Non technical james nash

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Non technical james nash

By James Nash

Non technical


• The purpose of a desktops is to access web severs, the internet and other computer programs.


• A is just like a PC but a laptop is portable and regularly needs charging.


• A tablet is a flat portable pc like a laptop but more advanced. Its touch screen and is lighter that a laptop.

Games console

• A games consoles mane job is for entertainment but now you can communicate by talking in to head sets. You can also access the internet on most updated games consoles.


• A mobiles mane is to communicate with other people by texting or calling. There can also be access to the internet.


• A PDA is like a mobile phone but with access to different programs. You can do things like plan your schedule and to-do list and can get the internet like a little computer.