November 2019 Swamp Fox Quilters Volume 39 Issue 9...Swamp Fox Quilters Minutes November 7, 2019...

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Transcript of November 2019 Swamp Fox Quilters Volume 39 Issue 9...Swamp Fox Quilters Minutes November 7, 2019...


Swamp Fox QuiltersNovember 2019 Volume 39 Issue 9

President: Lauri Winburn 843-309-9777/904-307-7930

V. President: Harriett Whitlock 843-664-9193/843-230-5640

Secretary: Linda Smiley 843-678-9886

Treasurer: Timi Bronson 860-908-3894

Date of Next Workday: Nov. 21, 9:30 a.m.

Date of Next Meeting: Dec. 5, 11:00 a.m. Friday Class: None

Note from the President: Lauri Winburn

ATTENTION!!!Membership dues for 2020are due by the end of theyear!!! $15 per year, plus

optional $5 for theAugusta Burn Center.


How can it already be November? I was looking forward to coolertemperatures, but can do without the freezing temperatures! Thank youagain Wanda Moody and committee - our Holiday Bazaar was a Hugesuccess!! Thank you members for all your donations and shopping!! Allof the guests I spoke to had a wonderful time.

Our next meeting will be our Christmas Luncheon. I look forwardto trying a little bit of all the great food that will be shared. Remember, wewill start the meeting at 11 a.m. **The charity quilts are going to McLeod Nurse-Family Partnershipand Honorage Nursing Home.

QOV - The Swamp Fox Quilters will be officially joining the QOVorganization! There will be a sign-up sheet at the December meeting, ifyou would like to join. As a member, not only are you supporting thiswonderful cause, but you are entitled to purchase thread from SuperiorThread at a discounted price. This thread can only be used for thepiecing and quilting of QOV quilts. If you are interested in quilting someof our QOV quilt tops, please let me or Timi Bronson know - QOV willprovide the backing and batting, the guild will be purchasing the threadfor quilting, and there are many guild members who will do the binding!!Much more information will be available in January…for any questions -please talk to me or Timi.


Financial Statement for October 2019

Ordinary Income Donation Burn Ctr, $ 50.00

Membership Dues 195.00 Class & Kit Fees -160.00

Total Income $ 85.00

Expenses Raffle Quilt Expenses $ 12.85

Programs Travel Expense 243.36 Programs-Other 100.00 Total Programs 343.36

Total Expense $356.21

Net Ordinary Income -271.21

Net Income -271.21

Reconciled Bank Balance $3081.62

Chairpersons for 2019 Opportunity Quilt 2020: Elaine Holmes 2020 Challenge: Lauri Winburn

Block of the Month: Lorene Arnette

Community Quilts: Frances Kelley Correspondence: Kay Matthews

Historian: Brenda Gregg Library: Pam Bishop

Membership: Jonnie Britton Newsletter: Jeannie Brown

Website: Jeannie Brown Publicity: Lorene Arnette

QSC Liaison: Joan Goodsell Workday: Donna Williams

SFQ Facebook- Lauri Winburn, Timi Bronson, Jonnie Britton Hospitality- Rosemary Carroll

Reenactment- Tish Von Hagel Christmas Bazaar- Wanda Moody

RefreshmentsThe refreshments for November were delicious!!!

A “BIG” Thank you to Kathy Percy, Carol Ann Hobbs and“Happy Birthday” Tish Von Hagel!

December meeting will be the Christmas Luncheon.Bring your favorite covered dish!

WorkdayWe will be wrapping the charity quilts. Bring scissors, tape and

wrapping paper if you have any.

We will also be staying to work on our projects, so bring yoursewing machines and a bag lunch.

Workday will be held in the classrooms this month!!!

Block of the Month

Winner of November BOM wasSusie Moody!

December BOM is a stringpiece block on a muslin

backing. Center 1 inch blackstrip. Start with 13 inch base.

Unfinished 12 ½ block.

A big “WELCOME” toour

newest member

Sharon Bixler


Swamp Fox QuiltersMinutes November 7, 2019

Call to Order by Lauri Winburn, President. The minutes of the October 3, 2019 meeting were approved with no additions orcorrections with a motion made by Donna Williams and second by Sharon Wolff.

Membership Jonnie Britton reported the attendance of 45 members, 9 guests.

Treasurer’s Report submitted by Timi Bronson for October total expenses $356.21, net income $85.00. Reconciled bankbalance $3081.62. Reimbursement for mileage for speakers will be discussed at a future meeting.

QSC Joan Goodsell reported that there were 182 quilters and 8 vendors at the Pieceable Retreat in Myrtle Beach. The nextevent is the Spring Meeting on March 20-22, 2020 in Greenville.

Block of the Month The November BOM winner was Susie Moody. December BOM 12 ½ inch unfinished string pieceblock on a muslin backing. Center 1 inch black strip. Start with a 13 inch base.

Work Day Donna Williams reported that November will be wrapping the charity quilts. Needed tape,scissors and wrappingpaper. Next Beginner Class will be held in January for sewers only.

Quilts of Valor Lauri Winburn opened discussion about SFQ joining Quilts of Valor for an annual membership fee of $30,individual membership is $5 for those wishing to join. Quilts would be made by SFQ and presented at the Florence VACenter. Motion was made by Timi Bronson and second by Martha Herbert. Motion approved. A motion was made by PamBishop and second by Donna Williams for SFQ to supply the thread for long arm quilting done by volunteers. Motionapproved. See for individual membership and information.

Civil War Quilt Challenge Friday class Nov. 8 is working on Civil War Quilts. Those who would like to sell their quilt may doso at the Civil War Reenactment in the spring of 2020. Sellers are encouraged to be present to sell their quilts. Tish VonHagel has requested a volunteer to chair the Reenactment Event.

Library Pam Bishop reported that the family of Jeanette Lovenshiemer donated craft books that were available to guildmembers. A minimum donation of $1 each was being accepted.

Holiday Bazaar was held during the meeting in lieu of a speaker.

Opportunity Quilt Elaine Holmes reported that tickets are available for sale: $1 per ticket or $5 for 6 tickets. Each memberis encouraged to sell one pack of 24 tickets. Tickets were sold at the Pieceable Retreat. Joan Goodsell will be taking the quiltto 2 other guilds to sell tickets.

2020 Challenge Quilt Lauri Winburn reminded the group that the challenge is “Initially Yours”.

Nominating Committee Report Sharon Wolff presented the slate of officers for 2020. President: Lauri Winburn, Co-VicePresidents: Carol Ann Hobbs and Pam Turner, Secretary: Linda Smiley Treasurer: Timi Bronson. Joan Goodsell made amotion to accept the slate by acclamation. Motion passed.

Other SFQ dues of $15 due in January. An additional $5 may be donated for the Chavis House of the Augusta BurnCenter. A sign-up sheet was circulated for refreshments for 2020 meetings. The December meeting will have a covered-dish lunch. Meeting time 11:00. Charity quilts will be presented to McLeod Family Home Health personnel. January meetingwill include a Quilter’s Rummage sale. Ten percent of each seller’s proceeds will be given to the guild.

Sew and Tell Projects were shown by 15 members.

Respectfully Submitted by Linda Smiley, Secretary.

Quilt of ValorThe next presentation will be in April.

Goal for 2020 is to present 60 quilts to area veterans.

Quilt size for those wishing to sew a top is:60” x 80” is the ideal size, no smaller than 55” x 65”

and no larger than 72” x 90”.

The ChristmasBazaar was a huge

success!!! Final totalwas $1745.75!!!

Thanks for all themembers and theguests support!!!

Thanks also toWanda and her team!


Tickets are available for theopportunity quilt! $1 per ticket

or $5 for 6 tickets!A big shout out for such a

wonderful quilt! Good work!Elaine HolmesTimi BronsonJoan GoodsellKathy DennisWanda MoodySusie MoodyBeth TwedellJonnie Britton

Gloria BrowderAll members are asked to

sell/buy one set of 24 tickets!

Quilters ofSouth Carolina

There were 182 quilters and8 vendors at the

Pieceable Retreat!

Spring Meeting will be inGreenville, SC on

March 20-22, 2020

Mancuso InternationalQuiltfestwill be in

Greenville, SCon

Apr. 30 - May 2, 2020

Recipes submitted by Carol Ann Hobbs