Noun Clause Don’t forget to include TWO noun clauses and THREE vocabulary words in your paragraph!

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Noun Clause Don’t forget to include TWO noun clauses and THREE vocabulary words in your paragraph!

Noun Clause

Don’t forget to include TWO noun

clauses and THREE vocabulary

words in your paragraph!


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A noun clause is a clause which does the

work of a noun in a

sentence. It is a group

of words containing a

subject and a verb of

its own. Usually noun

clauses begin with that,

what, where, when, who,

whom, which, whose,

how, why, whether, etc.


1. He said that he would not come.

2. We were all curious to know what he had done

3. Nobody knows when the registration will begin.

4. We all wanted to find out who the winner was.

5. Whom they were in contact with on the day of the

robbery is of great interest to the police.

6. Jane is not sure which university she should apply for.

7. The judges had a hard time deciding whose painting

was the best.

8. How the baby fell from the window is a mystery.

9. They asked the boy why he had hit his classmate.

10. Whether you like it or not is not the issue.

Uses of Noun Clauses

Noun Clauses can be used in the following ways:

a. As the subject of a verb:

Why she kept on crying (noun clause)puzzled (main verb) every one.

b. As the direct object:

Nobody knows (verb) how he got involved in gangland activities (noun clause).


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c. As the complement of

the verb "to be“:What we are worried

about is that he may

have another heart attack.

The question is why they

could escape through

the front door when there were so many guards there.

Noun C


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