Non governmental organization for marriage

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Non governmental organization for marriage

Non-Governmental Organization for Marriage

As humanity is God's creation, the sacred relationship is also a gift from God. Weddings are mean to be a very sacred thing and every religious believe in wedding traditions and practices - including standard wedding vows –to be performed and taken in right way. As we all know that in Indian wedding traditions, ceremonies are elaborate and complex, and money and marital property are also required in the bonding arrangement of two souls. There are many non-governmental organizations running to help those who are unable… 

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Non-Governmental Organization for Marriage

to get their daughters married due to financial problems. For this purpose, many organizations are connected with the trustees, members and orphan volunteers and ‘poor girls wedding trust’ and with their selfless spirit they believed to help the society by their pious work to support poor daughter’s wedding.

Every girl holds a dream of getting married in their eyes. As we know that there are many girls who cannot get married in our society because of the cause of dowry and other social…

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Non-Governmental Organization for Marriage

demands in marriage, the NGO’s work towards solving this social problem by working regularly on these types of projects. The work of such Trusts is to collects all the important information about the boys and girls, their family background, family matters and other important aspects are collected before settling for marriages.

Apart from helping the girls and boys in their marriages, there are many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for community development who… 

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Non-Governmental Organization for Marriage

have worked in many countries based in the South Asian region and other places, especially on developing countries that contribute to the facilitation and make progress on all development program areas alongside national government action strategy plan including health, agriculture, education, democracy, small business and so on. Well, one might ask what is the role of NGOs is in-real. Well, NGOs have a role in the coordination, collaboration and communication to bridge a gap between government, the private sector and local populations…

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Non-Governmental Organization for Marriage

towards a concerted effort so they can raise issues and community to be heard by the government for intervention or looking for support for the development project goal of woman and provides support to women Empowerment. 

Women EMoC services:

The objectives of emergency obstetric care program (EMoC) were to reverse the trend in maternal mortality by increasing the number of facilities in the state of Upper Nile which provide services of…

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Non-Governmental Organization for Marriage

EMoC and reverse the trend of home deliveries by offering competent and viable alternative for childbirth isolated communities.

Objectives of project Emo:

• Awareness and community mobilization.

• The construction and rehabilitation of the facility.

• Procure and provide equipment and supplies medicines. …

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Non-Governmental Organization for Marriage

• Activation Site, operation and supervision before the marriage.

There are many organizations who give the freedom to the families to search for the boys and girl and take responsibility of their marriages all by themselves. In this act many volunteers also help with money and materials depending on their wishes. Ultimately, every act in the welfare of others brings an individual a little more close to God.

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Non-Governmental Organization for Marriage

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