Non- Communicable Diseases

Post on 27-Mar-2022

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Transcript of Non- Communicable Diseases



Diseasesby Carone Learning

© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases

Non-communicable diseases are

illnesses that are not contagious.

These diseases are often considered

chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are

long-term illnesses. Symptoms of

chronic diseases may last for several

years or possibly the lifetime of an



© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases


Non-communicable diseases

are not spread from one

individual to another.

Whether or not you get a

non-communicable disease

often depends on if you have

any of the risk factors

associated with that illness.

© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases

Common Diseases

Common non-communicable

diseases include:

• Arthritis

• Heart disease

• Cancer

• Diabetes

• Asthma

© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases

Arthritis is a disease that causes

swelling and pain in a person’s joints.

The primary sign and symptom of

arthritis is swelling and pain in the joints

for more than 6 weeks.

Age and family history are two of the

risk factors associated with arthritis.

Elderly people are at greater risk for

getting arthritis.


© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases

There is a type of arthritis that affects

kids. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a

type of arthritis that affects children

under the age of 16. Research has not

determined why some kids get this

disease. It may be that something in the

environment, like a virus, triggers the

disease in kids that have a certain gene.

Juvenile RA

© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases

Heart disease is an illness that results

from the heart and blood vessels not

working properly. Heart disease is the

number one cause of preventable death

in the U.S.

Risk factors for heart disease include:

• Smoking

• Unhealthy diet

• Physical inactivity

• Obesity

Heart Disease

© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases

Many people do not realize that they

have heart disease until they experience

chest pain, a heart attack, or a stroke.

In order to reduce your risk of getting

heart disease when you are older, begin

practicing healthy habits now. For

example, don’t smoke, eat healthy

foods, and be physically active.

Heart Disease

© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases


Cancer is an illness caused

when abnormal cells within

the body continue to grow

and spread.

There are many different risk

factors for cancer. Cancer

usually affects older people,

but kids can also get cancer.

Family history is an important

risk factor for cancer. If

someone in your family has

cancer, you are at a higher

risk of getting cancer.

© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases

Age and family history are two risk

factors that you don’t have control over.

However, some risk factors can be

reduced. Eating a healthy diet, wearing

sunscreen, and doing breast and

testicular self-exams are healthy habits

that can help prevent cancer.

Risk Factors

© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases

Diabetes is a disease that affects the

way the body uses its main source of

fuel. The body’s main fuel source is

glucose. Your body gets glucose from

the food you eat. A hormone called

insulin then helps glucose get into the

cells of your body.

There are two types of diabetes.

• Type 1 diabetes is when no insulin is

produced in the body.

• Type 2 diabetes is when insulin

does not work right.


© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases

Type 1 diabetes is not preventable.

Researchers do not know why some

kids get type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes may be preventable.

Most people with type 2 diabetes are

overweight. By eating healthy foods and

exercising in order to maintain a healthy

weight, you are reducing your risk of

getting type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Prevention

© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases


Asthma is a disease that

makes it difficult to breathe.

Asthma is a very common

non-communicable disease.

Asthma can start at any age,

but it is most common in

school-aged children.

© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases

Risk Factors

Family history is one of the

risk factors for asthma.

Therefore, if one of your

parents, aunts, or siblings

have asthma, you have a

higher chance of getting


In many cases, asthma gets

better or goes away as a

child gets older.

© Carone Learning

Non-Communicable Diseases


Remember, you do not need

to worry about being around,

hugging, or playing with

someone with a non-

communicable disease.

You cannot get these

diseases from an infected


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