NP-Completeness - University of Notre Damecpennycu/2019/assets/fall/TOC/23 NP-Comple… ·...

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Transcript of NP-Completeness - University of Notre Damecpennycu/2019/assets/fall/TOC/23 NP-Comple… ·...



Group of problems whose complexity

is related to all others in the group.

Phenomenon is called NP-Complete.

If a polynomial time algorithm could

solve one of these problems, then it

could solve all other problems in the




Stephen Cook

Leonid Levin


The Satisfiability ProblemConsider the Boolean operations AND, OR, and

NOT, as shown:

Consider the Boolean formula:

The formula is Satisfiable if some assignment of 0s

and 1s to the formula makes φ = 1.

The Satisfiability Problem tests whether a Boolean

formula is satisfiable.

SAT = {⟨φ⟩ | φ is a satisfiable Boolean formula}


“SAT ∈ P iff P = NP.”

The logic behind this requires a lot more work.

Polynomial Time ReducibilityDEFINITION:

A function f : Σ*→Σ* is a polynomial time

computable function if some polynomial time

Turing machine M exists that halts with just f (w)

on its tape, when started on any input w.


Language A is polynomial time mapping reducible,

or simply polynomial time reducible, to language

B, written A ≤


B, if a polynomial time computable

function f : Σ*→Σ* exists, where for every w,

w ∈ A ⇔ f (w) ∈ B. The function f is called the

polynomial time reduction of A to B.

“polynomial time mapping reducible” is also known as

“polynomial time many–one reducibility”

Intuition: using one problem to solve another.

(sound familiar?)

Sad Reduction Face

Theorem“If A ≤


B and B ∈ P, then A ∈ P.”


Let M be the polynomial time algorithm deciding

B and f be the polynomial time reduction from A

to B. We describe a polynomial time algorithm N

deciding A as follows.

N = “On input w:

1. Compute f (w).

2. Run M on input f (w) and output whatever

M outputs.”

We have w ∈ A whenever f (w) ∈ B because f is a

reduction from A to B.

Thus, M accepts f (w) whenever w ∈ A.

Moreover, N runs in polynomial time because each

of its two stages runs in polynomial time. Note that

stage 2 runs in polynomial time because the

composition of two polynomials is a polynomial.

Proof complete.

3SAT3SAT is SAT in which all formulas are in a specific

format (analogous to Chomsky Normal Form for


● A literal is a Boolean variable (x or ¬x).

● A clause is several literals connected

with ∨s.

● A Boolean formula in conjunctive normal

form (called a cnf-formula) connects

multiple clauses with ∧s.

● 3cnf-formula is when all clauses contain

exactly 3 literals. Example:

Let 3SAT = {⟨φ⟩ | φ is a satisfiable 3cnf-formula}.

Can you convert the following to 3cnf? Remember

De Morgan’s laws.

● a ∧ (b ∨ c ∨ d)

● ¬(b ∨ c)

● ¬(b ∨ (a ∧ c))

● ¬(b ∧ (a ∨ c))

See Tseytin Transformations.

○ (a ∨ a ∨ a) ∧ (b ∨ c ∨ d)

○ ¬b ∧ ¬c

○ (¬b ∨ ¬b ∨ ¬b) ∧ (¬c ∨ ¬c ∨ ¬c)

○ ¬b ∧ ¬(a ∧ c)

○ ¬b ∧ (¬a ∨ ¬c)

○ (¬b ∨ ¬b ∨ ¬b) ∧ (¬a ∨ ¬c ∨ ¬c)

○ ¬b ∨ ¬(a ∨ c)

○ ¬b ∨ (¬a ∧ ¬c)

○ (¬b ∨ ¬a ∨ ¬a) ∧ (¬b ∨ ¬c ∨ ¬c)

Theorem: 3SAT Reduces to CLIQUE“3SAT is polynomial time reducible to CLIQUE.”


Give a reduction to convert formulas to graphs.

Let φ be a formula with k clauses such as

φ = (a


∨ b


∨ c


) ∧ (a


∨ b


∨ c


) ∧

··· ∧ (a


∨ b


∨ c



Reduction f generates the string ⟨G, k⟩ where G is

an undirected graph.

Nodes of G are arranged in k groups of 3 (each

called a triple). Each node corresponds to a literal

in a single triple.

There is an edge between all node pairs, except

those with opposite labels (x and ¬x), and nodes

within the same triple.

Theorem: 3SAT Reduces to CLIQUE (cont.)


“φ is satisfiable iff G has a k-clique.”

Suppose φ has a satisfying argument. At least one

literal must be true in every clause. Selecting one

true literal from each clause will form a k-clique in

the graph. k nodes were selected because we only

chose one from each triple. Each pair is joined with

an edge because it does not meet the exception

given earlier. Therefore, G contains a k-clique.

Conversely, suppose G contains a k-clique. Each

node must belong to a different triple. A node’s

label must be true. Contradictory labels cannot be


Therefore, the k-clique contains a node from each

clause, and each node’s label is true. All clauses

from φ are true, and thus φ is satisfied.

NP-Complete Definition


A language B is NP-complete if it

satisfies two conditions:

1. B is in NP, and

2. every A in NP is polynomial time

reducible to B.

THEOREM (e.g., Consequences):

“If B is NP-complete and B ∈ P, then

P = NP.”

Proof follows directly from definition

of polynomial time reducibility.

Intuition: If CLIQUE is solvable in

polynomial time, so is 3SAT!

Theorem“If B is NP-complete and B ≤



for C in NP, then C is



C is in NP. We show that every A in NP is

polynomial time reducible to C.

Because B is NP-complete, every language in

NP is polynomial time reducible to B, and B

in turn is polynomial time reducible to C.

Polynomial time reductions compose; that is,

if A is polynomial time reducible to B and B

is polynomial time reducible to C, then A is

polynomial time reducible to C.

Hence every language in NP is polynomial

time reducible to C.

Cook-Levin Theorem

The easiest and hardest, shortest

and longest theorem in the class.


“SAT is NP-Complete.”

Part 1: SAT is in NP.

Easy. A nondeterministic polynomial

time machine can guess an

assignment to a given formula φ and

accept if the assignment satisfies φ.

Part 2: Every A in NP is polynomial

time reducible to SAT.

Cook-Levin Theorem (cont.)

Let N be a nondeterministic Turing machine that

decides A in n


time for some constant k.

A tableau for N on w is an n


× n


table whose rows

are the configurations of a branch of the

computation of N on input w.

For convenience, first and last columns are #s.

A tableau is accepting if any row of the tableau is

an accepting configuration.

Every accepting tableau for N on w corresponds to

an accepting computation branch of N on w.

Thus, the problem of determining whether N

accepts w is equivalent to the problem of

determining whether an accepting tableau for N on

w exists.

Now we must give an f to reduce A to SAT.

Cook-Levin Theorem (cont.)


On input w, the reduction produces a formula φ.

Variables of φ:

● Say that Q and Γ are the state set and tape

alphabet of N, respectively.

● Let C = Q ∪ Γ ∪ {#}.

● For each i and j between 1 and n


and for

each s in C, we have a variable, x



● Each of the (n




entries of a tableau is called

a cell. The cell in row i and column j is called

cell[i, j] and contains a symbol from C.

● We represent the contents of the cells with

the variables of φ. If x


takes on the value 1,

it means that cell[i, j] contains an s.

Cook-Levin Theorem (cont.)


Design φ so that a satisfying assignment to the

variables does correspond to an accepting tableau

for N on w.

The formula φ is the AND of four parts:


∧ φstart

∧ φmove

∧ φaccept


Remember: turning variable x


on corresponds to

placing symbol s in cell[i, j].

Therefore, must guarantee that the assignment

turns on exactly one variable for each cell.



merely says that, for every cell in the tableau (i

and j), there is exactly one value in C which will

result in the cell being a 1 (or true).

This is the first part of φ.

Cook-Levin Theorem (cont.)


ensures that the first configuration is the

correct starting configuration.


guarantees that each row of the tableau

corresponds to a configuration that legally follows

the preceding row’s configuration according to N’s

rules. (Remember PCP?)

It does so by ensuring that each 2 × 3 window of

cells is legal (e.g., configuration follows from the


Ex: δ(q


, a) = {(q


, b, R)}



, b) = {(q


, c, L), (q


, a, R)}.

Valid windows:


ensures that an accept state appears

somewhere in the tableau.

Cook-Levin Theorem (cont.)

The text “the (i, j)-window is legal” may be

replaced with the following formula:

First, estimate the number of variables in φ.

Tableau is a n


× n


table, so it contains n



Each cell has l variables associated with it, where l

is the number of symbols in C.

Because l depends only on the TM N (N decides A

in n


time) and not on the length of the input n,

the total number of variables is O(n



Now to estimate the size of each of the parts of φ.

Now we must prove that the reduction runs in

polynomial time.

Cook-Levin Theorem (cont.)

Formula φcell

contains a fixed-size fragment of the

formula for each cell of the tableau, so its size is




Formula φstart

has a fragment for each cell in the

top row, so its size is O(n



Formulas φmove

and φaccept

each contain a fixed-size

fragment of the formula for each cell of the

tableau, so their size is O(n



Thus, φ’s total size is O(n


), which is polynomial.

Cook-Levin Theorem is complete, because it is

shown that:

1. SAT is in NP.

2. All other problems in NP can be reduced to

SAT in polynomial time.

Therefore, SAT is proved to be NP-Complete.

Almost no other problem will take this much work.

Is it obvious to you that 3-SAT is NP-Complete?

P and NP Topics