November 08 2013.pdf

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  • 8/14/2019 November 08 2013.pdf


    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 08, 2013


    Toilet politics is not bad butwhy to bring in temples in

    between. There are millionsand millions of people in thecountry of all faiths go toease themselves in the openand in the fields. This hascontinued for ages. To bringin religious places in betweento high light the necessity ofhaving toilets is only selec-tive and not in any case agood thing to do. The majori-ty community is pushed tothe wall for many things. Andnow Modi in his PehleShouchalaya phir Devalaya(First toilet and then temple)has unnecessarily brought inHindus in between. Had hementioned the religious

    places of all faiths it wouldhave been received well. Themention of any religious

    place in the public was not

    needed at all. Modi some-times goes beyond the edge.In April UPA Rural

    Development MinisterJairam Ramesh too stressedthat toilets were importantthan temples.There seems a compulsivecompetition to point only totemples. In fact temples havenothing to do with toilets. Itis the civic sense of the peo-

    ple that has to be upgradedand Congress as well asother political parties did notcare to bring in toilets intheir election manifestoinstead only developed thevote bank sense. Let civicsense go to hell. Who carestoo hoots for it. Nobody willsay toilets are more impor-tant than votes that will be a

    political suicide. In betwe enpoor temples come handy.Many vouch for theirdestruction and many are illat ease with their presence,

    great secularism of India atwar with its temples.



    R E A D T H E N E E D

    PAGE 6 PAGE 7


    It was an Rs 950 crore scam, fudged billsrelating to fodder, medicine, carriagecharges. Animal farms set up which turnout non-existence. The case hangs for sev-enteen long years. During this time span,many attempts are made by him as ChiefMinister followed by his wife Rabri toinfluence the investigation and delay thecase. Congress and the UPA strained allefforts to go in for the ordinance on taint-ed law makers, tailor made in theCongress factory to benefit Lalu and oth-ers. Finally, he is convicted and sentencedto five years jail.Instead of repenting Lalu says, When Ihave done nothing how am I being pun-

    ished? All politicians behave the sameway. They will not resent and repent butparrot the line; they will go to Peoples

    Court and appeal in High Court. This waytheir behavior is same as to the reaction ofthe accused in the Nirbhaya gang rape andmurder case. When their sentence waspronounced, they too asked for mercy andlesser punishment. During the course ofinvestigation, many times they declinedinvolvement in the crime. One thought thepoliticians would behave in a much digni-fied way. Lalu headed a big state. He wasRailway minister and commanded a clout.Congress handled him with respect. Butall power and authority make these politi-cians more arrogant and blind to theircrimes. How good it would have been hadhe accepted the verdict with humility andgone on a self purging course of repen-tance and reform. He will not. His family,the wife and son plan to tour all Bihar torally support. Support for who i s the ques-tion, a tainted convicted man as a power-

    ful politician had a responsibility to con-trol corruption rather than promote. Thefive year sentence marks perhaps an end to

    his political career. He stands to lose hisRajya Sabha membership that will bringhim at par with other criminals. Time is agreat leveler. Once Lalu, on his carefullymanaged MY (Muslim, Yadav) vote bankrode roughshod on Bihar and imposedhimself on the nation. His so called thirdclass jokes and a rustic faade did himwell but falling victim to the oldest vice inthe world drew curtains on his image.Greed and power corrupts the mind, evenit corrupts the soul. Otherwise the bravadodisplayed by Lalu and his family wouldhave not been exhibited. A man of charac-ter smolders inwards at the slightest stainto his image. Here stains added more tothe political attire than stir the vestiges ofconscience. The Leader now in the jail andthe Family will play the tune in all villagesof Bihar. They may not cut much icebecause the Mascot is not with the Family,

    he is in jail. May be good things are begin-ning to happen for the country. One by onethose who deserve jail are entering it no

    doubt with customary cries and noises.Rather than adding sanity and sincerity tothe political scene of India, Lalu added adash of joke. He was a clown who wouldnever get big. Bihar was his politicalboundary and he remained within itsfence. Surprisingly, many politicians areupset over his conviction. ShatruganSinha in his characteristic baritone voicefeels sad for him. So do many others.Digvijay Singh poured cold water on thewhole judicial process when he said RJDsupremo was framed. One could safelyconstrue the obvious from it that birds ofsame feather flock together. Lalu typesdevelop egos and authority. Otherwisethey would not have been dismissive ofpoor mans plight. Rashid Masood waseager to show a hearty Rs 5 meal butnobody found it in Delhi. Today he andLalu will eat full meals free of cost along

    with tea and Roti. The difference is sub-tle, instead of plush drawing rooms theywill be served in jail. Long Live India!




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    BUDGAM, NOV 07: Chief Minister,Omar Abdullah Thursday said thatUMEED scheme has given fillip to theendeavours of government to seek holis-tic welfare and economic independenceof women in the State. He said UMEEDhas in fact given impetus to the hope ofachieving the goal of women empower-ment. Addressing UMEED beneficiariesat a function here, Omar Abdullah said

    that among various gifts to people of theCountry and the State by the UPAGovernment, the launch of UMEEDscheme in the State projected and pilot-ed by Rahul Gandhi is a special gift tothe women of Jammu and Kashmir fortheir comprehensive development andeconomic independence.The Chief Minister said that since theinception of the scheme 8Contd p2

    JAMMU, NOV 07: BJPState President Jugal KishoreSharma, a high level delega-tion of the party comprisingof leader of legislative partyAshok Khajuria, NationalExecutive Member Dr.

    Nirmal Singh, Stat Vice-

    President Vibodh Gupta,State Secretary CharanjitSingh Khalsa and Party MLASukhnandan Kumar called onthe visiting team of MPs atJammu on Thursday to briefthem about the miseries and

    problems of refugees from

    West Pakistan, PoJK and var-ious others categories.The BJP delegation, while

    presenting separate details ofthese categories of refugees,said that refugees from Pakoccupied Jammu andKashmir (PoJK) have beenrunning from pillar to post

    for the last 66 years for theirproper ty claims . Till dateeven notification has not

    been issued for the registra-tion of these refugees. Thedelegates told the MPs thatthe refugees from WestPakistan have not been evengranted citizenship rights,they cannot vote in the stateassembly and neither theycan acquire land for resi-dence even after 66 years oftheir residence in the state.Similarly, the refugees of1965 and 1971 have not beencompensated adequately forthe losses besides they too donot have property rights overagriculture land. They said

    that lakhs of people whomigrated from Kashmir in1989 and thereafter due tomilitancy, are living in other

    parts of the country as thegovernment has not takenany effective steps to ensuretheir return to native homesand hearths. They further

    said that the people from ter-rorist affected areas ofJammu province are also liv-ing as migrants in Jammuand elsewhere since 1990and they too have been madeto suffer on account of non-seriousness of the state gov-ernment to ensure their digni-fied return.The BJP delegation urged thevisiting team of MPs to rec-ommend immediate redressalof the long pending justifiedgrievances of the refugees,disbanding of custodiandepartment and grant all the

    benefits and ri ghts which arebeing enjoyed by o ther citi-zens of the country.

    LONDON, NOV 07: SaudiArabia has invested inPakistani nuclear weapons

    projects and believes i t couldacquire atomic bombs "at

    will," the BBC reported onThursday.Saudi Arabia's quest hasoften been set in the contextof countering Iran's atomic

    programme t hough it is nowpossibl e that the Saudismight be able to deploynuclear devices more quicklythan Pakistan, said the reportthat quoted unnamed Western

    and Pakistani officials andintelligence operatives."Earlier this year, a senior

    Nato decision maker told methat he had seen intelligence

    reporting that nuclearweapons made in Pakistan on

    behalf of Saudi Arabia arenow sitting ready for deliv-ery," said Mark Urban, diplo-matic and defence editor ofBBC's Newsnight pro-gramme.Last month Amos Yadlin, aformer head of Israeli mili-tary intelligence, told a con-

    ference in Sweden that if Irangot the bomb, "the Saudiswill not wait one month.They already paid for the

    bomb, they will go to

    Pakistan and bring what theyneed to bring".Since 2009, when KingAbdullah of Saudi Arabiawarned visiting US specialenvoy to the Middle EastDennis Ross that if Irancrossed the threshold, "wewill get nuclear weapons",the country has sent the USnumerous 8Contd p2


    EMPOWERMENT: OMARRahul describes it right imitative for holistic women development

    I am a supporter of

    Omar says RahulSRINAGAR, NOV 07: Congress

    vice president Rahul GandhiThursday said he is a supporter ofJammu and Kashmir Chief MinisterOmar Abdullah. "I am a supporter ofOmar, absolutely. We have a govern-ment here together," Rahul Gandhisaid in reply to a question whether hewould campaign for Abdullah aheadof the general elections. The Congress

    leader was speaking on the sidelinesof a function for a women's self-helpinitiative 'Umeed' in Badgam dis-trict.Meanwhile, Omar Abdullah saidthe issue of alliance between theCongress and the regional NationalConference (NC) in the state would

    be decided by the 8Contd p2




    High Court BarAssociation felicitates

    judg esSRINAGAR, NOV 07:Describing bar as nursery of

    judges, Chi ef Justice, M.M.

    Kumar Thursday said thatlearning which comes fromthe bar is unique. Weadmire the system of choos-ing Judges from the bar andif the same is strong, we are

    bound to have a good benchand the practice 8Contd p2

    2 CRPF personnel killedPULWAMA, NOV 07: TwoCentral Reserve Police Forceor CRPF personnel werekilled in a terrorist attack atAwantipora in Pulwama dis-trict in Jammu and Kashmir.The attack took place outsidePandav park nearAwantipora, about 30 kmfrom Srinagar, this evening,sources said.The CRPF jawans were partof a Road Opening Patroldeployed to secure the high-way when they wereattacked, said the sources.Both the jawans were shot at

    point-blank range and died

    on way to hospital,The security 8Contd p2

    JAGDALPUR, CHHATTISGARH,NOV 07: Narend ra Modi todayunpacked a litany of accusationsagainst his adversary, Bihar ChiefMinister Nitish Kumar, who hedescribed, as arrogant. The leadershave over several fractious years craft-ed the technique of political joustingwithout naming each other, a traditionMr Modi displayed today.At an election rally in Chhattisgarh,which votes for its next governmentthis month, Mr Modi configured animage of Mr Kumar as an uncaringchief minister "whose body languagesuggested happiness" after last month's

    serial blasts in Patna which preceded a

    massive rally held by the BJP leader.Mr Modi, who is the BJP's candidatefor Prime Minister, was not harmed inthose explosions. Six people werekilled and 83 injured; the BJP has

    attributed the terror attack to the "gross

    criminal negligence" of Mr Kumar andhis government.In June, Mr Kumar pulled the triggeron a 17-year alliance with the BJP overits decision to give Mr Modi the star-ring role in its campaign for the nation-al election. After the Gujarat riots of2002 in which more than 1,000 peoplewere killed, Mr kumar distanced him-self from Mr Modi, describing him as a

    polarizing le ader.In Chhattisgarh, the BJP and chiefminister Raman Singh are seeking athird consecutive term in power. MrModi used a Naxal attack in the state inMay in which several Senior Congress

    leaders were killed 8Contd p2

    JAMMU, NOV 07: Seniorleader of B.J.P. S.Varindeijeet Singh addressedParty Workers and prominent

    citizens in Dashmesh Nagar,Digiana, Jammu in connec-tion with Election Mission2014 and NarenderModi'sRally in Jammu on 1December, 2013 andappealed everyone to worktogether and with unity.He said that Indira Gandhi

    and Rajeev Gandhi wereassassinated because of theirwrong policies and wrongdeeds. Bodyguards of Indira

    Gandhi who killed her weregiven Death sentence andwere hanged till death thenwhy even one death sentenceis not given till date to those

    persons who kil led and mur-dered 14 thousand Sikhs. Themurderers were given treat-ment Like 8Contd p2

    Anti-Congress wave blowing in theentire country: VarindeiJeet Singh

    MUMBAI, NOV 07:Standard & Poor's said onThursday it may cutIndia'ssovereign rating to belowinvestment grade should the

    next government fail to pro-vide a credible plan toreverse the country's loweconomic growth.Alternatively, the credit rat-ings agency said it mayrevise India's outlook back to"stable" should a new gov-ernment have an agenda to

    restore growth, improve thecountry's finances, or allowthe implementation of aneffective monetary policy.S&P is the only of the three

    major credit agencies with a"negative" outlook on India.The country is rated "BBB-minus" or its equivalent bythese agencies, or the lowestinvestment-grade rating,meaning it would fall into so-called "junk" territory withany downgrade. 8Contd p2

    S&P says it may cut India's sovereignrating after Lok Sabha polls




  • 8/14/2019 November 08 2013.pdf


    NEW DELHI, NOV 07: Abreakthrough in genetics -described as "jaw-dropping"

    by one Nobel scienti st - hascreated intense excitementamong DNA experts aroundthe world who believe thediscovery will transformtheir ability to edit thegenomes of all living organ-isms, including humans.The development has beenhailed as a milestone in med-ical science because it prom-ises to revolutionise the studyand treatment of a range ofdiseases, from cancer andincurable viruses to inheritedgenetic disorders such assickle-cell anaemia andDown syndrome.For the first time, scientistsare able to engineer any partof the human genome withextreme precision using arevolutionary new techniquecalled Crispr, which has beenlikened to editing the individ-ual letters on any chosen

    page of an encyclo pediawithout creating spellingmistakes. The landmarkdevelopment means it is now

    possible to make the mostaccurate and detailed alter-ations to any specific posi-tion on the DNA of the 23

    pairs of human chromosomeswithout introducing unin-tended mutations or flaws,scientists said.The technique is so accuratethat scientists believe it willsoon be used in gene-therapytrials on humans to treat

    incurable viruses such asHIVor currently untreatablegenetic disorders such asHuntington's disease. Itmight also be used controver-sially to correct gene defectsin human IVF embryos, sci-entists said.Until now, gene therapy hashad largely to rely on highlyinaccurate methods of editingthe genome, often involvingmodified viruses that insertDNA at random into thegenome - considered toorisky for many patients.The new method, however,transforms genetic engineer-ing because it is simple andeasy to edit any desired partof the DNA molecule, rightdown to the individual chem-ical building-blocks ornucleotides that make up thegenetic alphabet, researcherssaid."Crispr is absolutely huge.It's incredibly powerful and ithas many applications, fromagriculture to potential genetherapy in humans," saidCraig Mello of the University

    of Massachusetts MedicalSchool, who shared the 2006

    Nobel Prize fo r medicine f ora previous genetic discoverycalled RNA interference."This is really a triumph of

    basic science and in manyways it's better than RNA

    interference. It's a tremen-dous breakthrough with hugeimplications for moleculargenetics. It's a real game-changer," Professor Mellotold The Independent."It's one of those things thatyou have to see to believe. Iread the scientific papers likeeveryone else but when I sawit working in my own lab, my

    jaw dropped. A total novicein my lab got it to work,"Professor Mello said.In addition to engineering thegenes of plants and animals,which could accelerate thedevelopment of GM cropsand livestock, the Crisprtechnique dramatically "low-ers the threshold" for carry-ing out "germline" gene ther-apy on human IVF embryos,Professor Mello added.Germline gene therapy onsperm, eggs or embryos toeliminate inherited diseasesalters the DNA of all subse-quent generations, but fearsover its safety, and the

    prospe ct of so-cal led"designer babies", has led toit being made illegal inBritain and many other coun-tries.The new gene-editing tech-nique could address many ofthe safety concerns because itis so accurate. Some scien-tists now believe it is only amatter of time before IVFdoctors suggest that it could

    be us ed to eliminate geneticdiseases from affected fami-lies by changing an embryo's

    DNA before implanting itinto the womb."If this new technique suc-ceeds in allowing perfectlytargeted correction of abnor-mal genes, eliminating safetyconcerns, then the exciting

    prospect is that treatment scould be developed andapplied to the germline, rid-ding families and all theirdescendants of devastatinginherited disorders," saidDagan Wells, an IVF scien-tist at Oxford University."It would be difficult to argueagainst using it if it can beshown to be as safe, reliableand effective as it appears to

    be. Who would condemn achild to terrible suffering and

    perhaps an early death whena therapy exists, capable ofrepairing the problem?" DrWells said.The Crispr process was firstidentified as a naturalimmune defence used by

    bacter ia against invadingviruses. Last year, however,scientists led by JenniferDoudna at the University of

    California, Berkeley, pub-lished a seminal study show-ing that Crispr can be used totarget any region of agenome with extreme preci-sion with the aid of a DNA-cutting enzyme called CAS9.Since then, several teams of

    scientists showed that theCrispr-CAS9 system used byProfessor Doudna could beadapted to work on a range oflife forms, from plants andnematode worms to fruit fliesand laboratory mice.Earlier this year, severalteams of scientists demon-strated that it can also beused accurately to engineerthe DNA of mouse embryosand even human stem cellsgrown in culture. Geneticistswere astounded by how easy,accurate and effective it is ataltering the genetic code ofany life form - and theyimmediately realised thetherapeutic potential foredicine."The efficiency and ease ofuse is completely unprece-dented. I'm jumping out ofmy skin with excitement,"said George Church, ageneticist at HarvardUniversity who led one of theteams that used Crispr to editthe human genome for thefirst time."The new technology should

    permit alterations of seriousgenetic disorders. This could

    be done, in princi ple, at anystage of development fromsperm and egg cells and IVFembryos up to the irre-versible stages of the dis-ease," Professor Church said.David Adams, a DNA scien-tist at the Wellcome TrustSanger Institute inCambridge, said that thetechnique has the potential to

    transform the way scientistsare able to manipulate thegenes of all living organisms,especially patients withinherited diseases, cancer orlifelong HIV infection."This is the first time we've

    been able to edit the gen omeefficiently and precisely andat a scale that means individ-ual patient mutations can becorrected," Dr Adams said."There have been other tech-nologies for editing thegenome but they all leave a'scar' behind or foreign DNAin the genome. This leaves noscars behind and you canchange the individualnucleotides of DNA - the 'let-ters' of the genetic textbook -without any other unwantedchanges," he said.Timeline: Landmarks inDNA scienceRestriction enzymes: allowedscientists to cut the DNAmolecule at or near a recog-nised genetic sequence. Theenzymes work well inmicrobes but are more diffi-cult to target in the more

    complex genomes of plantsand animals. Their discoveryin the 1970s opened the wayfor the age of genetic engi-neering, from GM crops toGM animals, and led to the1978 Nobel Prize for medi-cine.


    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 08, 20132

    UMEED a ...he is observing confidence,

    enthusiasm and zest to

    achieve economic inde-

    pendence in the members

    of the women groups

    established in the State

    during the last two years

    under UMEED scheme. "I

    am happy to observe your

    confidence to move aheadwith a purpose and seek

    not only your own better-

    ment but that of the entire

    women folk", he told the

    UMEED members and

    recited the Alama Iqbal's

    couplet"Khudi Ko Kar

    Blund Itna Ki Har Taqdeer

    Sey Pehley Khuda Bandey

    Sey Khud Puchey Bata

    Teri Raza Kya Hay" and

    said that this verse high-

    lights the need of confi-

    dence and sincerity behind

    achieving the goals. He

    advised the women to take

    best advantage of the

    scheme and ensure their

    economic betterment as

    also the welfare of their

    sisters and mothers.

    Omar Abdullah invited

    Rahul Gandhi to address

    similar functions at Lar,

    Basholi and Chenaniwhere this programme has

    also achieved remarkable

    progress. Rahul Gandhi in

    response to the invitation

    accepted it wholeheartedly

    and said that he is ready to

    accompany the Chief

    Minister to any area which

    he wants him to visit and

    witness the progress of

    UMEED scheme.

    Speaking on the occasion,

    Vice President, Indian

    National Congress (INC),

    Rahul Gandhi referred to

    the progress achieved

    under UMEED in UP and

    said that when he l aunched

    the scheme in Utter

    Pradesh some eight years

    earlier many had predicted

    that it will not be a success

    but today the success ofUMEED in UP is itself

    reverberating and speaking

    loud and clear that when

    intensions are clear and

    efforts sincere targets are

    achieved definitely. He

    said at present more than

    10 lakh women are getting

    benefit under UMEED in

    UP. He said with this suc-

    cess in mind he has initiat-

    ed launch of UMEED in

    Jammu and Kashmir to

    seek comprehensive wel-

    fare and economic better-

    ment of J&K women.

    Rahul Gandhi said that

    UPA Government has

    focused on three issues in

    Jammu and Kashmir

    which are women empow-

    erment, employment to

    youth and empowerment

    of Panchayats.

    Present on the occasionwere Union Minister for

    Rural Development,

    Jairam Ramesh, J&K

    Rural Development

    Minister, Ali Mohammad

    Sagar, Minister for

    Horticulture, Raman

    Bhalla, Minister of State

    for Horticulture, Nazir

    Ahmad Gurezi, Minister of

    State for Rural

    Development, Vikar

    Rasool, General Secretary

    INC, Ambika Soni,

    President, Pradesh

    Congress Committee, Prof.

    Saif-ud-Din Soz and local

    MLA, Aga Syed Ruhullah.

    I am a at the right time. "We

    (NC) are committed sup-

    porters of the UPA. I donot see any reason why

    that should change,"

    Abdullah said.

    Saudi Arabia ...signals of its intentions.

    Gary Samore, who was

    President Barack Obama's

    c o u n t e r -p ro l i f e r a t i o n

    adviser until March, said,

    "I do think that the Saudis

    believe that they have

    some understanding with

    Pakistan that, in extremis,

    they would have claim to

    acquire nuclear weapons

    from Pakistan."

    The report said the story of

    Saudi Arabia's project -

    including the acquisition

    of missiles capable of

    delivering nuclear war-

    heads over long ranges -

    goes back decades.

    In the late 1980s, the

    Saudis secretly bought

    dozens of CSS-2 ballistic

    missiles from China, the

    report said. These rockets,

    considered by many

    experts too inaccurate for

    use as conventional

    weapons, were deployed

    20 years ago. "It has also

    been clear for many years

    that Saudi Arabia has

    given generous financial

    assistance to Pakistan's

    defence sector, including,

    Western experts allege, to

    its missile and nuclear

    labs. Visits by the then

    Saudi defence minister

    Prince Sultan bin

    Abdulaziz al Saud to the

    Pakistani nuclear research

    centre in 1999 and 2002

    underlined the closeness of

    the defence relationship,"

    the report said.It said some experts think

    it is a cash-and-carry deal

    for warheads while others

    believe it is an arrange-

    ment whereby Pakistani

    nuclear forces could be

    deployed in the Kingdom.

    However, Samore was

    quoted as saying that giv-

    ing Saudi Arabia nuclear

    weapons would be a "very

    provocative action".

    High Court ...should continue, he said.

    Chief Justice, M.M Kumar

    was speaking at a function

    organized by Jammu and

    Kashmir High Court Bar

    Association, Jammu at the

    High Court Premises here,

    to felicitate the five newly

    elevated Judges of the

    High Court, Justice A. M.

    Magray, Justice D. S.

    Thakur, Justice

    TashiRabstan, Justice B. L.

    Bhat and Justice J.R

    Kotwal. Justice Mr

    Virender Singh, Justice

    H a s n a i n M a s o o d i ,

    Advocate General, M. I

    Qadri, Registrar General,

    Suresh Kumar Sharma,

    Senior Advocates, Former

    Judges of the High Court,

    Former Presidents of the

    Bar Association, Members

    of the bar and Subordinate

    Judiciary, besides others

    were present on the occa-


    While congratulating the

    elevated judges, the Chief

    Justice said that they have

    earned it through theirexcellence and merit and

    urged all the budding

    advocates to come forward

    and take inspiration from

    their elevation.

    Earlier, in his welcome

    address Senior Advocate

    and President Bar

    Association M. K

    Bhardwaj said that the

    function has been organ-

    ized to honour the five

    newly elevated judges and

    presented a brief insight

    into their meritorious


    On the occasion, memen-

    tos were also presented to

    the newly elevated judges.

    Vice President Bar

    Association Ms Sindhu

    Sharma presented the vote

    of thanks.

    S&P says ...S&P added it will conduct

    its next review on India's

    ratings after the elections,

    which are due by May

    2014, unless the country's

    fiscal or external standing


    "The negative outlook

    indicates that we may

    lower the rating to specula-

    tive grade next year if the

    government that takes

    office after the general

    election does not appear

    capable of reversing

    India's low economic

    growth," S&P said in a

    statement. "If we believe

    that the agenda can restore

    some of India's lost growth

    potential, consolidate its

    fiscal accounts, and permitthe conduct of an effective

    monetary policy, we may

    revise the outlook to sta-

    ble. If, however, we see

    continued policy drift, we

    may lower the rating with-

    in a year."

    The credit agency affirmed

    India at "BBB-minus" on

    Thursday, citing its low

    external debt, ample forex

    reserves and an increasing-

    ly credible monetary poli-

    cy. S&P had cut its outlook

    on India to "negative" in

    April last year.

    Still, India's economy has

    been a key drag on its rat-

    ings after growth slowed to

    a decade low of 5 per cent

    in the fiscal year ended in

    March. Analysts have

    widely attributed the mid-

    dling growth to the gov-ernment's lack of decisive

    policy action and high

    interest rates.The current account and

    fiscal deficits are also seen

    as leaving the country vul-

    nerable to foreign investor

    sell-offs, most recently in

    late August when the rupee

    fell to a record low.

    The Sensex nearly gave up

    all gains to trade 0.2 per

    cent up on the day from 1.1

    per cent after the S&P

    report. The partially con-

    vertible rupee fell to 62.73

    per dollar, its weakest

    since September 30.

    "While the overhang of a

    potential S&P downgrade

    is not new, it can intr oduce

    higher volatility," said

    Varun Khandelwal, man-aging partner and director

    at Bullero Advisors.

    "December to April will be

    critical and most likely

    markets will shrug off

    today's statement," he


    Anti-Congress wave ...Ministers, they were given

    Govt Bungalows and ZZ

    security. Normal

    Corporators were made

    MPs and Central


    He said that Rahul Gandhi

    said that his father cried

    when his grandmother died

    and he also was in tears

    seeing his father cry but he

    never saw the tears in the

    eyes of thousands of chil-

    dren who were left home-

    less and orphaned in the

    after moth of killings after

    India Gandhi's death.

    Those orphaned Sikhs

    children are still waiting

    for justice.

    S. VarinderJeet Singh said

    that a strong anti Congress

    wave is blowing in the

    entire country, now the

    requirement is to bring this

    wave to Voter boxes. For

    this every workers has to

    do hard work. The corrup-

    tion, scams and wrong

    policies of Congress

    should reach everyone and

    this message should be cir-

    culated to every house that

    C o n g r e s s

    HataoDeshBachao. .

    In the meeting Gurdyal

    Singh Bali and Rajinder

    Singh also expressed theirviews.

    Arrogant Niti sh compare and contrast

    the Chhattisgarh chief

    minister's performance to

    that of Mr Kumar's. "Dr

    Raman Singh met the vic-

    tims, instituted an investi-

    gation to look into the

    shortcomings of the gov-

    ernment." He added,

    "When the Bihar Chief

    Minister was questioned

    on the blasts, his arrogance

    was evident. See how an

    empathetic Chief Minister

    behaves and how an arro-

    gant Chief Minister

    2 CRPF ...forces have cordoned off

    the area, but the attackers

    managed to escape, the

    sources said. No outfit has

    claimed responsibility forthe attack, which is the

    second incident in

    Awantipora in three

    months, On August 28,

    two civilians were injured

    when motorcycle-borne

    militants opened fire on a

    police party outside the

    local police station.


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    2.qxd 11/7/2013 10:34 PM Page 1

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    JAMMU, NOV 07: TheJammu and Kashmir TourismMinister, Mr. Ghulam AhmadMir has called upon the over-seas Tour and Travel bodiesto guide the people of theircountries to the visit ofJammu and Kashmir, the

    most ideal tourist destinationin the world. He assured thatJ&K is as peaceful State asother parts of the World and

    people of State are enthusias-tic to welcome the foreignerson their visit here.Addressing the Concluding

    function of 4-day WorldTravel Market at ExcelCenter London, the Ministersaid that tour and travel oper-ators can play an active roleto promote tourism betweenCountries. He assured fullestcooperation of Jammu andKashmir government to theforeign and domestic Tourand Travel Operators in thisregard.

    He said that J&K govern-ment has taken several signif-icant steps to upgrade the

    world class tourist infrastruc-ture at varied destination ofits famed regions, besidesintroducing new destinationsand tourism activities in theState. The Tourism Ministerassured the Tour and TravelOperators that State govern-

    ment would facilitate air trav-el of foreign tourists intend-ing to visit Jammu andKashmir. The TourismMinister invited domesticand over seas' Tour andTravel operators to see forthemselves, varied tourism

    potential of the State. He saidsuch a visit would help inshowcasing the rich tourism

    potential of the State. He saidthat State government hasalso developed conventionaltourism facilities in the Stateand Kashmir is an ideal placefor holding national as wellas international conferences.He made a fervent appeal toall the participant Tour andTravel operators to be ambas-sadors of J&K in spreadinggood message among their

    Countrymen about the mag-nificent and mesmerizingtourism destination ofJammu and Kashmir.Over 5000 delegations fromdifferent countries of theWorld participated in WTMLondon, where Jammu and

    Kashmir Government hasalso set up stalls showcasingthe varied distinct tourism

    potential of the State.Tourism Minister briefed theParticipants that the Jammuand Kashmir with its variedtopography, climate, land-scape, and rich culturalmosaic is undeniably themost ideal tourist destinationin the world, with the valleyof Kashmir often describedas the "Eden of the E ast" and"Paradise on Earth." Ladakh,on both sides, represents thestark beauty of the challeng-ing mountain destinations -the Himalayas and theKarakoram. Jammu, in thefoothills of the Himalayas, isa repository of the compositeculture of the state and hous-

    es the world-famous schoolof miniature paintings. Inaddition to some of the high-est lush green mountains

    besides famous pilgrim siteMata Vaishno Devi."Unfortunately, uncertainconditions in the past have

    prevented a full explorationof the tourism potential of thedifferent regions of the state.Ladakh is perhaps among themost promising region for the

    promotion of tourism'', hesaid and added that theKashmir Valley with dozensof side valleys, are perfectresorts for leisure tourismand shrines in Kashmir, tem-

    ples in Jammu, and monas-teries in Ladakh are majorattractions in the area of pil-grimage tourism.The delegation also utilizedthe trip as promotional cam-

    paign in several cities ofLondon and informedLondoners about the innova-tive measures taken by theState government for devel-oping new destinations like

    Yousmarg, Doodpatheri,Lolab- Bangus valley,Mughal road etc., besidescreating of world classtourism infrastructure withfocus on development of newattraction like gondola ridingand eco- tourism.

    Mir hoped that in future theState would witness a big

    boom of domestic and for-eign tourists. He said that"Tourism is the mainstay ofour state's economy and thegovernment has launched avigorous tourism promotioncampaign in and outside thecountry." The Ministerassured London functionariesthat Kashmir is as safe asLondon or for that matter anyother country in Europe." Weknow that Tourism is one ofthe major binding forces forspreading friendship anduniting souls. All of us haveto act as Tourism ambassa-dors and try our best to unitethose parts of the Worldwhich are still less connect-ed'', Mir appealed.

    Involvement of Tour, Travel Operators must forshowcasing tourism between Countries: G. A. Mir

    'J&K keen to welcome foreign tourists'

    ANANTNAG, NOV 07: Anofficers meeting to review

    the progress registered underSaakshar Bharat Mission washeld here under theChairmanship of DistrictDevelopment CommissionerAnantnag, Dr. Farooq AhmadLone here on Thursday.District DevelopmentCommissioner whileaddressing the meeting saidthat the aim of conductingmeeting is reconstituting ofcommittees at District Level,Block Level and PanchayatLevels, the District LevelCommittee will be now asZila Lok Shiksha Simiti,Block Level Shiksha Simitiand Panchayat Lok Shiksha

    Simiti. He said all the coordi-nators have been already

    engaged at District Level.The members includingBDO's, ZEO's, CDP's, unani-mously agreed that the adulteducation centres under thescheme will be establishedsoon for which accommoda-tion will be provided byEducation and RuralDevelopment departments.He said that the selection listof 594 candidates underSaakshar Bharat Mission wasmade in the district out ofwhich 503 candidates have

    joined.The resource person fromKashmir University stressedfor organizing orientation

    training programmes underwhich the Block and Zonal

    Level coordinators beimparted training to knowhow their role. He also sug-gested for opening of Zila,Block and Panchayat LevelAccounts and down loadtheir performance for onwardtransmission to HumanResources MinistryGovernment of India so thatfunds will be made availableon the performance report ofthe committees. He alsodirected the Block LevelCoordinators for involvingthem in implementation ofCentral Sponsored/ Flag Ship

    programmes like RMSA,SSA and MGNREGA.

    DDC reviews progress underSaakshar Bharat Mission

    SRINAGAR, NOV 07: TheMinister for Fisheries andCooperative, Dr. ManoharLal Sharma on Thursday saidthat the Regional FishFarmers DevelopmentAgency (RFFDA) estab-lished by the Department ofFisheries especially for pro-

    viding the training cumawareness programmes to the

    beneficiaries mainlyfocussed on privatisation of

    privatize fish farming to edu-cated un-employed youths ofthe state.He said it is the vision of theChief Minister that such mis-sion should reach to the nookand corner of the state so thatthe educated un-employedyouth shall adopt aquaculture

    practices as a source of theirlivelihood.The Minister said that thefish farming is a profitableventure and the private fishfarmers shall make use ofsuch training-cum-awareness

    programmes in order todevelop their skills with thelatest techniques beingadopted in fish farming.The training cum awareness

    programme was conducted atFish Farm AliyalporaShopian under NationalMission for Protein

    Supplement of RKVY wherethe private fish farmers ofDistrict Pulwama andShopian were imparted tech-nical-know-how about themodern techniques of fishculture.Chief Project Officer, Mr. M.M. Bazaz on this occasion

    said that RFFDA of theFisheries Department is thenodal agency to transfer thelatest technology from lab toland so far the research tech-niques regarding pre-stock-ing, stocking and post stock-ing management in Fish andFisheries is concerned andimplemented worldwide.Keeping in view the local cli-matic conditions with shortergrowing periods, the privatefish farming was introducedutilizing the exotic carps.The trouts are voracious sighthunters for food and thegrowth rate of trout dependson the various factors viz.;season, age, photoperiod,genetic factors, nutrition,flow rate, grading efficiencyand other physico-chemical

    parameters of water such astemperature, oxygen content,relative alkalinity etc with

    preferred range of pH 6.4 to8.4. It also depends on thequality and quantity of feed

    consumed and the feedingrate depends on fish size,growth and intake of feed.During winter at cold temper-atures the food intake andgrowth rate are low. The rain-

    bow trout accepts artificialfeed easily, withstands highertemperature, low dissolved

    oxygen, incubation periodshorter, more resistant to dis-eases, and above all fastergrowth rate.Sh. Mohi-ud-din Wani andSh. Mohammad Rafiq Sofi,Assistant Director FisheriesPulwama and Shopianrespectively also spoke onthe occasion and conductedtechnical sessions of thecarps and trout. Besides Sh.Gurmeet Singh and Sh.Mohammad QasimRangreze, InspectorsExtension acquainted thefarmers about fish farmingmanagement techniques.Several fish farmers sharedtheir success stories wherethey have achieved an annualincome from Rs. 0.45 lakh toRs. 3 lakh. The farmers werehappy to know that the troutseed shall be provided tothem @ Rs.5 (5 gm to 10 gm)and Rs.10/= (11 gm to 15 gm) for advance fry and finger-ling respectively.

    Fish farmers achieved Rs. 3lakh annual income this year

    BUDGAM, NOV 07: Anawareness camp about vari-ous centrally and state spon-sored schemes was heldunder centrally sponsoredscheme ATMA at TehsilKhag District Budgam whichwas attended by a large num-

    ber of cocoon producersassociated with silkwormrearing in the District.Additional Director,Sericulture DevelopmentDepartment Kashmir inaugu-rated the camp. Givingdetails on the occasion,Deputy Director, SericultureDevelopment DepartmentDistrict Budgam i said thatduring the current year,18000 kg of cocoons were

    produced in the Districtwhich generated an incomeof Rs 36 lakh covering 500

    families across 66 villages inthe District like Kanihama,Churmujroo, Isgandarpora,

    Nasserpora, Labran, Khag,Taalpora and Chrawni.In addition to it, theDepartment has provided 28silkworm rearing houses and19 silkworm rearing kits to

    the farmers costing Rs 0.75lakh and Rs 0.20 lakh eachduring the current year.Under new and innovativescheme of insuring femalecocoon producers, 53 fami-lies have been insured as thesilkworm rearing is generallydone in the residential housesand practiced by the wholefamily. It is pertinent to men-tion here that due to sustainedand continuous efforts of theDepartment in introducingscientific technological inter-ventions in silkworm rearing

    production capacity of thefarmers increased with itresulted ill A grade qualitycocoon produce and subse-quent enhancement in theincome generation.Additional Director,Sericulture Development

    Department Kashmirinformed that Tehsil Khaghas huge scope for cocoon

    production in DistrictBudgam due to thefavourable climatic condi-tions like temperature andhumidity which are con-ducive for healthy silkworm

    growth and subsequentlygood quality cocoons. Healso informed that due to

    peculiar topography and cli-matic conditions of theTehsil, the Department iscovering the Tehsil undernew bivoltione cluster for the12th Five Year Plan in which250-300 cocoon producers ofthe Tehsil will be provided allthe modern scientific facili-ties for conducting successfulsilkworm rearing.Besides awareness of variousdevelopmental schemes,cocoon producers were giventechnology awareness toenhance their cocoon produc-tion and cocoon quality.Representatives from

    NABARD and SilkDevelopment ClusterOrganisation also participat-

    ed in the camp. They stressedon the need to establishCommunity BasedOrganisation and Self HelpGroups among the silkwormrearers of the District so thatmaximum benefits can betaken from the centrally andstate sponsored schemes.

    JAMMU, NOV 07: TheParliamentary Sub-Committee on the rehabilita-tion of J&K migrants hasurged the State Governmentto take concrete steps toimplement Prime Ministers

    package for the rehabilitationand welfare of the Kashmirimigrants in the State.The Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Home Affairs,constituted to look into theimplementation of 137thReport on the Rehabilitationof Jammu and KashmirMigrants, which concludedits 3-day visit to the State,today had interactive meetingwith the senior officers of theState administration andreviewed the PM's relief

    package for the Statemigrants, here today. TheCommittee shared the feed-

    back which it gathered duringits visits to various migrant

    camps in Kashmir andJammu and urged the StateGovernment to tone up themachinery and take all neces-sary steps to improve thefacilities in these camps.The Parliamentary Sub-Committee comprised by itsChairman, Mr. Rajiv Pratap

    Rudy, MP, Mr. Naveen Jindal,Co-Chairman and Members,Mr. Raman Deka, Mr. NeerajShekhar, Mr. SanjusKujar,Mr. Navneet Singh, Mr. E.T.Mohd. Basheer and Mr.

    ShafiqurRehmanBurq, allMembers Parliament.Additional Secretary, UnionMinistry of Home Affairs, MrK. Skandan, PrincipalSecretary Planning &Development, Mr. B. R.Sharma, Principal Secretary,Finance, Mr. B.B. Vyas,

    Director Rajaya Sabha, Mr.Vimal Kumar, DivisionalCommissioner, Jammu, Mr.Shantmanu, DivisionalCommissioner, Kashmir, Mr.Shelendra Kumar, Secretary

    Revenue, Mr. Vinod Koul,Deputy Commissioner,Jammu, Mr. A.K. Sahu, SSP,Jammu, Mr. Atul Goyal,Deputy Commissioner,Samba, Mr. R.K. Verma,Relief Commissioner(Migrants), Mr. R.K. Panditawere present in the meeting.

    The Sub-Committee urgedthe officers of the StateGovernment to pay specialattention to improve the basicconditions of the migrantcamps, like medicare, elec-

    tricity, drinking water, sanita-tion, security, education,repair of flats and disburse-ment of timely relief, whichwere prominently highlighted

    by the migrants during thevisits of the Committee. TheCommittee also asked forexpeditious completion of

    under construction accommo-dation for the migrantemployees in the Valley. TheCommittee asked the officersto create an environment tomaintain constant liaison withthe migrants in various campsto address their problemsexpeditiously.The Committee also dis-cussed the issues ofPok/Pak/West Pakistani andChhamb refugees with theState administration andasked them to take necessarysteps to mitigate their genuine

    problems. The issues whichdo not fall in the purview ofthe State Government, theCommittee asked for mootingsuitable proposal to theCentre for settlement.The officers of the Stateadministration briefed theCommittee about varioussteps taken by theGovernment for the welfare

    of the migrants in differentcamps. The officers, however,maintained that the sugges-tions of the Committee will

    be taken due cognizance andadministration will take all

    possible measures to furtherimprove the conditions ofmigrants.

    PS for further improvement in migrant campsSericulture Development Department

    Budgam organizes Kissan Mela at Khag

    BHADERWAH,NOV 07:The GREF 114 RCC which isdoing the construction andwidening work of theBhaderwah Bani road areallegedly using substandardmaterial in construction ofdifferent development proj-ects on road in violation ofthe rules and regulations andthe practice is still unchecked

    by the authorities concerned,local whistle blowers andsocial workers of theBhaderwah alleged .They further alleged that thedevelopment works done byGREF 114 RCC start crum-

    bling immediately after theconstruction while the compe-tent authorities are passing the

    bills and releasing the salaryof officials included of GREFBR2 JEs with out confirmingand checking the quality ofthe material on BhaderwahBani road from zero point to

    Nalthi belt and mant timesthey bring the matter into thenotice of concerned PWDminister but all in vain.Sheikh Mushtaq Ahmed ,Shah Nawaz ,Neeraj Manhasand Jangir Ahmed alias Lasaall whistle blowers and socialactivists who visited toBhaderwah Bani road said

    that GREF JEs are using sub-standard material in con-

    nivance with the higherauthorities or they are doingso deliberately under the shel-ter of some influential personsand with the support of politi-cal figures as mo st of the JEsare their blue-eyed."In case, the practice of usingsubstandard material contin-ued unchecked, the project ofBhaderwah Bani road would

    be reconstructed soon and thatmean the competent authori-ties are wasting billions ofrupees of the national excheq-uer in the name of construc-tion of road work," they said,adding that in fact the someGREF JEs are getting advan-tage of the political situation

    because the year 2014 is anyear of general elections andthe politicians want to com-

    plete maximum developmentprojects in minimum time justfor point scoring and gettingsympathies of the voters oftheir constituencies con-cerned.The contractors are doing thisunlawful practice becausethey know quality of work ofthese small projects is rarelychecked by the authoritiesconcerned or the elected rep-resentatives.They furtheralleged and complained that

    the GREF 114 RCC not onlyused low quality material in

    the construction of the roadbut also ignored the levellingwhich is causing stagnation ofwater in the road which nowis stinking due to lack ofcleaning facilities in thearea.They appealed toDefense Minister and otherhigher authorities to takeaction against such GREF 114RCC JEs and BR2s wh o arenot only minting money byusing substandard material

    but are also deceiving thegovernment in the name ofquality construction work.They further appealed them toform proper mechanism tocheck quality of martial

    before releasing any bill andsalary of JEs .They alleged that administra-tion also adopted pick andchoose in widening of roadnear zero point and instead oftaking compensation some

    people have state land in theirpossession and administrationand GREF not taken their landfor widening which should beinquired and responsible offi-cials should be booked under

    proper law .It is high time for the state

    government and administra-tion to constitute a team and

    book the officers who are hell

    bent to use low quality mat-erail in all works.

    GREF accused of using sub-standard materi-al in road construction of Bhaderwah Bani

    JAMMU NOV 07- Ministerfor Labour, Planning andDevelopment Mr AjaySadhotra has called for ade-quate health cover for skilledand unskilled workforce inJammu and Kashmir, sayingtheir welfare and wellbeing is

    priority of the government.Taking a review of medicalfacilities available to this seg-ment of society underEmployees State InsuranceScheme, the Minister empha-sized the need for close syn-ergy by the service providersand the department oversee-ing the welfare of skilled andunskilled workforce toensure unhindered healthcover to them.Mr Sadhotra, who is also theChairman of ESIS Board saidthat the government is seizedof infrastructural and humanresource needs of theCorporation and assured thatthis aspect will get focusedattention.Appreciating the role of ESIS

    for the welfare of theemployees, the Minister saidthat the government will sup-

    plement the efforts of theCorporation to ensure best

    possible health care to thetargeted segments of work-ers. While several steps have

    been taken in this regard, hesaid more is required to be

    done and "the governmentled by Chief Minister OmarAbdullah will do whatever

    possible in a phased manner".The Minister, who was chair-ing the meeting of GeneralPurpose Medical Care ClubCommittee (GPMCSC),sought implementation of thescheme with a sense of devo-

    tion so that more and morebenefits accrue to the work-ers. For this purpose, hestressed the need for closecooperation between theemployers and the represen-tatives of workers.The Board has been carvedout in 2003 though thescheme has been in forcesince 1989. The Board dis-cussed various agenda points,took review of the function-ing of various institutions anddiscussed ways and meansfor further streamlining theirfunctioning.The meeting was attended MrMichael Dias, Member ofESIS Board, B.A Runyal,Secretary Labour andEmployment, Ms Nirmalharma, CommissionerLabour and Employment

    besides C.P Singh employeesrepresentative.The meeting also took reviewof the infrastructural upgra-dation of the institutionsunder the scheme.

    Sadhotra for optimal benefits to workers under ESIS

    JAMMU, NOVEMBER07: The Parliamentary Sub-Committee (PSC) on therehabilitation of J&Kmigrants headed by MemberParliament Mr. Rajiv PratapRudy on Thursday heldmarathon interaction with anumber of delegations ofvarious migrant organiza-tions at State Guest House,here today and took stock oftheir problems.The PSC which was onthree-day visit to State tostudy the affairs of migrantsin different migrant campsand to assess the implemen-tation of PM's relief packageon ground obtained first-hand information and prob-lems being faced by themigrants in various camps.

    The Committee also inter-acted with the delegations ofPoK/Pak/West Pakistani andChhamb Refugees and lis-tened to their grievances.The other Members of thePSC included, Mr. NaveenJindal, Co-Chairman, Mr.Raman Deka, Mr. NeerajShekhar, Mr. Sanjus Kujar,Mr. Navneet Singh, Mr. E.T. Muhammad Basheer andMr. ShafiqurRehmanBurq,all Members Parliament.Members Parliament, Mr.MadanLal Sharma, Ch. LalSingh, MLA and Presidentof BJP State Unit, Mr. JugalKishore, Legislators, Mr.Ashok Khajuria, Ch.Sukhnandan Kumar and Mr.Ravinder Sharma who werealso present in the meeting

    and put forth their viewpoints on the rehabilitationof migrants and otherrefugees in the State.The Chairman of the PSC,Mr. Rajiv Pratap Rudymaintained that theCommittee has been man-dated to assess the groundsituation with regard to the

    problems of the migrantsliving in various reliefcamps and implementationof PM's package for therehabilitation of migrants,adding that the input gath-ered by the Committeewould be incorporated in theReport to be submitted tothe Parliament so that theshortfalls, if any to improvethe conditions of themigrants are overcome.

    Parli Sub-Committee interactswith various migrant delegations


    reviewed in KulgamKULGAM, NOV 07: Toreview the Muharramarrangement DistrictDevelopment Commissionerconvened a meeting of offi-cers here on Thursday whichwas attended by the officersof PDD, PHE, R&B, CA &PDS, Health and MunicipalCommittees. The DistrictDevelopment Commissionerdirected the district officersof PDD and PHE to ensureuninterrupted power andwater supply during the holydays especially in Shia domi-nated areas of the district.PHE authorities were askedto keep tanker service avail-able at Imambarahs whilePDD officers directed toinstall gen sets nearImambarahs. CA&PDauthorities were asked toensure adequate availabilityof essential including cook-ing gas, K.oil and sugar to theconsumers.

    JAMMU, NOV 7: TheSpeaker, Jammu and Kashmir

    Legislative Assembly Mr.Mubarak Gul on Thursdaydirected the officers ofPlanning & Dev. Dept &Health & Medical Edu Dept togear up their field functionar-ies and ensure early function-ing of Mother and Child CareHospital (MCH) Noorbaghand Primary Health Centre(PHC) Sangam. The Speaker

    passed these directions whileaddressing a joint meeting ofofficers of Planning and DevDept and Health and MedicalEdu Dept convened here todayto review the pace of progressof health institutions ofEidgah Constituency.Minister for Planning andDevelopment and Labour andEmployment Mr. AjaySadhotra was also present inthe meeting. Mr. Gul asked theconcerned to ensure creationand posting of Medical &Para-Medical staff for health

    institutions of EidgahConstituency on war footing

    basis so that the people of thearea will get medicare facili-ties at their door-steps.He directed the concernedauthorities to ensure equip-ment like Ultra-sonography,X-Ray Machine & ECG in allhealth institutions of the con-stituency. Health sector isimportant sector and focussedattention is being given toupgrade the infrastructure ofall health institutions of theState for the convenience ofthe people. The issues regard-ing creation of staff to

    Noorbagh, Sangam & PalporaHospitals, shifting of dispen-sary to PHC Sangam, releaseof funds for construction ofPHC Palpora, acquisition ofland for Noorbagh hospitaland availability of equipmentsin all health institutions ofEidgah Constituency werealso discussed threadbare dur-ing the meeting.

    Speaker reviews pace of work onEidgah Constituency Hospitals

    Nov 8 P3 .qxd 11/7/2013 10:39 PM Page 1

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    KOLKATA: Rohit Sharmastamped his class by hitting asparkling century on debut asIndia recovered from a top-order collapse to take a firmgrip of the first Test againstthe West Indies with a 120-run first-innings lead onThursday.

    Sharma stole the thunderwith his unbeaten 127 as thehosts, who were precariously

    placed at 83 for five at onestage, reached a comfortable354 for six at close on aneventful second day's play.Ravichandran Ashwin wasthe other batting hero of theday as he remained unbeatenon 92 as he combined withSharma to pull India out oftrouble. Sharma became the14th Indian to score a centuryon debut.With retiring legend SachinTendulkar being given out ina contentious manner in his

    penultimat e match, the in-form Sharma along withAshwin added 198 runs forthe seventh wicket to almost

    bat the visiting side out of thematch on a tricky EdenGardens strip.Handed the Test cap byTendulkar after his Man-of-the Series performance in therecently-concluded ODIseries against Australia,Sharma struck 16 fours and

    one six while facing 228balls.The 26-year-old Mumbairight-hander was playing inhis maiden Test three years

    and nine months after playinghis first ODI.Ashwin played the perfectfoil as the off-spinner madeinvaluable runs in theirmatch-turning partnershipthat helped India get past theWest Indies first inningsscore of 234.On a pitch that has started tocrumble, the match is tilted infavour of India, who will belooking to seal the issue with-out needing to play on thefinal day.For the elegant Mumbai bats-man, who was assured of aTest debut on the morning ofFebruary 6, 2010 againstSouth Africa before a freakcollision with Wriddhiman

    Saha dashed his hopes, it wasperseverance that paid off.Having come after theunlucky dismissal ofTendulkar, Sharma showed

    amazing resilience.As wickets started to tumblewith Shane Shillingford(4/130) reducing the hosts to83/5 in the first session, itwas left to Sharma andAshwin to do the recoveryact.Sharma got to the century instyle, gliding one past

    between first slip and gully.And, the ones bowled bySheldon Cottrell, just beforeand immediately after the

    batsman got to the three-fig-ure mark, were also spankedfor fours on either side of theturf.Sharma, who had amassed491 runs including a doublehundred at an average of

    122.75 in the Australia ODIseries, remained composed ashe initially rebuilt the inningswith Indian skipperMahendra Singh Dhoni (42).

    Barring Tendulkar, who gotout to a dubious lbw decision

    by English umpire NigelLlong, the frontline Indian

    batsme n Shikhar Dhawan(23), Murali Vijay (26),Cheteshwar Pujara (17) andVirat Kohli (3) were lackingin temperament.But Sharma showed tempera-ment and excellent tech-nique, and lived up to thechallenge.Dhawan (187) was the lastIndian to score a century ondebut against Australia inMarch.Sharma walked out to thecentre in the middle of anintense first session's playwhen the Eden crowd's emo-

    tions were punctured with thedismissal of Tendulkar after a41-minute outing.Getting into the groove withtwo boundaries off

    Shillingford, Tendulkarwould be cursing his luck for

    being given out to a doosrathat seemed to be going overthe stumps.The ball did all the talking forShillingford as WI hadSharma and Virat Kohliheavily-guarded. Kohli

    became the off-spin ner'sfourth victim.India's backbone was brokenafter they lost three wickets -- Pujara, Tendulkar and Kohlias the hosts were tottering at120/5 at lunch.The first new ball deteriorat-ed after 51 balls and had to bereplaced, giving WI a ray ofhope.Like last day, the ball-changedid the trick as Dhoni wasdismissed immediately byTino Best, breaking a promis-ing 73-run sixth-wicket part-nership.However, Sharma's resoluteinnings proved to be the dif-ference as India did not havea West Indies-like collapse.The buzz around Tendulkar'sdismissal, in fact, helpedSharma go about his task qui-etly, while Ashwin attacked.Sharma hit a boundary in thefirst over after tea to levelscores with the West Indiesand there was no looking

    back after that.The absence of a second

    frontline spinner hurt theWest Indies cause badly evenas they showed promise inShillingford.Sharma had some trouble

    with uneven bounce andwhen the ball stayed low onthe slow turner, but the WestIndies had little option intheir spin armoury.Besides technique and tem-

    perament, Sharma's inningshad its fair share of flair. Hewas flawless and built his

    knock brick by brick.Ashwin, at the other end, wasall aggression as he attackedthe spinners, particularlyrookie Veerasammy Permaul,to complete his fourth Testfifty from 71 balls. He

    punched one through cover toget to the mark.Sharma, too, got into thegroove as he danced out ofthe crease to hit Shillingfordover midwicket for the firstsix of the innings and in thenext over of the offie, hewent into his nineties with asilken cut to the fence.Getting into the nineties how-ever was not a nervous affairfor the Mumbaikar, who hehit left-arm pacer Cottrell,also a debutant, for three con-secutive boundaries to

    become the 98th batsma noverall to score a century ondebut.Earlier, it was a heartache forthe Eden crowd as Tendulkarwas dismissed cheaply for10.Just 39 minutes into the day,

    with the Eden still half-filled,Tendulkar was forced tocome in after the top-ordercrumbled thanks to lack ofapplication.

    Ind vs WI: Rohit Sharma hits century on debut to put India in command

    LONDON: Leander Paesand his Czech partner RadekStepanek lost their secondGroup B match to DavidMarrero and FernandoVerdasco, a defeat which hasmade their road to semifinalsat the year-end ATP WorldTour finals tougher.The seventh seeded Indo-Czech pair fought hard

    before losi ng 4-6, 6-7 (5) totheir Spanish rivals in onehour and 29 minutes.

    Now Paes and Stepanek, theUS Open winners, must beatMarcel Granollers and MarkLopez for making it to thenext stage without anyfavour from other teams.The Indo-Czech pair had

    beaten Alexander Peya andBruno Soares on Tuesday.With their win today,Marrero and Verdasco

    became the first team toqualify for the semifinalswith two wins in as manymatches. They are sittingatop the table in Group B.The top two teams in eachgroup will qualify for the

    semifinals.Marrero and Verdasco mixedup net and baseline play tonegotiate a break of theStepanek serve to 30 for a 5-4 lead in the first set.Verdasco clinched the 34-minute opener with a hold tolove, finishing with an ace.The pair had lost just two oftheir service points.Paes lost his serve to 30 inthe opening game of the sec-ond set, but the Indian-Czechteam recovered from 0-2 bywinning three straight games.Both teams completed rou-tine service holds through tothe tie-break.Verdasco served for the set at6-4, but hit a double fault.His second serve hit Marreroon the shoulder.Both players turned to oneanother and smiled. Marreromade sure on their secondmatch point opportunitywhen he hit a powerful fore-hand to the feet of Paes.The Spaniards won 34 oftheir 41 first service points intotal.

    Paes-Stepanek suffer defeatin World Tour Finals

    LONDON: Rafael Nadalguaranteed he will finish2013 on top of the worldrankings with a 7-6 (7/5), 7-6 (8/6) victory overStanislas Wawrinka at theATP World Tour Finals onWednesday.

    Nadal ar rived f or the presti-gious season-ending eventknowing two Group A vic-tories at London's O2 Arenawould be enough to ensurehe couldn't be caught bysecond-placed NovakDjokovic in the race for thenumber one ranking.The Spaniard achieved thataim in typically dominantfashion, beating Swiss sev-enth seed Wawrinka 24hours after opening thetournament with a straight-set win over David Ferrer.It is the third time Nadal hasfinished a calendar year in

    pole posit ion in the ra nkings-- and the first since 2010 --and he celebrated with a

    jubi lant jig aroun d thecourt.He is the first player to enda year at number one threeyears after his last season-ending top spot.The 27-year-old's straight-sets victory over Wawrinkaalso booked his place in thesemi-finals of the TourFinals, with one groupmatch against TomasBerdych still to come.

    Nadal's r eturn to the top i s aremarkable achievementgiven he only came back inFebruary after seven months

    out with severe knee ten-donitis that threatened to cutshort his career.

    "I had a lot of emotionstoday, it's the perfect sce-nario to be the year-endnumber one," Nadal said."After missing this tourna-ment last year, it's been anunbelievable comeback."Being number one at theend of the season is some-thing really difficult as thereare some unbelievable com-

    petitor s out t here."But without my team

    behind m e, it wou ld be ha rdto think about achievingthis, especially after whathappened last year."Stan played really great.He had chances at the endand I was a bit lucky, butI'm happy to be through tothe semi-finals in the lasttournament of the year."Since his return from injury,

    Nadal has won the Frenchand US Open titles, as well

    as eight other tournaments,and a maiden triumph at theTour Finals would be a fit-

    ting end to such a memo-rable campaign.Wawrinka has enjoyed the

    best seas on of hi s life, qual-ifying for the Tour Finalsfor the first time and win-ning his career-best 50thmatch of the year with athree-set victory over worldnumber five Berdych onMonday. But Nadal hadwon all 11 of his previousmeetings with the 28-year-old, who had never eventaken a set off the Spaniard.Wawrinka played well forlong periods here, hittingtwice as many winners as

    Nadal, but he could neverdeliver the knock-out blowand 45 unforced errors

    proved hi s downf all.A double-fault from theSwiss in the fifth game ofthe first set gifted Nadal thefirst break of the match.

    Nadal fends off Wawrinka toseal year-end No. 1 rankingSURAT: Y Venugopal Raostruck a fine century as

    Gujarat posted 281 for sevenin their Ranji Trophy GroupA match against Delhi,whose star performer wasmedium pacer Sumit

    Narwal, who picke d up fivewickets on Thursday.At stumps on the openingday, Akshar Patel andRakesh Dhurv were battingon 22 and two, respectively.Venugopal Rao found thefence 13 times and cleared itonce during his 190-ballknock, which stabilised theGujarat innings after thehosts elected to bat at theLalabhai ContractorStadium.

    Narwal returned impressivefigures of five for 56,including the wicket ofGujarat skipper ParthivPatel, who was sent back for22, and Venugopal Rao.Manpreet Juneja made 50

    before being trapped in fro ntof the wicket by Ashish

    Nehra, t he ex perienced left-arm fast medium bowler fin-

    ishing the day with 2/47.Juneja struck five fours inhis 102-ball knock, whileBhargav Merai made 45 off98 balls, and with the help offive hits to the fence.Delhi captain GautamGambhir used six bowlers,

    with only two proving to besuccessful. Gujarat were offto a bad start losing threewickets with just 67 runs onthe board. After the well-setJuneja was dismissed by

    Nehra to make it 124/4 ,Venugopal Rao and Merai

    joined hands to forge a cen-tury stand and stabilised theinnings.

    Their partnership was bro-ken when Narwal bowledMerai in the day's 73rd over.Venugopal Rao followedsuit as Delhi got a couple ofimportant breakthroughs

    before st umps.Buoyed by their comprehen-

    sive innings win overVidarbha at Nagpur, Gujaratare hoping for a similar per-formance to consolidatetheir position.Delhi team wears a formida-

    ble look with Virende rSehwag, Ashish Nehra,Unmukt Chand, MithunManhas and Rajat Bhatia inits ranks.

    Rao hits ton for Gujarat, Delhi's Narwal takes five-for 56

    MELBOURNE: David Warner andSteve Smith boosted Australia'sAshes preparations with centuries for

    New South Wales in the SheffieldShield on Thursday.Warner struck 104 off 87 balls andSmith hit 107 off 169 deliveries with13 fours and two sixes.Both batsmen are expected to play inthe opening Ashes Test againstEngland in Brisbane on November

    21.Warner, who scored three hundreds inlast month's one-day domestic com-

    petition, pounded 16 boundaries.After averaging 23 in three AshesTests in England in July-August andscoring 21 and 15 in last week'sShield opener against Tasmania,Warner lifted his game at first-classlevel with a series of lusty pulls andoff-drives in a welcome sign ahead of

    the Ashes opener.But it wasn't good news for formerPakistan asylum-seeker and Testhopeful Fawad Ahmed, who claimedone for 91 with his leg-spin off 21overs for Victoria.

    NSW were bowled out for 353 atstumps on day two at the MelbourneCricket Ground, a lead of 117 in replyto Victoria's first innings of 236 intheir Sheffield Shield match.

    CHENNAI: As a stern testawaited his quest for a sixthtitle, Indian chess wizardViswanathan Anand was a

    picture of confidence and hepromised an attacking gameagainst Magnus Carlsen of

    Norway in the much-awaitedWorld Championship matchthat begins on Saturday.Anand, the undisputed worldchampion since 2007, faces astrong challenge from the 22-year-old Norwegian sensationCarslen in one of the mostawaited World ChessChampionship matches inrecent history. Asked howwell he has prepared for the

    event, Anand said, "I workedas I always did. Couple ofmonths of training and I thinkI am ready to attack. We willsee how it goes but I think Iam ready to play."The two players sought to

    play a bit of mind games intheir first press conferencesahead of the match, withCarlsen refusing to disclosethe names of his seconds afterAnand said IndianGrandmasters K Sasikiranand Sandipan Chanda,Hungarian Peter Leko andPoland's Radoslav Wojtaszekwould assist him in the

    November 9-28 event.

    Anand promises attacking gamein World Chess Championship

    Warner, Smith hit tons ahead of Ashes opener

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    Hiranmay Karlekar

    As the alliance led by the BangladeshNationalist Party and the BangladeshJamaat-e-Islami, backed by the fundamen-talist Hefazat-e-Islam, continues its violentagitation against the Awami LeagueGovernment, India must persist steadfastlyin supporting Ms Sheikh Hasina. The needfor this will be clear on recalling that theBNP-Jamaat-led Government had not onlyharboured and supported leaders of theUnited Liberation Front of Asom and othersecessionist organisations active in north-eastern India but also contemptuously dis-missed India's requests to act against them.To cite just one example, the then DirectorGeneral of the Bangladesh Rifles, Major

    General Mohammad Jahangir Alam KhanChoudhury, had said in Delhi onSeptember 28, 2004, with reference to thelist of insurgent camps in his country pro-vided by the Border Security Force, Thereis not a single camp in Bangladesh. Welooked for the camps' locations given in theBSF list. Some of the addresses were of ourcantonment area and outheadquartersSome addresses even per-tained to the Bay of Bengal.The brazenness and untruth characterisingthe BDR chief's statement was typically

    reflective of his Government's arroganthostility toward India. On September 7,Bangladesh's Foreign Minister M MorshedKhan, had in a speech in Dhaka, said, withreference to what he described as restric-tions placed by India on imports fromBangladesh, that Dhaka, Could endIndia's three billion dollar trade here byissuing an SRO (Statutory RegulatoryOrder) on all goods entering Bangladesh.Some of Mr Khan's statements were evenmore threatening and calculated to createtensions between the north-east IndianStates and the rest of the country.Bangladesh is India-locked. Delhi hasalso to remember that the seven north-east-ern Indian States are Bangladesh locked.If this was a stark attempt to intimidate byunderlining north-eastern India's vulnera-bility to hostile moves by Bangladesh, par-ticularly in the context of the latter's activepromotion of insurgency in the region, an

    attempt to sow discord between north-eastIndian states and the rest of the countrycame through clearly in his speech asreported by The Daily Star of September 8,2004. According to the report, he blastedthe Central Bank of India [the ReserveBank?] for acting unilaterally against theinterests of the common people of thenorth-eastern States [of India] by imposingnon-tariff barriers, such as not allowingindividual States to open letters of credit(LCs) without permission from Delhi.The outburst, which occurred in the pres-ence of the Indian High Commissioner andother diplomats in Dhaka, suggested thatthe BNP-Jamaat coalition was fullyinvolved in the implementation of thePakistani Government's strategic doctrineof promoting regional insurgencies toBalkanise India and, failing in that, toweaken India to prevent it from playing animportant role in Asia. Significantly, gener-al-turned-President Ziaur Rahman hadestablished the Directorate General ofForces' Intelligence, the Bangladeshi coun-terpart of Pakistan's Inter-ServicesIntelligence Directorate, on the lines of theISI after a visit by the latter's then chief,Major General Ghulam Jilani Khan, in1977. Until Ms Hasina's current tenure as

    Prime Minister, the DGFI had beenBangladesh Government's principalweapon for conducting subversion in India.In keeping with the then Government'sstance, Justic Joynul Abedin, a BNP loyal-ist who conducted the judicial inquiry intothe notorious attack on Ms Hasina andother Awami League leaders on August 21,

    2004, and whose report the BNPGovernment did not publish, had openlyinsinuated on October 2 that year that Indiawas behind it, when the Harkat-ul-Jihadi-al-Islam and (allegedly) a section of theBNP were responsible. The surprise is thatthere are Indians who argue that New Delhishould not distinguish between the BNP-Jamaat combine and the Awami League!

    Pravin Sawhney

    Indias deteriorating national security foundno mention in Prime Minister ManmohanSinghs foreign policy thoughts which heshared with the nations top diplomats inNew Delhi on November 4. He believesthat economic growth alone is enough forIndias rise, even if it means unprecedentedlows like the April-May Depsang (Ladakh)intrusions by China this year and theNovember 26, 2008 (26/11) terrorist attackin Mumbai by the Pakistani Army. ThePrime Minister should know that his for-eign policy doctrine of greater regionalcooperation and connectivity will remainhollow unless neighbours assess that Indiacan credibly defend its territorial integrity.What good is cooperation with a powerwhich can be kicked from both sides on dis-puted borders by China and Pakistan?The Depsang humiliation would not havehappened if the Prime Minister had takenChinas announcement in December 2010that it has a mere 2,000km long border withIndia, seriously. (According to IndiasAmbassador in China, Mr S Jaishankar, thetotal border is 3,488km long.) The publicdeclaration meant that closed-door bordernegotiations, which began half-a-centuryago with the April 1960 visit of ChinesePremier Zhou Enlai to New Delhi, werefinally over. The last word from Beijing isthat it will not accept a border with India in

    Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir), and the2,000km long border, which is 90,000sqkmState of Arunachal Pradesh, under Indianoccupation.Historically and legally, India and Chinahave never had a border in Ladakh. Startingin 1846, when the British added the State ofJammu & Kashmir to the Empire, they hadbeen assiduously urging China to agree to aboundary in Ladakh, which did not happen.The Empire was itself unclear aboutwhether Indias border with China was thefar Kuen Lun mountains or the nearKarakoram mountains; hence it was agreedthat the area between the two formidableranges remain a no-mans land which nei-ther side had reasons to trespass. This statusquo was maintained until 1959 when bothsides, after border skirmishes, started talk-ing about traditions and customs andwatershed principle in Ladakh as the basis

    of their border claims.Interestingly, Prime Minister JawaharlalNehru, who was in border talks withPremier Zhou in April 1960 in New Delhi,came out of the room to ask his adviserswhy they were insisting on Kuen Lun range(which makes Aksai Chin a part of India) asIndias border and not accepting Chinasproposition of the Karakoram range as theborder. Without any basis, his advisers told

    him to stick to Kuen Lun as the border,which he did. Premier Zhou also hardenedhis position saying that China would acceptthe McMahon line as the de facto and notde jure border in the east, conditional toIndia accepting Karakoram as the border inthe west. The rest, as they say, is history.Against this backdrop, there are three mili-tary implications of Chinas December2010 position. First, by the April-Mayintrusions this year, China demonstrated itsmuscle to make India restrict itself to its

    1959 Karakoram claim line. Second, Chinacan shift the military-held Line of ActualControl in Ladakh, formed after the 1962war, further east should it desire. Andthird, with no border (but a mere frontier)with India in Ladakh, Chinese forces arefree to be in the territory under Pakistansoccupation in Jammu & Kashmir.In strategic terms, the Siachen glacier underIndias control is threatened from both

    sides; and Leh, the capital of Ladakh, facesa two-front war scenario for the first time.In short, if India were to up the ante on theLoC in J&K, Pakistan could in connivancewith China immediately threaten northKashmir.The 26/11 attacks by Pakistan were anotherexample of successful military coercion.On the morning of November 29, 2008,when the Prime Minister met his threeService chiefs, he was given numerousoptions. The option of surgical strikes given

    by the Chief of Air Staff was ruled out as itcould have meant an immediate escalationto war. The Chief of Army Staff offered twooptions: To hit Pakistani posts across theLoC with artillery fire, which would haveblown the ceasefire up in smoke. India didnot want to be seen as the ceasefire spoiler,as this would not have gone down well withthe people of Kashmir.The other option was a quick ingress by theIndian Army to capture Fort Abbas, whichis 10km to 15km from the border in thesouth desert terrain and held lightly byPakistani forces. This option had threeadvantages: First, it could be done in 48hours by maintaining surprise with combatstrength (pivot corps) already availablewith the Indian Army without furthermobilisation. Second, capture of FortAbbas which is in Pakistans Punjab, butfaces Indias Rajasthan State, would haveembarrassed Pakistans Punjabi ArmyChief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. Andthree, even if India was to vacate FortAbbas soon, a firm message would havegone to Pakistan that India could defend itsdignity and was not a soft state.To be sure, once both sides would havestarted mobilisation, India could have sentword to Pakistan through the United Statesthat it would pull back its for