Nimrod & Semiramis - Watchmen Society/Nimrod...The...

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Transcript of Nimrod & Semiramis - Watchmen Society/Nimrod...The...

Nimrod & Semiramis Symbols Babylon

[Satanist. Semiramis is Statue of Liberty. Semiramis/Cybele, wife of Nimrod and Queen of

Babylon. Symbols associated with him are the Fish head, Sun, Obelisk, Pine cone, Wings,

Lighted torch, Eagle.]

See: Halo Whore of Babylon Torch of Lucifer X

[vid] The Rothschild Nimrod Myth

[1853] The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His

Wife By the Late Rev. Alexander Hislop

The Queen of Babylon by Bryce Self


Nimrod, who was born on December 25th, the High Sabbath of Babylon, was the founder of

Babylon and the city of Nineveh. In the history of mankind, Nimrod stands unequalled for his

symbolism of evil and Satanic practices. He is credited for having founded Freemasonry and for

building the legendary Tower of Babel, in defiance of God's will. In talmudic literature, he is

noted as "he who made all the people rebel against God." Pes. 94b. The legend of the Midrash

recounts that when Nimrod was informed of Abraham's birth, he ordered all the male children

killed, to be certain of eliminating him. Abraham was hidden in a cave, but in latter life he was

discovered by Nimrod, who then ordered him to worship fire. Abraham refused and was thrown

into the fire.

The legendary symbol for Nimrod is "X." The use of this symbol always denotes witchcraft.

When "X" is used as a shortened form meaning Christmas, it actually means "to celebrate the

feast of Nimrod." A double X, which has always meant to double-cross or betray, in its

fundamental meaning indicates one's betrayal into the hands of Satan. When American

corporations use the "X" in their logo, such as "Exxon," the historic Rockefeller firm of Standard

Oil of New Jersey, there can be little doubt of this hidden meaning.

The importance of Nimrod in any study of the occult cannot be over-emphasized. Because of

the powers given him by the clothing of Adam and Eve, Nimrod became the first man to rule the

whole world. He indulged that power by launching excesses and horrors which have never been

equalled. Ever since the time of Nimrod, Babylon has been the symbol of depravity and lust.

Nimrod also introduced the practice of genocide to the world. His grandfather, Ham, having

consorted with other races, and brought children of mixed race into the world, was persuaded by

his consort, the evil Naamah, to practice ritual murder and cannibalism. She informed Ham that

by killing and eating fair-skinned people, his descendants could regain their superior qualities.

Throughout the ensuing centuries, the fair-skinned descendants of Shem, Noah's oldest son, have

ritually been slaughtered by the darker descendants of Ham and Nimrod, in the world's most

persistent campaign of racial and religious persecution. Not only did Nimrod kill and eat the fair-

skinned descendants of Shem, in his fury and hatred he often burned them alive. The type of

human sacrifice involving the eating of the slaughtered human victims derived its name from the

combined names of his uncle, Canaan, and the demon god Baal, the two names being combined

to form the word "cannibal." Nimrod was also known in ancient history by the names of Marduk,

Bel, and Merodach. Because of his importance in its history, Babylon was known as the Land of

Nimrod. Nimrod is also cited in the most ancient Masonic constitutions as the founder of

Freemasonry. The Curse Of Canaan: A Demonology Of History by Eustace Mullins

The Illuminati is a Luciferian religion that is counterfeit to the church of Jesus Christ [not the

Mormon one]. Illuminati means, "Light Bearers" or "Enlightened Ones". The Illuminati belief

system says that freedom is only obtained through the entrance of true or pure light (sodomy)

and life (sacrifice) is only obtained through death. They tell their people that nothing can ever

penetrate that power because the [unholy] trinity of Cain, Nimrod, and Joseph seals it in. The

core religion of their belief system comes from the Cabala, a book containing mysticism, and

written by a sect of the Pharisees who went into Babylon after the destruction of Jerusalem. As a

matter of fact, the holy language of the Illuminati is Hebrew. THE MASTER PLAN OF THE

ILLUMINATED ROTHSCHILDS: Ron Patton interviews Marion Knox

Nimrod was the first man to seek power for its own sake. From this will to power came cruelty

and decadence.— Mark Booth; The Secret History of the World

The ancient Greek historian, Diodorus, reports that Queen Semiramis erected a 130-foot obelisk

in Babylon and it was associated with sun worship and represented the phallus of the sun god

Baal or Nimrod. Some Masonic researchers say that the word 'obelisk' literally means 'Baal's

shaft' or 'Baal's organ of reproduction'. It is for this reason that the obelisk also represents the

Illuminati bloodlines.--David Icke

Fish were originally worshiped as a symbol of Nimrod, Each priest is depicted wearing a fish-

head mitre. One of the names of this God in Babylon and Philistia was Dagon (dag=fish,

on=sun) "The head of the fish formed a mitre above that of a man, while its scaly, fin-like tail

fell as a cloak behind, leaving the human feet and limbs exposed." Layard's Babylon & Ninevah,

p. 343


Statue of Liberty On the left here is an ancient depiction of Queen Semiramis, note she is

holding a cross, and alongside is the Statue of Liberty holding the lighted torch, a symbol of

Nimrod. --Icke

Columbia. Here you can see Queen Semiramis of Babylon (goddess of the moon), holding the

torch with the eternal flame of Nimrod (sun god).

The two faces of the god Janus - the Babylonian Nimrod.

Eagle-headed Nimrod

1. Symbol of the sun.

2. Compass (Freemasons use this symbol).

3. Cresent moon and star

4. Solar wheel

5. Three layered mitre

6. Cross of Horus (priest of Horus would wear this).

*place your pointer on picture

The back entrance to the Kodak Theatre where the *oscars* are handed out. The

Babylonian gate.

Nimrod with and without Eagle head over gate in Hollywood.

Hand (hidden) Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi (b. 1834 - d. 1904) Freemason and designer and

sculptor of the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor. The Statue of Liberty is actually a

representation of the Goddess Columbia and is coded full of secret society meanings and occult

symbolism. Bartholdi was one of the early members of Lodge Alsace-Lorraine, Paris (Oct. 14,

1875) which was composed of prominent intellectuals, writers and government

representatives. [source]

Bartholdi, like many French Freemasons of his time, was deeply steeped in ‘Egyptian’

rituals, and it has often been said that he conceived the original statue as an effigy of the

goddess Isis, and only later converted it to a ‘Statue of Liberty’ for New York harbour

when it was rejected for the Suez Canal."

The goddess Isis is known by many names, including Juno.

Statue of Liberty and Freemasonry (vari