NodeJS, CoffeeScript & Real-time Web

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Node.js, CoffeeScript & Real-Time Web

Jakub Nesetril

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

About Me

web developer for 15 years

director of frontend engineering, GoodData

CEO/founder of - hosted REST API tools

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011


not a deep-dive

aims to explain a bit of the frenzy

really more about Javascript

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

What is Node.js

• it’s NOT a framework: but several Rails/Sinatra-style frameworks are available for it

• it’s not a programming language: uses Javascript

• it’s not a VM: uses Chrome’s v8 engine)

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

What is Node.js

• clever glue code between C and Javascript, with standard libraries

• exposes low-level POSIX to JS

• advanced TCP/HTTP support

• strongly event-oriented(reactor pattern)

• fast

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

#3 on Github

more traffic then jQuery


čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

Getting Started—installing Node

Node changes quickly, use nvm or n to install:

Allows to quickly migrate between version:

$ nvm ls … stable: v0.4.8-rc latest: v0.4.8-rc current: v0.4.6$ nvm install 0.4.8-rc»»» downloads, builds, installs and sym-links new node

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

Getting Started—installing libraries

NPM - Node Package Manager

$ curl | sh…$ npm install foo


$ npm install -g node-inspector$ npm install v8-profiler

interactive debugger, breakpoints, inspection of stack variables,memory snapshosts, cpu profiling…

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

Getting Started—working

Node loads code at startup

Restart required when code changes (unlike PHP, similar to Ruby)

$ npm install -g supervisor

Supervisor watches/restarts your app when changed:

$ supervisor --watch . server.js … DEBUG: crashing child DEBUG: Starting child process with 'node server.js' …

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011


čtvrtek, 30. června 2011


čtvrtek, 30. června 2011


čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

“The World's Most MisunderstoodProgramming Language”

Douglas Crockford, the Yoda of Javascript

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

Javascript as a Compilation Target

GWT (Google), ObjectiveJ (Cappuccino/280North), everything else…

Different idioms then Javascript

Obscure integration with other Javascript

Unreadable output:

function g(){var a=G(db);if(a!=null){return a}return Q}function i(){var a;if(typeof isBodyLoaded==gb||!isBodyLoaded()){var b=hb;var c;n.write(ib+b+jb);c=n.getElementById(b);a=c&&c.previousSibling;while(a&&a.tagName!=kb){a=a.previousSibling}if(c){c.parentNode.removeChild(c)}if(a&&a.src){return e(a.src)}}return Q}

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

Compiles to clean Javascript

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011


Exposes only The Good Parts™ of Javascript

Syntactic sugar = Less noise, more readable output

Somewhere between Python and Ruby:

• whitespace/indentation defines blocks• classes! inheritance!• default arguments, splats… (catch-all argument)• list comprehensions• destructuring assignments (pattern matching)• auto local-scoped variables (no more manual var)• optional binding of this scope• and many more…

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011


63% 12%


CoffeeScript plan CoffeeScript JavaScript

Hacker News Poll, June 22nd

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

Getting Started—installing

$ npm install -g coffee-script

$ coffee

$ coffee --compile»» produces server.js

$ coffeecoffee>

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

Common Problems

you’ll end up debugging in Javascript, know how stuff compiles!

isnt is not is not

console.log(1 isnt false)console.log(1 is not false)

in vs of

console.log(x) for x in {a: “a”, b: “b”}console.log(x) for x of {a: “a”, b: “b”}

tricky local vs. global variable scope

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

Real-Time Web

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

Traditional Model


The way HTTP was designed

Dramatic benefits for scaling and simplicity

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011

Real-Time Web

Needs bi-directional communication (polling too slow)

WebSocket standard in process, varying support in new browsers

Older browsers can use flash fallback or “long-polling” mechanisms

Requires support from ground-up across the whole backend stack (proxies, web servers, application servers)

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011


• Pusher (WebSocket IaaS)

similar to Apple iOS push notification service

keep your existing code/infrastructure

send HTTP POST request to Pusher to push messages


$ npm install

implements websocket server AND client

transparently supports all fallback mechanisms (many!)

supports IE5.5+, WebKit on iOS/Android/WebOS

čtvrtek, 30. června 2011


čtvrtek, 30. června 2011


čtvrtek, 30. června 2011



čtvrtek, 30. června 2011