Nine key frames in the se7en opening sequence

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Nine key frames in the se7en opening sequence

Nine Key Frames in the Se7en Opening Sequence

The production company is featured in the foreground of the shot

The font that is shown here is used throughout the opening sequence, showing a continuity through the opening sequence which will most likely follow through into the actual film.

This frame shows an image of a pair deformed hands which links to the disturbing nature of the film.

Only about two thirds of the frame are actually visible as the frame is very dark, linking to the dark theme of the actual film.

This frame connotates pain, it is psychologically disturbing. Seeing this picture will make the audience see the person as mentally unstable. Making us ask questions as to why they were psychologically disturbed like this.

There is a high tension in this frame with the intense low lighting. This creates a psychological disturbance for the viewer as the darkness presents a vulnerability we experience in the dark.

In this frame there is once again a low level of lighting giving an element of discomfort to the audience as well as uncertainty. Asking questions as to what the person is doing, what the writing is and means and what the pictures are.

The audience are left questioning who is the person here, what has he done, why is there a black marker across his eyes. Shadows are used again to add tension and discomfort amongst the viewer.

The dirty hands suggest a darkness to this character, it also suggesting that the person is not in a sane state as to the unclean state he remains to be in.

Shadows again continue throughout the sequence adding to the disorientation the enigma causes. The audience is left questioning the character, what he is doing, what he is writing and why he is writing about it.

The character is defacing government property, a federal offence by cutting up the Bill. Cutting the god out of the situation. It also gives the impression that god is not here anymore and doesn’t deserve our trust.