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Term 4 Week 1 Date: 18th October 2019

Swimming Lessons (Next Week) Mon – Fri from 1.30pm – 3.00pm Kinder Orientation 2020 Wednesday 23rd October 9.30 am – 11.00am Bandana Day Friday 25th October Spring Fair Saturday 26th October 4.30pm – 7.30pm Ship O Fools (All Welcome) Tuesday 29th October 2.00pm 2020 Kinder Information Night Tuesday 29th October 6.00pm – 7.00pm Special Recess Wednesday 6th November 11.00am Music Count Us In Thursday 7th November Grandparents Day Friday 8th November 1.30pm Bunnings BBQ Saturday 9th November

(Save the Date) Presentation Day Wednesday 4th December 9.30am From the Principal We finished last term on a great day with an exciting Obstacle-a-thon and have dived right back into the excitement with our swimming school. A huge thank you to our parent helpers. It makes such a difference in managing our swimming students and having assistance in escorting students to the toilets etc. I would also like to recognise and thank our teachers who do such a wonderful job in instructing our students and keeping them safe at all times. It would not be possible without this cooperation from all. Just a reminder to please take the time to complete the Tell Them From Me survey. We have only had 11 parent responses so please consider completing this as soon as possible. If you require assistance in accessing the survey please see me. Your opinions are highly valued and future directions are planned with consideration to the responses in this survey. The link is: You may have noticed we now have ropes around our wharf near the boat. A big thank you to Lola Omotosho’s dad, Tosh, for donating this. It looks great and we really appreciate it. Our annual Grandparent’s Day will be held on Friday 8th November commencing at 1.30pm. Invites will be sent home next week so please let the Grandparents know that this is coming up. Orientations for our new Kinder students continue this term. There will also be transition days organised for our Year 2 students as they progress on to Year 3. These dates will be shared as soon as we know. As usual, our Term 4 is a very busy one and a calendar of known events is included in this newsletter. Please keep watch for events to come and save the dates as required. Vicki Sellens PRINCIPAL

From the Office We are collecting any outstanding fees. A statement of account will be sent out soon. If you’re not sure if you owe any payments, please see Mrs Coffey. Please remember only school payments can go through POP, any payments for P&C need to be cash, handed in at the office. Student Assistance Scheme Please be aware that the school holds funds for the use of families suffering temporary financial hardship. If you would like to access these funds. Please speak to Mrs Sellens. (Please note these transactions are strictly confidential.) School Attendance Regular attendance at school is essential to assist students to maximize their potential. However if your child is unwell, parents are required to explain the absence by phone, note or Skoolbag app. If the school has not been informed about the absences, a phone call from the school will be made after two days of unexplained absences. Obstacle-athon The Obstacle-athon was a great success at the end of last term and the students all enjoyed participating. Thanks to the families that came to help and support our students. The prizes have been ordered and should arrive in a couple of weeks.

Term 4 News Swimming Program We have had a great start to swimming and the students are enjoying their lessons. Thanks to parents that have helped out it is greatly appreciated.

Ship-o-Fools Ship o Fools is an interactive performance that children can respond to through fun and laughter and also learn the importance of saving water. The performance is on Tuesday 29th October 2.00pm. Parents and siblings are welcome. There is no cost for this show. Music Count Us In The Count Us In program is a wonderful program that starts with a song writing competition. After the song is chosen the song is recorded by students and released to all participating schools. Our students can then learn the song and then all schools across Australia sing the song on the same day at the same time uniting us all. This event is Thursday 7th November. Grandparent’s Day A lovely tradition here at Nillo School is our Grandparents Day celebrations. This is a wonderful afternoon for our students who love to see their Grandparents and enjoy showing them their work and looking at the treasures the Grandparents bring in. Grandparents Day is on Friday 8th November from 1.30pm. A special invitation will be sent out next week. Presentation Day Nillo Infants School is proud of its students and we will be celebrating their 2019 achievements at our School on Wednesday 4th December 9.30 am. This is a very special day for our students as they are all presented with their certificates for completing their School year. Please save this important date.

CHILD PROTECTION LESSONS This term, during class lessons with Ms. Dunlop, all students will be studying a unit in Personal Development that deals with aspects of child protection. During this unit students will be discussing safe behaviours and the importance of feeling safe around adults and children. We will talk briefly about body parts and students will be required to know what body parts are private. When we discuss the private parts, we will be using the appropriate anatomical terms. If you have any concerns about your child participating in these lessons please feel free to speak to either Ms. Dunlop or Mrs. Sellens. BASC News We have vacancies both for Before and After School Care. If you would like to book your child/ren in to BASC please come in and meet our friendly team or call us on 0488070449. Please find below the link to the “Tell them from me” survey

Spring Fair Saturday 26th October 4.30pm- 7.30pm The Spring Fair is our biggest fund raiser of the year and we are hoping to raise enough money for our covered walk ways to be done. The Spring Fair is always a wonderful event and our students and their families always enjoy the lovely day thanks to our P & C. The P & C have been organising all sorts of plans for the Spring Fair, they already have some fantastic prizes for the raffle and tickets have been sent home. More tickets are available from the office. If you would like to be involved with the P & C or have some ideas please see Yvette Bice. There are lots of ways to help out, giving an hour of your time on the day for set up or pack up or you could help on a stall. We also need baked goods for the Cake Stall, please remember to mark all ingredients on the top. We still need lots of jars for the Jars Stall and chocolates for the Chocolate Toss.

Please get behind our wonderful school. Special Announcement about Raffle Tickets The P&C have sent home raffle tickets to be sold to raise money as part of the Spring Fair. Every book of tickets you sell you will receive a ticket in a draw for a special prize. The prize will be a free pass for 2 adults to Taronga Zoo in Sydney. The more books you sell the more chances you have to win this prize. Keep on selling.

Nillo Infants Scoop SCOOP ON 2 GREEN BY : MYLES N We have been doing maths games and I like the bucket game. We have two teams and Mrs Sellens draws two buckets on the board and puts a number in each then we have to come up with a number sentence that adds up to that number. It is really fun. We also have swimming and I like doing freestyle and we swim from the deep end up to the ladder. I love swimming.

SCOOP ON 1 RED BY : MARCUS S We have been doing swimming every afternoon and the water is cold. I like to use the kick boards and do big kicks with my feet, it is fun. We have been writing about Silkworms and I wrote they are green and grey and are very tiny and they will turn into moths. SCOOP ON K WHITE BY : LUCY L We have been doing our writing and I wrote about losing my tooth when we were in Orange and the tooth fairy left me $9.35 and I put it in the bank. We have been having swimming lessons this week and the water is freezing but if you keep moving it gets warm. We are using kick boards and doing big arms and we did a push and glide where you push off the wall then count to five then float on your back. Swimming is fun and I love it.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEWSLETTER DRAW TERM 4 WEEK 1 Please sign below to indicate that you have read the newsletter and return to the office before Wednesday 30th October for your child/ren to go into the draw for a free canteen lunch next term. Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________