NQA_VMG definition

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of NQA_VMG definition

Being a Echelonian

You must know

what we are striving for

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Energy Giver

The meaning of "Echelon"• ech-e-lon, as in dictionary.com, it comes

from the French échelon, a word whose literal meaning is “rung of a ladder.” Initially it was confined to military use, to refer to a step-like formation of troops.

Why "Leaders"?

Leaders we are referring are the leader in me.

The new model of leadership is all about every single stakeholder showing leadership in the work

they do. This is really all about distributed leadership.

Every single person who works within a business, for example, owns the responsibility of showing

leadership at their craft.

Every single teammate is the CEO of their own small business unit called their job.

our believe about

Leader in Me

If you can't lead yourself, you can't lead others.

We have no business leading others into greatness if our own personal lives are a


our believe about

Leader in Me

Being successful in the game of life precedes great leadership.

Face whatever personal issues you’ve been avoiding head on and clean up on all fronts.

our believe about

Leader in Me

Never make anyone feel as if there isn’t room in the life boat.

No matter the mistake, no matter what mile a person is at on their road to mastery, always be ready and willing to throw a life

line – lend a hand, offer insight, donate your time, run out for coffee.

our believe about

Leader in Me

The winners understand that strengthening capacity at every level, in

every person, is the way to win..

We Support You

We Trust You

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Energy Giver

The first job of any leader is to

inspire trust.

Trust is confidence born of two dimension:

Character and Competency

What is "Great Character"?

-According to Stephen R Covey-

The key to being effective (to achieving what you planned), isn't practicing fancy techniques, but forming your character.

What is "Great Character"?

Character includes your integrity, motive and intent with people.

Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious

patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character.

A habit is the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire. You know how something

works, you've gained experience how to do it, and you want to do it -so it will happen

over and over again.

And eventually, form character.

Watch your habits;

your habits will determine your character and your character will determine your life.

You cannot rise any higher than the fortitude of your character.

Your character is the foundation for your life, so if you want to change your life, you

must first change your character.

What is "High Competency"?

Competence is the ability of an individual to do a job properly.

It includes your capabilities, skills, results, and track record.

You might think a person is sincere, even honest, but you won't trust that person fully if he or she doesn't get


And the opposite is true.

A person might have great skills and talents and a good track record,

but if he or she is not honest,

you're not going to trust that person either.

Therefore, both dimensions are vital.

What is "Choice"?

we are not a product of what has happened to us in our past.

We have the power of choice..the ability to decision making.

What is "Choice"?

You can change your life,

if you align your choices with

the timeless principles that produce success.

Impossibilities become possibilities.


PotentialSchedule Priorities Align Renew

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Energy Giver

What is "The Leader in Me"?

The Leader in me is a whole-team development model that acts like the operating system of a computer -it improves performance of all other programs.

What is "The Leader in Me"?

With this model, our agency is not merely focused on improving agents' production, and we also provide opportunities for agents to develop their full potential.

What is "The Leader in Me"?

We taught the 7 Habits by integrating them into our agency training, traditions, systems and culture, which the main objective is to achieve the team Vision, Mission & Goal.

Why is it important?

1. It embodies a different paradigm

Instead of seeing agents through the lens of a normal distribution curve -some are producer and some less produce -we see that every agent is capable, every agent is a leader.

This paradigm changes everything.

Why is it important?

2. Implementation is Ubiquitous

It is not an event, it's ubiquitous leadership development -meaning everywhere and all the time.

We use an integrated approach and make leadership training part of everything we do. It's not doing one more thing; it's doing what you're already doing in a better way.

How do we implement "The Leader in Me" in every agent?

1. Partnership Agreement

(a) for agents

(b) for Working team

These are important documents to state all expectations when working together as an agent, and as a manager.

2. Agency structured days attendance --two systems

(a) Reward only system

We choose to reward agents who give good attendance. We treat every agent as a leader with matured behaviour.

2. Agency structured days attendance --two systems

(b) Fine & Reward system

Fine system has to go hand in hand with reward system. meaning, if we decide to fine an agent, it'll be across all rankings, and include Managers. And when agents have good attendance, in return, he/she will be rewarded.

3. Leadership training opportunity

Every agent has a role in our agency, be it to take out the white board for Group CBM session to conducting a structured day.

We develop leaders.

4. Team Leader makes decision.

We appoint Leaders to collaborate all activity days. We let our team members know our Leaders expectation and members to let us know their expectation. It's always a two way thing.

We develop leaders. We train accountability.

What is my role?

You can immediately come to us and join us in our leadership role, by offering your

help. Please notify our Committee if you are willing to help.

What is "Mutual Partnership"?

We take every agent as our Partner. While working with a group of partners, it is vital to have mutual trust and mutual respect.

By respecting this mutual partnership, we believe we can work together as long as we want to.

How do we develop "Mutual Partnership trust"?

Having transparency and frequent clear communication are vital in moving forward with developing mutual partnership trust.

We respect the absent. We want transparency in all business dealing. We maintain an open door policy for all partners to come forward

What is your role?

Please give us genuine feedback together with idea should you have one on how to improve the situation on our system, structure, culture etc

Just don’t only give feedback with no better idea of improvement.

Please speak before us, and not behind us.

We Support You

We Trust You

We Support You

Energy Giver

We Support You

We Trust You

We Support You

Energy Giver

We Support You

We Trust You

We Support You

Energy Giver