November 13, 2016 - Our Lady of Good Counsel … · comunidades cristianas la alegría y la...

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Transcript of November 13, 2016 - Our Lady of Good Counsel … · comunidades cristianas la alegría y la...

Pastor/Padre: Fr. Joshua Stengel (After hours emergency—leave message at 501-280-0772) (Después de horas mensaje de emergencia - licencia a 501-280-0772)

Address/Dirección 1321 S. Van Buren Street Little Rock, AR 72204 Telephone/Teléfono: (501) 666-5073

Church Office Hours/Horario de

Oficina Iglesia: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am- 4:00 pm Friday: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm The office is closed for lunch from 11:30- 12:30 pm. La oficina está cerrada para el almuerzo de 11: 30-12: 30 pm.

Masses/Misas Saturday: 4:30 pm Vigil Sunday: 8:00 and 11:00 am Domingo: 2:00 pm Español Weekdays/Días de la semana: 8:00 am - Tues, Thurs, & Fri 6:00 pm - Wed / miércoles (Bilingual / bilingue) Holy Days: To be announced Días Santos: Se anunciará

Confession/Confesiones: Saturday/sábado: 3:00—3:45 pm Wednesday/miércoles: 5:00—5:45 pm (or anytime by appointment)

(O en cualquier momento con cita previa)

Adoration/Adoración 24 hours, 7 days a week 24 horas, 7 días a la semana

Bulletin deadline/Fecha límite

Para el boletín Monday 12 noon lunes al mediodía Email:

November 13, 2016

Parish Registration: Registration forms are located at all entrances to the church. Please fill one out and return it to the church office or drop it in the collection basket.

Registro Parroquial: Los formularios de inscripción se encuentran en todas las entradas a la iglesia. Por favor, llenar un formulario y de-vuélvalo a la oficina de la iglesia o depositelo en la canasta de la colecta.


Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for November Universal: Countries Receiving Refugees That the countries which take in a great number of displaced persons and refugees may find support for their efforts which show solidarity. Evangelization: Collaboration of Priests and Laity That within parishes, priests and lay people may collaborate in service to the community without giving in to the temptation of discouragement.

Oración por las Intenciones del Santo Padre Noviembre Universales: los países que acogen a refugiados que los países que acogen a un gran número de desplazados y refugiados pueden encontrar apoyo a sus esfuerzos, que muestran la solidaridad. Evangelización: La colaboración de sacerdotes y laicos que dentro de las parroquias, sacerdotes y laicos pueden colaborar en el servicio a la comunidad, sin ceder a la tentación del desaliento.todas las comunidades cristianas la alegría y la responsabilidad de anunciar el Evangelio.

Mass Intentions / Intenciones de la Misa

Saturday / Sábado: 4:30 pm +Melville & Janet Lewis By Melvina Macfoy

Sunday / Domingo : 8:00 am Angie Maglione By Jose & Yadira Maglione 11:00 am Holy Souls in Purgatory By Lilian Felicitas

2:00 pm Parish Intentions / Intenciones parroquiales

Tuesday / Martes: 8:00 am Intentions of the Celebrant

Wednesday / Miércoles: 6:00 pm Intentions of the Celebrant

Thursday / Jueves: 8:00 am +Emil Turay By Margaret Domingo

Friday / Viernes: 8:00 am Intentions of the Celebrant

Saturday / Sábado:

4:30pm Intentions of Elizabeth Muguluma By Elizabeth Muguluma

Mass Intentions The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the highest form of prayer and the most efficacious prayer we can offer for our loved ones, living/deceased. Call the Parish Office to schedule a Mass for your family and friends. Suggested donation for each Mass is $10.

Dedicación de Misas o Intenciones Especiales Si usted quisiera ofrecer una Misa para una persona viva difunta, por favor comuniquese a la oficina parroquial. La parroquia sugiere una fermado de $10. por misa. La Misa es una oración de profunda gracia y lo mas efícate podeacos ufrecer pos nuestro difuntos.

Readings for the Week 11/13/16 Sunday: Mal 3:19-20a/Ps 98:5-9/2 Thes 3:7-12/Lk 21:5-19 Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/Ps 15:2-5/Lk 19:1-10 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11/Ps 150:1-6/Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10/Ps 149:1-6, 9/Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11/Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131/Lk 19:45-48 Dedication: Acts 28:11-16, 30-31/Ps 98:1-6/Mt 14:22-33 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12/Ps 144:1-2, 9-10/Lk 20:27-40

Observances for the Week 11/13/16 Sunday: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Tuesday: Albert the Great, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Wednesday: Margaret of Scotland; Saint Gertrude, Virgin Thursday: Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious Friday: Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter & Paul, Apostles; Rose Philippine Duchesne, Virgin Saturday: Our Lady of Divine Providence

Las lecturas de la semana 11/13/16

Domingo: Mal 3, 19-20/Sal 98, 5-9/2 Tes 3, 7-12/Lc 21, 5-19 Lunes: Ap 1, 1-4; 2, 1-5/Sal 1, 1-4. 6/Lc 18, 35-43 Martes: Ap 3, 1-6. 14-22/Sal 15, 2-5/Lc 19, 1-10 Miércoles: Ap 4, 1-11/Sal 150, 1-6/Lc 19, 11-28 Jueves: Ap 5, 1-10/Sal 149, 1-6. 9/Lc 19, 41-44 Viernes: Ap 10, 8-11/Sal 119, 14. 24. 72. 103. 111. 131/Lc 19, 45-48 Dedicación: Hch 28, 11-16. 30-31/Sal 98, 1-6/Mt 14, 22-33 Sábado: Ap 11, 4-12/Sal 144, 1-2. 9-10/Lc 20, 27-40

Las conmemoraciones de la semana Domingo: 33er Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Martes: Alberto Magno, obispo y doctor de la Iglesia Miércoles: Margarita de Escocia; Gertrudis, virgen Jueves: Isabel de Hungría, religiosa Viernes: La Dedicación de las Basílicas de San Pedro y San Pablo; Rosa Filipina Duchesne, virgen Sábado: Nuestra Señora, Madre de la Divina Providencia

Liturgical Ministers / Ministros litúrgicos 11/19/16 & 11/16

4:30 pm—Saturday / Sábado Lectors: Evelyn Hodges EM: Nancy Craig Donna Dare Paula Martin

8:00 am - Sunday / Domingo Lectors: Eric Ware EM: Augusto Divino Marty Kallenbach Josephine Obidike

11:00 am - Sunday / Domingo Lectors: Diane Hanley Sheryl Banak EM: Carlita Baquial John Breen Jo Evelyn Elston Kathy Hatcher Mike Smith Debbie Meiklejohn Altar Servers:

Kaeli Thomas- Senior Server Carlos Montenegro Rakesh Konyaole Ester Konyaole

2:00 pm - Sunday / Domingo Proclamadores: Erendira Govea Soledad Mendiola Ministros de Eucaristía: Ricarda Santos Cristina Gómez Rigoberto Gómez Martin Moreno Soledad Mendiola Monaguillos: Héctor Altamirano Christian Villarruel Joey Pérez Emanuel Martínez

Minibus Schedule 4:30 pm - James Shea 11:00 am - Carl Meurer

Stewardship / Colecta Semanal

“…Rather, we wanted to present ourselves as a model for you, so that you might imitate us.” 2 THESSALONIANS 3:9 Most people who live a grateful and generous lifestyle don’t go around bragging about it. But through their actions and words, others do take notice. They notice because of the joy and peace that results and other people desire this in their own life. Know that the way you live your life may be the only interaction others have with the Catholic faith.

Projected weekly expenses/gastos semanales previstos: $8,668

Regular Contributions / Las contribuciones regulares $8, 144.69 2nd Collection / 2do Colección $ 713.00 Formation House Milk Fund / Fondo para leche de la casa de Formación $ 53.05 _________________________________________________________________

October Food Sales $1,088 after expenses Octubre Venta de Comida $1,088 ganancia

Catholic Schools Scholarship Appeal This school year there is a calculated need of $3.6 million for the 849 students who qualified for scholarship assistance in our Catholic Schools. The parish subsidies and school scholar-ship funds are providing approximately $3.1 million for schol-arship assistance for the 2016-17 school year. This leaves a gap of $500,000. Please help us continue the tradition by in-vesting in the future and donating to the Catholic Schools Scholarship Appeal. Every dollar received from donations will be used to aid those in need of financial assistance. Make an on-line donation at: or fill out the bulletin insert and mail your donation to the Catholic Schools of Arkansas Scholarship Appeal, P.O. Box 7565, Little Rock, AR 72217-7565. 87th Annual Louie Mancini Sausage Supper/Saturday, Dec. 3rd 5:30 pm, McDonald Hall, Cathedral of St. Andrew Tickets now on sale at Join us with your family and friends as we celebrate the legacy of Louie Mancini and fundraiser for Knights of Columbus Council 812. Event will include Famous Sausage Supper, Live Subiaco Jazz Big Band, Silent Auctions, Raffles, visit from St. Nicholas, and lots of cheer. Please also bring an unwrapped gift for a child in need. Kids $5, Adults $15, Table of Ten $150. For Corporate Sponsorship and general inquiries, email Religious Eat Free, All proceeds go to support KofC 812 Charities.

We Thank You for Your Service!

Catholic Campaign for Human Development Next week's collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to break the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and reach out to those living on the margins. Please give to the CCHD Collection.

la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano La colecta de la próxima semana para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano (CCHD) necesita su ayuda. CCHD fue fundada para romper el ciclo de pobreza en los Estados Unidos otorgando fondos a organizaciones que ayudan a las personas a ayudarse a sí mismas. Con su tradición de mejoras en la educación, en la vivienda y en el desarrollo económico de las comunidades, CCHD continúa teniendo un impacto positivo en las comunidades en todo el país. Su contribución servirá para defender la dignidad humana y llegar a todos los que viven al margen. Por favor, contribuya a la colecta para CCHD.

Christmas Eve Children’s Choir CHILDREN Interested in the Christmas Eve Children’s Choir, 4 years of age and older, please come to the next rehearsal on Monday, November 14th from 6:00 to 7:15 pm in the school. For additional details call Elizabeth Reha at 570-7758 or

Coro de Niños de Nochebuena Invitación a los niños que deseen participar en el coro víspera de Navidad, se aceptan niños de 4 años o mayores, si usted desea que su niño participe, favor de traerlos a la práctica el lunes 14 de noviembre de 6:00 a 7:15 pm. Para más detalles llame a Elizabeth Reha al 570-7758 or

Calling All Adult and Youth Singers and Musicians! We invite you to join our combined Choirs to sing Carols and Anthems for Christmas Midnight Mass 2016. We will practice in the Library on: Saturday November 12 12:30 pm Monday November 28 7:15 pm Saturday December 03 12:30 pm Monday December 12 7:15 pm And in the Church on: Saturday December 17 12:30 pm Thursday December 22 6:30 pm Contact Pat @ 501-580-2861 or Elizabeth @ 501-831-2766 for more information. Hope to see you there! Once again you are asked to bring photos of deceased loved

one to display on the “Altar of the Dead”. You may also

write their names in the Book of Remembrance.

Una vez mas les pedimos traer las fotografias de sus queridos

difuntos para ponerlas en el altar de muertos tambien

escribir los nombres en el libro de la vida para conmemorarlos todo el mes de noviembre.

In Our Parish / En Nuestra Parroquia In Our Diocese / En nuestra diócesis


Parish Calendar / Calendario de la parroquia

Contact Information / Información del contacto

Sun 11/13 Mass 8:00 am PRE Classes 9:30 am—10:45 pm Adult Education 9:30 am Mass 11:00 am -with closing of the Holy Door Our Lady Queen of Peace Rosary 12:00 pm Clases de catecismo 12:30 pm—1:45pm Misa en Español 2:00 pm Life Night 4:00 pm

Mon 11/14 Light to the Nations Prayer 4:00 pm / Church Conf. Room Children’s Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm / Library Confirmation Yr 1 6:30 pm Tues 11/15 Mass 8:00 am Parish Council Meeting 6:30 pm

Wed 11/16 Confessions / confesiones 5:00 pm—5:45 pm Mass / Misa 6:00 pm (Bilingual)(Bilingúe) Edge 6:30 pm / Library Platica de bautisma 6:30 pm Grupo de Oracion 7:00 pm

Thur 11/17 Mass 8:00 am RCIA 6:30 pm—8:00 pm / Youth Room

Fri 11/18 Mass 8:00 am Senior Moment! 9:00 am/ Room A Patriotic Rosary 3:00 pm Platicas para las catequistas 6:30 pm

Sat 11/19 Confessions / confesiones 3:00 pm—3:45 pm Eucharistic Benediction 4:00 pm Vigil Mass 4:30 pm

Sun 11/20 Mass 8:00 am PRE Classes 9:30 am—10:45 pm Adult Education 9:30 am Mass 11:00 am Clases de catecismo 12:30 pm—1:45pm Misa en Español 2:00 pm XLT LifeNight 4pm

Coming Up: 11/24 Thanksgiving Day Mass (Bilingual) 8:00 am Misa (bilingüe) Dia de gracias 8:00 am

Hugh Johnson Anne Scardino Walter Townes Loretta Longinotti Waiverly Basile Vicki Lipsey Jackie Lux

Bridgett Conners Sue Honey Michael Stefans Becky Porter Leta Serio Dena McCormick Conchita Baquial

Jennifer Prime Mary Ann Schulke Sr. M. Meisner Richard Haslauer Pat Zawislak Peter Kerwin Mary Richards

Prayer List for the Sick / Lista de Oración por los Enfermos

Faithful Departed / fieles difuntos Betty Isgrig Peter Hatton Sr.

Please keep them in your thoughts & prayers. Names will remain on the prayer list for a period of 4 weeks with each request. Please call the Parish Office to add a name.

Por favor, mantenerlos en sus pensamientos y oraciones . Los nombres quedarán en la lista de oración por un período de 4 semanas con cada solicitud . Por favor llamar a la oficina para añadir un nombre .

Pastor: Fr. Joshua Stengel After hours emergency—leave message at 501-280-0772

Bookkeeper: Mary Murry

Director of Faith Formation: Kristin Ables

Confirmation / Youth Ministry: Nick Ables

Ministerio Hispano: Maria Luna: Sor Maria Guadalupe, Sor Arcangelia, Sor Maria Elena:

Maintenance Engineer: Frank Zakrzewski

Parish Secretary: Carol Miller

Parish Pastoral Council President: David Hodges

Finance Council Chairman: Marty Kallenbach

Organizations & Ministries: Contact the Parish Office at 501-666-5073

Sacraments / Sacramentos:

Infant Baptism / Bautismo de los niños:

Call the Church office to register

Llame a la oficina de la Iglesia para registrar


Those considering marriage need to notify the pastor at least six

months prior to their intended wedding date. The wedding date

will be finalized only after consultation with the pastor.

Completion of the parish marriage preparation program is

required. Please call the parish office for further information.

Aquellos que estén considerando el matrimonio tienen que

notificar al párroco por al menos seis meses antes de su fecha

prevista de la boda. La fecha de matrimonio será finalizada

después de consultar con el párroco. Es requisito la completar el

programa parroquial de preparación matrimonial. Por favor llame

a la oficina para más información.

Ministry to the Sick / Ministerio para los Enfermos

Please contact the parish office if you know of a parishioner who

is sick, homebound, or in the hospital, and in need of prayer,

Communion ministry, or anointing of the sick.

Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial si conoce a un miembro de

la parroquia que está enfermo o en el hospital, y que necesita

oración, o desea recibir la Comunión, o el sacramento de la

unción de los enfermos.