Note No cow’s milk or cow’s milk products (including but not limited to cheese and yoghurt)...

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Transcript of Note No cow’s milk or cow’s milk products (including but not limited to cheese and yoghurt)...


No cow’s milk or cow’s milk products (including but not limited to cheese and yoghurt) under the age of one year

-casein (a protein in cow’s milk) is the putative issue with type 1 diabetes

Lecture 4a 28 January 2013 Diabetes

Type 1Type 2

 Pathology-4aNutritional Intervention-4bFunctional Food/Nutraceutical Approaches-4c

Pathology Role of insulin 

-produced in the beta cells of the pancreas 

-initially synthesised as a single chain 86 amino acid polypeptide (pre-proinsulin) 

-post-translational modification removes the amino terminal signal peptide

what is a signal peptide?

Role of insulin

-this give rise to proinsulin -insulin is created via the cleavage of an internal peptide (31mer) and the A (21mer) and B(30 mer) chains of insulin are then linked together by a disulphide linkage (enzyme responsible?)

Causes of Type 1-genetic-concordance is 30-70 % in identical twins

-polymorphisms in HLA complex appear to account for 40-50 % of Type 1

 -HLA complex contains genes for the class II MHC molecules which present antigen to

helper T cells and are thus involved in initiating the immune response  

-ability of class II MHC molecules to present antigen is dependent on the amino acid

composition of their antigen binding sites


-amino acid substitutions may influence the specificity of the immune response by altering the binding affinity of

different antigens for the class II molecules

 -10 % of genetic risk due to

polymorphisms in the promoter region of the insulin gene

Causes of Type 1-autoimmune- beta cells produced proteins that mediate draw lymphocytes into pancreas where they infiltrate islets (insulitis) and selectively attack beta cells- inflammation leads to atrophy of -cells -immunological markers-islet cell autoantibodies-these antibodies are directed at a series of -cell proteins -environmental-viruses-coxsackie and rubella

-bovine milk-nitrosamines

Causes of Type 2Key risk factors for type 2 diabetes:•Being 40 years of age or older•Genetics stronger factor than in type 1•Having a close relative (parent or sibling) who has type 2 diabetes-genetics•Being a member of a high-risk population, such as those of Aboriginal, Hispanic, Asian, South Asian or African descent-genetics•Having a history of impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose•Having heart disease•Having a history of gestational diabetes-increased risk of type 2 diabetes in mum and offspring•Having high blood pressure•Having high cholesterol•Being overweight, especially around the abdomen-though overweight/obesity NOT THE WHOLE STORY

Type 2-no longer adult NIDDM - affects children and insulin can be used

-genetic factors

-concordance of 70-90 % in identical twins- question this

    -40 % if both parents have it-question this as well

-polymorphisms or mutations in insulin receptor and enzymes involved in glucose homeostasis (candidates?) 


-increased hepatic glucose synthesis because as insulin sensitivity drops the ability of

insulin to promote glycogen synthesis and suppress gluconeogenesis drops

-impaired insulin sensitivity

Pathophysiology continued

-impaired insulin production-reason is unknown-though glucose toxicity while undefined cripples beta cell-suggestions

-increased free fatty acids impair -cell function

Metabolic syndrome

-obesity-kick-off via increased free

fatty acids-measures

-BMI  -percentage fat-skinfolds

underwater weighing 

-height-weight tables 

-free fatty acids regulate insulin sensitivity

Metabolic syndrome

-free fatty acids regulate insulin sensitivity

-free fatty acids decrease glucose utilisation and increase hepatic glucose production

-lipids-including decreased anti-oxidation capacity

-increased free fatty acids

-decreased HDLc, increased CETP, decreased LPL

-increased cholesterol, LDLc

-increased triglycerides


Metabolic syndrome

-blood pressure-elevated

 -platelet aggregation- Trip- epidemiology slide



TOTAL 149 18 33

SPA NEG. 94 6 (6.4 %) 14 (14.9 %)

SPA INT. 29 3 (10.3 %) 7 (24.1 %)

SPA POS. 26 9 (34.6 %) 12 (46.2 %)


Metabolic syndrome

-insulin sensitivity-receptor binding efficiency 

-right shift in insulin dose response curve and downward shift in maximal impact

-as insulin sensitivity goes down the lipids are further perturbed

-ultimately may get pancreatic failure with requirement for insulin injections