Nuclear decommissioning

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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Nuclear decommissioning slideshow

Transcript of Nuclear decommissioning




Nuclear devastation. Why should we continue to make our bad decisions? Chrenobyl destruction shows us what

happens with bad care.


Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Core

United States at the forefront of nuclear decommissioning

Why do we fight?

Why do we have nuclear weapons?

Why listen to me?

I have a childAnd I do not

want to see him grow up

without a place to live.

No one should have to see a

nuclear holocaust.



Rally together to prevent destruction from happening.




3 Things to know

Showing people the devastation caused by nuclear meltdowns

Making a choice to send out letters to state representatives to show them that people care about

their futures and children to decommission our nuclear arsenal

Talk to everyone that you know to explain to them the severity of the situation and urge them to make a

commitment to proactively get the United States to stop producing nuclear weapons and decommission their arsenal.

This is the future we have for our children?


•30 people died in the Chernobyl accident.

(World nucleas association)

Following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion in Ukraine in 1986, more than 6000

people developed thyroid cancer, probably after drinking contaminated milk as children,

according to an investigation by the UN released in February. For unknown reasons iodine-131 does not seem to affect adults.

( New Scientist )

Why do we keep making the same


Make the choice!

Come learn about Entergy Nuclear’s dirty dozen atomic reactors, including the problem-plagued Palisades near South Haven. Chris Williams is a

leader of the ongoing, highly successful grassroots campaign to shutdown Entergy's dangerously degraded Vermont Yankee atomic reactor (a

Fukushima Daiichi twin design). Having stopped proposed new reactors in Indiana during his 25 years

of service as Executive Director of Citizen Action Coalition, he will show how community organizing can stop dirty, dangerous, and expensive atomic reactors, and replace them with efficiency and

renewables like wind and solar. ( Beyond Nuclear )

Since the disaster on March 11, 2011, Japanese government has been expecting TEPCO to bring tangible results in clean-up at

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, but great expectations proved

to be in vain. ( )

What happened?


SPEAK OUT!Let our representatives know we care!

Release the true, complete, unsubsidized costs of Nuclear

Power Generation.(Newman)

Is there a price for our children's future?

Is this how we want our children growing up?

Speak out today, let the government know we care

Why do we not get our government to

decommission our weapons?


Showing people the devastation caused by nuclear meltdowns

Making a choice to send out letters to state representatives to show them that people care about

their futures and children to decommission our nuclear arsenal

Talk to everyone that you know to explain to them the severity of the situation and urge them to make a

commitment to proactively get the United States to stop producing nuclear weapons and decommission their arsenal.

This is our future if we do not stop.

Reach out for the sake of OUR children to have a future