No Freedom When it Comes to Accessing Physical Therapists

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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The potential benefits of quick, easy access to physical therapists far surpasses the perceived safety risk.

Transcript of No Freedom When it Comes to Accessing Physical Therapists

No Freedom to Choose No Freedom to Choose When to Access Physical When to Access Physical


Does the Lack of this Freedom in Does the Lack of this Freedom in Healthcare Affect Society?Healthcare Affect Society?

Selena Horner, PT@SnippetPhysTher

“Because to take away a man's freedom of choice, even his freedom to make the wrong choice, is to manipulate him as though he were a puppet and not a person.”

 ― Madeleine L’Engle

Consumers in Michigan don’t.They are required to have a doctor referral

before being treated by a physical therapist.

Episode of Care

After Episode of


Time PeriodBefore

Problem Occurs

The freedom to access a physical therapist is limited to an episode of care. Physical therapists

can add value in preventing problems AND in managing/consulting after an episode of care.

Michigan law creates barriers for physical therapists

to be innovative.

Michigan consumers and Michigan physical therapists have no opportunity to engage in

collaborative efforts to reduce healthcarecosts and improve health/function.

Consumers will need professionals to analyze data from wearable technology.

Consumers can’t access physical therapists to analyze data or provide consultation.

Physical therapists have a role. Michigan law doesn’t allow consumers direct access to

physical therapists.

Saying “No” to direct accessto physical therapists closes

the door to:

• Consumer Freedom• Entrepreneurship• Opportunities to reduce healthcare costs

via Flickr by verldude

Consumer “Safety”Consumer “Safety”

A real safety issue OR a perceived safety issue?

HPSO Physical Therapy Liability 2001-2010

Open the door to:

• Freedom of choice• Entrepreneurship• Healthcare savings

Say YES to Direct Access to Physical Therapists