Nintendo Wii

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Presentation made to Clinical Oversight Committee at my current place of employeement in my previous position. This was developed to persuade the committee to adopt the use of the Nintendo Wii was part of the therapeutic services provided by Family Service and Guidance Center. After a short discussion, it was agreed to be included.

Transcript of Nintendo Wii

Ramon Chavez

Physical Therapy Wii already used for physical therapy in hospitals and

occupational settings

Helps promote reintegration of lost motions, such as combing hair, brushing teeth, etc

Also used for combat veterans, burn and stroke victims, not just elderly

Self esteem?

Psychological Use ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 10, 2008, from­ /releases/2008/03/080304200905.htm As people learned, their bodies reflected the confidence of

that learning. Participants moved the Wiimote more quickly, more steadily, and also pressed on it more firmly as they became familiar with the symbols

The authors note that using the Wiimote now provides psychologists with a very affordable and immersive environment to study the relations between cognition and action

Leapfrog already has used similar application for learning

Wii Propose to use a Wii to help with treatment of clients

Foster teamwork, patience, cooperation, critical thought, hand-eye coordination, self regulation, etc.

Some possible games: Big Brain Academy, Cranium Kabookii, Cooking Mama.

Big Brain Academy

Big Brain Academy Wiisees how you measure up in five categories: memory, analysis, number crunching, visual recognition, and quick thinking.

Some of the memory applications appear on the WAIS III

Cranium Kabookii

Based off of bestselling Cranium boardgame series

Helps foster creativity in players

Inexpensive price helps promote use

Cooking Mama

Use Wii remote as cooking untensils

Use 250 foods to make 55 real world dishes from various countries

On screen cues affect timing and decisions

Inexpensive price

Wii Sports

Play tennis, bowling, boxing, golf, and baseball

Can use personalized avatar created on the Wii

Comes packaged with the console

Ratings All three games rated as “E” by Entertainment

Software Ratings Board

E:Titles rated E (Everyone) have content that may be suitable for ages 6 and older. Titles in this category may contain minimal cartoon, fantasy or mild violence and/or infrequent use of mild language

Solution… Purchase one Nintendo Wii

Comes with console, remote, nunchuck, sensor bar, stand, AC adapter, AV cables, and Wii Sports Disc

TV can be free

Rotate console and game(s) around with a sign out list supervised by supervisors on an initial trial basis

If trial basis does not show progress, then raffle the Wii, or include it in a fundraiser

Either way, FSGC comes out ahead

How Can I Help? Use money from Internal Fund Drive for Wii ($250)

All games are priced at $20

Use the applications only for learning games submitted for review

Use games sparingly (1 hr/wk, 1x/wk)

Predict more cooperation, self regulation, anger management, patience, critical thought, creativity

Thank you Questions???

Contact Ramon Chavez, MHS