Non renewable resource

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Non renewable resource

Non-Renewable Resource

Group Member

• Nur Fitri Aulia

• Rifki Fauzan

• Bella Adira Lestari

• Fairuz Nur Hasna

• Dian Nurhidayat

• Khairunnisa Solehah

Non-renewable resource (also called a finite resource) is a resource that does not renewitself at a sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction in meaningful human time-frames. Anexample is carbon-based, organically-derived fuel. The original organic material, with the aid ofheat and pressure, becomes a fuel such as oil or gas. Fossil fuels (such as coal, petroleum, andnatural gas), and certain aquifers are all non-renewable resources.

In contrast, resources such as timber (when harvested sustainably) and wind (used topower energy conversion systems) are considered renewable resources, largely because theirlocalized replenishment can occur within timeframes meaningful to humans.

Non-renewble Resource

Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are derived from organic matter which has been trapped between layers of sedimentswithin the Earth for millions of years. They are difficult to obtain as they are typically retrieved through drillingor mining, but fossil fuels are worth the effort for the sheer amount of energy they produce.

Categories of Non-Renewable Resources

Crude Oil/Petroleum

Crude oil is a non-renewable resource that builds up in liquid form between the layers of the Earth’scrust. Crude oil is a very versatile fuel and is used to produce things like plastics, artificial food flavorings,heating oil, petrol, diesel, jet fuel, and propane. The top three oil-producing countries are Russia, Saudi Arabia,and the United States.


Natural gasses gather below the Earth’s crust and, like crude oil, must be drilled for and pumped out. These gasses are most commonly used in home heating as well as gas ovens and grills. Russia, Iran, and Qatar are the countries with the largest recorded natural gas reserves.


Coal is the last of the major fossil fuels. Created by compressed organic matter, it is solid like rock and is obtained via mining. Out of all countries, China produces the most coal by far. Coal is most typically used in home heating and the running of power plants.

Nuclear Fuels

The other form of non-renewable resource used to produce energy, nuclear fuels, is primarilyobtained through the mining and refining of uranium ore. Uranium is a naturally occurring element foundwithin the Earth's core. Nuclear fuels are key to maintaining the Earth's environment since they are thecleanest of all non-renewable resources.

Why we called it non renewable resource?


Because it took a quarter billion years to make it. We are going through it likethere is an unlimited supply, and this is certainly not the case. Because it cannot bereplaced

₡Fossil FuelsBecause The earth has a limited supply of oil, gas and coal at least in practical

terms. It takes millions of years for the earth to transform dead organic material into these fossil fuels. The supply of fossil fuels we are using today come from organic materials buried generally at least 20 million years ago, and some that were buried more than 200 million years ago

₡ GasBecause there is limited amounts of oil, which means liamited amounts of petroleum,

which is what gasoline is made of, thus gasoline is a nonrenewable resource. Oil is considered anonrenewable resource only because it takes A REALLY LONG TIME to regenerate.


Because there comes from radio active substances like uranium, plutonium etc., hence uraniumetc., will be required to produce energy. Only limited supply of uranium etc is there in earth once this isused up nuclear energy can't be produced.

₡ Coal

Because after we dig it all up and burn it, then it's gone, finished. There is no more. It doesn't renew itself every day.

