a part of the clinical experience and will be evaluated as such on the ENP.

1. Psychotropic Pharmacology / Lab Quiz 15 points

2. Evaluation of Student’s Clinical Performance (see marking guide) Students must obtain 36/60 points in order to pass the course.

60 points


NURS 395 Course Outline 2014 – 2015

The Poster Presentation is an assignment which ties your assessment of the population you are working with to program planning while allowing you to showcase your enhanced knowledge of mental health and ability to work collaboratively with the community as partner. Poster presentations are an excellent method of conceptualizing and organizing complex interrelated concepts and information, and communicating information quickly. Since nurses often use posters to communicate with other nurses/professionals and with the public this assignment is designed to combine the development of your skills in preparing and presenting a poster presentation while demonstrating the development of your critical thinking, program planning, and mental health knowledge.

The assignment is done individually, and each student will present their poster assignment to other students and instructor(s). Your poster presentation will focus on helping your professional audience to understand (at a glance) your assessment of your community clinical population, a mental health promotion project designed to meet a need of this population, and the processes/models you used to develop the project. The Population Health Model and your text book Stanhope, M., Lancaster, J., Jessup-Falcioni, A, & Viverais-Dresler, G. (2011), particularly chapters 9 and 10, will be an invaluable in guiding you in your process.

You are expected to assess the population you are working with in your community clinical agency. Assessment typically takes 2 weeks of working with their assigned population to understand the needs of the population prior to identifying the area of focus for their assignment. Ethical considerations must be taken into account and discussed during your presentation. Once you have validated your needs assessment with the population you are working with (as appropriate), and your key informants, you will research to determine a plan of action which will best meet the identified need. Stanhope & Lancaster (2011) provides information on how to conduct a community assessment and engage in program planning. It is important to recognize you will most likely not be able to implement your plan of action during your clinical placement time and thus it is important to conduct your needs assessment so the population you are working with understands you are working on a hypothetical project as an assignment to avoid disappointment when your proposed project is not implemented. Students are encouraged to share their project poster with the clinical agency as sometimes the agency can use the information or perhaps the program plan itself after the student has moved on.

All posters will be presented on a one power point slide electronic format. You will be expected to provide a reference list in APA format and to email a copy of your poster to your instructor. You will also provide a copy of your speakers notes to your instructor; speaker’s notes can be in point form and c a n b e t h e copy the student has used during their presentation. Guidance for the preparation of a poster presentation can be easily found through on-line resources. Cross marking of posters by instructors may occur.

3. Nursing 395 Poster Assignment 25 points


NURS 395 Course Outline 2014 – 2015

Nursing 395 Poster Presentation Marking Guide

Name: Term/Date:

Community Clinical Placement: Presentation Title:

Your paper will be scored holistically with a general score to the overall strength of the work in parts and as a whole.

Holistic Scoring Rubric for the Poster Presentation:

Mark: Categories: Comments:

/10 Evidence of Consultation: How well you have assessed your community, demonstrating how well you know and understand the community as partner. Ethical considerations should be included.

/10 Resources: How well you have incorporated evidence based practice into your assessment and identification of a project which you link in order to best meet the community needs. Reference list in APA format to hand in to your instructor (along with speaker notes).

/10 Program Planning: How well you have followed principles of Community Health Nursing to plan a meaningful project with a general overall goal and 2 to 3 SMART objectives.

/10 Foundational Frameworks: How well you have integrated the Population Health Model into all aspects of your project. How well you have addressed the application of the Population Model and a nursing model which is complementary to the community population you are working with.

/10 Visual Display and Professional Presentation:

How well you have described your project plan (assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation) on your poster (how well does your poster describe your community and project without verbal explanation, following recommended poster presentation guidelines). How well did you engage your audience and convey the project as meeting the needs of your community. Speaker notes to be handed in to your instructor.

Overall Mark: /50 ( /25)

Overall Comments: (Revised: S.McRorie/P.Follis/August 2014)


NURS 395 Course Outline 2014 – 2015

Nursing 395 Optional/ Alternative Learning Experiences Hours Documentation

Date Hours Activity/Rationale

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Week 7
