No Jobs For Real People In The New Economy

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Transcript of No Jobs For Real People In The New Economy

  • 7/29/2019 No Jobs For Real People In The New Economy


    Amazon's Human Robots: No Jobs For Real People

    Ian R Thorpe

    6 March 2013

    Hundreds of dead eyed people in orange vests shuffle around a warehouse the

    size of nine football pitches, looking for all the world like Epsilon Semi Morons in an

    avant garde movie version ofAldous Huxley's Brave New World. They push trolleys

    around, constantly referring to the screens of their hand-held satnav computers for

    directions on where to walk next and what to take from the shelves and put into their

    trolley when they get there.

    They dare not linger, there is no stopping to exchange a greeting, joke or

    comment with other Epsilon Semi Morons as they pass in the aisles; the devices that

    intsruct them on every move are also measuring their productivity. These

    humandroids might each walk between seven and 15 miles today.

    The people are not semi morons of course, they are ordinary people like you and

    I, unlike me not fortunate enough to be part of the most fortunate generation,

    liberated by social change from the moral repression of the church - state duopoly

    Inside an Amazon fullfilment centre
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    before Our New Unhappy Lords, the science and technology masters took over the

    world with the complicity of our elected leaders, but bright, intelligent people who

    did not get a high enough degree or who signed up for the wrong course to get into

    the professions that grant access to the new elite.

    Before these unfortunate workers, let's drop the literary reference as it might

    seem slightly insulting and refer to them Humandroids, can go home at the end of

    their eight-hour shift, or go to the canteen for their 30-minute break, they must walk

    through a set of airport-style security scanners to prove they are not stealing anything.

    After being scanned they walk past a life-sized cardboard image of a cheery blonde

    woman in an orange vest. This is the best job I have ever had! says a speech bubble

    near her head. A cardboard cut out it would say that, you might well think, but it's

    suprising what positions cardboard cut outs can occupy these days thanks to equality


    Were time an onion, we could peel back the layers and read the history of this

    town layers by layer. In the muddy deposits of the River Trent's flood plain we would

    find remains of the first settlers to occupy the region after the ice age. Their skeletons

    are here, fragmented, the bones scattered. We would also find stone and bone toolsand shards of crude pottery. A little further away from the river are remains of bronze

    Cardboard cut-outs can hold top jobs thanks to anti - discrimination

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    and Iron age settlements and the medieval farms, worked by peasants and owned by

    feudal lords. Below the ground are the collapsing, flooded tunnels of the coal mines

    where fuels for the factories and foundries of the industrial revolution and in the

    twentieth century a major power station was extracted. The mines, where men

    sweated as, kneeling to work the thin seams they chipped at the coal were the local

    economys beating heart. The coal was loaded into skips that were pushed on iron rail

    tracks to the shaft to be hoisted up to the pit head. Mining was dirty, backbreaking

    work yet the industry forged stronger community bonds than any other.

    Now, above the ground are the trolleys and computers of Amazon the global

    online retailer, have replaced the skips and weighbridge of the mines.

    Between a grimy power station and a canal, on the edge ofRugeley, a small

    industrial town where the industries have all moved east, the long, featureless

    building crouches low against the skyline like an ants nest and like ants, the workers

    inside go about their appointed tasks, unquestioning, without deviation from the

    prescribed process.

    As online shopping, encouraged by tax breaks from government and waiving of

    regulations by local authorities destroys our traditional town centres in Britain,

    traditional retailers such as Jessops Photographic, JJB Sports, Barratt Shoes, T J

    Hughes (budget goods), Principles (fashion), Comet electrical out of business, more

    and more business are moving from High Street shops into warehouses like this one

    while more and more jobs are moving into history. No figures are available for the

    number of empty shop premises in Rugeley itself but for the South Staffordshire

    industrial area the figure is twenty - four per , a

    figure repeated throughout the nation. And there

    are few prospective tenants around.

    In the face of criticism over its tax

    arrangements, Amazon has tried to stress how

    many jobs it is creating across the country at a

    time of economic malaise. Amazon, an

    undisputed giant in modern online retail world

    Amazon creating many jobs
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    claims to have invested more than 1 billion in its UK operations and announced last

    year that it would open another three warehouses over the next two years and create

    2,000 more permanent jobs. The company likes to boast of the 7billion in sales it

    generated in 2011 and unashamed to admit the profits on those sales attracted no tax.

    Strangely Amazon are rather coy when it comes to talking about how many people

    they employ in Britain. After spending a considerable amount of time delving through

    several hundred search results I finally found the average number of people employed

    by Amazon in the UK, including those employed on temporary contracts through

    agencies is about 3000. Compared to the 6,000 jobs lost due to the closure of four

    major high street retailers in January 2013 and without counting jobs lost in smaller

    businesses that do not make the national news when they fail, that suggests Amazon

    (and by extension other online retailers) are destroyers rather than creators of jobs.

    And yet the politicians, besotted with big money and corporate power heap praise

    on the firms that are keeping unemployment high and turning our town centres into

    ghost towns. Amazon even had a quote from the Prime Minister, in its September

    2012 press release. This is great news, not only for those individuals who will find

    work, but for the UK economy, said David Cameron, not pausing to think of ll the

    people Amazon's arrival would put out of work.

    People in Rugeley shared the Prime Minister's enthusiasm when, in the summer

    of 2011, they heard Amazon was going to occupy warehouse. Rugeley is a white

    working-class town of about 22,000 that has never fully recovered from the mines

    closure in 1990. The arrival of Amazon was seen as a chance to relaunch the

    community after decades of economic decline. Most people are still see Amazon as a

    boon to the town, believing that any sort of work is better than no work at all, but

    many are dismayed by reports of the conditions of employment and bitterly

    disillusioned to discover the lack of security in working at the warehouse and the soul

    destroying boredom of the type of employment on offer.

    In common with most jobless people in Rugeley, 54-year-old Chris Martin started

    scouring the internet for application details as soon as he heard Amazon was coming.

    Chris was thrilled when he passed the Amazon recruitment process, which includes

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    drug and alcohol tests, and was given a job on the night-shift.

    Global employment agency Randstad, which handled the recruitment process for

    Amazon, was also contracted to arrange his shifts, manage him on the warehouse

    floor and pay him his near-minimum wage.

    Under the rather draconian terms of his contract, after three months, if he had

    performed well, Chris could apply to be an Amazon employee, though there was no

    guarantee he would be taken on the direct payroll. This kind of system, which is now

    commonplace, is called Inhouse Services Management or if an entire function is

    outsourced, 'facility management.' Both are euphemisms for temporary work.

    Randstad describes its service as a flexible work solution designed exclusively for

    each client to optimise the work force and drive cost-effectiveness. Very close to

    nineteenth century day - labour, the system of queueing at the factory warehouse or

    dockyard gate by the sound of it.

    One of the benefits for clients, it says, is the removal of the administrative

    burden of recruiting and managing large numbers of staff.

    Workers in Amazons warehouses

    or associates in Amazons fulfilment

    centres as the company likes to describe

    them are divided into four main groups.

    There are the people on the receive lines

    and the pack lines: they either unpack,

    check and scan every product arriving from

    around the world, or they pack up

    customers orders at the other end of the


    Another group stows suppliers

    products somewhere in the warehouse.

    They put things wherever theres a free

    space in Rugeley, there are inflatable

    palm trees next to milk frothers and protein powder next to kettles. Only Amazons

    H R Geiger's nightmare vision of


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    vast computer brain knows where everything is.

    The fourth group, the pickers, push trolleys around and pick out customers

    orders from the aisles, guided by the software that calculates the most efficient

    walking route to collect the items that will fill a trolley, and then directs the worker

    from one shelf space to the next via instructions on the screen of the handheld satnav.

    Even with these efficient routes, theres a lot of walking. One of the new Rugeley

    pickers lost almost half a stone in his first few shifts. Youre sort of like a robot, but

    in human form, said the Amazon manager who wished to remain anonymous. Its

    human automation, if you like. Like we said, Humandroids. Get a job with Amazon,

    brain not required.

    What do the people of Rugeley

    make of all this? For many who

    have previously worked in

    unionised workforces it has been a

    culture shock. The feedback were

    getting is that its like being in a

    slave camp, said Brian Garner, the

    chairman of the Lea Hall Miners

    Welfare Centre and Social Club, still

    a popular local drinking spot. He

    might just as easily have said a prisoner in a Russian Gulag.

    Is this the future for the workforce then, after all the blether about "Education,

    education, education, our children and grandchildren if they cannot worm their way

    into a technocratic elite where like Orwell's Winston Smith they are completely

    controlled and a single step out of line can lead to personal destruction, they are

    going to be reduced to the level of medieval serfs.

    Although many of the new starters when Amazon's Rugeley 'fullfilment centre'

    assumes their jobs were permanent, a significant number were released with little

    warning or explanation they workers said, after the first busy Christmas period.

    Chris Martin's job lasted less than a week after he took a day off for blisters and

    Inside a Soviet gulag

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    returned to find the night shift he was on had been abruptly cancelled. One of the

    advantages for companies like Amazon of using agency staff is that agencies can take

    people on as temporary workers. While employers who want to treat staff decently

    are hamstrung by employment law that makes hiring a lengthy and costly

    bureaucratic process and firing somebody without a long legal process almost

    impossible, agencies are spared this because they employ people on weekly rolling


    The job insecurity is what has most disillusioned Glenn Watson, manager of

    economic development at the district council. Our definition of a good employer is

    someone who takes on people and provides them with sustainable employment week

    in week out, not somebody who takes on workers one week and gets rid of them the

    next, he said. The council had understood Amazon would use the first 12 months to

    gradually build up its own local workforce, transferring agency staff on to its payroll,

    but by last autumn, Watson thought there were only about 200 Amazon employees,

    with the rest supplied by Randstad and two smaller agencies.

    He complained that Amazon was supposed to send the council employment data

    every six months, but it had not done so. We had no idea Amazon were going to be

    as indifferent to these issues as they have been: its come as a shock to us how

    intransigent they are, he said.

    Chris Forde, professor of employment studies at Leeds University knows

    arrangements such as Randstads with Amazon are becoming increasingly common in

    Britain. He has encountered situations in which workers on short term, temporary

    contracts make up 90 per cent of a companys workforce in sectors such as

    manufacturing, food processing, hotels and restaurants.

    Across Britain, with the number of people employed only part time exploding,

    the number of people in temporary jobs who can be laid off at a moment's notice has

    swelled 20 per cent since the financial crisis hit in 2008. A similar increase has been

    recorded in the group who say they want permanent jobs but cannot find secure, long

    term vacancies.

    Amazon says it is proud to have given its associates a great working

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    environment, including on-the-job training, opportunities for career progression,

    competitive wages, performance-related pay, stock grants, healthcare, a pension plan,

    life assurance, income protection and an employee discount. The company added that

    it takes on temporary workers during periods of high demand, and when permanent

    positions are available we look to the top-performing temporary associates to fill


    Elsewhere, Britains economists are also puzzling over why the economy remains

    moribund even though more and more people are in work. There are still about half a

    million fewer people working as full-time employees than there were before the 2008

    crash, but the number of people in some sort of employment has surpassed the

    previous peak.

    Economists think the rise in insecure temporary, self-employed and part-time work,

    while a testament to the British labour markets flexibility, helps to explain why

    economic growth remains elusive.


    Much of my information came from personal messages in reponse to an appealfor information in a blog about the dehumanization of the workforce. Thanks to

    the contributors who must remain anonymous.

    Retail failures:

    Empty shops:

    The Lives Of Amazon Warehouse Employees - Huff. Post

    Amazon Employees Say They face Brutal Conditions Yahoo News

    Interview: Reporter Who Exposed Amazon's Working Conditions


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