NRENs & (environmental) sustainability - TERENADoing good for society General description NRENs look...

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Transcript of NRENs & (environmental) sustainability - TERENADoing good for society General description NRENs look...

NRENs & (environmental) sustainability

Albert Hankel (SURFnet), GÉANT Green Team TF-MSP meeting, Vienna 11 February 2014

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My goals today

Ø  Promote a joint workshop with TF-MSP

Ø  Share the work that is being done in GN3+ Green Team

Ø  Inspire you to think about doing Green ICT yourselves

On Sustainability

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Debate on climate change? Yes, in the media

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Extreme weather System destabilization

ß 4° C (BAU)

ß 2° C

Coumou, D., & Robinson, A. (2013). Historic and future increase in the global land area affected by monthly heat extremes. Environmental Research Letters, 8(3), 034018.

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Scientific community is in agreement IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (2013) " "Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s,

many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia”.

" "Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have increased to levels unprecedented in at least the last 800,000 years”.

" Human influence on the climate system is clear. It is extremely likely (95-100% probability) that human influence was the dominant cause of global warming between 1951-2010.

" "Continued emissions of greenhouse gases will cause further [global] warming and changes in all components of the climate system. Limiting climate change will require substantial and sustained reductions of greenhouse gas emissions”.

" "Most aspects of climate change will persist for many centuries even if emissions of CO2 are stopped".

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System complexity - Planetary boundaries Environmental changes that could disrupt human society

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System complexity If you are not convinced; is greening bad?


Environmental impact

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Moore’s law = energy efficiency

Koomey, J. G., Berard, S., Sanchez, M., & Wong, H. (2011). Implications of historical trends in the electrical efficiency of computing. Annals of the History of Computing, IEEE, 33(3), 46-54.

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Data center energy consumption

Koomey, J. (2011). Growth in data center electricity use 2005 to 2010. Oakland, CA: Analytics Press. August, 1, 2010.

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Greenpeace How clean is your cloud?

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Data centers? Nah…

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Greentouch 1000x more energy efficient

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Green ICT is more than energy consumption

Every year a new smart phone!

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Impact of ICT (on the environment)

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Greening by ICT

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ICT & GHG emissions

GN3+ Green Team

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Introducing the GN3+ Green Team:

NA3 Activity Leader John Dyer (TERENA) NA3-T3 Task Leader Andrew Mackarel (HEAnet – Ireland) Team members Vasiliki Giannikopoulou (GRNET - Greece) Magnus Stromdahl (NORDUnet, UNINETT – Norway) Tamàs Maray (NIIF – Hungary) Josef Vojtech (CESNET – Czech Republic) Maja Bandjur (AMRES – Serbia) Milan Kuzelka (AMRES – Serbia) Antonis Tzirkallis (CYNET – Cyprus) Albert Hankel (SURFnet - Netherlands)

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Activities of the GN3+ Green Team

Ø Greenhouse Gases Audits

Ø Shared Environmental Policy for NRENs

Ø  Test cases & Best practices

Ø Dissemination

NRENs & Sustainability

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4 lines of thinking

" Making the own organization more sustainable

" Delivering green services

" Helping the HE community use Green ICT

" Doing good for society and remaining relevant

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Making the own organization more


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Greening NRENs: making the own organization more sustainable

General description NRENs focus on the footprint of their own organization. We measure our impact and find ways to reduce it. Examples •  GHG audits •  Environmental policy •  Data center efficiency (PUE) •  Procurement and e-waste policies •  Teleworking for NREN staff •  Climate preparedness: business continuity plans

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GHG audit

Office Data centres - services

Transportation - commute

- on mission Backbone network

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Example – measuring the backbone

SURFnet " Large set of equipment " Few different types " ~ 300 locations " No ownership of locations,

just equipment

How would you measure it?

Measure twice at least

Different types of location, all types of equipment


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GN3+ Goals •  Enable audits for ALL NRENs •  Enable longitudinal comparisons •  Enable peer comparisons

Results •  Deliver online tool available for all NRENs •  Easy and flexible reporting •  Level of transparancy up to individual NRENs

GHG audit

Measuring increases awareness and decision support ! lead to improvement!

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Shared Environmental Policy Template

Purpose Promote environmental activities for NRENs and create a shared language so that we can share experiences. Contents Motivation Statements Ø  Office Ø  Services Ø  Community

NRENs can pick and choose statements to fit the template to their own situation.

Example: HEAnet

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University of Groningen ~5 MWh usage annually PUE 1.483 à 1.18 Annual savings over 150.000 euro Aim to increase savings to 300k

What did they do? -  Virtualization -  Faster replacement of servers -  Raise temperature -  Optimize (localized) cooling -  Optimize configuration

een ICT-scan laten uitvoeren op de energie-efficiëntie van de rekenhallen. Deze scan hebben we gebruikt als nulmeting, op basis waarvan we verbeteringen hebben doorgevoerd. Overigens wilden we ook beter kunnen meten welke projecten hoeveel energie ver-bruiken. Die gegevens hebben we nodig om kosten door te kunnen berekenen, met name als het gaat om Europees gesubsidieerde projecten zoals LOFAR.’

AanbevelingenDe ICT-scan kijkt naar de volgende aspecten:

(stroomvoorziening, koeling, bezettingsgraad)


en gemonitord van de ICT-infrastructuur?

efficiëntie (bijvoorbeeld de afschrijvingsduur van apparatuur)

De ICT-scan leverde het CIT een schat aan informatie op. Dit radardiagram biedt daarvan een samenvatting:

VerbeteringenHet CIT is aan de slag gegaan met de aanbevelingen van de ICT-scan, in nauwe samenwerking met het fa-cilitair bedrijf van de RUG (verantwoordelijk voor koelingen, stroomvoorziening enzovoort) en de dienst Vastgoed en Investering (verantwoordelijk voor totstandkoming van de gebouwen). Gankema: ‘Alleen door deze gezamenlijke inspanning konden we de energiebesparing realiseren. Extra uitdaging was dat de prioriteiten van deze afdelingen uiteenlopen.’

Enkele tips voor verbeteringen die bij het CIT veel effect gehad hebben:


één fysieke server kunnen tientallen virtuele servers draaien, waarvoor vroeger per stuk een fysieke server nodig was. Zo zijn bij het CIT nu honderden servers minder nodig.

‘ De scan liet ons zien dat er veel te winnen was. Door de voorgestelde verbeteringen door te voeren, moest het mogelijk zijn om bijna 75% op de overheadkosten voor energie te besparen’, aldus Gankema.




t Pr



Best PracticeICT-scan helpt RUG verduurzamenHet IT-centrum van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) wordt steeds groener.

Bij de verbouwing en vernieuwing in 2010 is aan duurzaamheid specifiek aan-

dacht besteed, onder andere met een ICT-scan. Hans Gankema, hoofd server-

infrastructuur, was verantwoordelijk voor dit deelproject. ‘Er viel nog heel wat te

winnen op het vlak van duurzaamheid’.

Rekenhallen duurzamerHet Donald Smits Centrum voor Informatie Technolo-gie (CIT) biedt IT-diensten, met name aan de RUG en daarnaast aan (onderwijs)instellingen in de regio. Het CIT levert kantoorautomatisering, maar ook reken-kracht voor wetenschappelijke projecten. Voorbeel-den daarvan zijn LOFAR, Target en BiG Grid. Voor dit soort projecten heeft het CIT een supercomputer en diverse grote Linux High Performance Computing clusters in huis.

Het CIT beschikt over twee fysiek gescheiden reken-hallen om de diensten te kunnen leveren. Deze reken-hallen gebruiken uiteraard veel energie. Toen ze in 2010 vernieuwd werden omdat de capaciteit niet meer aan de vraag voldeed, was verduurzaming van de ICT een deelproject. Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat de rekenhallen zo weinig mogelijk energie verbruiken?

Gankema: ‘Om erachter te komen op welke vlakken energiebesparing mogelijk was, hebben we in 2009

Delivering green services

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Delivering Green Services

General description NRENs can deliver specific green services that help HE institutions green themselves ‘automatically’. By using such services as a substitution for others HE institutions can lower their carbon footprint. Examples •  Videoconferencing •  Greenstar network/Mantychore •  Green cloud computing •  Maturity Model Green ICT

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Cloud computing

What makes the cloud green? The assumption is that cloud providers are more

efficient than private datacenters

ICT related Energy related Hardware utilization

(virtualization) Green energy mix

Data logically close to users (# hops)

Energy generation close to data center

Energy is consumed by ICT equipment. Energy for cooling, lighting and other systems is minized (low PUE)

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Demo: Playing the leaning tower of Pisa

Such thinking might enable -  Distance use of expensive equipment -  Teleworking for expensive skills (surgeons?) -  Etc.

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Green ICT Maturity Model

Helping the HE community use

green ICT

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Helping the HE community use Green ICT

General description NRENs promote the use of ICT in a green way in the campus environment. This can be in the form of helping ICT departments green themselves, but also using Green ICT in the primary processes (education, research). Examples •  Dutch special interest group Green ICT •  Dematerialization: e.g. digital testing in Norway •  Smart meters & IPv6 in Greece

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•  Over 350 members (which is impressive for a Dutch SIG)

•  Regular discussions on several topics online

•  Workgroups on specific topics such as data centers, pc power management, e-waste, etc.

•  Thematic gatherings as well as yearly symposium (with ~150 attendants)

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2010: ICT-scan on 9 institutions in NL (25.000 employees, 179.000 students)

9 institutions Total energy consumption 179 GWh Energy consumption by datacenters

(9% of total) 16.1 GWh

Energy consumption of ICT-equipment in datacenters

7.9 GWh

Energy consumption of computers (13% of total)

24 GWh

22% (and rising)

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68% mobility

Sample footprint of a (typical) Dutch HE-institution

ICT = 22% of à

24% electricity

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Too old Too cold Too empty

Hardly turned off during closing hours No power management

But… ICT departments hardly pay the energy bill

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PC Power management

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IPv6 Pilot in Greece “Energy Efficiency in School Networks with IPv6“

•  The energy power meters installed in schools forward energy consumption data (over IPv6 ) to Intelen Cloud Infrastructure.

•  The cloud infrastructure integrates near real time stream analysis

•  An interactive web platform allows secure access to energy consumption data

•  End-to-end connectivity is supported for management purposes


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Green ICT in education

Digital Mobility in the HU Applying the principles of ‘The New World of Work’ to an entire faculty à Mobile workplace à Flexible office/classroom spaces à Distance learning/teaching à Schedule to minimize student

commuting à Etc.

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Missed opportunity Why isn’t the best platform an NREN platform?

Doing good for society and

remaining relevant

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Doing good for society

General description NRENs look at the bigger picture. We want to go beyond ICT and help improve (environmental) sustainability for HE institutions and maybe even society. By doing this, NRENs remain a valued partner for HE and governments in the pursuit of doing good for society. Examples •  HEAnet Green campus •  MOOCs for development

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• Teach sustainable development concepts • Encourage research on sustainable development issues • Green our campuses • Support sustainability efforts in the communities in which we reside • Engage with and share results through international frameworks

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Green Campus Programme

HEAnet are the first NREN to seek Green Campus Certification for institutions. 30% of Clients are participating in this long term Environment Awareness program. HEAnet provides IT-expertise. It comprises of seven steps focusing on areas such as

•  Environmental strategies & policies. •  Litter and waste prevention.

•  Energy conservation/reduction.

•  Water.

•  Travel.

•  Biodiversity.

•  Procurement and Environmental risk.

Remember to Switch off and Plug out all unnecessary electrical equipment in offices, classrooms and labs. You not only save electricity and money required to pay the bills - you also help reduce harmful emissions to the atmosphere. Always think WASTE PREVENTION  

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MOOCs for development

Some final notes

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(EU) Regulation

This will impact -  Governmental behaviour -  Client behaviour -  Funding programmes

(Horizon 2020)

-  Us? à  Reduce our impact à  Deliver green solutions à  Facilitate system optimization

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Does Green (ICT) cost money?

" Several concepts have very low RoI à  PC Power management < 1 year à  Data center good practices

" Inter-organization optimization à  Central (NREN) vs de-central (HE) à  ICT department vs Facilities department à  Between NRENs!

" Sustainability offers a new perspective à  New business models (circular economy,

sharing economy) à  Innovation (examples from other industries:

carpets, shampoo)

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Responsibility Innovation Collaboration

How would your NREN position itself?

September workshop

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Workshop on Green ICT & Sustainability

Invitation We will organize a special international workshop on Green ICT & Sustainability in September in Budapest. We propose to make a combination with a TF-MSP meeting. " Who would be interested in learning more about what NRENs can do

with sustainability?

" What would make such a workshop more interesting for you? (a.k.a. when would you come?)

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