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Transcript of NOV-DEC PRAYER OUTREACH 2020 FOCUS - Derek Prince






NOVEMBER 2020We invite you to join Derek Prince Ministries staff and outreach workers worldwide to pray for our mission of making life-changing Bible teaching available to those who desperately need it. Thank you for taking time to pray and for supporting our outreach.

TESTIMONY - India“I was taught that the Holy Spirit was just a concept in the Bible but not

a person or a power to be experienced. Due to this concept that was

embedded in my mind, my ministry was ineffective. Thanks to the teaching

I received from Derek Prince Ministries, my understanding of the Holy

Spirit and His work transformed my life and ministry and has made me an

effective minister of the gospel in the many villages around my town.”

NOVEMBER 1 INTERNATIONAL• Pray for the Lord’s protection, good

health, wisdom, and encouragement for

DPM support staff and outreach workers

around the world, many of whom work in

nations with religious restrictions, war, and

economic hardships.

Former Soviet Republics

NOVEMBER 2 ARMENIA • Recent conflict with a neighbouring country

has caused a lot of suffering on both sides.

Pray that Derek’s teaching will help believers

to forgive and find healing and hope and be

stewards of reconciliation and peace.

• Pray for protection and wisdom over DPM

workers and others as they reach out

to minister to refugees and all who are


NOVEMBER 3 RUSSIA• Pray for the new Russian book, Declaring

God’s Word, to be printed by the end of the

year and to reach many people.

• Pray for our team to be flexible and have

God’s guidance and wisdom in overseeing

the work of the ministry in this region

during the ongoing pandemic.

Middle East

NOVEMBER 4 EGYPT• Many people in Egypt are affected by the

virus pandemic. Friends have lost loved

ones, some have lost jobs, and many

pastors and full-time ministry workers have

had no income for a long time. Pray with

us that God will comfort and provide for all

those affected and that we can encourage

and minister through Derek’s teaching.


• Pray for God’s protection and strength over

our outreach workers as they help those

who have the Covid-19 virus due to lack

of medical personnel, hospital beds and

ambulances. Pray they will not to be fearful

but have the Lord’s boldness and anointing

to share the gospel and encourage many.


TESTIMONY - UKIn October, our online course “Promised Land” was launched, and

nearly 300 people enrolled. Here are comments by two students:

• “Thanks for your help with the course. I have just realised the great

importance of these online courses during the Covid-19 lockdown,

and winter also gives a brilliant opportunity to enrol not only in this

course, but other DPM courses.”

• “I thank DPM for the course I just did. I really enjoyed it, and it

encouraged me to get into the Scriptures again and do what it says

to do through the Holy Spirit.”

• Pray for those being reached to be touched

by God’s comfort and presence and to see

Jesus in those ministering to them.

NOVEMBER 6 ETHIOPIA• In October, our long time outreach worker

in Ethiopia, Pastor Yemane, went to be

with the Lord. He translated and published

many of Derek’s books into Amharic and

Tigrina. His faithful service to the Lord

Jesus resulted in many people here finding

new life, deliverance and freedom in Christ.

We thank God for the fruit of Yemane’s life

and ministry! Pray for comfort for his family

and for the Lord to raise up more workers

for DPM in this nation so that the ministry

can continue.

Indian Subcontinent

NOVEMBER 7 INDIA• Currently, 23,500 of Derek’s books in 11

different Indian languages are going to

pastors and churches all over India as

gifts for them to distribute. Pray that these

books will be a great blessing to thousands

of believers and that many lives will be


• Pray for the elections in the state of Tamil

Nadu for victory to those who would govern

well and protect the religious minorities.

NOVEMBER 8 SRI LANKA • Pray that DPM Directors, Elsie and

Danny, are able to visit Sri Lanka before

December to work out the transitioning

of responsibilities to the new coordinator,

Pastor Prince.

• Pray for an appropriate storage facility to be

found for DPM books as current premises

need to be vacated by December.


NOVEMBER 9 GREECE• Pray for Katerina as she works on the eBook

Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose after

being delayed by restrictions due to the

pandemic. It will be made available to the

people in Greece who need this teaching

desperately, so pray for its speedy and

successful completion.

NOVEMBER 10 FRANCE• Pray for Caroline, our new Communications

Manager, as she continues to expand

awareness of DPM and Derek’s teaching

through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

• Pray that our new booklet, Applying the

Blood, can be translated and printed soon.

• Pray for Catherine to have wisdom and

insight as she does year-end financial work.


TESTIMONY – New Zealand“I used to be a yoga teacher. However, after listening to Derek’s teaching, I was convinced to

stop practising and teaching yoga and spend more time with the Lord. My parents are living with

me and I was relying on the yoga income to help me pay the bills. Derek said if we want to live

in the blessings of God, we need to do the four “Rs”— recognize, repent, renounce and resist.

So, I repented and renounced it. I said to the Holy Spirit I would walk in faith and trust God more

for my finances. The peace that enveloped my life after that was so deep. However, worry crept

in occasionally, so I started to live more simply and repeated Bible verses more often. I trusted

in the Lord’s kindness and providence more. I see I earned so much money from yoga teaching

on top of my day job, but, sadly, I never had enough. I always played catch-up with finances and

always felt tired. Now that I have let go of this income, I have more than enough. This situation

defies logic. In the past, when I listened to New Age testimonials of people who encountered

Christ and left New Age, I laughed. Now that I’ve experienced it, I want people to know Christ and

have a deeper relationship with the good God. Derek’s teaching helped me.”

• Pray for all the students of the Bible

Correspondence Course to be motivated

to finish it.

NOVEMBER 11 NORWAY/SCANDINAVIA• Pray for key contacts to help reach out to

the Sami people group in the north of the

nation so that more of them can receive

Derek’s material.

• Pray for more partners to help expand

Derek’s teaching material throughout

Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland.

NOVEMBER 12 BULGARIA• An increased demand for Derek’s teaching

has several titles sold out! Pray for God’s

provision and wisdom to reprint these

books as quickly as possible.

• Pray for wisdom in reaching churches and

leaders with Derek’s teaching that can help

set Bulgarian believers free from legalism

and false religious practices. This is such a

great need in the Church here.

NOVEMBER 13 CZECH REPUBLIC• After a couple months of bureaucracy,

DPM is now registered in this nation as a

legal body. Pray that this important step will

move our work to a new level, with Derek’s

teaching having a greater impact on the

Church here and more leaders discovering it.

• Pray that God will touch the hearts of Czech

believers to support the ministry financially.

NOVEMBER 14 GERMANY• Pray for God’s vision and inspiration for our

staff as to His plan for DPM in Germany.

• Pray for continued provision to carry out the

many projects planned to reach the German

people with Derek’s teaching material.

NOVEMBER 15 HUNGARY• The printing of The Power of Communion

should be completed by the end of this

month. In recent years, we have seen

misunderstanding of the meaning and

practice of The Lord’s Supper, with some

believers considering it mystical. Pray for

this teaching to bring understanding about

this sacrament so churches will grow in

faith and the power of God.

NOVEMBER 16 NETHERLANDS• Another run of our online course, “Faith for

Every Day,” based on the book, Faith to Live


PRAISE REPORT - NetherlandsWe received our YouTube plaque for reaching over

100,000 subscribers! Currently, we are over 140,000!

Many people from closed countries are hungry for sound

Bible teaching and find it on our YouTube channel.

PRAISE – ThailandAll Thai translation costs are being covered by a generous

Christian couple based in New Zealand! We thank our

Heavenly Father for them and His wonderful provision.

By, will begin November 20. Pray for those

who struggle with their faith to find this

course and be greatly encouraged by the


NOVEMBER 17 MACEDONIA • Continue to pray for our translator Katerina

and editor Emilija who continue to work on

new books in the Macedonian language.

They need the Lord’s strength, wisdom, and

protection to help bring Derek’s teaching to

this nation.

NOVEMBER 18 CROATIA• More and more people are watching Derek’s

teaching videos on our YouTube channel. Pray

for volunteers to join our team to translate

more messages for audio/video formats to

appeal especially to the younger generation.

NOVEMBER 19 POLAND• The book Rediscovering God’s Church is

nearly ready for printing. Pray that it will be

finished successfully and on time and used

to reveal God’s concept of His Church,

especially to leaders, and help them build a

strong, victorious Church in Poland.

• Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide the team

here and for new volunteers for translation,

proofreading and graphic design.


NOVEMBER 20 THAILAND• Twenty-three titles of Derek’s books

are currently being translated into Thai

and Lao by a professional Christian-owned

translation company. Pray for God’s

protection and anointing on the translator

and for speedy and accurate translation.

• Pray for wisdom for the number of people

required for the translation team, given the

large amount of work to be done in both the

Thai and Lao languages.

NOVEMBER 21 CHINA• It is urgent to pray for the Chinese Church

and Chinese Christians. Trade talks with

America, the Covid-19 crisis’ economic hit

on China, and the fallout in international

relationships with some nations over

the pandemic’s source, is causing the

government to adopt even stronger control

tactics. The result is great pressure for all

elements of Chinese society to align with

Marxist teaching. This testimony should

move us to pray:

• “Thank the Lord for these messages from

Derek Prince. They are very helpful during


TESTIMONY – ChinaThis response from a brother in Wuhan, the source of Covid-19, shows

us how the Lord is using Derek’s Chinese materials in many lives.

Praise Him for that!

“Because of coronavirus, our Sunday services stopped. Although I got

messages and Bible verses from my friends, I still felt very weak spiritually.

This changed after I found some articles by Derek Prince on WeChat. I felt

really encouraged by such powerful teaching. I trust God more now. I know

He reigns and protects everyone who dwells in the shelter of the Most High.”

such dark times. Many believers have

lost their jobs and faith because of the

coronavirus. I have shared Derek’s materials

among the believers in my church and got

very positive feedback. They all said they

got comfort and encouragement. They want

to hear more of this kind of Bible teaching.”

NOVEMBER 22 VIETNAM• Several hundred of Derek’s Vietnamese

books were sent to a network of churches

and a Bible School in Hai Phong and to

another church in Ha Noi. Pray that this

material will be wisely distributed and

become well-used discipleship tools.

NOVEMBER 23 KOREA• A DPM contact is partnering with an elite

private international Christian school in Seoul

and believes this is an ideal place to use

Derek’s material for teaching and distribution.

He now gives sermons weekly at a church

in Gangnam to GIA Micro School students

and teachers, using Derek’s teaching. Pray for

God’s anointing upon him and that all who

hear will have a greater revelation of God’s

Word and a deeper walk with Him.

NOVEMBER 24 AUSTRALIA• We are providing Derek Prince’s teaching

to a Christian restoration centre in Sydney

that is called to helping those released from

prison or who have drug addictions to move

toward restoration and find new direction in

their lives. Pray that Derek’s material as well

as the care they receive will draw them to

the Lord and freedom.

NOVEMBER 25 INDONESIA • Pray for a greater awareness of

the DPM–Indonesia website

( and that

OUTREACH REPORTS - Vietnam• The situation here is very difficult, but we continue to translate and distribute Derek’s

books and also recently held two outreaches and two seminars. God especially touched

two men in one of the classes who came from a mountain tribe. After returning home, they

planted three churches! Although the churches here face oppression, they continue in

their faith, and many are using The Self-Study Bible Course to disciple believers.

• We have received about 30 different comments after seminar attendees read Derek’s

books. For many of them, this was the first time they read Derek’s teaching. His book How

to Pass from Curse to Blessing was an amazing book for them and many said they were so

blessed to recognize why things had happened in their life and how to be set free.


many people will avail themselves of the

huge amount of free Bahasa Indonesia

language resources on it.

NOVEMBER 26 MYANMAR• Pray God’s protection, guidance, and

provision for the DPM director and team

in this Buddhist nation and for new

opportunities to share Derek’s teaching

following the coronavirus crisis.


NOVEMBER 27 UNITED STATES/HISPANIC OUTREACH Derek’s most popular video messages in

Spanish are now available on our Spanish

website and DPM App (https://www.


• Pray that many people will be able to access

his teaching through these outlets and build a

strong foundation in their walk with the Lord.

• Pray for those who receive Derek’s

Spanish teaching through books, the

Spanish website, and Social Media to be

strengthened in their faith.

NOVEMBER 28 CANADA • Pray for divine appointments with new

contacts with whom to network to distribute

Derek’s teaching to other ministries and

churches and those involved in outreach to

the indigenous people in Canada.


NOVEMBER 29 SOUTH AFRICA • Pray for the Lord’s blessing upon Nickson

Sibanda and Elev8 and Kairos TV, along

with other platforms where Derek’s

teaching can be accessed across Africa and


• Pray for Nickson Sibanda and Paul

Storms (DPM–Netherlands) as they

collaborate in this area to know how best

to get Derek’s teaching on various media


• Pray for sales to now increase after they

were prevented during the three-month

lockdown and for faithful donors to help

support the various social media outlets.

NOVEMBER 30 EAST AFRICA• Geoffrey and Pauline oversee the work

of DPM in this region. Pray that they

and their co-workers in Kenya, Uganda,

Tanzania, Burundi, and Rwanda will have

the Lord’s guidance and provision to

further extend Derek’s teaching in this part

of Africa.

• As Geoffrey seeks teachers for the Bible

school, pray for the Holy Spirit to connect

him to the right ones for this task.

• Pray for Geoffrey’s outreach campaign,

especially in interior villages, to be

successful and that many people will come

to faith in Christ.

PRAISE REPORTS – SOUTH AFRICA• Elev 8 TV platform has been launched

on Amazon, Apple TV, Android TV,

Roku TV, and Google Play Apps, with a

potential of over 500 million viewers.

We also have podcast channels for

Derek’s audio messages. Derek’s

French messages are also available on

Elev8 TV as well as in MP3 messages.

• A lady wrote on Facebook: “Just

continue preaching the Gospel. Derek

Prince has taught me more from the Bible

in four months than my whole 41 years of

attending church.”


DECEMBER Derek Prince “The Bible has nothing good anywhere to say about grumbling. Grumbling

is a way, not to solve your problems, but to magnify them. When encountering a bitter pool in life,

there are just two alternative responses: the people grumbled, that was the response of unbelief;

Moses prayed, that was the response of faith. Which will you do?” (From Bitterness to Joy)

DECEMBER 1 INTERNATIONAL• Pray for the Lord’s continued provision for

the work of DPM worldwide. He has been

faithful in so many ways, and we trust Him to

accomplish all His purposes through DPM.


DECEMBER 2 INDIA• Pray for the 800 orphans and needy children

coming to the annual DPM Orphans Christ-

mas Party in early December to be greatly

blessed and for those who do not know Jesus

to accept Him as Lord and Saviour.

DECEMBER 3 JAPAN• The DPM–Japan website (

is being advertised more extensively. Pray

that thousands more people will become

aware of Derek and the many free resources

being offered.

• Pray for God’s anointing and protection

upon the translator who is working on the

book Objective for Living and that it will help

many Japanese believers find a new sense

of purpose in their lives through Christ.

DECEMBER 4 CAMBODIA• Pray for God’s protection and anointing

upon Chhairith and Pastor Vicheat as they

continue to translate Derek’s material into

the Khmer language.

• Pray for favour and provision as the DPM

team continues to partner with another

ministry to help at medical clinics and take

food parcels to people midst the ongoing


• Pray for God’s anointing on Director Huy

and the team as they visit about 100

Chinese prisoners to share the Gospel

message and for many to come to


TESTIMONY - Cambodia “Huy and the DPM team visited my church to hold a pastors’

seminar and youth outreach. They brought Derek Prince books to

give out. I was so touched during the seminar and decided to use the

Self-Study Bible Course for our church Bible study. Also, the book

Spiritual Warfare is helpful to me and my church leaders. We now

have a better understanding of what happens in the spiritual realm.

Our churches are growing, and many young people are attending.”

Huy and the DPM team recently also held an outreach for 100

families while carrying out Covid-19 relief work. After the Gospel

was presented, many people accepted Jesus, and the local

church will follow up to disciple them.


DECEMBER 5 NEPAL• Three new books have been printed in

Nepali for the first time: The Coming Revival;

The Destiny of Israel and the Church and Hope

Beyond Grief. Pray for wide distribution and

for many to better understand God through

the biblical truths taught.

DECEMBER 6 SOLOMON ISLANDS• Pray for many people to visit Christian

Superstore in Honiara that sells Derek’s


• Pray also for a new coordinator for the

ongoing work of DPM in these islands.

DECEMBER 7 PHILIPPINES• Pray for the new translation, How to Pass from

Curse to Blessing, in the Tagalog language to

be quickly available as an e-Book.

• Derek’s daily broadcasts are very popular

on Light TV that has requested more

proclamation cards in both English and

Tagalog, the national language. Pray that

the programmes and the proclamation

cards will deeply impact many Filipinos.

DECEMBER 8 AUSTRALIA• Pray for divine connections with prison

chaplains who are willing to use Derek’s

material in prisons across Australia.

• Pray that the inmates who are reached will

be encouraged and grow stronger in their

Christian walk through Derek’s teaching.

DECEMBER 9 NEW ZEALAND• Pray for God’s protection and rest for the

staff, Trustees, and their families over the

holidays and that they would return well

and refreshed for what the Lord has in


DECEMBER 10 MONGOLIA• The Mongolian-language website

( has been updated.

All of Derek’s Mongolian teaching audio

books, eBooks, printed books, video/

audio messages are in one place so it can

be more easily and widely distributed.

Pray that this teaching will be found and

used by many Mongols so the churches

in Mongolia will mature and the believers

become strong in their faith.


DECEMBER 11 EASTERN EUROPE• Pray for the Lord’s guidance, protection, and

strength for Brano as he oversees the work of

DPM across this region and stays in contact

with other DPM workers in these nations,

which includes regular travelling by car.

DECEMBER 12 DENMARK• Pray for Bjarne and his team in Denmark

to have wisdom and creativity as they

continue to produce Derek’s material.

PRAISE REPORT - Philippines“I had the spirit of depression possibly since I was a kid, and I was recently

delivered. I was saved in 2010, and in 2015 I told the leader I was leaving

the church because I felt abandoned during my trying times. I was isolated

because my friends all turned away from the Lord. I felt no love and was

already crippled by depression at that time. I haven’t been committed to

a church since 2015, but in all those years I never turned away from God.

I’ve been hearing Derek lately on YouTube. I listen to him every day. This is

beautiful. Thank you for your prayers. It makes it easy now for me to seek God.”


• Pray for good distribution through the

bookstores so that many Danes will

discover and buy Derek’s Bible teaching.

DECEMBER 13 SLOVAKIA• Over the summer, we distributed hundreds

of Teaching Letters and books to several

Roma (gypsy) churches. Pray that God’s

Word and Derek’s teaching will change their

lives, equip new church leaders, and impact

entire gypsy settlements in eastern Slovakia.

• Pray that the awakening we see among the

Roma population will continue and intensify

and that God’s glory will be revealed

through them.

DECEMBER 14 ROMANIA• In recent years, contacts and sales of

Derek’s material has increased, especially

due to his programmes on Romanian

Christian TV (5 million viewers). Still,

many Romanian believers (1.4 million

evangelicals) are unaware of Derek and

his teaching. Pray that pastors and many

others will learn of the ministry and gain an

interest in Derek’s material.

DECEMBER 15 FRANCE• Pray for wisdom and anointing upon

Mamadou Barry and his team in translating

Derek’s most popular videos and their

Study Guide in the Pular language in

Guinea Conakry.

• We are so grateful for our new website

( that recently

launched. Pray that it will be a mighty tool

in God’s hands to reach many people.

• Pray for René, DPM–France Directors, to

have new vision, strength, wisdom, and

good health as he gives oversight to DPM’s

outreach in this region.

DECEMBER 16 SERBIA• Pray for the Lord’s wisdom, protection and

guidance for Miroslav and his wife, Mila, as

they continue to spread Derek’s teaching

across Serbia.

• Pray for the book now in production, The

Coming Revival, to be finished on time and

be a tool to prepare Serbian believers for the

coming harvest and the Lord’s return.

DECEMBER 17 ALBANIA• Pray for our translator and editor as they

continue to work on material in Albanian.

• Pray for the team in Albania to have more

divine appointments for new contacts and

opportunities for outreach.

DECEMBER 18 BELARUS• Pray for the team here to be able to

continue to work and represent the ministry

safely and boldly as people are becoming

more open to Christ and the gospel.

• Pray for more opportunities to hold ministry

events around Belarus where we can

distribute Derek’s teaching materials.

DECEMBER 19 SWITZERLAND• Pray for Ruedi to have the Lord’s wisdom for

the ongoing work of DPM in this region and

for divine connections with the right people

to help promote and share Derek’s teaching.

DECEMBER 20 UNITED KINGDOM• Some of our supporters go out on the

streets to share the good news of Jesus

Christ and to pray for healing. They are

PRAISE REPORT – DenmarkOver 20 major books by Derek are now available

in Danish.


giving away The Divine Exchange to anyone

who makes a commitment to follow Jesus.

Pray these outreach initiatives are blessed

by the Lord and for boldness as they and

others reach out to people.

• Pray for the Lord’s guidance and favour

upon the distribution of Derek’s teaching

across England, Wales, Scotland, Rep.

of Ireland, and Northern Ireland and that

an increasing number of people will be



DECEMBER 21 SOUTH AFRICA• Pastor Stemmet reached many people,

including leaders, on his 6-week trip in the

Cape, distributing Derek’s Afrikaans and

some English books to those who have

no resident pastor. Pray that many will be

spiritually strengthened and equipped and

that they will share the books with others.

• Hope Ramaphosa continues to conduct

the online Bible school using Derek’s core

teaching material. Pray for wisdom and

anointing for Hope and for the students

to be well equipped and go on to become

leaders and teachers in their communities

and elsewhere.

DECEMBER 22 ZAMBIA/ANGOLA• Ricky van der Walt is planning a trip to

Zambia and Angola near the end of the year

as soon as he has another good vehicle.

Pray for the timely provision of funds for

the right second-hand vehicle to make this

long trip.

• He plans to teach and minister to pastors

and other leaders on evangelism, healing

and deliverance and will distribute Derek’s

books, CDs and DVDs. Pray for God’s

protection over his health, for open borders

into Angola and for the Lord’s anointing

upon his ministry.

DECEMBER 23 FRENCH-SPEAKING AFRICA• Pray for Derek’s French material to safely

make its way to this region of Africa and

have an impact on many people enabling

them to mature in their faith.

• Pray for the necessary funds to produce and

ship this material and for wise handling and

distribution by those involved.


DECEMBER 24 UNITED STATES/HISPANIC OUTREACH• Pray for the team in Peru as they work

midst the pandemic to be motivated to

continue making progress in translating

and recording Derek’s radio programmes

into the Ayacucho Quechua language. They

should soon be able to move on to the

editing process!

PRISON TESTIMONY – UNITED STATESGod bless you and your prison ministry. You are in my prayers of gratitude every day. I had never

heard of Derek Prince until I came to prison five years ago. An inmate lent me one of his books

to read, and I got hooked on his writing. Since that first book, you have sent me ten more, free of

charge, and I am forever grateful. Recently, God blessed me with some money, and I want to share

some of that blessing with you. Please receive this gift to use as you see fit. I know I’ll be ordering

books from you in the future. Praise God for the work you do. A brother in Christ, —Gerard, Florida

Thank you for praying forDerek Prince Ministries

around the world!

DECEMBER 25 UNITED STATES • Pray for ongoing provision and God’s blessing

upon our prison outreach through Derek’s

material that is given both to chaplains for

ministry and to hundreds of inmates who

receive it monthly upon request.

Middle East

DECEMBER 26 LEBANON• Our outreach workers from Egypt have not

been able to visit Lebanon over the past

year due to protests, strikes, economic

collapse, and the pandemic. Pray for the

Lord’s mercy in Lebanon and that the DPM

team will be able to go at the right time to

distribute Derek’s teaching and minister.

DECEMBER 27 ISRAEL• Pray that the Lord will use Derek’s Hebrew,

Arabic and Russian material to draw many

people to salvation and a strong walk with

the Lord.

• Pray for increasing awareness and use of

various social media where people can

access Derek’s teaching.

DECEMBER 28 IRAN• Pray for the Lord’s wisdom and anointing

upon our team to moved forward with the

successful translation and recording of

Appointment in Jerusalem.

DECEMBER 29 TURKEY• Pray for God’s wisdom and direction for our

plans to record Derek’s video messages on

curses and blessings.

• Pray for His protection over our translators

during this process and that He will bring

the right person with a suitable voice for

dubbing the video teachings.

DECEMBER 30 EGYPT/PERSIAN GULF• Pray for the Lord’s protection and favour

over all those involved in the work of DPM

across this region to share Derek’s teaching

with many people in spiritual darkness.

• Pray for increased use of various social

media platforms and for increased response

from those who use them.

Former Soviet Republics

DECEMBER 31 ARMENIA• Pray that the new books, Bought with Blood,

Pride versus Humility and Why Bad Things

Happen to God’s People, will be a great

encouragement to many people in this

nation in light of the recent conflict that has

brought much hardship.

PRAISE REPORT – IranMany books are not available and allowed in Iran, so Derek’s audio

teachings on social media are the best way to reach Iranians. We

thank God for the ones recently translated and release and the many

responses we receive! Iranian believers thanked us for such titles as

How to Listen to God’s Voice and Derek’s teachings about the last days.