Noor by Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Qadiri Barkati(Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu)

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This a good book by Imam Ahmed Raza Khan(Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) about Noor

Transcript of Noor by Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Qadiri Barkati(Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu)


(sAllAlAhu tA'AlA AlAihi WA sAllAm)

Al-shAiKh imAm AhmeD rAzA KhAN(rADi AllAhu tA’AlA ANhu)

trANslAteD by Dr .AbDul NAim Azizi Islamic Education Trust 138 Northgate Road, Edgeley ,

Stockport, SK3-9NL


What do the Ulama of Islam says about this issue, that from which Hadith, and

what sort of Hadith, it is proved that the Leader and Master of the worlds, the(

Last Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), was

Created from the Light of Allah Ta ~ ala, and all the remaining Creatures were

Created from his light? Kindly explain it, may Allah Ta ~ala, Reward you!

Mawlvi Nooruddin Ahmad, Postal Department, Lashkr, Gwalior, Dated: 28th

Dhul-Qa'ada, 1317 A.H.1896 A.D.

Answer .1

All Praises be to Allah Ta'ala, O the Essence of NOOR (Light)! O light of the

Lights!, O You, from Whom the Light comes and the Light returns to You and

Your are the actual Light. Durood and Salam be upon the Illuminated Light,

whom You have Created from Your Light. All the Creatures and everything

else were Created from his Light, and upon his Offspring and Companions.

Allah Ta'ala says in the Holy Quran, "Surely, there comes from Allah Ta 'ala a

Light and a illuminated Book (al-Quran)". (al-Maidah-15). And, "Disbelievers

desire to extinguish Allah -Ta'alas Light, with their mouths. But He will not

allow that except to flourish this Light, though the disbelievers do not like it".

. (al~Tawba-32). And "0 Communicator of Unseen, We did not send you, but

as a present and seeing, a bearer of glad tidings and a warner as one who

invites people towards Allah Ta'ala, by His Permission, and as a lamp

spreading Light". And, "They want to extinguish Allah Ta'ala's Light with their

mouths, but Allah Ta'ala will complete His Light. Though the d~sbelievers

detest it". (al-Saffat.39) And, "Allah Ta'ala, is the Light of the Heavens and the

Earth. The parable of His Light is like a Niche, within it is a lamp and that lamp

is in a glass and that glass is like a brilliant star (al-Noor.35) All these Ayats of

the Holy Quran indicates that Prophet (Sail Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam was

created from Noor (Light) by Allah Ta'ala Pupil of the Imam Malik and the

teacher of Sayyid- ina Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and HaflZul-Hadith, Abdul

Razzaque, Abu Bakar bin Hamam, the teacher of the teachers of Imam

Bukhari, and Imam Muslim (Radi Allahu Anhum), in his book, 'Musannar, has

narrated from Hazrat Sayyidina Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari and his son (Radi

Allahu Ta'ala Anhuma), that he asked the Holy Messenger of Allah Ta'ala (SalJ

Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam): May my parents be sacrifice for you. Let me

know that, 'what thing ~ Created First of all by Allah Ta'ala?"' The Holy

Messenger Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Sallam), said: "0

Jabir! Undoubt- edly, and certainly, First of all Allah Ta 'ala, has Created the

Light of your Prophet, from His own Light. Wherever Allah Ta'ala liked, that

Light continued by His Omnipotence. At that time nothing was there, neither

Table~ Pen, Paradise., Hell, Angel Sky., Earth, Sun, Moon, Jinn, or Mankind.

When Allah Ta'ala, intended to create the rest, He divided that Light into four

parts. He made the Pen from the First Part, Tablet from the Second, the Soul

from the Third. He further divided that Fourth part into Four Parts. He, then

made the Angels Bearing the Throne ( Arsh of Allah Ta'ala), from the First

Part. Chair from the Second Part and other Angels from the Third. He further

divided the Fourth part. Then, He made the Sky from the First, Earth from the

Second, Paradise and Hell from the Third, and further divided this Fourth part

into Four Parts". Imam Bahayqi has narrated this Hadith, too in his book

'Dalail-un-Nabuwah', with the same meaning, but with different words. Great

Imams, like Imam Qastalani in his book 'al-Muwahib-ul-Liduniyyah', Imam Ibn

Hajr Makki, in his book, Afzalul-Qura ' , Allama Fasi in his book ' Matale-ul-

Masarrat ' , Allama Zarqani in his book Sharh of the famous Sirah book , al-

Muwahib-ul- Liduniyyah ' , AIJama Dayar Bakri in his book 'Khamees' , and

Shaikh Abdul Haque Muhadith, Dehlvi, in in his Sirah book, 'Madarij-un-

Nabuwah " has refer to this Hadith as a Sahib Hadith and as an authentic, and

depend upon it. In short, this Hadith has attained the position of 'Talaqqi-ul-

Ummah Bil-Qubool' (This Hadith has achieved the position of admittance and

popularity by the Imams, Ulama of the Ummah, in every period). Of course a

Hasan Hadith is righteous, acceptable, and reliable. lt does not need the

inspection of strong testimonies, the weak testimonies does no harm it, as we

have de. scribed in our book, 'Munirul Ain Fi Hukm-e . Taqbilul-Ibhamain'.

Above all, Allama, Sayyidi Abdul Ghani, Nablusi, (Quddisa Sirrahul Qudsi), has

said his in book, 'Hadaiqa Nadiyyah, the Sharh of another Sirah book, 'Tariqa

Muhammadiyyah', "Undoubtedly, everything has been created from the Light

of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta 'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam). The Sahi Hadith, has come too upon in this meaning".

It is stated in the book, 'Matale-ul-Masarrat', the Sharh of the book, 'Dalail-ul-

Khairat', that "The Imam of the Able Sunnat, Sayyadi Abul Hassan al. Ashari

(Quddisa Sirrah), relating to whom the Ahle Sunnat are called, 'as

Ashairiyyah', has said, that Allah Ta'ala, is the Noor (Light), but not like other

Lights, and the Soul of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall

Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is the refulgence of that light. The Angels are a

Flower of this Light". The Holy Messenger of Allah Ta'ala, (Sall Allahu Ta'ala

Alaihi Wa Sallam), has said that, "First of all, Allah Ta' ala, Created my Light".

Besides this, there are other Hadiths too, which have been mentioned upon

this subject. Allah Ta'ala Knows Best!

Question 2.

What do the Ulama of Islam says about this issue that some books of Mawlud

Shareef has mentioned, that, "Noor of the Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allahu

Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), was Created from the Light of Allah Ta'ala".

Regarding this issue, Zaid says, that, upon the correctness of the Hadith, this

would be counted in the class of an 'Ambiguous Verse ' , of the Holy Quran.

Amru says, that this separation has oc- curred from the entity of Allah Ta 'ala.

Bakr says that whatever Bakr said, is sufficient to prevent the mis- leading

thoughts of Amru. Khalid says that he completely believes in the' Ambiguous

Verse', of the Holy Quran and any dispute in this matter is improper. Kindly,

explain this issue thoroughly, may Allah Ta'ala, remunerate you. From

Mawlana Mawlvi Altafur-Rahman, Pihalsanvi, Tanda, Moradabad, Dated-14

Shaban,1313 A.H.1893.AD


Imam Abdur Razzaque, in his book, 'Musannar', has narrated from Hazrat

Sayyidina J abir bin Abdul- lab (Radi Allabu Ta'ala Anh), that the Holy Prophet

Muhammad Mustafa (Sail Allabu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), said to him: "0

Jabir! Undoubtedly, Allah Ta'ala has Created the Light of your Prophet from

His Light, before the Whole of the Universe". The state- ment of Amru, is quite

a false, evil, seductive; rather pointing out much more than that. Allah Ta ~

ala, is free from that anything could be Created from Him separating from His

persons. The word 'Provided the correctness' in the statement of Zaid points

out the denial. This is an ignorance. According to the Consen- sus (IJma), of the

Imams and Ulama, that there is no need for the terminology of the

Muhaddithun, upon the excellence of the correctness. In addition to this,

Allama Arif Billah, Sayyidi Abdul Ghani, Nablusi (Quddisa Sirrabul Qudsi), has

clarified this Hadith and despite this meaning by narrations, Hadiths, writing

and statements of ImamS, Ulama, Awliya, and Urafa are mentioned, and these

are popular and accepted by Ummab. It is sufficient proof of the correctness of

the Hadith and are strengthened by the acceptance of all the Imams in -every

era, as Imam Tirmizi has pointed out in his book, 'Jame'. This has been

clarified from the mum (Sceinces), of the 'Usool'.

Of course, it is from amongst the states of 'Ambiguous Verses of the Holy

Quran', with respect to reality , that has the reasons for its correctness. In fact,

neither Allah Ta'ala, or His Holy Messenger Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall

Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), told us how Allah Ta'ala, has Created the light

of our Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam),

from His Light. We cannot know its true reality, unless it is clearly

mentioned by Allah Ta'ala and His Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa

(Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam). This is the meaning ofan 'Ambiguous

Verse of the Holy Quran'. Whatever Bakr said, is sufficient to prevent the

misguiding thoughts of Amru. A lamp tits another one without separating its

parts, so that another is lit up by the first lamp. The example of the sun and its

light is better than to understand this, as the things upon which the rays of the

sun fall down, are brightened up and nothing separate from the sun. But how

can it be appropriate or a correct example for this? Whatever is said, would be

imperfect for thousands and thou- sands of reasons. Undoubtedly, the

statement of Khalid is right, and this is the belief and faith of all Ulam, Imams

and Awliya (Radi Allahu Ta 'ala An- hum Ajmaeen)!

Question 3 :

Kindly keep it in view that I am not a learned person, but ask from you as a

humble applicant, so that if there are any misconceptions, my belief may be

corrected. As I know, that all the creatures and human beings are born

polluted, at time of their birth, but those whom Allah Ta'ala, has kept safe

from such pollution at birth, and has favoured them supremacy over all the

other creatures. If this is true, then the meaning of the Hadith that the Holy

Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), has

said that, "0 Jabir! Certainly Allah Ta'ala, has Created your Holy Prophet (Sall

Allahu Ta 'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), from His Light". I have doubts about the

example of the lamp which you have illustrated, therefore, kindly remove my

doubts. The example that a lamp was lit from another lamp, and from that,

many others were lit, ye~, there was no reduction of the Light in first and

other lamps! I believe that this statement is true, but are all these lamps of the

same species in name, entity and light, also of the equal rank or not? Kindly,

explain thoroughly. May Allah Ta'ala, reward you.

Answer 3 :

All the creatures are not equal, as being born polluted at time of their birth. All

the Prophets (Alaihimus Salam), were created free from any pollution, at their

birth. This is also proved from the Hadith that Imam Hassan and Imam

Hussain (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhuma),were also born clean and pure at their

birth. The Light does not mean excellence, the example, is given to make

something clear, not to show the equality in all aspects. The Holy Quran, has

illustrated the example of the Light of Allah Ta'ala, as a niche where in is a

lamp (24-25). What a great difference between the lamp and candle and the

Light of the Glorified Lord? This example was given to prevent the objections

of the Wahabiyyah and all the other misguided, who say, that "If light of the

Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), was Created from the Light

of Allah Ta'ala, the separation of part of the Light of Allah Ta'ala, would be

necessary. The Wahabiyyah and all the other misguided were told, that when

a lamp is lit from another lamp, its part does not include what is being

separated in the second lamp and other lamps. When this mortal and wordly

light illuminates another light without separating any part from the first. then

how wonderful and great is the Light of Allah Ta'ala, and how can it separate

its parts? The equality in the name and light is not necessary in being created

from one light from another light. The light of the moon is indebted to the

brilliance of the sun. There is a difference between this and that? It has been

explained in astronomy that, if there are ninety thousands full moon lights

then they will be equal to the light of the sun. Allah Ta'ala Knows Best!


from Calcutta: 9, Govind Chand Dharras Lane, Hakeem Muhammad Ibrahim,

Benarsi, Dated 19th Dhul Qa'ada, 1329 A.H.1909.A.D "What do the Ulama of

Islam says about this issue, that the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa

(SaIl Allahu Ta 'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), has been Created from the Light of Allah

Ta'ala? If the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sail Allahu Ta'ala

Alaihi Wa Sallam), was Created from the Light of Allah Ta 'ala, then, is it either

from the personal light or the Attributive light, or from both of them? Explain

also, what is Light?". May Allah Ta 'ala, Reward you! Answer .4

Before we answer this question, we would like to explain another issue, The

Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (SAIl Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi wa

Sallam), has said, "If anyone of you see any evil, he should change it by his

halld, if he cannot do so, he should do it by his tongue" . It has been

commanded to recite the Durood Sharif: " Allah and His Ange.s Send

Benedictions and Salutations upon the Holy Prophet, O Believers! you too,

Send Upon him Benedictions and Salitations". When the Name of the Holy

Prophet Hazrat Muham mad Mustafa(Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) is

mentioned; merely say or write (S.A.A. W .S) or (A.S), or anything like that, are

not sufficient, rather, these words are meaningless and an invitation to the

Curse of Allah Ta'ala! Allah Ta'ala, says, "Then the unjust changed the words

beside that which had been told. So We sent down upon them a scourge from

Heaven because of their disobedience". Similarly, The pen is to represent the

words of the tongues. This has been stated in the Fatawa, 'Tatar Khaniyyah'. It

decreases the dignity of the Prophet- hood. 'Tahtavi', Sharh, of the famous

book, 'Durr-ul- Mukthar', has stated, "Durood and Salam along with the name

of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa ( Sail Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam), must be pronounced with both tongue and writing and one should

not be miserly with its repetition. Do the same way with, 'Radi Allah'. Just

indication to the Durood and Radi Allahu Ta' ala, with j ust there lrtters, S.A.A.

W .S or A.S, is disgusting. Fatawa,'Tatar Khaniyyah', has stated: "He who

writes AtBihis Salam, with Hamza and Meem, became an infidel. This is to

decrease the dignity and honour of the Prophets (Alaihimus Salam), and there

is no doubt, that it is infidelity". If this statement is believed to be correct, then

this would surely be upon the condition of intention. Otherwise, this is not

infidelity. Of course! One must be careful of ambiguity and suspicion. Now, we

will answer the main issue, by the help of Allah Ta'ala. Commonly known, the

light is a state which is first perceived by the sight and then the sight perceives

other worldly things, through it. Sayyid has defined the light in the same way.

But the truth is this, that the Light is too bright, to be defined. What has been

described is a clear definition from the hidden as has been mentioned in the

book, 'Muwaqir, and in its Sharh (Commentary). The light in this meaning, is

an Araz ( something Dependent on others for its existence), and Hadath (Not

internal i.e. the Created), and Allah Ta'ala the Sustainer is Free from them.

Light is something, which itself manifests and causes others to become

manifest, as Hujjatul Islam Imam Ghazzali, has said, and Allama Zarqani, has

mentioned it in his book, 'Zarqani', Sharh, 'al- Muwahib-ul-Liduniyyah ' . In

this meaning, Allah Ta' ala, is the Real Light and His is the Only Light. The Holy

Quran mentions, " Allah Ta' ala, is Light of the Heaven~ and the Earth".(al-

Noor:35). This is based upon its actual and clear meaning without any

formality and interpretation. Verily , Allah Ta'ala, is He, Who is Manifested by

His Holy Person and He is Manifested from the Heavens and the Earth and

from all Creations. The Holy Prophet (SaIl Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is,

no doubt, created from the Self Light of Allah Ta'ala. The Hadith has

mentioned it as, "0 Jabir! Undoubtedly, Allah Ta'ala, has Created the Light of

your Prophet From His Light, before all other things". Imam Abdul Razzaque,

has reported it and Imam Bahayqi, has too, narrated the same, in different

words. It has been stated 'Noo-e-hi' (From His Light), in the Hadith, whose

pronoun is for Allah Ta'ala (i.e. from His Light, refer to Allah Ta'ala), and Allah

Ta'ala, is the Proper Noun (Self Name of Allah Ta'ala). It has not been stated in

the Hadith, that from the Light of Grace of Allah Ta'ala, or from the Light of

Allah Ta'ala's Knowledge, or from the Light of Allah Ta'ala's Mercy, or the Holy

Prophet Hazrat Muham- mad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is

Created from the Attributive Light of Allah Ta'ala. Regarding this Hadith,

Allama Zarqani (Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alaih), has said, that Allah Ta'ala, has

Created the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala

Alaihi Wa Sallam), from that Light which is His Personal Light that is, directly

from His Person and this is clear from the apparent words of the Hadith. Imam

Abroad Qastalani, has said in his book, 'al-Muwahibul Lidunniyyah " "When

Allah Ta'ala, in- tended to Create the Creatures, He Manifested the Reality of

Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), ,from His Eternal

Lights and then Created all the celestial and infernal Worlds". Regarding the

above, it is stated in the Sharh of the above book by Allama Zaqani, "The rank

of Ahadiyat (The Oneness of Allah Ta'ala), is the first fixation of the entity and

first rank, in which there is actually no regard for anyone, Save Allah Ta'ala".

There is a indication in the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad

Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), that, 'There was only Allah

Ta'ala, and nothing was with Him". This is reported by Sayyidi Kashani. Shaikh

Abdul Haque Muhaddith, Dehlvi, has said in his book, 'Madarij-un-Nabuwah',

"The Prophets (Alaihimus Salam), were Created from the Personal Names of

Allah Ta'ala, and Awliya from His Attributes Names. The other worlds from

the At- tributes actions and the Supreme Prophet from Allah Ta'ala's Personal

Light and the Manifestation of Allah Ta'ala by itselt1 Being Created from the

Personal Light of Allah Ta'ala, does not mean, that the Entity of Allah Ta'ala, is

a matter for the person of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam). For man is Created from the Earth, so any part of the person of Allah

Ta'ala, or the whole became the person of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala

Alaihi Wa Sallam). Allah Ta'ala, is free from being divided into parts, or united

with someone, or transmigrated into anything. To claim either that the Holy

Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), or anything is part or the Person

of Allah Ta'ala, or to any creature is as exactly the Entity of Allah Ta'ala, is Kufr

. Only Allah Ta'ala, and His Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall

Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), know the Reality of this Creation. No one, in

this Universe knows the reality of the Holy Messenger (Sall Allahu Ta'ala

Alaihi Wa Sallam). It is stated in the Hadith, "0 Abu Bakr! No one Knows me,

other than Allah Ta'ala, as I am in reality". (Bukhari). Then who, can

understand the reality of the Creation of the Holy Prophet from Allah Ta'ala's

Entity? For it is apparently understood, that Allah Ta' ala, has Created All the

Worlds, for the Sake of His Beloved Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam)! Had the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), not been,

nothing would have been created. In the Hadith Qudsi, it is mentioned, that

Allah Ta'ala, has said, "Had He not desired to Create His Beloved Prophet, He

would not have Created the Worlds". Hadith Qudsi, is a Hadith which is

inspired by Allah Ta'ala, to the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam). Allah Ta'ala, said to Prophet Adam (Alaihis Salam), "Had (Hazrat)

Muhammad (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), not been, neither Would I

Have Created the Heavens, nor the Skies". All the worlds have been Created by

Allah Ta' ala with the mediation of Hazrat Muhammad (Sall Allahu Ta'ala

Alaihi Wa Sallam), and for the sake of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad

(Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), and by his means. It is not that the Holy

Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), attained

existence from Allah Ta'ala and then the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allahu

Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), brought other creatures into existence! The infidel

philosophers ,think that other things are created by means of the intellect.

Allah Ta'ala is More Exalted than this statement of the unjust people. Can

anyone, other than Allah Ta'ala be the Creator? Has our Holy Prophet Hazrat

Muhammad (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), been Created by means of

anyone other than his Sustainer, he has been directly created by Allah Ta'ala.

Allama Zarqani, has stated in his book 'Sharh Zarqani alal Muwahibul

Liduniyyah', that, "It is from the Light which is the Entity of Allah Ta'ala does

not mean that this is a matter from which the Light of the Holy Prophet (Sall

Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam) was Created, rather it is meant, that Allah

Ta'ala has Created his Prophet's Light without any mean.. To make it clearer,

we will illustrate an example. Suppose the rays of the sun fell down in to a

large mirror and began to shine, from the Light of this mirror, other mirrors,

springs of water and other things, not only began to shine but they also

produced the rays, too, according to their capacity, so that they also brighten

other things. The rays of the sun fell down upon some walls, then they also

began to shine, though they have no capacity to brighten other things which

are out of range of the sun light. For example, the inner walls of a roofed

verandah, which is out of range of sunlight, is not brightened, but there is

light, too. The verandah's walls, reflect the Light from other things that reflect

the Light of the sun. The first mirror is itself illuminated directly from the sun,

and other mirrors and springs are brightened by means of the mirrors and the

walls are a means from which they are brightened. Further, as the Light,

which fell down upon the firSt mirror, is exactly the light of the Sun, despite of

the fact that the sun, or any of its part, has become the mirror, itself. Other

mirrors and springs, are brightened from this mirror and their light, reflected

upon the walls and other things so they be- came visible. All these things are

no doubt, visible due to the sun, which the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala

Alaihi Wa Sallam) caused to be created, then it would not be divided. The

mirrors and springs are merely means and medicines. See their limits of

existence, they themselves have no share of manifestation, then who can say

that they are themselves light? The couplet, "There is a lamp in this house by

whose reflection, the Anjumans (Unions or associations ), are seem to be

made". This example is only for clarification of the issue, as is stated in the

Holy Quran, "The similitude of His Light is as a niche, wherein is a Lamp".

Otherwise, what is the comparison between a lamp and the Light, that is the

actual Light? There is no one like Allah Ta' ala. Here, we need the clarification

of only following two things: First, all things are brightened from the sun, but

the sun has not itself becomes a mirror that something has been separated

from it and it has became a mirror . Second, that one mirror is directly

brightened from the sun and other from its mediations. Other- wise, what is

comparison of this example, and that Glorified Lord? The sun is under a veil,

but Allah Ta'ala is, above all, Manifested. The sun is in need of the mediums to

deliver its light to other things, but Allah Ta'ala, is Free from Need. In short,

this is meant that neither by any likening or it is possible at all, and the reality

of the mediations are also not similar, what is not hidden, that has been

pointed out. Sayyidi Abu Salim Abdullah Aiyashi, the class fellow of Allama

Muhammad Zarqani, and the pupil of Allama Abul Hasan Shabramalsi, in his

book' Ar- Rahla " and Sayyid Usmavi (Rahrnatull Alaihimum), in his book,

'Sahrh Salat', by Hazrat Sayyidi Ahmad Badwi Kabeer (Radi Allahu Ta'ala

Anh), has said, "The person who understands the meaning of Allah Ta' ala's

words' Allah Ta'ala is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth', may in fact,

perceive it, because the sources of superstition and wisdom cannot really

perceive it. This may only be understood from the rays of this light which is

imparted from Allah Ta'ala, into the hearts of the slaves, hence the 'Light of

Allah Ta'ala', may be understood only from this Light. This is nearer to an

understanding of the meaning of the Hadith that, when the 'Noor-e-

Muhammadi', is the first Manifestation of Eternal Light, then this is the first

Manifestation of the existence of Allah Ta' ala and the Origin and essence of all

the Lights, which came into being. When this first Light glittered and

illuminated, then 'Noor-e-Muhammadi', threw down its brilliance gradually

upon all the existing things. Then either directly or with respect to change of

the mediums, everything began to shine according to its capability , and all

things became its manifestation by its brilliance. Thus, the first light which

existed, was One, but other facts also started to shine from this light,

according to their reality , and they formed light into light in the Universe.

While there are only two kinds of the light which existed, first the Beneficent,

and second the benefited. As a matter of fact, both these lights are one. This

actual light, which is producing brilliance, appears in the different phenomena

and shines in all sets and in all forms. Similarly, the benefited light which also

produces brilliance in other capable things, brightens them from which the

sorts of furthermore phenomena are obtained, while all these lights (Luster ),

are benefited from the first original light, directly or indirectly. This is an

utmost cautious expression for this issue and which is agreeable to the Divine

Knowledge (Metaphysical Knowledge ). More expressions than this, may be

dangerous. An appropriate example of this is that Lamp from which

unaccountable Lamps were lit, but despite this, it remains on that original

state, no decrease has occurred in its Light. Further- more, a clear example is

in the sun, from which all the planets are brightened, those which does not

have their own lights. Apparently, it seems that the light of the sun has been

divided into these planets, while in fact, there in them is the light of the sun in

these planets, which has neither been separated from the sun, nor has the

sun's light decreased. The planets reflected the light upon the basis of their

capability and they are brightened from the light of the sun. For the further

clarifications, see the rays falling upon the water, and the mirror which

reflects upon the wall, facing the water, or the mirror from which the wall is

brightened. This brilliance upon the wall, is the light of the sun which

indirectly fell down upon the wall, because the light of the sun did not fall

upon the wall directly, or its light separated from the sun. Despite, it is still the

light of the sun. When Allah Ta'ala, purifies someone's heart from negligence,

that heart shines with the brilliance of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu

Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), then the perception of it becomes so perfect, that

there no place for any assumption or doubt remains. May Allah Ta'ala,

brighten our insight from His Light of Knowledge and save our heart and

insight from the darkness of ignorance and excuse us of our boldness, and do

not penalize our smallness in His Court. Ameen! Despite of the mentioned

objectives, we reached to some other too. Firstly, How was the Worlds created

from the Light of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu

Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam) directly". The summary of his answer, which has

been de- scribed by his pupil Allama Aiyashi is: "The division means the

addition in the 'Noor-e-Muhammadi', further took this addition and increased

another light in it. Likewise, this process continued till the last division.

Allama Aiyashi said that this apparent answer is sufficient and only Allah

Ta'ala knows its reality . We say that Allama Aiyashi followed his teacher

Sharablasi in this issue. In fact, the truth is, this is meaningless, because in this

manner, the creation would not take place from the light of the Holy Prophet

(Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam). This is against the absolute proofs and

the intention. This is a possible answer, that Allah Ta'ala imparted the excess

rays to the first light of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam),

and then separated some- thing from it and then divided. As the Angels, which

are from these rays, they encircle around the stars and beat the Satans, who

listen the Heavenly conversations. Therefore, it is said that, "They are driving

the Satans away from the stars". Secondly, this suspicion is also removed, that

the Infidels and polytheists, who are also included in the creation, and they

are mere darkness and impure. How could they be created from the Light of

the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam), and why were they included, and created from that Holy Light? The

reason for this is contained in this statement. Either it is darkness or light,

who ever has the cloak of existence, indeed it has share for them from the

manifestation of the sun of existence, though, they may not be light, but only a

manifestation, as has been mentioned before. The rays of the sun fall down at

every clean and unclean place, even though that place is impure, the sun

cannot be impure because it's light falls upon that place. Thirdly, this has also

been clarified from this, that there is only One, Allah Ta' ala, Who really exists,

and all the Creations existed from the reflection of His Existence. Thus, there is

only one person of Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam),

in the state of creation. The remaining are beneficence of his reflection. The

Light of Allah Ta'ala, is the sun in the position of Existence. All the worlds are

the mirrors of that sun and the Light of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala

Alaihi Wa Sallam), is the sun in the position of creation and all the worlds are

the glass of that sun. About this it is said in this Couplet: "0 My Prophet, (Sall

Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), Creator of all the Creation is your Lord, and

your Light is all of Creation. There was nothing other than your light, neither

is there, nor would ever be". Fourthly, the Light of Allah Ta'ala, is then Light of

Allah Ta'ala, and the example of light of the sun, for the light of the Holy

Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Wa Sallam), is better

and perfect than the example of the Lamp. Though, with- out separation of any

part of the lamp, thousands of lamps are or may be lit, but other lamps only

need to get the light and they are therefore, dependent of their existence. If

the light of a lamp, will lit, the first lamp will not be affected, nor being helped

by the second after being lit. In addition, after getting light there is no

difference between the first lamp and other lamps, all are similar, but the light

of Prophet Muhammad (Noor-e-Muhamadi), (Sail Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam), is different from this lamp. As the creation was in need of 'Noor-e-

Muhammadi', in the beginning of its existence, had it not been, nothing would

have been created. Similarly, everything is need of this Light in its existence.

Even today if this Noor is removed, the Universe would perish. , A Couplet.

"Had he not been, nothing would be there, Had he not existed, nothing would

exist. He is the soul of the creations, he exists? so creations exists". As all the

worlds benefited from that light in creation, it is at every moment, benefited

after it came into being. No one can be equal to that 'Noor' in the whole of the

Universe. These four points make it clear and more brighter than the example

of the sun. The mirrors were lit from this 'Noor' as long as they shines, they

get the light from this 'Noor'. As soon as they unrelated with the sun, they

become mere dark- ness. They shine as much as they can, but they cannot be

equal to the sun. This the condition of a particle of the whole Universe.

Whatever exists there in the worlds and the Hereafter, their inhabitants,

mankind, Jinns, Angels, Sun, Moon, and the entire inside and outside luster,

and all the Prophets ( Alaihimus Salam), in comparison to our Holy Prophet

Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), each and

everyone, in every condition, at every moment, is in need of him in their

Creation, seeking for help, and begging for their existence. Praises be to Allah

Ta'ala! Imam Muhammad Busiri (Quddisa Sirrah), has said, in his book,

'Ummul Qura' . TO L-L- A Couplet, "How can the other Prophets (Alaihimus

Salam), progress like the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam),

he is that Exalted sky, that no sky could compare him in Exaltedness? The

Prophets (Alaihimus Salaam), are not equal to him in his Holy Excellence. The

glimpse and exaltedness of our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall

Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), helped them to reach him. They only show the

people a reflection of the Holy Prophet's (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam),

excellence, as the water reflects the light of the stars'. I. This is the similitude

and statement, which we have mentioned here. There was a description of the

Holy Attributes used a simile of the stars. In the book, 'Matale-ul- Musarrat', it

is stated, "One of the Names of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa

(Sail Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is, 'Muhiyy' (giver of the life ), because

the life of all the Worlds, is under the obligation of our Holy Prophet Hazrat

Muhammad Mustafa (Sail Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), he is the basis of

the Life and Soul of the Creations and Existence of all the Worlds I'. 2. The

above book, states again, "The Holy Messenger (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam), is the life and soul of all the worlds and the basis of their existence. If

the Holy Prophet (Sail Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), does not exists, the

Universe would perish. Hazrat Sayyidi Abdul Salam (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anh),

has said, "There is no one in the Universe, who is not dependent upon the Holy

Prophet (Sail Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam). There- fore, if they have no

connection with him, then every- thing, which is connected with him, would

be perished''. It is stated in Hamziyyah Sharif: "Whatever excellence one has

gained in the world, has borrowed from the excellence of the Holy Prophet

(Sail Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam)". Imam Ibn Hajar Makki has said in book,

, Afzal- ul- Qura " "The Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is

one who helps all the worlds because he is the only intercessor in the Allah

Ta'ala's Court. Only he seeks help directly from Allah Ta'ala, and all the worlds

seek help from him. Whatever one has excellence, it has been imparted and

accomplished, with the help and mediation of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu

Ta' ala Alaihi Wa Sallam)". 3. It is stated in its Sharh by Sayyidi Usmavi,

"Nothing which has been existed is deprived of two graces (Blessings), First,

the grace of creation, and Second, the grace of help. Only the Holy Prophet

(Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is the mediation both of these graces. If

the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), had not been created,

nothing would have been created. If the light of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu

Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sal- lam), had not been existing in the world, the pillars of

existence would have fell down. First of all, the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu

Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), came into being, and all the worlds, are the parasite

and related with him. No one is free from his need". There many absolute

proofs and statements from many Imams and Ulama in our work, 'Sultanat-lll-

Mustafa Fi Malkoot Kul-lil-Wara'. All the Praises be to Allah Ta'ala! Fifthly,

Now, this has been clarified that the Prophet is himself a Light, and the

construct phrase of 'Noor-e-Nabiyyka ' (The Light your Prophet (Sall Allahu

Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam) ,is also narrative like 'Min Noor-e-Hi' (From His

Light). The Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), has said, "Allah

Ta'ala has Created my Light". Allah Ta' ala, Himself has mentioned, about that

the Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is Light, in the Holy Quran,

"Undoubtedly, there has come to you from Allah Ta'ala, a Light and a

Luminous Book". ( 5-15). Then what is the doubt in his being a Light. If you do

not take the narrative of construct phrase (Genetic case), in 'Noor-e-Nabiyyka'

(the Light of your Prophet), rather, take the well known meaning that is the

Light, which is Araz ( something Dependent upon others for its existence ),

and state, the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sal- lam), is not the

first Creation of Allah Tat ala, rather an Araz ( something Dependent upon

others for its existence and Attribute ). How a Attribute can be possible before

the existence of the mentioned per- son? Undoubtedly, the Holy Prophet (Sail

Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is himself that Light, which was first of all

created. Now, there is no need for this statement ,of Allama Zarqani, and this

objection would not be raised. The Light is Araz (Depending on others for its

existence ), and not independent, because this is a supernatural event. Why

this objection should not be raised that you do not claim the narrative genitive

case in 'Min Noor-e-hi' (From His Light)? We say, there is no objection about

the miracle and Allah Ta'ala is Omnipotence and He is more exalted and great.

The existence of the Attribute ( Quality), cannot be understood without the

mentioned person, because there are only two aspects of the Attribute. If the

Attribute belong to him other than the mentioned person, then they would not

the At- tribute of the mentioned person but of another person. If it is

independent, then it can not Attribute. The Attribute is said to be that which

belong to a person, and if the Attribute is self existing (Independent), then it

would be neither Araz ( depending on other for its existence), nor the

Attribute, rather it would be Jauhar (Essence, independent). To say that, this is

Araz (Depending on others for its existence ), and independent too, then it

would be the co-existence of the opposites. This is false and the Omnipotence

of Allah Ta'ala, is not related with the probability of the intellect. Those things

which were mentioned upon the weight of the Actions, are in this sense that

papers and record books would be weighed as has come in the Hadith, which

has been accepted correct (Sahi), by Abroad, Tirmizi, Ibn Hibban, and Hakim.

Ibn Marduwiyyah, Imam Lakayi, and Bahayqi, have narrated it in the

discussion of the Dooms- day, from Abdullah bin Amru bin Aas (Radi Allahu

Ta'ala Anhum), that on the Doomsday, Allah Ta'ala, will select a person from

the Ummah of the Holy Prophet and then ninty-nine registers of his deeds will

be opened before him and every register will be explained to him. These

registers will be as long as the range of the sight. That person would be asked

whether he accepts them, or has the Angels (Kirman Katibeen), done injustice

with him? He would say, "No! O Lord!" Allah Ta'ala, would ask him whether he

has any excuse? The slave would say, "No!" Allah Ta'ala, would ask him again,

has he one good deed today, he would not be oppressed. He would present a

paper on which the Kalima Shahadat, would be writ- ten. Allah Ta'ala, will

command to weigh it. The slave would request, "What is the value of this

paper before these registers?" Allah Ta'ala, will state that, "you will not be

oppressed". The Holy Prophet, (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), has said

that, "on one side of the scale, ninty-nine registers, will be kept and the other

side of the scale, that piece of paper. Hence the side of the registers will be

light and the side of the paper will be heavy , arid nothing will be weighty in

comparison to the Name of Allah Ta'ala". In short, the gist of the Hadith

resumes that Allah Ta'ala, has created Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa's (Sall

Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), person by His Holy person, i.e. our Holy

Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is a

direct manifestation of the Light of exact person of Allah Ta'ala, others are the

light and refulgence of him (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam Wa Ala Aalehi

Wa Sahbehi Wa Barik Wa Sallam). Allah Ta'ala knows the Best.

Question 5

Most respected Mawlana, We are sending you this poster. If the contents in

the poster are correct, kindly, confirm them and give your answer in detail.

Hakirn Azhar Ali, Machhwa Bazar, Street no: 21, near Chaulia Masjid, Calcutta.

Dated: 20 Dhu-Qa 'ada 1319 AH. 1899.A.D.

The Contents or the Poster

May Allah Ta'ala, increase our knowledge. The Light of the Holy Messenger

(Sall Allahu Ta 'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam ), is not the personal Light of Allah Ta'ala,

i.e. not part of the person or the piece of His Person, rather, it is the created

Light. As the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), has stated:

"First of all Allah Ta'ala, has Created my Light. First of All Allah Ta'ala has

Created the Wisdom (Intellect), as it is stated in the books, 'Tarikh Khamees'

and 'Sirr-ul-Asrar'. If it is said from the personal Light of Allah Ta'ala, then it

becomes necessary to say the Light of the Holy Messenger, is part of Allah

Ta'ala's Person,

or the exact Person of Allah Ta' al~ or a piece of Allah Ta'ala's person. This is a

blasphemous statement and the eternity of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu

Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), becomes necessary, because if the conventional

meanings are meant, then the part of Allah Ta'ala or exact of Allah Ta 'ala or a

piece of Allah Ta 'al~ follows out from this. This is a blasphemous statement,

and this is a faith of some ignorant people. Therefore, the Light of the Holy

Messenger (Sall Allahu Ta 'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), should not be considered as

the Personal Light of Allah Ta'al~ or His Self Light, or the piece of Allah

Ta'ala's person. If the Light of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam), is considered from the Light of Allah Ta'ala or the Created Light of

Allah Ta'ala or the Light of Allah Ta'alal's Person, or Light of Allah Ta'ala's

Grace, this would be lawful. As Hazrat Ghaus-ul-Azam (Rahmatullahi Ta'ala

Alaih)1 has stated in his book, 'Sirr-ul-Asrar'. "First of all Allah Ta'ala has

Created the Soul of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta 'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam), from His Light of Grace". It is also stated in a Hadith Qudsi, " Allah Ta'

al~ has Created the soul of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala

Alaihi Wa Sallam ), from His Personal Light". As the Holy Prophet Hazrat

Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), has said, "First of all

Allah Ta'ala Created my Soul. First of all Allah Ta'ala Created my Light from

His Light. If one thing is appended to another, then its part or exact part does

not follow out of necessity .Estrangement is a condition between the noun in

the possessive case and the possessed noun or pronoun as Baitullah (the

House of Allah Ta'ala ), and Allah Ta'ala's Camle (Naqatullah), and Noorullah

(Allah Ta'ala's Light), and Ruhullah (Soul of Allah Ta'ala). Hence it is proved

that the Light of the Holy Messenger (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is

either Light of Allah Ta'ala's Creation, or Light of the Entity of Allah Ta' ala, or

the Light of Grace of Allah Ta' ala, but not the Personal Light, i.e. the piece of

Allah Ta'ala's Person and Part of Allah Ta'ala's Person, or exact Person of Allah

Ta'ala. Allah Ta'ala Knows Best. Abdul Mohaimin Qazi, District, Thana, Bahu

Bazar, Calcutta.

Answer .5

Undoubtedly, the Light of the Holy Messenger (Sall Allahu Ta 'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam), is Created from the Personal Light of Allah Ta 'ala, as we have stated

in our first Fatwa, from the clarifications of the Great Imams and Ulama. Also,

there we have explained this matter fully. No Muslim can have such a belief or

even, he can think of it. So that either, the Light of the Holy Messenger, or

anything is the part of Allah Ta'ala's Entity, or Exact and Self of Allah Ta'ala.

Such belief is certainly infidelity and apostasy. This claim that the Light of the

Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is absolutely a part of Allah

Ta'ala's Light or exactly Allah Ta'ala's per- son, it is infidelity and apostasy. If

we look at the status of the Entity then only Allah Ta'ala, is Existing and all the

creatures are His reflection and they have difference status. With respect to

the Entity , nothing is existing other than Allah Ta 'ala, as no one has any part

from His existence. If we look at Allah Ta'ala's Entity , then nothing exists and

this is true and there is no doubt in it. Neither the Light of the Holy Messenger

(Sall Allahu Ta 'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is the Light of Allah Ta'ala's entity

follows out of necessity or the exact Person of Allah Ta'ala, or the part of Allah

Ta'ala's Entity .No distrust, upon the Muslims, and it is ac- cording to the

Islamic Shariah. Commonly, this is meant by the Ulama and people, not to say

the Light of the person is preferred in saying the personal Light, this will be

lawful and other unlawful. Firstly, this term of the personal (Za'ati) that either

it is the exact person or the part of the person; is particularly the term of Isa

Ghauji (A terminology in the logic ). In the term of The Imams and Ulama and

people, this is not meant so. In common dialect it is said that I say it with my

own knowledge but this is also not a rumour .I have built this Mosque with my

own money, and not with donations. Imams of Able Sunnat, who believed that

Allah Ta'ala's Attributes are not exact Entity or His Per- sons. Allah Ta'ala's

Knowledge, Omnipotence, Hearing, Seeing, Intention and Kalam (Speech), and

Life of His own Attributes. It is stated in the, 'Hadaiqa Nadiyyah',

"Undoubtedly, these Attributes which are neither the exact Person nor other

than Allah Ta'ala, are His Personal Attributes. Allama Sayyid Shareef (Qudisa-

Sirrah), has said in the book 'Tareefat', "Personal Attributes are those from

which Allahu Ta'ala, is described such as, Omnipotence, Honour, Grandeur,

and not described by their opposites". You would have heard the names of

'Wajoob-e- Za'ati' (Self existent), and 'Imtina-e-Za'ati' (Probable), and 'Imkan-

e-Za'ati' (Possible), in 'Hikmat' (Wisdom), 'Kalam ' (Speech), and philosophy,

that the Entity itself demands, either existence or non existence, as has been

proved at its place. Firstly, Neither any of them is an exact entity of its

mentioned person, nor its part, rather, they are credible interpretations and

are understood by the heart, as has already been explained. Similarly, you

would have heard the Madhab (religion, doctrine), of the Imams of the

Maturidiyyah, in connection with the issue of self beauty and self ugliness of

actions, though automatically, the beauty and ugliness ( Good and evil), are

neither exact actions nor a part. Imam Hamam has said in his book, 'Tahrir-ul-

Usool', " According to the wisdom, anything, in which habits and motives are

united, and upon those basics, praised or spoken ill of, are concerned with the

wisdom. This is meant by Za'ati, (Self or personal), because this is a fact that,

as one sets his hand in motion for oppressing, he does this to do Justice. too.

Ifthe demand ofZa'ati, is the Za'at (person), then the Lazim (Incumbent), of

both actions will be united, because Za'ati meant by that which is determined

by wisdom. If one does any good or evil actions, will be responsible for it, as

one has got such quality . Secondly. In the word Za'ati the letter 'Ye' (To),

represents the relation, then Za'ati means that, which is related to Za'at, and in

the genitive case, is applicable for both, whether it is said, Noor-e-Za'at (the

Light of the Entity), or Noor-e-Za'ati (Personal Light). If it is said, Noor-e-

Za'at, it will be correct, and if it is said, Noor-e-Za'ati, that is also correct.

Otherwise the possession will become probable and then to say noor-e-Za'ati,

will also be false. This is against supposition. Thirdly, to say Noor-e-Za'at,

which is admitted permissible by the prevention. If that is taken as a narrative

genitive case or this, that the light which is the exact Entity of Allah Ta'ala, the

Light of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), be- comes

necessary to be the exact Entity of Allah Ta'ala. Why was it not outlawed? If

this is not meant by it, there is Izafat-e-Lamia (the Possessive case ), and the

reason is the exaltation, as, Baitullah (The House of Allah Ta 'ala), Naqatullah

(The Camel of Allah Ta'ala), and Ruhullah (The Soul of Allah Ta'ala). Then

what is the harm in saying Noor-e- Za'ati? Considering this meaning is the

very Light which is specially related with Allah Ta'ala's Person. In the Sharha

of the Sirah book, 'al-Muwahib-ul- Liduniyyah " by Allama Zarqani, has stated,

"There is lzafat-e- Tashrifiyyah (The Exalted genitive Case ), and has clarify

that the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is a marvelous

Creation of Allah Ta'ala and has a special relation in Allah Ta'ala's Court, as

Allah Ta'ala, has said, "1 have breathed into him of My special esteemed

Spirit". Fourthly, if it is said that Noor-e-Za'ati is infidelity in one sense, if the

meaning of Za'ati is based upon the logical terminology of Isaghuji, which is

'athocast' meant by the convinced persons rather, they would not know this

meaning. So to say Noor-e- Za'at or Noorullah, which is lawful and admitted by

the opponents too, will be infidelity by many sense of reasons. We have

described in our other Fatawa that there are two meanings of Noor (Light),

One self- manifested, which does not depend upon others for manifestation. If

in this sense, you take the narrative genitive case, then the Light of the Holy

Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), would be described as exactly

Allah Ta'ala's Person, this is infidelity. If you take the Izafat-e-Lamia

(possessive case), then it will mean that this Light is itself manifestated and

also causes to manifest Allah Ta'ala's Person; and this is also infidelity. If you

take another meaning as the state and Araz (Attribute or depending on others

for its existence ), which are called, shining, glimpse, and Light, and take the

narrative genitive case upon this meaning, then besides Kufr-e-Ainiyat, there

would be a cause for another Kufr-e -Araziyat. For this meaning, Allah Ta'ala's

Person will be understood as an Araz and state. If you take the possessive case

then it will be understood as the Light of someone else and perhaps in this

sense, this state has attributed to it such as, the Light of the Sun, the Light of

the Moon and the Light of the Lamp, and in this sense, Allah Ta'ala will be

believed to be not as an Eternal and the Creature. This is obviously seduction

and pointing out the Kufr-e -Luzoomi.

In such sense or ideas, if it is said Noor-e-Za'ati (Personal Light), is unlawful

by one sense, then to say Noor-e-Za'at (Light of the Entity) and Light of Allah

Ta'ala, will be unlawful in many other ways. Though the preventor has

admitted its legality .Besides, it has itself been stated in the Holy Quran: "They

wish to extinguish the Light of Allah Ta'ala with their mouths, and Allah Ta'ala

will not like it but will protect His Light, though the infidels may dislike it".

This is stated in the Hadith, "Be afraid of the intuition of the Momin, because

he sees through the Light of Allah Ta'ala". Fifthly, if the estrangement is a

condition between the Noun in a possessive case, and the possessed Noun or

pro-noun, then why there is not a condition between the attributive and the

attributed? Sixthly, the way which the opponents have adopted, the Holy

Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam ), will not be taken to be the first

creation; two things will be considered to be the first creation before him and

this is contrary to the Hadith, and against the absolute and clear proofs

presented by the Imams and Ulama. This is stated in Hadith: "0 Jabir! Allah

Ta'ala, has Created the Light of your Holy Prophet (SaIl Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi

Wa Sallam), from His Light, before the Creation of all other things". Here are

two genitive cases, Noor-e-Nabi (Light of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala

Alaihi Wa Sallam), and Light of Allah Ta'ala. According to the contents in the

poster, estrangement is the condition in the genitive case, then the Light of the

Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), becames other than the

Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta 'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), and Light of Allah Ta'ala,

other than Allah Ta'ala, and everything other than Allah Ta'ala is a creature.

Then Allah Ta'ala's Light became the creature and the Light of Holy Prophet

(Sall Allahu Ta 'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), was created from this Light. Surely,

Allah Ta'ala's Light was there before the Light of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu

Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), and the Holy Prophet's (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa

Sallam) Light was created before all things, for the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu

Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), is himself included in all things. - Then the Light of

the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), was created before the

Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), and before it the Light of

Allah Ta'ala Existed. Hence, there has been two creatures before the Holy

Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta 'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam), and that is merely false.

Seventh, The solution is that that Za'ati, is opposite to Arazi in, 'Isaghoji', and

in this meaning, Allah Ta'ala is free from both Noor-e-Za'ati and Noor-e- Arazi,

but that is neither in intent nor in the sense! In general, Za'ati is opposite to

Sifati (Attributive), and Asmai (Nominative). Here is the same motive, and in

this meaning, Noor-e-Za'ati (Self or personal Light), Attributive Light, and

Nominative Light, are all for Allah Ta'ala, because they are manifestations of

His Person, Attributive Light, and Names. The Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta'ala

Alaihi Wa Sallam), is a manifestation of Allah Ta'ala's Person, and the Prophets

( Alaihimus Salam ), and Awliya (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Anhum Ajmaeen),

and all Creatures, who are a manifestation of Allah Ta'ala's Names and

Attributes, as we previously have referred to, from Shaikh Abdul Haque

Muhadith, Dhelvi. Allah Ta'ala Knows Best! Durood and Salam upon the Holy

Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (SaIl Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Sallam).

Ameen. This final version done on 8.8.2001 Muhammad Ilyas, The Merciful

Lord accept it, by the mean of His most Beloved Prophet (Sall Allahu Alaihi wa

Sal- lam) Ameen!