NME Magazine Contents Page Analysis

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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Analysis of 'NME' contents page

Transcript of NME Magazine Contents Page Analysis

Masthead- The masthead is situated at the top of the page going across the full width of the page. This makes the page stand out as a contents page. ‘NME’ the name of the magazine is in a different font and colour as ‘NME’ is in a bold red, causing it to stand out more than ‘contents’. This identifies that ‘NME’ is the main brand and title.

Image- This contents page features one main image of a girl standing by a tour bus. This links back with the selling line ‘Autumn Tour Special’. This however is unusual as contents pages commonly feature multiple images.

Cover lines- All the cover lines are boxed off and margined to draw attention to them. The selling line is the main focus of the contents page and so is boxed off covering almost half of the page. The image linked to it is in the style of a Polaroid picture, which suggests it’s a real image of the journalist as proof and to support the article. The border replicates the style of a music technology carrier box that artists stage crew take on tour. The other cover lines are highlighted by boxing off and bold, eye catching subheadings, which provide article information and page numbers below. The page numbers of the articles are highlighted in red; this makes them stand out but also ties in with the colour scheme of the magazine. The subheadings also give a general idea of what the articles below it are about such as ‘REVIEWS’ and ‘FEATURE’.

Promotion/Magazine information-Promotions are boxed off and located bottom right of the page in a dead space. However, by the use of Yellow writing attention is drawn to it and so it stands out on the page. All important information such as ‘call’, ‘subscribe’ and ‘go to’ are all in yellow, this implies they are there to be noticed and are important information for readers.

Layout- All areas are boxed off. The magazine layout is neat and tidy following an ‘L’ shape around the border, a box in the middle and a thin box down the left side. The layout signifies that the magazine is targeted at an older audience as it is more sophisticatedly laid out on the page. Whereas magazines such as ‘Top of the Pops’ a magazine aimed towards teens contents page is jumbled including

Grouping- All subheadings are grouped and boxed to keep the page neat with a mature target audience. The band index is placed on the left hand side of the page and has extremely small font. Although the group title ‘Band Index’ is slightly bigger and is bold. The band names are highlighted red suggesting attention is to be drawn to them. However, it is the last thing your attention is drawn to on the page. This shows it is not extremely important.

NME Contents Page- Analysis