Northwold Primary School Weekly newsletter 4 November 2016| … · 2016-11-06 · News and events...

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Transcript of Northwold Primary School Weekly newsletter 4 November 2016| … · 2016-11-06 · News and events...

Northwold Primary School Weekly newsletter 4 November 2016| Issue 112

News and events from Northwold Primary School


Parking Near School

Wednesday Coffee Morning – Maths – 9.11

Year 2 Cake Sale

Forest School – Winter Wrap

FREE Cook and Eat Courses

e-Safety – CBBC Lifebabble Top Tips

School Trip Dates

Get in touch

Tel: 020 8806 6352 | Fax: 020 8806 6315 | email:

Golden Achievement Pupils Congratulations to the following pupils for being the golden pupil of the week this week:

Class Pupils

N Mexico Milann Jackson-Calixte

N Pakistan Eugenia Ukpai

R Ireland Ivy Devere

R Somalia Iman Idris

1 Bangladesh Anabel Lewandowska

1 Ghana Safia Castrillon

2 Barbados La’Nai Simpson Russell

2 Poland Emmanuel Garcia-Galvis

3 Spain Judith Yeboah

3 Nigeria Suzana Mikolajczak

4 Brazil Hanan Issa

4 Jamaica Kevin Nzau

5 Turkey

5 Russia Talha Alibhai

6 China Sarah Amin

6 India Ruby Collingwood

Next Week at Northwold – w.c. 7.11.16 Here are the key events happening at Northwold next week:

Day Event (Class/Year)


Tuesday Nigeria Class – Pizza-Making



Friday Armistice Day – 11.00am

Parking Near School A large number of our neighbours are complaining about parents parking cars on double yellow lines around school at drop-off and pick-up times. On Friday Ms Kriel received a call about a near miss, when a child ran into the street from between parked cars. It was difficult for the driver of the car to see the child and for the child to see the road. Please see the page below for a copy of the letter sent home last week to parents and carers. The safety of children and families on the roads around school is paramount. We trust you will support the whole community by abiding by these rules.

Northwold Primary School

Northwold Primary School – No sky too high

Get in touch Tel: 020 8806 6352 | Fax: 020 8806 6315 | email:

Northwold Primary School – No sky too high

Get in touch

Tel: 020 8806 6352 | Fax: 020 8806 6315 | email:

Wednesday Coffee Mornings Every Wednesday from 9.00-10.00am there will be a coffee morning held in the Canteen. Each week, one of the school’s leaders will be talking about their area of responsibility. The next meeting is on 9th November. Mr Williams, the Maths Coordinator, will be leading the session talking about Maths in the school. More details will follow in our next newsletter.

Year 2 Cake Sale Before half-term Year 2 held its cake sale. £162 was raised for the charity, War Child. Many thanks to all of you who generously donated cakes, biscuits and time towards this cause. And a massive thank you for your generous donations to this cause.

Forest School – Winter Wrap As you know we provide waterproof clothes for each child attending Forest School. But, as winter approaches and the weather gets wetter and colder, please ensure that your child is warmly wrapped up, wearing warm coats, hats, gloves and thermal socks.

FREE Cook and Eat Courses Do you want to try new cuisines? Do you want to cook healthier meals? The Shoreditch Trust offer free healthy cooking courses to Hackney residents. The courses run for 6 weeks from November to December and are aimed at healthy cooking for the whole family. The nearest venue to school is in the Stamford Hill Community Centre. To find out more and sign up please tap on the link below –

P.E. – Correct Kit and P.E. Day A number of children are still coming to school with incorrect P.E. kit. Please see the list below for the correct kit. In particular, children are wearing leggings or jogging bottoms that aren’t black. On your child’s P.E. day, your child will come to school in their P.E. kit* (NOT SCHOOL UNIFORM) and wear it for the whole day. Your child needs to wear the school’s P.E. kit:

Black school hoodie (with your child’s name in

house colour)

House colour T-Shirt with your child’s name

Plain black jogging bottoms (Leggings, jogging

bottoms in other colours or with logos are not


Plimsolls or trainers

The P.E. day for each year group is as follows: Monday: Year 2 Tuesday: Nursery & Year 5 Wednesday: Reception, Years 1 & 4 Thursday: Year 3 Friday: Year 6

* Nursery to Year 4 children MUST also come to

school in their P.E. kit on Forest School days. The teachers have sent letters to you about this.

Class Coffee Mornings Class coffee mornings resume next week with Year 1. There’s one every Monday and Friday at 9.00am in the Canteen. A full timetable is published below. It’s a great chance for parents to meet the class teacher and one another. We look forward to seeing you there.

Week beginning


Monday Friday

Half Term

7.11.16 Ghana Bangladesh

14.11.16 Jamaica Brazil

21.11.16 Somalia Ireland

28.11.16 Mexico Pakistan

5.12.16 No Coffee Morning 12.12.16


Class Assemblies The next class assembly will be hosted by Poland next week. This year sees a change to class assemblies. Each class will do ONE assembly per

Northwold Primary School

Northwold Primary School – No sky too high

Get in touch Tel: 020 8806 6352 | Fax: 020 8806 6315 | email:

year. It will still be on a Friday. The assembly will start at 9.30am and last up to half an hour. Below is the timetable for the whole year, so you can put the dates and time in your diaries. It really makes a big difference for children to see their family in the audience; we hope you can make the time for them. PLEASE NOTE: Ghana and Russia have swapped dates. Ghana is now before Christmas and Russia is now in the New Year.

Autumn 2016

Week beginning Class 7.11.16 Poland

21.11.16 Barbados

5.12.16 Ghana

Spring 2017

Week beginning Class

16.1.17 Spain

30.1.17 Russia

27.2.17 Jamaica

13.3.17 Brazil

27.3.17 Bangladesh

Summer 2017

Week Beginning Class

24.4.17 Somalia

8.5.17 Ireland

22.5.17 India

12.6.17 China

26.6.17 Pakistan

3.7.17 Mexico

E-Safety – Online Safety Top Tips - CBBC

Check out these top tips from the CBBC’s Lifebabble webpages with eight top tips for staying safe online - . If there are any areas of e-Safety you want to know more about, please feel free to discuss it with Mr Braune, your child’s teacher or one of the school’s leaders.

Northwold Primary School

Northwold Primary School – No sky too high

Get in touch Tel: 020 8806 6352 | Fax: 020 8806 6315 | email:

School Trip Dates – Autumn Term 2016

Key trips this term linked to your child’s Cornerstones and RE topics have been booked. Please add the dates to your calendars.

R.E. trips

School Trip Dates – Spring Term 2017

Key trips for the Spring term linked to your child’s Cornerstones topics have been booked. Please add the dates to your calendars.

Northwold Primary School

Northwold Primary School – No sky too high

Get in touch Tel: 020 8806 6352 | Fax: 020 8806 6315 | email:

Next Week’s Menu

Week 2 Please note that there are also different salad options on different days.

Term Dates for 2016-17 Below are dates for our 195 teaching days, including 5 days for the purpose of teachers’ staff development (INSET). These days can be taken as INSET days or equivalent twilight sessions. Academies, free schools and voluntary-aided schools are able to set their own dates but have been asked to set the same or similar dates in the interest of parents who may have children at different schools.

Summer Term 2017

First Day Half Term Finish Number of Days

Tuesday 18th April 2017

Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June 2017

Friday 21st July 2017

63 (28 first half term, 35 second half term)

Autumn Term 2016

First Day Half Term Finish Number of Days

Tuesday 6th September 2016

(Staff INSET – Monday 5th September 2016)

Monday 24th October to Friday 28th October 2016

Wednesday 21st December 2016

72 days (34 first half-term, 38 second half-term)

Spring Term 2017

First Day Half Term Finish Number of Days

Monday 9th January 2017

(Staff INSET – Tuesday 3rd January – Friday 6th January 2017)

Monday 13th February to Friday 17th February 2017

Friday 31st

March 2017

59 (29 first half term, 30 second half term)