Nosodes and Sarcodes -Clarke

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Nosodes and Sarcodes in Homeopathy -Clarke

Transcript of Nosodes and Sarcodes -Clarke

  • H.M.M. RECONSTITUTED about NOSODES and SARCODES according to Dr John Henry CLARKE.

    By Dr Robert Sror.

    JHC's supplementary remedies : Carcinosinum * Coqueluchinum (Pertussinum) * Epihysterinum * Influenzinum * Morbillinum * Parotidinum * Scarlatininum * Scirrhinum * Bacillinum Testium * Bacillinum * The old tuberculin of Koch * New Tuberculin of or Turberculin T. R. * The Bacillary emulsion * Filtered tuberculous bouillon of Denys * The dilute serum

    of Marmorek * Bovine Tuberculin


    Carcinomin. The nosode of Carcinoma.


    Cancer Melancholia. Worms.


    This is one of the principal nosodes of cancer, and is one of Dr. Burnett's preparations.

    I use it more frequently than any other as a diathesic remedy.

    Burnett had a number of different cancer preparations, and followed his instinct largely in their use and selection.

    In addition to Scirrhinum, of which I have given an account in the Dictionary, he had a preparation which he named Durum (a Latinised form of Scirrhinum, as I take it).

    This he used in treating depraved inherited conditions in children, such as infantile self-abuse, with good effects, which I have confirmed. I have met with a suicidal tendency in several cancer patients, so that the cancer nosodes may be appropriate in many mental cases, especially where the heredity points that way.

    Relations. Compare : Scirrhinum.

    Coqueluchinum (Pertussinum) Pertussin. The nosode of Whooping-cough.


    Cough, paroxysmal. Whooping-cough.


    In 1906 Messrs. Epps published a little book of mine dealing with this nosode, to which I then gave the name of Pertussin.

    But it appeared that a German firm of chemists had registered in England a patent medicine under that name, and threatened the publishers with an action unless the book was withdrawn! As the matter was not

  • worth a law-suit, I adopted the French name for the nosode, and a second revised and enlarged edition was brought out by the Homopathic Publishing Co. under the title Whooping-cough Cured with Coqueluchin.

    Since that date later experience has fully confirmed all that was then written, and many patients, old as well as young, have experienced the virtues of Coqueluchin. In all cases of whooping-cough suspected or defined I give the remedy in the 30th attenuation every four hours as a matter of routine, and as a rule it quickly assumes control of the case and does all that is necessary. In my experience it agrees well with all other whooping-cough remedies, and when their specific indications appear I give them also in alternation, or else alone.

    Coqueluchin is an "unproved" remedy, except in the sense that every case of the disease is a "proving," but I have noted a few special symptoms removed by it, and I have arranged them in a subjoined "Schema. " It is equally applicable to cases of cough of the same type, though not caused by the same infection, such as appear in some cases of influenza.

    Relations. Compare : Bell. , Cocc. c. , Coral. r. , Dros. , etc.



    Coryza with hacking cough.


    Intense flushing with cough.


    Itching of the palate on lying down at night.


    Intense tickling in throat causing cough.


    Vomiting or nausea at end of cough.

    Respiratory Organs.

    Cough in frequently repeated paroxysms.

    Cough provoked by intense tickling in throat-fauces or trachea.

    Deep-sounding croupy cough.

    Dyspna with cough.

    Hacking cough ; with coryza.

    Sobbing or sighing at end of cough.

    Spasmodic choking cough.

    Spasmodic cough with intense flushing of face.

  • Strangling sensation with cough on waking.


    Stinging pain in or on the chest with cough.


    Epiphysterin. A nosode.


    Fibroma. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia.


    This is one of Dr. Burnett's nosodes, used by him in cases of hmorrhage and obtained, as I conclude, from a case of hmorrhage in a patient suffering from fibrous tumour, possibly with malignant elements. At any rate, I have found it of great value in controlling uterine hmorrhage, whether connected with fibrous growth or not. I have used it in the 30th upwards, giving one or two doses weekly.


    Compare :

    The cancer nosodes ; in fibrous tumours and uterine hmorrhages, Thlaspi b. p. , Fraxin. , Hydrastis and its alkaloids.


    The nosode of Influenza.


    Catarrh. Colds. Influenza.


    The nosode of influenza has with many practitioners taken the place of Baptisia as the routine remedy in epidemics. It may be given in the 12th or 30th potency, either in the form of tincture, pilules, or discs ; or ten globules may be dissolved in six ounces of water, and of this a dessertspoonful may be given for a dose. It may be repeated every two hours. This will be found sufficient to control a large proportion of the cases. The general directions I give to my patients are these : When "colds" appear in a family let all those who are unaffected take Arsen. 3 thrice daily, and let the patients take Influ. 30 every hour or two. This generally prevents the spread of the trouble and clears up the "colds," whether they are of the influenza type or not. Influenza has the property of developing old troubles, and thus it takes an infinite variety of forms in different persons, so that Influ. need not be expected to cure all cases unaided, or, indeed, to be appropriate to every case.


  • I find Influ. compatible with Act. r. , Ars. , Bell. , Bry. , Hep. , Merc. , and many others.


    Morbillin. The nosode of Measles.


    Catarrh. Coryza. Cough. Ear, affections of. Eye, affections of. Measles. Skin, affections of.


    The well-known symptoms which characterise an attack of measles may all be taken as guides for its homopathic use. Its chief use hitherto has been as a prophylactic against infection, and to clear up after effects of an attack. My own use of it has been confined to the 30th and higher, but there is no bar upon lower potencies, and those who prefer them may begin with the 6th. As a prophylactic given to those who are, or may be, exposed to infection, I prescribe a dose of the 30th twice or thrice daily. For an attack of the disease I find nothing better than Morbil. 30, eight or ten globules in six ounces of water, a dessertspoonful every two hours. The effect of this is heightened by giving alternately Bell. 30 in the same way. These two medicines will be sufficient to carry through any uncomplicated case, and in my experience do even better than Pulsatilla. As the measles poison has a great affinity for the mucous passages, the eyes, the ears and the respiratory mucous membranes, Morbil. may be used in such cases like any other homopathic remedy, when the symptoms correspond.


    Complementary : Bell. Compare : Puls. , Hep. , Merc. , Sul.


    The nosode of Mumps.


    Glandular affections. Meningitis. Mumps. Orchitis. Salivation.


    Parotidinum has been used as a prophylactic against infection by mumps. In this instance it is generally given in the 6th or 30th two or three times a day to those exposed to infection. In the disease itself it may be given every four hours, either by itself or alternated with other indicated remedies. The well-known complications which sometimes occur with mumps, cerebral inflammation and orchitis suggest its possible use in these conditions.


    Compare : Merc.


    The nosode of Scarlatina or Scarlet Fever.

  • Clinical.

    Albuminuria. Nephritis. Scarlet fever. Skin affections. Throat, sore.


    Scarlatinin has been used, like other nosodes, for the prevention and for cure of the disease from which it takes origin. But its well-known affinity for the skin, throat and kidneys suggests its applicability for affections of those organs.


    Bell. is the nearest analogue and should be its antidote, and the various Mercuries come next. Compare also : Apis, Arsen. , Rhus, Morbillin, Diphtherinum.


    Carcinominum. The nosode of Scirrhous Cancer. Trituration.


    Breast, cancer of. Cancer. Cancerous diathesis. Glands, enlarged. Hmorrhages. Varicosis. Worms.


    Burnett is my authority for this nosode. He proved it on himself, and produced "a tremendous sinking at the navel," which he regarded as a keynote for its use. Scirrh. has aided the cure of many cases of breast tumour in Burnett's hands. With it he cured a man of hard glands which appeared on the left side of the neck after other glands had been removed by the patient's brother, a surgeon. Hmorrhages and varicosis of legs and feet, with purple points, have also been cured by Burnett with Scirrh. A patient to whom Burnett had given Scirrh. mentioned to him that it had caused the passage of an enormous number of threadworms. On this hint Burnett gave it with great success in many cases of this troublesome complaint ; and I have verified this experience. In inveterate cases where Cina and Teucr. have given little relief, Scirrh. has wrought a great change for the better. The time of < of Scirrh. is from 5 to 6 p. m. , and irregularly on through the night.


    Compare : Other nosodes. In helminthiasis, Cin. , Teuc. , Sul. , Saba. Sinking sensation, Sul. , Sep. , Helleb. , Hydrast. Cancer, Con. , Hydrast. , Phyt. , Sang. , Cund. , Ars.

    Bacillinum Testium.

    A nosode prepared from tuberculous testicle.


    Inguinal glands, disease of. Mesenteric glands, disease of. Phthisis. Testicles, tubercle of.


  • This preparation has been used by Burnett as having a more direct relation to the lower half of the body than the pulmonary Bacillinum. My own experience confirms the correctness of this inference ; but it must not be supposed that Bac. test. does not act in pulmonary cases, or vice vers.


    A nosode of tuberculosis named and first described by Dr. Burnett, for whom it was prepared from tuberculous sputum by Dr. Heath. As this preparation has been experimented with separately, I think it, on the whole, advisable to give its symptoms apart from the other nosodes of phthisis.


    Addison's disease. Alopecia. Consumptiveness Growth, defective. Hydrocephalus. Idiocy. Insanity. Joints, affections of. Phthiriasis. Pityriasis Ringworm. Scrofulous glands. Teeth, defective ; pitted. Tuberculosis.


    This remedy has been used largely in infrequent doses (at intervals of a week or more) of the 30th and upwards chiefly on diathetic indications in the affections named above. In acute affections it has been found useful to dissolve a few globules in a wineglassful of water and administer a teaspoonful every four hours. In the provings, a severe headache, deep in, < by motion, was a constant symptom ; also a slight cough with easy expectoration of phlegm. In cases of acute tuberculosis it has not done so well as in mote chronic cases. Dr. Cartier has found it particularly useful in cases where there was excessive muco-purulent bronchial secretion threatening to occlude the lungs. It must be compared with Bacillinum testium, Tuberculinum of Swan, Aviaire and Tuberculinum of Koch. Dr. Burnett has shown that ringworm of the scalp and pityriasis versicolor on the body are indications of tubercular diathesis, and they respond to this remedy. Also they are leading indications for it when present in combination with other affections. A case of insanity with pityriasis yielded rapidly to the remedy. Phthiriasis has been cured by it when all attempts to kill the body-lice by parasiticides were useless. Dr. Young has recorded the cure of several cretinous idiots. An inter-current course of Bacillinum will often make a wonderful change in patients who have a personal or family history of chest affections. I have found an eczematous condition of the margins of the eyelids a strong indication for it. < Night and early morning ; < cold air. It is a diathetic remedy of vast importance. The symptoms of the schema are taken from the provings by Burnett and myself recorded in the last edition of Burnett's The Cure of Consumption by its own Virus, together with some cured symptoms, and some from a proving by R. Boocock.


    Calc. phos. goes with this remedy very well. So do Lach. and Kali c. I know of no antidote.


    1. Mind.

    Taciturn, sulky, snappish, fretty, irritable, morose, depressed and melancholic even to insanity. Fretful ailing, whines and complains ; mind given to be frightened, particularly by dogs.

    2. Head.

    Severe headache, deep in, recurring from time to time, compelling quiet fixedness ; < shaking head. Terrible pain in head as if he had a tight hoop of iron round it ; trembling of hands ; sensation of damp clothes on spine ; absolute sleeplessness. Meningitis. Ringworm. Alopecia areata.

  • 3. Eyes.

    Eczematous condition of eyelids.

    6. Face.

    Indolent, angry pimple on l. cheek, breaking out from time to time and persisting for many weeks.

    7. Teeth.

    Aching in teeth, esp. lower incisors (all sound), felt at the roots esp. on raising or projecting lower lip ; very sensitive to air. Grinds teeth in sleep. Imperfectly developed teeth.

    9. Throat.

    Tickling in fauces, compelling cough.

    11. Stomach.

    Windy dyspepsia, with pinching pains under ribs of r. side in mammary line.

    12. Abdomen.

    Fever, emaciation, abdominal pains and discomfort restless at night, glands of both groins enlarged and indurated ; cries out in sleep ; strawberry tongue. Tabes mesenterica ; talks in sleep ; grinds teeth ; appetite poor ; hands blue ; indurated and palpable glands everywhere ; drum belly ; spleen region bulging out. Inguinal glands indurated and visible ; excessive sweats ; chronic diarrha.

    13. Stool and Anus.

    Sudden diarrha before breakfast, with nausea. Severe hmorrhages from bowels, cough. Obstinate constipation. Passes much ill-smelling flatus. Stitch-like pain through piles.

    14. Urinary Organs.

    Increased quantity of urine, pale, with white sediment. Has to rise several times in night to urinate.

    17. Respiratory Organs.

    Slight, tedious, hacking cough . Hard cough, shaking patient, more during sleep but it did not waken him. Pricking in larynx with sudden cough. Single cough on rising from bed in morning. Cough waking him in night ; easy expectoration. Expectoration of non-viscid easily detached, thick phlegm from air passages, followed after a day or two by a very clear ring of voice. Sharp pain in precordial region arresting breathing. Very sharp pain in l. scapula, < lying down in bed at night, > by warmth.

    20. Neck and Back.

    Glands of neck enlarged and tender.

    23. Lower Limbs.

    Pain in l. knee whilst walking ; passed off after persevering in walking for a short distance. Tubercular inflammation of knee.

    24. Generalities.

    Great weakness, did not want to be disturbed.

  • 26. Sleep.

    Drowsy during day ; restless at night ; many dreams.

    27. Fever.

    Flush of heat (soon after the dose), some perspiration, severe headache deep in.

    The old tuberculin of Koch

    A splendid article of Harlan Wells', entitled "A practical and favourable method of treating pulmonary tuberculosis with tuberculin," has appeared in the Journal of the American Institvjre of Homoeopathy, February, 1912. Wells employed the old tuberculin of Koch in hypodermic injection.

    Wells always commenced the treatment with the 6th decimal dilution. If the patient was an adult, and if no reaction followed the first dose, he gave one-tenth of a cubic centimeter of the 5th decimal. He then increased the dose one-tenth cubic centimeter at each injection, until it reached the 3x dilution.

    If a reaction followed, Wells waited that everything might be calm, and then resumed the dilution above the one that caused the reaction. Concerning the intervals between the injections, he generally gave two injections a week till the third week. It will take at least two or three months to judge if the treatment has proved of any permanent benefit. Wells cites many cases where the bacilli disappeared from the sputum.

    He explains the favorable action of the tuberculin in about the usual manner, namely, that it stimulates the cells of the body, enabling them to form agglutinins, opsonins, and other substances related to the immunizing process. In a patient whose nutrition is poor, and who is functionally disordered, the organism is not in condition to respond to the stimulative action of tuberculin, consequently the tissue cells cannot form immunizing substances.

    In the opinion of Moll, of Brixen, tuberculin is not only a specific for pulmonary tuberculosis but it is also a good remedy for bony suppurations, especially in cases that have been rebellious to other remedies. In these conditions we must employ only the high dilutions. The 60 th decimal gives prompt reactions. Moll cites many favourable cases in which he used the 250th decimal dilution. Lambert makes frequent use of Tuberculinum 200th, one dose every week; the 30th generally producing aggravations (British Hom. Society). It has been remarked that homoeopaths speak as often of aggravations with the high dilutions as with the low.

    Do not the phenomena of anaphylaxis occur more commonly as a result of small quantities ? Yet medicinal aggravations are less pronounced in hommopathic than in physiological doses, weak as the latter may be.

    In a brochure entitled The Modern Treatment of Tuberculosis Barcelona, 1907, Olivey Gros states that he employs the tuberculin of Koch generally in the 200th, residual tuberculin in the 200th, dialyzed tuberculin in the 100th, the filtered bouillen of Denys in the 2000th, chloroformed tuberculin in the 100th, the serum of Marmorek in the 30th, the serum of Ferran in the 12th, and Aviaire in the 100th.

    The New Tuberculin of Koch, or Turberculin T. R.

    The new tuberculin of Koch, as well as the emulsions and filtrations, must according to Trudeau, be preferred, because with it the tendency to febrile reaction is less than is the case with the old tuberculin.

  • Jager, of Hildesheim, employs the new tuberculin in the 6th and 7th decimal, by mouth. Scheidegger, of Aarau, Switzerland, has had the best success with the T. R. (residual tuberculin) in low dilutions, administered at long intervals, in the early stages of the disease.

    The Bacillary emulsion (pulverized bacilli in glycerin and water). Hallock (Hahn. Monthly, February, 1912) has found that "the bacillary emulsion" in dilutions produces the best results in patients who are without fever, and whose general condition is good. A temperature up to 99 or 100 degrees Fahrenheit (about 38 degrees Centigrade) is not a contra-indication ; but if the temperature is higher, we must expect no effect from the tuberculin until the acute symptoms have disappeared.

    The Filtered tuberculous bouillon of Denys

    is one of the tuberculins most often employed by homoegpaths. Humeau and Ravet, of Havre, have published lately the results of their practice (Art medical, January, 1912, and Archives medico-chirurgicales de Normandie, March, 1912).

    These physicians are using the tuberculin of Denys, in true homeopathic doses, either hypodermically or by mouth.

    Humeau and Ravet never commence lower than the ninth decimal, and often much higher.

    Once the initial dose is fixed, 9th, 12th, or sometimes the lith decimal (20th in one case), the treatment is continued by three injections a week, until the 3x dilution is reached. If there is no reaction, these doses are of 1/10, 2/10, 3/10, etc., of each solution.

    After 9/10 of one dilution, they pass to the next lower decimal dilution, so as to have a regular and constant. progression. When a reaction is produced, it is an invariable rule to suspend all further injections, until the disappearance of all reactionary phenomena.

    The custom of Humeau and Ravet is, even at the beginning, to avoid aggravations, they never begin at once with tuberculin. In treating a case of pulmonary tuberculosis the patient is first given hygienic treatment, more or less severe, sometimes rest in bed, the individual requirements governing each case.

    The patient's temperature is taken, he is given, according to the indications, an internal remedy, and meanwhile, before the injection of tuberculin, is given close study. This minute knowledge of the patient is necessary for fixing the initial dose, and the character of the further specific treatment.

    The dose, that is, the intensity of the excitation, must be such that the affection will take on a more acute form during which, temporarily, the patient will be weakened. Its action, to be effectual, however must not pass beyond the successful reactionary struggle of which the organism of the patient is capable.

    Humeau and Ravet have seen the great majority of their curable patients obtain from the treatment, amelioration and even complete cure; but besides these results they have had, also, cases where the same remedy in widely different dosage, did not appear to act. They were unable to judge in advance the favourable or unfavourable reaction. In another series of tuberculous cases these physicians have adhered to one and the same dilution satisfactorily, without increasing the dose.

    P. Jousset gives the filtered tuberculous bouillon of Denys successfully in the 6th, 10th, and 12th decimal. As soon as a reaction appears, he prefers to suspend the injections entirely rather than continue with weaker doses. In another article, collaborated with C. Proust (Art medical, Nov., 1907), Jousset's opinion, from an experience with more than forty phthisical patients, was that the bouillon of Denys, with a careful technique, is entirely inoffensive, and that its beneficial influence is shown by the constitutional condition, the febrile movement, and even by the condition of the pulmonary lesion. Jousset remarks that, in this

  • treatment, the cure is assured when the injections of pure filtered bouillon do not pro-duce an increase in temperature. In such case, and then only, we must discontinue the treatment. Tuinzing uses the 7th and 8th decimals. Rankin, in a sanatorium, employed doses from 1/1000 of a milligram to 10 milligrams.

    I have personally given, by mouth, the tuberculin of Denys in the form of globules saturated with the high dilutions, the 100th, the 200th and the 500th centesimal. As extreme as these dilutions appear, it is yet with them that I have in advanced cases most frequently and most easily arrested the progress of the disease: I refer to cavities. Again, as extraordinary as may seem what I am about to say, these tuberculous cavities are not protected from medicinal aggravations, not even against these imperceptible closes that old school physicians have termed quackery.

    To deal with the theory of attenuations in this cursory manner is vain, when we have examined from every angle, and confirmed the facts. I have often arrested, temporarily, with these high dilutions, the development of a progressive tuberculosis characterised by a persistence of the fever (but, not the fever having great fluctuations, from streptococci or acute pneumococcal infection), an incessant cough, abundant expectoration, pulmonary perituberculous congestion, and anorexia. I give one single dose of ten globules of the 100th, 200th, or 500th ; in the beginning I repeat the dose every three to eight days, till an improvement takes place (requiring sometimes only two or three doses).

    As long as the improvement continues we must not renew the dose. I have thus been able to lengthen the intervals between the closes, from eight to twenty-one days, and from fifteen days to a month. The tuberculous quiescenoe may last many months. In a patient who appeared unusually improved and who had only a slight expectoration in the morning, I had this expectoration examined : it still contained a number of the bacilli of Koch, and some pneumococci.

    Here, then, was a case of temporary cessation of perituberculous congestion all about the tuberculous foci, without a cure of the tuberculosis. I have at present among my patients a young girl with a cavity in which the tuberculous process progressed rapidly, and who during her paroxysms of coughing vomited almost, incessantly. For the past year and a half this patient, taking Denys' 500th, has kept fairly well. The cough having almost left her, the poor girl announces to me that she is cured. No class of persons exceeds the tuberculous in optimism !

    Temporary as the ameliorations are, they constitute nevertheless, a real progress in tuberculinotherapy, and the above method of treatment far excels the sedative syrups, which latter have a depressing effect, excels equally Creosote, which ruins the stomach, and superalimentation, which occasions enteritis. There may, of course, be some advantage in employing, during the interval of the doses, any accessory measure which may assist in bringing about a favourable result. But the two cases that I have cited, and also others, have been treated solely by these attenuated doses of Denys', without the employment of any adjuvants. Many of the patients were too poor to undergo expense. The tuberculin of Denys' in high dilution is also used by Nebel, Vannier, Chiron, and others.

    The dilute serum of Marmorek

    We are here concerned with his antituberculous, not with his antistreptococcic, serum. Marmorek does not believe in a tuberculous infection ; for him there is only an intoxication, and it is only antitoxins that he has tried to manufacture.

    Without discussing here the advantages or disadvantages of this serum in the doses advised by the author, and without speaking of the accidents that the remedy has caused through its excessive strength in hypodermic injection (accidents that suggest its employment per rectum), I will begin at once with that side of the question which interests us ; the employment of the serum in homoeopathic doses, diluted to the 6th, 10th, or 30th centesimal attenuation, and administered by mouth.

    Nebel was the first to advise the serum in medium homoeopathic doses.

    For five years, Leon Vannier, upon the advice of Nebel, has employed this dilute serum, and he has been able to collect 530 observations grouped by him into two categories, the tuberculinics (those predisposed), and the tuberculous.

  • He places in connection with the group of tuherculinics certain conditions which, by a few modern authors, would be considered prodromes of tuberculosis, a classification which suggests the similarity bet"`een tuborculinics and the pre-tuberculous or good subjects for tuberculosis.

    According to Vannier, tuberculinics present themselves under various aspects :

    1st. the febrile (febrile without apparent reason);

    2nd. persons subject to colds (persons who have cold after, and coryza after Coryza during the winter);

    3rd. dental patients (persons predisposed to tuberculosis, said he, seem to make a rendezvous of the dentist's chair);

    4th. constipated persons;

    5th. cardiac patients (especially functional heart disease).

    All these types of intoxicated persons are benefited by one or more doses of the diluted serum of Marmorek (L Homopathie francaise, May, 1912).

    Vannier passes then to the truly tuberculous. The serum of Marmorek, being essentially an antitoxic serum, suits the pulmonary tuberculous, who, notwithstanding the gravity or extent of their lesion, have poor resistance. Vannier has always observed a rapid improvement in the general condition, and a progressive increase in the weight of those under the influence of the diluted serum; but he has remarked that on the first, and especially on the second day following the absorbtion of the serum, there appeared pains in the apex of the lungs, an obstinate cough, and a state of unaccountable fatigue.

    Then there is a return to normal conditions. This series of transient aggravations prepares the way for a progressive improvement. Everything continues as if there existed a truly negative period, similar to that caused by the vaccines, this negative period being followed by a positive condition much more prolonged, and in the latter the cure is completed.

    This is also the opinion of Nebel. In caseous tuberculosis the serum has always brought a considerable improvement of the pains (clinical observations of Pott's disease and spina ventosa), and with this improvement the rapid diminution and even the complete disappearance of the violet discoloration so characteristic of tuberculous fistul.

    When there is pus, the discharge for the first few days is more abundant and then gradually diminishes. Two cases of peritoneal tuberculosis have been success-fully treated with the serum, one by Vannier, the other by Mondain. Three cases of tuberculosis of the urinary tract were cured with the diluted serum (L Homopathie francaise, April, 1912).

    Tuberculous meningitis; one favourable case by Renaud-Badet.

    Regarding a case of peritoneal tuberculosis, Mondain says :

    "If the case is acute, or the organism too much depressed, we furnish to the cells in peril the prepared antibodies by administering a dilution of the antituberculous serum of Marmorek; later, when the general condition has sufficiently recovered so as to easily allow the patient to manufacture his own antibodies, we may, after studying his constitution, his temperament, and his symptoms, make a choice of the most suitable tuberculin, both to complete the cure and to effect immunization. Is not this method of isopathic protection the best ?

    It is the one that nature herself employs in her spontaneous cures. We, faithful servants of nature, only imitate and assist her."

  • Bovine Tuberculin or tuberculin of animals (cattle) is prepared in hommopathic attenuations, in London, by Epps and Nelson.

    Moir and Hay think that, in accordance with what they have seen of its use, the bovine tuberculin gives better results than does the ordinary human tuberculin.

    According to Ord, an occasional dose of bovine tuberculin in the 30th is undoubtedly useful to those who have been treated by the old method of frequent doses of ordinary tuberculin, but Ord has never been successful in completely curing a case by bovine tuberculin only.

    Bishop has mentioned the necessity, when the condition remains stationary, of changing the human tuberculin for the bovine.