November, 1926 Page - · November, 1926 this way discovered that it was high time...

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Transcript of November, 1926 Page - · November, 1926 this way discovered that it was high time...

November, 1926

this way discovered that i t was high time they took a tr ip to the hospitzl, and the Brisco, being of the accommo- dating kind, having placed the hospital in St. Louis, it was the mecca for all ball fans who could manage a few days leave. We a r e very glad to report tha t they all returned in the best of health and spirits.

W. 0. Lisenby, check clerk, lef t to- day for St. Louis. where he will have his tonsils looked after. Simply too much cheering go he declded to have the tonsils removed, and will not be bothered next baseball season.

Geo. Snyder, clerk, left for a few days' vislt with his eon. H. G. Snyder, general agent, Seventh Street station, St. Louis. We a l l know he will enjoy his vislt with Hugh.

Jus t as w e thought everything w a s settled. Mat t Conley of the ce-ntral, and Cecil Jones of the western ex- changed posltlons, so Mr. Fraaler has a new secretary.

As a sure sign of the prosperous times we a r e reading about, two of our "members" a r e sportlng Nash s ix cars, and have discarded the "work- ing man's friend." Tha t 1s a sure s ign of good tlmes ahead.

Fall whitewashing is well under way. and i t wlll not be long before this division looks like the "great -

white way." Miss Margery Mallaby "Boots." road-

master and divislon englneer's clerk, is back a t her desk thls morning, a f t e r a brief but severe a t tack of typhoid- malarla. We welcome her back with open, arms.

Miss Mabls Cunningham, dlvlslon ac- countant's clerk. found It necessary to take a sixty-day leave of absence on account of 111 health, and will leave for the hospital In St. Louis. We hope for her-ear ly return.




Mr. and Nrs. George Daniels have returned to their home in Ft. Smith af ter having spent about three lnonths Visiting in the east. Several weeks of the tIme were spent with thelr son Har ry Daniels and family in chicago: The remalnder of the time they visited with another son, Ralph Danlels and family a t Swampscott Miss.: however while Visitlng with M;. and Mrs. ~ a l p i Daniels and sons, they accompanied them to the Ralph Daniels' summer home on Lake Boon. Mr. Daniels paid us a Visit since his return to Ft. Smlth and we were all pleased to learn that they had such an enjoyable tr ip and that he and Mrs. Daniels a r e both feel- ing much better.

This to introduce grandfather and grandmother Heyburn. who a r e very proud of their grandson Robert Hey- burn Bullington. Thls i o u n g man a r - rlved on September 21, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bullington. Mra. Bullington wlll be remembered a s Miss Francis Heyburn.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred. scholze and daughter Mary Joe, have returned from a shor t vacation spent v is i t lns relatlves in St. Louts, Missouri, and Evansville. Indiana.

We wish to extend our heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. W. W. Claypool in the death of her father. John Sterling. who died a f t e r a lingering illness at Newburg Mlssouri on September 24, a t the a& of 86 ykars.

Paul Scherrey machlnist, was one of the baseball 'enthusiasts f rom F t . Srnlth. who was so fortunate a s to see-all three g G e s - o t % G i l d series played In St. Louis.

E. T. McKenna recently made a t r lo to Sprlngfleld where h e went t o a&- company hls wife and son back to F t . Smith. Mrs. McKenna and son went to Springfield several weeks ago and while there Mrs. McKenna contracted

Page 49

the flu. which made i t necessary for them to remain there until s h e had entirely recovered.

A great deal of interest i s being din- played among the shop and ca r de- partment employes a t Ft. Smlth and Hugo in accident prevention. They have now posted a bulletin board list- i na the aersonal Inluries by months. e lv lne tlie names of- men iniured and The-cause o f their ~ n j u r i . ~h-1s i s done in order to keep this lnformatlon be- fore the men and cause a friendly rivalry between the two departments.

General chairman Frank Junkins of the Frlsco assoclation of metal craf ts and car department employes was in Ft. Smith on October 12, and in the evening they had a meeting of the metal craf ts whlch was also attended by the master mechanic, general car foreman and other suDervlsors of both t h e roundhouse and- car department. From expressions heard af ter the meeting. Mr. .Junkins created a good impression and left a feeling that he will handle the important posltion he has been elected to wlth credit t o the men that he represents.



Accldent prevention meetlna held a t Fayetteville last week was well at- tended even though Important mat ters prevented several division officials be- ing present. Three ward schools were vlsited and ta lks on accident preven- tion mnde to flve hundred chlldren and arrangements h a r e been made to visit the hlgh school a t next meeting.

Miss Tyler Baltzell is attending the Universitv of Arkansas where she pledged C h i Omega.

Tim Krone, whp is on leave of ab- sence tourlng the eastern states, had the pleasure-Of seeing the Cardlnals "thrash" the Yanks In New York. Al- so wltnessed the Dempsey-Tunney bout.

Roadmaster A. Scherrey Is in the St. Louis hospltat suffering from Injuries sustalned in motor car accident near Avoca. Arkansas. We hope fo r a speedy recovery.

Dispatcher E. F. Brlt tain w a s one of the many from F t . Smlth who a t - tended the world series.

We wish to take this opportunity of extending our slncere and heartfelt

sympathies to conductor W. B. Oakley and wife in the death of their dauah- ter Margaret which occurred Octoser 9, a s a result of meningitis. Miss Oakley was twenty-three years of age and was a teacher In the Ft. Smlth high s6hool.

On October 6, engineer A. J. Rig- gins was on the hill engine and no- ticed somethlne. whlch looked like a -~ .-.-- ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - -

small t runk, in the grass along aide of the track. He ImmedlateTy noti- fled the sectlon foreman but the fore- man was unable to locate i t so on his next tr lp Engineer Rigglns located it, It being a box of Alms labeled "Overland Limlted" and turned It over to the postmaster who forwarded i t to destinatlon. Englneer Riggins w a s commended for the interest displayed.

Harpld Canady, our messenger boy. just returned from a trip to St. Louis. Kansas City and Dallas and says he Is now ready to give us the usual good servlce.

Ellgineer J. W. Fita ohn w a s #trick- en wlth paralysis wkile plioting a freight train between Wlnslow and Chester laet week. Mt. FltaJohn was relleved a t Chester but stayed on the traln untll he reached Van Buren. Ac- cording to reports hla condition is Im- proved.

Matt Connelly. secretary to superin- tendent was transferred to Enid as secretary to Mr. Frazier. Cecil Jones coming to the central divislon a s secre- tary to Mr. Cantrell.

Grape 8hIpmentS a r e over, total shipments being 1,172 Cars. Apples are being shipped, an average of forty cars dallv.

~ r k - ~ o l a Gravel Company and Ya- hola Sand & Gravel Company a t Ft. Smith and Ft. Gibson respectively, have had thelr pits under water for some time. Rivers now receding and pitn resuming operation.

Miss Francis Warthen, operator at Ft. Smlth yard, has returned from Sapulpa relay office where she w a s doing extra work.

Dispatcher K. R. Stapleton has gone to Newburg from Hugo, account 0. E. Hays being reinstated.

L. L. RIIV fias been Installed perma- nent agent 'at Tahlequah. Mr. Ray has been a t Antlers for several years.

T. R. Carney, second trlck operator a t Regers. ~penC Saturday and Sunday with hls folks a t Rudy.

Miss Helen Wtlllams, tralnmaster's stenographer. Is wearlna a diamond ring. No one knows where i t came from.

UN& November, 1926

Mrs. F. C. Hughet t i s able to be out ?!Re2 n p n i n aC+np k. .r ine A + +ha

The officials present at this enjoy- able alYair were: L. C. Bearley as- s i s t an t superintendent: E. L. ~ o l i e t t a . divislon englneer; E. Ayles; acting roadmaster. F. E. Shannahan, road- master's cierk, and Mr. Fraser, Mr. Beazley'e secretary. W. A. Sizemore. roadmaster. was not oresent hecanae-&@ - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - a n injury. A r e soh t ion was passed and posted on the mlnutes a copy of which waa sent to his iamilv a t Hugo. expressing regre t of hls l n k b l l ~ i ty to be present.

Ft . Towson the r i te where t he nlc was held' has a n interesting Rt:: t o r k a l back~kound. It was the oarnn- - . ~ -..- i ng ground -of the soldiers occupyink. the Indian Terri tory and was also a

!ry important mili tary ~ o s t . beine a n d mili tary trail betive-en %t. SGlth- rkansas and Ft . Towson ~ k l a h o m a : hls is where Garrison Avenue and owson Avenue In the City of Ft . nith received their names. Garrison venue was the drill ground of the t. Smlth garrison, and Towson Ave- i e the beginning of the trail lead- g from Ft. Smith to Ft . Towson. There Is a s o r i n r here whpre the ---. - -- - - - - - ----

A- 'esent town of F t . Towson secures i t s water supply, which Is 99 Der cent pure.

H. F. Hemphill brought In th is one f rom somewhere:

Have you Seeh May? May who? Mayonnaise. No she's dressing and won't let-

tuce. ~ r a . - e I - ~ . Mahan haa returned f rom

a n extended tour of the west coast. A. Scherry, roadmaster, who we8


of storaae A or B battery, u s ln~ a few cents worth or ordi- nary house current, e l t h e r altermllng or d i r e c t. Cannot inlure batters. Com- plete dlrectlons en- closed. Anyone can onerals. No expen- sive "extroa" to buy. \Vh? D r y $10.00 lo 615.00 for a char~er when you

can re1 this sdendld GUARANTEED R B. Chnrper by mallln~ us two dollars (bllls, moner order. check or stamps) plus ten eenta In rtamps or coln (o

Day mailing coats. Charger all1 be rent postnaid. If you are not satisfled re- turn withln llve days and we wili re- Fund your money .' Order at one& TODAY. R. 6. SPECIALTY COMPANY

Dept. D-4. 3W Last Third Street CINCINNATI. OHIO

mr.". ru

by his he com-


I clerk, t he Fed-


mehelper [ r . John-

bye ra te l en t and :itement. m Hun0 m d they

will make -their home here. Elton Sprouse, of Hugo worked in

Ft . Smlth dur ing the month of Sep- tember a s storehelper. He returned to Hugo to fl11 the vacancy caused by Mr. Johnson coming to Ft. Smith.

Dewey Wlndes of Cassville, Mo., worked in two different capacltiea during the l a s t few weeks. H e first worked a s price clerk, dur ing the l ime tha t job was vacant, and la ter acted a s ex t r a s t o r e h e l ~ e r .

We are verv i o r r v to renort t h a t Oscar W. Harfison hks been'exireme; ly 111 and was onerated on for ap - s e n d i h s a t S ~ a r k s Memorial Hos- nital. Mr. Harfison has been off dutv ?or a month and we wi1lb.e-very giah when he 1s able to be back to Work again.

Por ter W. Brown. storetrucker. has also been 111 for aeberal- week;, dui--is now able to be back on the job.

C. W. Wright, traveling store- keeper, spent several days -in F o r t Smith this month. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - . - -.

Irene Woestmann, of the mechanical department, Is finishing un her vaca- t ion by making a t r ip io Bt. Louis where she will snend a week.

john L. ~ l l l e r , ~ sst6rehelpeii- ha8 re. signed his position to accept B ~ o s i - tion a t t he oost office. -

The las t week has been open season tor mice. When they finally g o t so thick we were w a l k l n ~ on them we plunged five cents for two t raps and the game season opened. Ten mlce caught in Rve days and o n the las t day w e caught two In the same t r ap a t the same time. J e s s Jamison has the pelts and a n y one wishing a f u r coat might apply to him.

Miss Agnes Haley, of Cassville, Mo has been the s u e s t of her sister. sir;: R. P. Man1ey.- J. A. BlankInahlp, divlslon store-

keeper a t Memphls, spent a few days In F o r t Smith dur lng September, a s the nuest of his Darenta. Mr. and Mrs. J. j lank ins hip. Mrs. ~ l a n k i n s h l p and daughter Helen Doris, accom- panied him.



Miss Dorothy Oldham O l l?t. Smith has been appointed comptometer opera- tor In th is office. t ak ing the place of Misa Grace Harvey, who resigned ac- count ill health. Miss Harvey has re- turned to her home in Clarendon, Texas. a n d we all wlsh her a soeedv - . recovery.

At the time of th is wr i t ing we a r e glad to hear t ha t A. ~ c h e r r & , road- master. who was seriously fnjured when his motor c a r jumped- the t rack and who is now in the Frisco hos- pital a t St. Louis, is reported improv- ing.

Miss Grace Hevburn. stenoeraoher in t h e engineering department; x a i re: turned from a vacation spent in Chi- cano. Ill.. and Tulsa. Okla.

L. 0. Mouser and familv have moved from s o u t h 18th Street a n d a r e now a t home a t 710 North 6th Street.

flu. - -

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Likins spent a week end recently in Springfield vlslt- ing friends and relatives. We were surprised t o hear t ha t Har ry would leave hls radio long enough to take a

visit. Don B. Fellowa, mechanical amount-

ant , i s id Ft. Smlth checking ~ p e c i a l A. F. E. work.

I t has been observed t h a t Miss Grace Heyburn has acqulred a new dignity since the ar r iva l of Robert Heyburn B u l l i n g l o ~ son of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Bulllngton. Mrs. Bulllngton be- fore her marr iage was Mlss Francis Heyburn. After seeing l i t t le Robert, we don't blame Grace for being proud of her young nephew.




E. W. Fl l in . trainmaster, Amory. Miss., spent a few days a t Pensacola du r ing his vacation. Assistant super- intendent H. E. Gabriel also made a t r ip t o the Florida c i ty and was very enthl~s las t ic over the Frisco's new holdlngs.

A new siding has been installed at MP-571 Tupelo sub-dIvlalon. I t ha s been named "Reeae" for "Uncle" J ack Reese, now retired englneer, and one of t he best known and best loved men on the Tupelo sub.

Mlss Creatie Sickles, recently re- turned from her vacation, whlcb ehe spent visl t ing a t Willow Springs and Xewburg, Mo. Mlss Mary Sickles re- turned to Memphia with Mlss Creatie.

R. F. Carr. formerfy with the Frlsco has been awarded the contract to bal: last the M. S. R. & P. from Pensacola to Kimbrough.

D. P. Edmundson, also a former Frisco man. is now associated wi th Mr. Cam.

M. F. Shannahan, chief clerk, re- turned from a summer spent In Den-



High-class Business and ~esidential

Property Real Estate Rents

20th by one of the ~ f f ering very heavy property damage.

t its salvation once or home, for busi-



I Pensacola, Florida


Headquarters for Frisco Visitors

Page 52

ver, w i th Mrs. Shannahan, who has been located in t ha t city for about a year account of 111 health. We a r e g lad to learn ~Mrs. Shannahan i s Im- proving and expects to be able t o re- t u rn to Memphis within a few months.



J. F. Walsh bill clerk, spent sev- era l days t he ' l a t t e r pa r t of Septem- ber in New Orleans.

T. P. Lockhart , of the accounting department spent a pa r t Of his vaca- tion in ~ e & Orleans Seelng: t he Dixie series, September 21, 22, 23 and 24.

We a r e a l l glad t h a t Joe B. Wright1# l i t t le daughter, Inez, age e ight years, i s recoverins nicely' from a n a m e n - -. dicitis o~era?lon. -

E. D. - Cauble, ass ls tant disposition clerk, was off September 26, 27 and 28 on vacation which he w e n t in Mans- fleld and S~r innf le ld . Mo;

W- D. iVelcTh, ljlatform foreman, spent t he flrst meek of October i n St. Louja and Kansas City' whlle in St. LOUIS he s a w the ~ e i ~ e h Proohet Da- m ~- rade.

W. W. Humphrey and family, swltch order clerk went to St. Louis for Oc-

- tober 6 to Lee the Veiled Proohet oa- - . rade.

Jasper Tankersley pu t one over on us October 4. H e and Mlss Willle Marshbank drove to Hernando. MlssIs- SIDDI and were married. Mrs. Tank- ersiey formerly lived in Hoxie, irk:; llvlng here now wi th a married mister. and was employed by the Hessig-Ellis Drug Co. W e a l l wish fo r t h i s y o u n g counle everv hannlnenn. ~ --

L E G ~ k o h - r b ~ ~ s ' h ~ ~ ~ ~ d e m u r r a g e clerk, drove through to Shawnee. Okla.. t h e flrst of October and sDent a few d a v s of hls vacation there. *

After thirteen years sewlce Mrs. Edith Huddleston, stenogra her, re- signed October 9 having lecided to keep house a s she' recently moved lnto her new home. After having been here so long Mrs. Huddleston will be grea t ly mlssed.



Now t h a t the vacatlon season I6 over there is very little happening In the terminal.

The Si rmlnaham Sta te Falt la closed and It was conceded to be the best fa i r held here In years. The exhibits a t t he fa i r th ls year rivaled any of t he prevloua years wi th many countfes



CAPITAL, $54000.00 SURPLUS, $15,500.00


We Appreciate Your Checkfng Account

4% Paid on Savings Accounts

in Alabama represented. The Reuben Lnerry Shows occupled the midway and tile free attractiolls in f ront or tne grand s tand were exceptionally goou.

Have alwhys heard i t was "better to be born lucky than rich." Evldenl- ly Switchman W. D. Jolly must have had a horse shoe hung over his door recently a s good luck seemed to bu f o l l o w ~ n g his household. Miss Alva Jolly (Jlr. Jolly's daughter ) won sec- ond prlee 111 the movle contest at tile Temple Theatre conducted by the birmrngham Post. The prlze b a n g all U 8 0 0 . 0 0 lot in Hollywood, one of the exclusive sub-divisions of Birmingham. The pictures of different actors and actresses were Rasned on the screen with a mask over their faces and she was for tunate in guessing them cor- rectly. Mrs. Moody Gunn, another daughter, also wlfe of a yard eugl- neer, won the seventh prize In s ame contest which was a 100-piece cnina dlnner set.

EL B. King, yard clerk, had the mls- for tune to have his thumb broken re- cently while cranklng his car. You can never tell wha t a Ford will do.

Train clerk-J. i i ~ F ~ a < r a h - i s w&z& a smile t ha t won't come off, because of the fac t t ha t he is the Droud fa ther of a n eight and one-half Pound son born September 30 and who bears the name of Marvin, jr . Congratulations, Marvln!

A. P. Carden, record clerk, wlfe and baby have returned from a vist t to Mr. Carden's sister in Newark, N. J .

J. J. Connolly, trainmaster is back a t work a f t e r a n illness o'f several days.

john McGregor, switchman, w a s called to P i t t sbu rg Kansas recently account of the i l lneis and d e h h of h is

~ -~ -- ~

brother-in-law. Our sympathy is ex- tended to Mr. McGregor and family.

Switchman Ea r l Gray has returned f rom a vlsi t of several davs to his ~ a r e n t s In Amorv. Miss. - - G. A. ~ I l k l n i 6 n , demurrage clerk, has resigned, effective October 1, and has accepted a position with the Citv of Birmingham - a s license Inspector. Whlle we regre t t o give ,Mr. Wilkin- son up, our best wlahes g o with him to h ls new posltlon.

R. E. Huie, record clerk, Mrs. Hule and daughter Miss ~Myrtia have re- turned from a shor t visi t to Anniston.

J. A. Whltten, chlef clerk. I s now the w o u d owner of a Bulck automo- bile.- Mr. WhItten s ta tes t he distance between hls country home at "Shady- side" and the oflice a t l a s t Thomas seems quite shor t now.

J. H. Johnson, demurrage clerk, has been carry ing a ve ry hoarse voice fo r t he pas t few days and we flnd It is the resul t of a t tending the world serles matinees. Evidently fohnnle was bet t ing on the winning sIde.

Wllliam Morton. Jr., son of demur- r age clerk J . A. Morton, came u p from Auburn where he I s In college and spent t he week end with home folks recently.

R. A. KilpatrIck, Interchange clerk has been absent from the office fo; several days movlng lnto hls new bungalow recently completed. We a r e ell looklng forward to the "house w a r m l n C we a r e su re h e is r o I n a to - - give so$.

I t ha s jus t been learned t h a t swftch- man F. k Lay was married a f ew days ago bu t up to thls tlme have been

I Cowman's Pharmacy ( 1 THE REXALL STORE I

Two Registerad Phumaolsts Subleal to Yoar Call. Dw or NLht

Phone 172 Odd Fellows Bldg.

FUNERAL HOME' I Lewis and Land lith -WUI a-ide-te -1- SAPULPA. OKLA. I

November, 1926

unable to flnd out who the fair lady was, however, we wish to extend to Mr. and Mrs. L a y our congratulations.


LAUNA M. CHEW, Reporter

W e a r e glad to see Miss Evelyn Franklin, assistant to Drs. Wilder and Woodson, back on the job a f t e r a week's illness.

Hugo F. Stender, travelinrr f re ight agent, spent a very quiet vacation re- newing acquaintances , in his home town - - . . *. . LA M. Cannon. assistant ci tv ticket

agent, has returned from--a tl"6 weeekiT vacation spent In New York.

Harry J. Brown, d e ~ o t oassenzer agent. also spent hls -vacation "see- ing" New York City and reports a delightful tlme.

We received a shor t visit from form- e r local f re ight agent C. J. Snook the o ther day; glad to see him looking so Well.

w e have Jno. Connolly terminal trainmaster wIth u s agalh a f t e r a sllght Illness; g l rd t o see hlm o u t anain. -

T. A. Graff, asslstant yardmaster Kansas City, spent a few days of hi; vacatlon with us. Hope Mr. G r a F s impressions of ou r magic city w ~ l l war ran t a re turn visit.

Whlle wal t lng at the crossing fo r k & N. No. 1 to Pass noticed road foreman of enplnes, D. $orsythe jump ofl the train, run up to a n ice ' t ruck and g rab a hand full of ice and run back a s the t ra in was pulling out! Suspicious?

J. E. Sexton, bill clerk, Bessemer agency, spent his vacation In Miami Just returning two days ahead of th$ storm.


ETHEL GERRY. Reporter - Suppose the majority Of the Frisccr

family have heard of the death of Chas. I. Forres t former general agent, freight departAent, Atlanta, who passed away Saturday evening, Scp- tember 25 and was la id to. res t in Westvlew ' Cemetery, Tuesday af ter - noon. the 28th. The floral offerings and funera l services were very beautiful. G. F. Macgregor, of t he Kansas City office and A. P. Matthews of the Mem- phis office were pallbearers also Mr. Springer and Mr. Morrow df the At- lanta offlce. Mrs. Forrest'e address I s 676 Peachtree Street Atlanta, should any of Mr. orr rest's many Friseo frlends desire to wr l t s her. J. I?. Jedllcka. of the St. LouIs of-

rice, paid us a vlslt. and told u s a fish story, about a 65-pound fish he caught while in Florida. W e were somewhat doubtful about t he size of the flsh, un- tll he showed us a plcture of same, from the picture I t was some fish. L. C. ~ o l l l n s w o r t h ' of the M. 6: N. A. Railway. Mobile, Ala., accompanfed Mr. Jedllcka.

L. A. Powell, one of ou r T. F. A., re- turned from hls taca t lon In Arkansas, eccompanled by two fla pers. I t de- veloped they were hls s g t e r a n 6 cou- sin. H e has rented a n apar tment and 1s now enjoying homellfe and home- cooking. for these two Arkansas nap- pers a r e good cooks.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Post. of o u r oas- senger department. have returned from a wonderful t r lp to Callfornla with the American Associatlon of T. i>. A's.

I?. C. Werner. T. I?. A. Kansas Citv. sccompanied delegate* t o the Natlonal Res taurant Men's Associatlon, which was held In Atlanta. October 6 to 8, Inclusive. and came by the cbfllce to see us.

D. E. YcKelthen, ou r other T. F. A., I s giving New York a visit. Know Mac will have ~ l e n t y to tell u s on his return. about h ls boat trlp, etc.

Las t but not least, Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Springer, a r e vacationing in Call-

November, 1926

tornla, and will stop a t several places in New Mexico on their return trip.

One th lng else, would like ta know If the baggagemaster Memphis. has fnund "Sallv?'* If h i hasn't. the At- - - - - -~. . l an ta force* Is thlnking of 'golnr to Memphis, to join in the search, in hopes of locating this airedale. and the re- +ard a s Mr. Lindsay wants his dog, and b e the $50.00.


I?. M. SCOTT, Reporter --

'Y. R. Morran la wearlna a smile. ~ e - . h G &tW%eGed his new ?llling machine, no waiting on him for bllling.

Oscar Clay has returned to work af- ter a n absence of several weeks ac- count of illness.

W. V. Ea r l bid in second Carbon Hill mine run.

T. f. McCabe has come back to the ~ m p 3 r e R U ~ , he has been on passenger run for past few weeks.

The following have moved to Dora: L. S. Shiflett and the Gaylor Brothers, George and Dave! Welcome.

Understand Charlie Hunt 1s ob few

days on a visit t o Kansas City. "Red" Ganr is back to work af ter

having been in hospital. He recently had a dispute about th,e r igh t of way with No. 106. 106 won.

The steel ganp passed here with the new 100-pound rails. Smothers and Foster foremen with the assistance of ~ t r o u s ; the timekeeper, put down a mile of track a day.

Business in good. plenty of coal ca r s and no overtlme.


. - A. E. Blggera Is ill In St. Louis hos-

pital. H e was stricken with infiamma- tory rheumatism In his r ight wrlst. H e is missed very much a t tha offlce and we will a l l hope he will be up and around agaln soon. Mrs. Biggers is with hlm to see that he gets the proper care and attention.

Cecil E. Kern of the engineering de- partment, has resigned to accept a position with the construction depart- ment of the Missouri Pacific. He will


I M i n e s on the Frisco at Carbon Hill. A l a b a m a I MOSS & McCORMACK I


C O A L - ~ l a c k a m i t h , Bunker, S t e a m , ~omestirCOAL 1001-4 AmerPean Trust B u i l d l n g BIRMINGHAM. ALA.


F. A. Crider S. L. Yerkea



Railroad Fuel a Specialty

1414- 18 American Trust Bldg., Birmingham, Ala.


Grad ing and C o n c r e t e Bridge Work

Birrnffigham, Ala., and Charlotte, N. C.

Page 53

be located a t Washington, Mo. Miss Florence Sjoberg of Spring-

field, sister of Mrs. S. W. Booth 1s vlsit lna in Memphis.

S. W. Booth made a businesa trip to St. Lauls-at las t we have the dope on just how the Cardinals won the world series.

Everybody Is get t ing .ready for in- ventor of track materlals to be taken ~ o v e m i e r 1st. If the present nice weather continues, i t will be eeny, meeny, rniny, mo, to see who will ge t to go.



J. A. MACMILLAN, Reporter

Mrs. Proctor, of Foyll Okla left for Shreveport, La.. where ' she rs taking her l i t t le son Cecil, for special treat- man t. . -. . . . -.

Richard Clark has been relievi'ng the foreman a t Racine. He is now reliev-

~ - - - - -

i np the foreman a t Catoosa. Mrs. M. E. Matlock spent a few days

visiting In Cuba. Mo. Lawrence Strickland of West T u l s a

spent a visit with his p a r e n t s hi Roosevelt. Okla.

A. 5. Walker, foreman a t Bristow. Oklahoma, has been assigned to fore- man's job a t Wvandotte.

Mr. Hnd Mfs - ~ l l f s - ~ h i l d s of West Tulsa a r e vislt ing in Dallas.

E. C. Herndon. foreman a t Garnett. has been assigned to positlon o f f i r e l man a t Racine. Mo.

Ex t ra gang No. 21 has finished the work of extending the passing track a t Racine.

Miss Clara Wiles of Afton is vlsit- l np in ICellyviile.

Jamesl A. (Jim) Rollen who bas been our roadmaster on tde 40th track division for the pas t - year- - h&a--ie: signed to take charge of thh work of re-ballasting, re-tieing and re-laying steel on the Pensacola Line from Klm- brough, Ala., to ~ e n s a c o l a .

With J im go the very best wishes for success from the maintenance of way deoartment. and we 1111 know if he -builds up the Pensacola Line as well ns he built up the Cherokee sub, we'll have "some" railroad down south.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Ramerer a r e spend-

E. 6. Kershaw Contracting 60. INCORPORATED