Notre Dame - holy family parish · 11/3/2019  · verdadero cerdo capitalista para criticar; pero...

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Transcript of Notre Dame - holy family parish · 11/3/2019  · verdadero cerdo capitalista para criticar; pero...

Notre Dame - holy family parish




Phone: (312) 243-7400





Phone: (312) 492-8442




5:00 pm—Notre Dame (Saturday/Sabado)

8:30 am—Notre Dame

9:45 am— Holy Family

10:00 am—Notre Dame

12:00 pm—Notre Dame (Español)

5:00 pm—Holy Family

Weekdays/Entre Semana

Notre Dame Chapel

1335 W. Harrison

Monday thru Friday 6:30 am

The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii

1224 W. Lexington

Wednesday 6:00 pm




�1900 W. Taylor

(312) 243-8186�

November 3, 2019

PASTORAL OFFICES (mailing address)

1335 W. Harrison

Chicago, IL 60607


Monday - Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thursday & Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Phone: (312) 243-7400

Fax: (312) 243-7614




�Rev. Peter B. McQuinn, Pastor

�Rev. A. Paul Reicher, Pastor Emeritus

Deacon David Keene

Mr. Lawrence Sorce, Deacon Candidate

Mr. Jim Bruton, Religious Ed Coordinator

Ms. Sarah Pelrine, Operations Director

Mrs. MaryAnn Milici, Office Manager

Most Rev. Robert G. Casey, Resident

Rev. Kevin W. Hays, Resident

Rev. Michael P. Knotek, Resident

(Printed with permission of the author)

Judging from the harsh things that Jesus said about wealth and

privilege, we might reasonably think it well nigh impossible for

a rich person not only to enter the gates of heaven, but also to

come into the good graces of Jesus himself. Zacchaeus was rich.

A prominent tax collector, he even seemed to have suspicions

about fraud in his own practices. He may have been small in

stature, but he was definitely into big-time operations. It also

happened that he wanted to see what Jesus was like. So, running

ahead of a big crowd’s rush, he climbed a sycamore to see what

he could see.

It’s an interesting scene—unlike my own imagined scenario. I

would have the master, eyes aflame, look at the conniver and

warn him of his impending doom. Jesus would then launch into

a rousing condemnation of exploitation and injustice. Zacchaeus

would serve as prime example.

But the Christ of Luke’s Gospel (a Gospel, mind you, that is one

of the harshest in denouncing riches and the oppression of the

poor) once again confounds expectations. “Zacchaeus, hurry

down. I want to stay at your house.”

Now I would have at least put some conditions on my visit. “Do

you promise to turn away from your greedy behavior? Are you

willing to abandon the errant ways of your business and

lifestyle?” Why do these things not cross the mind of Jesus?

He has preached about greed often enough. And here’s a real live

capitalist pig he could whale into; but instead, he asks to be

invited home. Needless to say, Zacchaeus was thrilled. He

welcomed Christ with delight.

I have to admit I would be among the murmurers. This tax-

collecting creep has gone his merry way making his commission

on the backs of the poor. Now, on a whim, he climbs up into a

tree to see Jesus (whom all of us want to talk to and have been

following for months), and he gets an interview. A money-

grubber! The gang would support me in this. To think that Jesus

is going to have dinner with the likes of Zacchaeus.

It is always fascinating to see how Jesus treats sinners, whether

tax-collectors, liars, adulterers, or cowards. It’s a wonder how he

deals with them, how he deals with us all, how he deals with all


Clearly, Jesus is interested in the energy and desire of the little

man. He seems impressed by the fact that Zacchaeus would go

to such lengths to see him and would eventually stand his

ground before the daunting crowd. It is Zacchaeus’s heart, his

hope, that draws Jesus. The fact that Christ liked him seemed to

have an immediate effect on Zacchaeus. “I give half my

belongings to the poor. … If I have defrauded anyone in the least I

pay him back fourfold.”

Even here, I think Christ was too soft. I would have said, “Only

half? What about the other 50 percent? And what do you mean,

‘If I have defrauded?’ Be more specific.” But no! Jesus announces

salvation to the whole house of Zacchaeus and calls him, believe

it or not, a “true son of Abraham.” That’s that. “The Son of Man

has come to search out and save what was lost.”

And so, once again, my paltry prudence, my so-called sense of

justice, shrinks in the presence of wisdom, before whom the

whole universe is as a grain of sand or a drop of morning dew on

the earth. God, indeed, overlooks our sins so that we might

repent and thereby change. Such is the manner of infinite mercy.

For you love all things that are and loathe nothing that you have

made; for what you hated, you would not have fashioned. How

could a thing remain unless you willed it; or be preserved, had it

not been called forth by you? You spare all things, because they

are yours, O God and lover of souls. That goes for Zacchaeus.

That goes for us too.

What the Book of Wisdom tells us is that we could not even

exist if we were not loved by God. The very fact that we live

without causing our own existence is proof that we are loved

into being. We could not have been made, could not endure an

instant, unless we were willed and wanted.

We brothers and sisters of Zacchaeus, more splendidly endowed

than other creatures, have an extra gift. It is more desirable than

the majesty of mountains, more thrilling than the speed of the

finest gazelle. God, that lover of souls, wants, most of all, to

spare that gift in us. It is the gift we share with Zacchaeus, no

matter how rich or poor, how young or old, how virtuous or

sinful we might be. We are gifted with a question at the ground

of our being. And even in the worst of times, we climb trees to

find out what the answer might be. John Kavanaugh, SJ

Por las cosas duras que ha dicho Jesús sobre la riqueza y el

privilegio, nos podría parecer que es casi imposible no sólo que

un rico entre por las puertas del cielo sino que aun llegue a caer

en gracia a Jesús mismo. Zaqueo era rico. Era recaudador de

impuestos, y había sospechas de que defraudaba a la gente en su

trabajo. Era bajito, pero andaba en grandes actividades. Sucedió

también que quería saber cómo era Jesús. Así que, se fue

corriendo antes de que llegara una gran multitud de gente y se

subió a un sicómoro para poder ver algo.

Es una escena curiosa—muy diferente de lo que me imaginaría

yo. En mi versión, el Señor miraría al conspirador con ojos

ardientes y le avisaría de su castigo inminente. Luego, Jesús se

lanzaría a dar su condena de la explotación y la injusticia.

Zaqueo serviría como ejemplo principal. Pero el Cristo del

evangelio de San Lucas (un evangelio, eso sí, que es uno de los

más severos en denunciar la riqueza y la opresión de los pobres)

otra vez frustra las expectativas. “Zaqueo, baja pronto, porque

hoy me hospedaré en tu casa.”

Notre Dame de Chicago Parish 2 Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the desk of the Pastor…...

Del escritorio del Párroco…...

November 3, 2019 3 Notre Dame de Chicago Parish

Ahora bien, yo le obligaría a cumplir con algunos requisitos

antes de que le visitara. “¿Prometes dejar de comportarte con

tanta codicia? ¿Estás dispuesto a abandonar la costumbre de

aprovecharse de los demás en los negocios y de vivir una vida tan

opulenta?” ¿Por qué no se le ocurre esto a Jesús? Ha predicado

con frecuencia sobre el pecado de la avaricia. Y aquí tiene un

verdadero cerdo capitalista para criticar; pero en vez de hacerlo,

le pide que le invite a su casa. Obviamente, Zaqueo se quedó

emocionado. Le dio la bienvenida a Cristo con mucho placer.

Tengo que confesar que estaría entre la gente que susurraron.

Este maldito recaudador de impuestos se ha ido aprovechando

tranquilamente de los pobres para hacerse rico. Ahora, por

capricho, sube a un árbol para ver a Jesús (a quien todos

nosotros hemos seguido durante meses deseando hablarle), y

consigue hablar con él. ¡Un delincuente! Todo el mundo estaría

de acuerdo conmigo. Y pensar que Jesús va a cenar en casa de

alguien como Zaqueo.

Siempre me fascina contemplar cómo Jesús trata a los pecadores,

tanto si son recaudadores de impuestos, como mentirosos,

adúlteros, o cobardes. Es un milagro cómo los puede tratar,

cómo nos puede tratar a todos nosotros, cómo se enfrenta con

todo. Está claro que a Jesús le interesa la energía y el deseo del

hombre bajito. Parece que le impresiona el hecho de que Zaqueo

se esfuerce tanto por verlo y que al final se mantenga firme ante

la muchedumbre. Es el corazón de Zaqueo, su esperanza, lo que

le atrae a Jesús.

El hecho de que a Jesús le cayó bien Zaqueo tuvo un efecto

inmediato. “Doy la mitad de mis bienes a los pobres, y si he

defraudado a alguien, le devolveré cuatro veces más.” Aún en

esto, creo que Cristo fue demasiado compasivo. Yo le hubiera

dicho, “¿Sólo la mitad? ¿Y qué pasa con el otro cincuenta por

ciento? Y ¿qué quieres decir con ‘Si le he defraudado a alguien’?

Habla claro.” ¡Pero, no! Jesús declara salvación para toda la casa

de Zaqueo y, lo crea usted o no, le llama un “verdadero hijo de

Abrahán.” Y ni una palabra más. “El Hijo del hombre ha venido a

buscar y salvar lo que estaba perdido.”

Y así, otra vez, mi insignificante prudencia, mi supuesto sentido

de justicia, se empequeñece ante la sabiduría, ante quien el

universo entero se reduce a algo tan pequeño como un grano de

arena o una gota de rocío. Desde luego, Dios no se fija en

nuestros pecados para que así podamos arrepentirnos y de este

modo cambiar. Así es la misericordia infinita.

Pues amas todo cuanto existe y nada aborreces de lo que has

hecho; pues si tú hubieras odiado alguna cosa, no la habrías

formado. ¿Y cómo podría subsistir nada si tú no quisieras; o

cómo podría conservarse sin ti? Pero a todos perdonas, porque

son tuyos, Señor, amador de las almas. Esto incluye a Zaqueo. Y

nos incluye a nosotros también.

Lo que nos enseña el Libro de Sabiduría es que ni siquiera

existiríamos si Dios no nos amara, El mismo hecho que vivimos

sin causar nuestra propia existencia es prueba de que somos

creados por amor. No podríamos haber sido creados, no

podríamos sobrevivir ni un momento, de no haber sido amados y


Nosotros los hermanos y hermanas de Zaqueo, dotados más

espléndidamente que cualquier otra criatura, tenemos un don

extra. Es más deseable que la grandeza de las montañas, más

emocionante que la velocidad de la gacela más fina. Dios, ese

amante de las almas, desea, ante todo, dejarnos este don a

nosotros. Es el don que compartimos con Zaqueo, por muy ricos

o pobres, jóvenes o mayores, virtuosos o pecadores que seamos.

El don de una pregunta que reside en el corazón de nuestro ser.

Y aún cuando pasamos por tiempos bien difíciles, subimos al

árbol para saber cual podrá ser la respuesta.

Padre John Kavanaugh, SJ


Weekend of October 26/27 ND HF

Actual Collection $2,696 $974

Electronic giving $383 $325

Total Collection $3,079 $1,299

Budgeted Collection $3,700 $3,200

Collection under budget $621 $1,901

Year to date Actual Collection $56,766 $30,092

Year to date Budgeted Collection $62,900 $54,400

Year to date Collection deficit $6,134 $24,308


Thank you for your continued generosity!!

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Notre Dame de Chicago Parish 4 Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time




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November 8, 2019

Kevin Cawley & Lauren Waterman

November 9, 2019

Anthony Campo & Amanda Iaccino

Patrick Erfort & Kelly Graham

Michael Cramer & Anna Gillian

November 16, 2019

Michael Massimino & Alison Stelletello

Andrew Biggs & Jessica Dekruiff

Ryan Shelley & Lauren Gallagher

������������ �



November 3, 2019 5 Notre Dame de Chicago Parish


Weekend of November 2/3

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed

10:00 am All the Faithful Departed

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

5:00 pm Francesco & Italia Antonini

Joseph & Anna Cosentino

Roselyn Panepinto

Deceased members of the Ricci Family

8:30 am Corinne Giammanco

9:45 am Juanita Angilari

Jennifer Bowler

10:00 am Lynn Otter Coluzzi

12:00 pm Antonia Calderon

Leonila Calderon

Anastacio Cantu

Magarita Carrasco

Guadalupe Correra

Cesar Cruz

Antonio Padilla

Celia Ramirez Rubio

5:00 pm Juanita Angilari

Jennifer Bowler

Monday, November 4—St. Charles Borromeo

6:30 am Arthur V. Gareau

Tuesday, November 5

6:30 am Raymond J. Gareau

Wednesday, November 6

6:30 am Laura Gareau

Thursday, November 7

6:30 am Holy Family - Notre Dame Parishioners

Friday, November 8

6:30 am Arthur Gareau

Weekend of November 9/10

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

5:00 pm Francesco & Italia Antonini

James Canzolino

Joseph & Anna Cosentino

Roselyn Panepinto

8:30 am Holy Family - Notre Dame Parishioners

9:45 am Juanita Angilari

Monica Roberts

10:00 am Marty Saviano

12:00 pm Anastacio Cantu

5:00 pm Juanita Angilari

Monica Roberts


WE PRAY for the following parishioners or

family members of parishioners who are ill or in

need of prayer:


Please pray in thanksgiving to God for our donors and their loved ones:

�� The gifts of Bread and Wine were donated for the month of


�� In memory of the Barrera & Aguilar Families donated by

the Barrera Family

�� The Mary Altar candles are lit for the month of November:

�� In memory of Corinne Giammanco

�� The Our Lady of Guadalupe Altar candles are lit for the

month of November:

�� In commemoration of all the Faithful Departed

Damianus Aditya

Mary Alvarez

Joe Candella

Fannie Canino

Kathy Catrambone

Edwin Chaidez

Michael Anthony Clark

Morgan Grace Coghlin

Channie Davis

Mitchell Davis

William Doyle Family


Nathaniel Ferrer

Esther Fidis

Barbara Frye Timcke


Jimmy Higgins

Sawyer Hunter

Madelynn Jacobs


Denise & Rich Jandura

Leteece Lee

Libby Family

Art Losacco

Katharina Losacco

Magdalena Angelica Lovejoy

Peggy Mazek

Ethan John Moon


Emma Nemivant

Frank Ortiz

Kevin Pereira

Patino Family

Neil Radocha

Fr. Paul Reicher

Philip Rice, Sr.

Rosemary Rice

Mary T. Rosales

Arnoldo Russo

Francesco Russo

Maureen Sevandal-Yanong

Juanita & Paul Soto

Patricia Soto

Candace & Michael Spinali

Angelo Suranno

Victoria Tan

Sam Tripp

Maria Wilson

WE PRAY for all the deceased family members and friends of

our parishioners and benefactors.

WE PRAY for our loved ones serving in the Armed Forces.

WE PRAY for those affected by violence.

If you would like to add a name to our prayer list, please call the parish

office at 312-243-7400.

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