Norman Rockwell - Steilacoom · Norman Rockwell Early Years He was born in New York City, on...

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Transcript of Norman Rockwell - Steilacoom · Norman Rockwell Early Years He was born in New York City, on...

Painter, Artist, and Illustrator


Mr. Albert

Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell

Early Years

He was born in New York

City, on February 3, 1894.

He showed ability early on

and attended the Chase

School of Art at 14.

He then National Academy

of Design and then the Art

Students League. *1

Norman Rockwell

Early Career

At age 19 he became the

editor of Boys Life. (1913-


During the first World War

he tried to enlist in the

Navy but was underweight

at 6 foot tall, ate bananas

and doughnuts to make

weight the next day. *2

Norman Rockwell

Not a serious artist?

His commercial success

was seen as a drawback

for some.

The post would increase

by 250,000 copies if they

had a cover by Rockwell.



“The problem we all live with”*3


Norman Rockwell

Legacy “First Love”

He had over 4,000

illustrations completed

throughout his 47 year


He is best known for his

contributions to the

Saturday Evening Post for

whom he produced 332

covers. *4


1,2 (n.d.). Norman Rockwell. Retrieved January 1, , from Wikipedia:

3: (n.d.). Norman Rockwell. Retrieved January 1, , from Norman

Rockwell Museum, Stockbridge Mass:

4 : (n.d.). Norman Rockwell. Retrieved January 1, , from Norman

Rockwell :