North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University University Advancement Student Giving...

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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

University Advancement

Student Giving Campaign: Fundraisers to Trailblazers

August 18th, 2014

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

To educate and engage the students of North Carolina A&T State University

regarding the importance of student giving, donor appreciation and gratitude,

and facilitating philanthropic involvement within the University, the greater

Greensboro community and globally.



North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Core Goals Establish a lifelong relationship with N.C. A&T.

Create and restructure the traditions of university to retain the it’s students.

Understand how a student’s education is funded.

Engage students with the University brand in order to increase the value of

each degree.

Preserve the university for future students.

Develop an appreciation of the institution's history.

Apply all knowledge to secure the university’s quest for Pre-eminence 2020.


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Major Initiatives:

I. “I Love My 1891” Campaign

II. Student-Alumni Council


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University



North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


The “I Love My 1891” Campaign is the proposed student giving campaign

for the 2014-15 academic school year.  This campaign is created to

encourage both undergraduate and graduate students to donate a total of

$18.91 to the University in support of any area on campus, including a

specific college, school, department or scholarship.


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Holistic Student Engagement ModelFrom a holistic standpoint, the student giving campaign will engage the

students of North Carolina A&T with the university on a level that they

have not yet been engaged on.  

Through this campaign we will:

Grant students the opportunity to donate their money to an area of A&T

to which the student has a connection or interest (ex. Band, Department


Get students acclimated to giving as students before they become

alumni of the institution.

Build a tradition of philanthropy in the student body.


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Key to Successful Student Philanthropy


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University



North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Ways to Spread Awareness

Peer-to-Peer: The major marketing strategy for the “I Love my 1891”

campaign will be peer-to-peer marketing.  Although there will be major

departments and people involved in this campaign to make it successful,

most of the marketing will take place from students talking to students.  

Virtual: There will be some virtual marketing pieces as well.  This

awareness will be spread through the WNAA Radio Station and the online

SGA Website, which has been revamped to cater to students.  We will

also run this campaign along with the new University brand, #AggiesDo,

using various social media outlets.  


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


I. University Shut Down Day - University Shut Down Day is a day to raise

awareness among North Carolina A&T students that their tuition covers

approximately 65 percent of what it actually costs to educate them for one

year. University Shut Down Day symbolically marks the approximate point

in the year when students’ tuition stops paying for their education and the

financial support from other means begins.  This initiative will serve as a

University-wide demonstration and encourage students to give to the 1891

fund through the display of signage that will showcase the impact of private


   Date: Early October (The actual day is in early November but we will observe in

September and utilize the day as a kick off)

Location: University-wide

Time: All Day


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


I. Tuition & Fees Forum - The Tuition & Fees forum is an annual forum

held by the Tuition and Fees Committee and its lead Chairperson, Ms.

Akua Mattherson, along with the Student Government Association.

 This year, the Tuition & Fees Forum will be revamped so that the

students will have a better understanding of how their money affects the

University.  Mr. Robert Pompey, VC for Business and Finance, will give

a breakdown of the University’s budget tailored to students. In addition,

there will be a University budget breakdown video sent out to all


Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Location: ACB 101

Time: 7 - 9 p.m.


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University



North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


I. Aggie Thanks Day - “It takes a village to raise a child.”  Following this

mantra, it is important for students to understand that it takes the entire

Aggie community to support the University in order for North Carolina

A&T to not only function, but thrive.  Aggie Thanks Day is a University-

wide day of gratitude where students, faculty and staff are encouraged

to sign pre-written letters of gratitude that will be sent to donors from the

Division of University Advancement.  Aggie Thanks Day will be held on

the same day as Chocolate with the Chancellor in order to get

Administration involved.

Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Location: In front of Williams Dining Hall

Time: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Initiative(s): cont.

I. Aggie Thanks Day – In addition to the signed Thank You cards that

the students will write, we will invite private donors to the Chocolate

with the Chancellor event in February. This initiative will allow for our

private donors to engage with the students as well as our Chancellor

while learning about the university’s vision.

Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Location: In front of Williams Dining Hall

Time: 7 – 8:30 p.m.


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University



North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


I. 24 Hour Online Giving Challenge - The 24 Hour Online Giving

Challenge is the final day for students to donate $18.91 to the

University in order to be recognized online as an “1891 Trailblazer.”

 This challenge will take place on Founders Day. Incentives will be

distributed to encourage students to give (i.e. t-shirts, giveaways


Date: Monday, March 9, 2015

Location: Campus-wide

Time: All Day


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


1891 Giving Tree – In observance of Founders Day, there will be a

tree planting ceremony on the Dudley Parade Grounds.  The 1891

Giving Tree will represent the first University-wide student campaign

and the gift that the students have given to the University.

 Administration, staff, faculty and students are all encouraged to

attend this planting.  

Date: Thursday, March 19, 2015

Location: Dudley Parade Grounds/Dowdy

Time: 12:00 P.M. (Immediately Following Convocation)


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University



North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Event Date Description

Kick Off/ University SHUT DOWN

Early October • This will be a combined effort with the Chancellor’s Office, Student Government Association, and University Advancement

• Incentive for first day donors (#AggiesGive buttons)

• Aggie ribbons will be worn by students on scholarship and endowed faculty to represent the dollars from private donors.  

• Gift bows will be placed on all rooms donated by private donors (i.e. Deese Auditorium). There will be a social media selfie challenge along with the demonstration to spread awareness.


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Event Date Description

Tuition & Fees Forum

11/19/14 • Chief Financial Officer, Robert Pompey, will give a presentation on the transparency of the university’s Budget

• Students will learn how their money impacts the university, and how the university’s budget impacts the student experience.

• Partner with Akua Mattherson and the Student Government Association

Aggie Thanks Day

2/11/15 • This is a day of thanks where students will be able to write personal thank you notes to Alumni and donors for giving to the University.

• In return, Alumni Chapters are encouraged to write personal letters to students who have given to the fund.

• An Aggie Thank You video will be constructed in order to publicly display the connection between students, faculty, alumni and the university as a part of the brand roll-out.

24 Hour Online Giving Challenge

3/9/15 • This challenge takes place on Founders Day.• On this day, “all hands on deck!” Every entity

involved is encouraged to push students to give to the fund.


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Event Date Description

1891 Student Campaign Celebration

4/14/15 (Aggie Fest)

• There will be a final celebration to culminate the success of the campaign. The outgoing SGA President as well as the outgoing President of the Student-Alumni Council will reveal the amount of money made and present the check to the University.


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


Budget is up to the discretionary of the Student-Alumni Council as well as the Division of

University Advancement.

Signage for the year

Gift ribbon for University SHUT DOWN Day

Pre-typed Thank You Cards and postage

Booth for Kick Off

Incentives » “1891 Trailblazer T-shirts (250)

» #AggiesGive Buttons (1,000)

» Gift Cards (5)


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University



North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


The purpose of the Student-Alumni Council (SAC) is to serve as a group

of students dedicated towards implementing, sustaining and increasing

the spirit of student philanthropy and tradition at North Carolina A&T State

University. In addition, this group will increase the affinity of students with

the institution as ambassadors and engage students with the community

on a programmatic level.

“It is short-sighted to not combine student philanthropy with a young alumni program

that facilitates a natural student-to-alumni transition.  While students are on campus,

you have the opportunity to educate them about their relationship with alumni

relations now and in the future.” Elise M. Betz


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Executive Board

President: The President will serve as the main lead for the Council.

 They will be responsible for organizing and facilitating Pre-Alumni

meetings, and they will serve as the main liaison between the

Association and the AVC of Alumni Relations.  

Vice President: The Vice President of the Association serves as the

main aid to the President.  The Vice President will also serve as the

President in his or her absence. In the event that the President is

unable to serve, the Vice President will ascend to the position of

Student Alumni Council President.   


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


Secretary: The Secretary records all minutes of Student Alumnic

Council meetings.  The Secretary also works hand-in-hand with the

Budget & Finance director to update the Student Giving donor list.  

Communications Director: The Communications Director is

responsible for all communication efforts that come out of the Student

Alumni Council.  This includes Student Giving site management,

social media management, etc.    Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian is tasked with maintaining order

in all meetings and provides checks-and-balances in the council.


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


I. “I Love My 1891” Student Giving Campaign – The Student Alumni

Council will be charged with managing the “I Love My 1891” Student

Giving Campaign. This will include partnering with the Student

Government Association, the Department of University

Advancement and Alumni Affairs to ensure that the initiative runs

smoothly and according to plan.

Date: October – March

Location: Campus-wide

Time: All Day


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


I. Online Student Donor Honor Roll – The SAC will also be responsible

for managing the online list of honor roll student donors. The Online

Student Donor Honor Roll will consist of all undergraduate and

graduate students who donate a total of $100.00 during their tenure

at the university. Members of this society will receive a special pin of

philanthropy, be presented in the Alumni Times as well as be

recognized at a special annual ceremony presented by the university.

Date: N/A

Location: N/A

Time: N/A


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University



Event Date Description

Freshman on the Field

Early September

All Freshmen are invited to take a class picture in the stands of the Act 1 Football Stadium in the shape of their class year

Sophomore Declaration Day

September Sophomores will be able to fill out their declaration cards “major” at a booth in front of the Alumni Event Center

Junior Aggie Toast Post-Aggie Fest

Juniors will march from Bluford Circle to Dudley Hall where they will give a toast to the seniors, signifying them (the Junior Class) officially becoming Seniors and the seniors graduating.

Senior Cap Decoration

4/30/15 The Senior Class Council will host a graduation cap decorating social to culminate the end of their undergraduate years at A&T.

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Next Steps

Meet with Derek Brandon and Chelsea Williams to form

Student Giving page (TBA)

Meet with Janice Martin about tree planting by 8/18/14

Present to and gain approval from University Cabinet by



North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Next Steps (cont.)

Draft students to serve as President and Vice President

of the SAC by 9/3/14

Interview for President and Vice President of the SAC

between 9/4/14 – 9/9/14

Select a President and Vice President for SAC by


President and Vice President select complete board by



North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
