November Newsletter · 11/12/2017  · November Newsletter A monthly publication of the Probus Club...

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Transcript of November Newsletter · 11/12/2017  · November Newsletter A monthly publication of the Probus Club...

November Newsletter A monthly publication of the Probus Club of Seaforth

Probus Club of Seaforth Founded in 1990, Inc 1996

PO Box 679, Balgowlah, NSW 2093 Web address:

President: Grahame Goldberg9948 9025

Vice-President: Helen Guilford 9452 3589

Secretary: David Foster 9948 1790

Treasurer: Stuart Sercombe 9451 2369

Asst Treasurer: Terry Osborne Editor and distributor: Ray Isaacs

9452 3875 Auditor: Richard Whipp Ou9ngs Coordinator: Margaret Harris,

0422 387 007 Ac9vi9es Coordinator: Guest Speaker Coordinator: Peter Style

0427 281 551 A@endance Registrars: John Higson 9981 3632,; Richard MineV 9907 9907,

Welfare Coordinator: Warren Ogborne Bowls Coordinator: Lee Murrell, 9949 8028 Luncheon Group Coordinator: David Foster

9948 1790 Walking Group Coordinator: Michael Draper

9948 2168 Club Historian: Gavin Kerr, 9960 4517 Interest Groups: Michael Calloway, 9400 2596 Technology Group: Gavin Kerr, 9960 4517 Recrui9ng Commi@ee: Ray Stallworthy 9433

8011, 0413 880 070, Michael Calloway 9400 2596

Life Member: Barry Ryan November 2017 — Volume 27 Issue 9

Private and confiden9al for Probus use only and is not to be used for any other purpose.

Next mee6ng Tuesday, November 28, Totem Club

Mee6ng Agenda Morning tea $5 pp

10.00 RegistraZon, morning tea and fellowship.

10.30 Guest Speakers: Amanda Bisset, Stewart House.

11.20 Business. If unable to aVend please contact: John Higson 9981 3632,; Richard Mine2 9907 9907,

Volunteers Have you ever really stopped to think how things happen

within our club.

We don’t have a paid manager or club secretary, yet month after month volunteers write short descriptions of activities and other matters relating to our club. These have to be collated, printed and sent to you by our publisher member.

At our meetings we have different members ensuring the meeting runs in an orderly manner and on time, introducing speakers, thanking speakers, describing forthcoming events, checking on the health of members and then making us aware of progress, collecting our entry fees to our meetings and for our events, never forgetting our hard working secretary.

Then we have others who give an enormous amount of time, thought and effort to ensure that our lunches, short excursions and holidays are successful.

 And then there are little things like announcement of birthdays, advising the number of members staying for lunch and picking raffle winners.

If you have not yet contributed your time and experience in some way to our club, now is the time to put your hand up, approach any committee member and volunteer.

We will discuss with you the various ways you can assist in 2018.

You will recall that when accepting membership, you agreed to volunteer, now is the time to do it!

Like any enterprise, this club will only continue to prosper with new ideas and committees.

President Grahame Goldberg

Current membership 88

Coming Events, Registrations and Payments 2017/2018 Dec 12 (Tues) — Christmas Lunch — Long Reef Golf Club —$70 pp now. Jan 10 (Wed) — Muriel’s Wedding — The Musical — Roslyn Packer

Theatre. Feb 25 Mar 1 (Sun-Fri) — Heron Island Trip — FULL PAYMENT by 9/12 to

Taylor Tours please. Cheque payable to the Probus Club of Seaforth Inc

Meet and Greet: David Foster, Robyn Ogborne 

Probus Club of Seaforth Newsletter, November 2017

Guest speaker AmandaBisset,StewartHouse

We have all driven past it enough times, but Stewart House is more than just building fronting the surf club at Curl Curl.

Since 1931 it has been changing children’s lives. Every year 1800 public school children attend in 12 day courses. At no cost to their parents, they are provided with dental, optical, hearing and medical screening and treatment.

Amanda Bisset, Marketing Manager of Stewart House, will outline the role and successes of this respected children’s charity

Peter Style, Speaker CoordinatorWelfare Report

Our friend Terry Osborne continues to struggle having relapsed some weeks after his spectacular improvement following neurosurgery … and, after

years of struggling with ill health, Peta Cass’s husband died this month. I’m sure we all feel deeply for Peta in her loss.

Warren Ogborne

TREASURERS REPORT Our adjusted bank balance a^er allowing for unpre-sented cheques is $10,469.91. Our members funds at 31/10/2017 are $6629.91.

Stuart Sercombe, Treasurer, 9451 2369,0417 669 300,

Birthday Celebrations Jill Laurent, Nov 1; John Higson, Nov 2;

Gary Deacon, Nov 13; Bob Martin, Nov 16; Richard Whipp, Nov 24; Ray Stallworthy, Nov 27;

Ian Smith, Nov 28.

PROBUS INSURANCE Some members have queried the CommiVee re exactly what is covered by Probus Insurance.

We advise as follows: The Probus NaZonal Insurance Program provides cover for Personal Injury, Public Liability and AssociaZon Liability (while engaged in “recognised Probus acZviZes”). It doesn’t cover sickness. It also doesn’t cover loss of/damage to baggage, loss of deposits, cancellaZons, illness etc normally covered by travel insurance policies. Members are advised to take out their own travel insurance through an insurance company, travel agent or Probus before embarking on tours and travel with Probus.

Details of Probus policy coverage are available on the Probus website at Thanks, David F.

ActivitiesProbus Christmas Luncheon

I will be there to collect the money for those who have not paid for the Christmas Luncheon on Tuesday, 12 December at Long Reef Golf Club at 12 noon for 12.30.

Please come   and enjoy a happy end of year celebration with us.

$70 includes 2-course lunch including sparkling wine, wine, beer and soft drink plus entertainment at a beautiful setting.

Helen Gulliford

Walking Group Little ManlyMonday, December 4

Meet at 9:15 for 9:30 in Stuart Street just past/above Little Manly Cove Beach Café. We will walk up the street then down to and across Collins Beach (beware of penguins). From there a short walk up

to the police academy. Returning along the foreshore and around Little Manly Point viewing interesting reminders of the original gas works site arriving at the Beach Café for our traditional coffee.

Parking — Free for 2 hours in Stuart Street. Walk time — Less than an hour with stops. Grade — Medium, includes 50 steps down to

Collins Beach and 20 more beyond. Enquiries: Michael Draper 0417 239 293.

Bowls ReportWe have had reasonable numbers for the last few

weeks, guess that the warmer weather helps, eh? We would certainly like to add another 3 or 4 (or more!) bowlers, so please don’t be shy, just ask me! You don’t need to have any bowling experience. Plenty of good (friendly) coaching available.

With only 3 weeks to go, a certain lady bowler (H.S.) has a very good chance of getting her name on that Ric Clapp Shield again. So please turn up


Probus Club of Seaforth Newsletter, November 2017

and keep her honest. They have “pulled up“ the bottom green, so we are enjoying having our turn on No. 1 green. Not so far to walk and we think it is a better green.

That is all, from your bowling organiser and handicapper, Lee Murrell.

Interest Groups Luncheon Group 

For the benefit of our newer members — the Luncheon Group comprises a group of our members who like to enjoy a pleasant low-cost lunch in a different local restaurant on the second Tuesday or Wednesday of each month.

Apart from lunching we have a trivia quiz with prizes for the best scores. It’s a of great opportunity for a fun outing with your fellow Seaforth Probians.   Everyone’s welcome and all members receive an e-mail early each month with full details, so you can plan to come.

The Luncheon Group organiser is David Foster ( or 9948 1790).

Technology WorkshopOur next workshop will be held at the Totem

Club, Tuesday, February 13 at 11 am.The Technology Workshop provides assistance

to members in overcoming the vagaries of iPads and iPhones with some success, followed by coffee. The group is deliberately limited to a small number, however anyone interested should contact Gavin Kerr, 9960 4517.

Our latest bowls competition winners Elaine Daly and David Foster receiving the Ric Clapp Trophy.
