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Nikto - web server scanner - it's relation with other security tools

Transcript of Nikto

Nikto&other tools

Sorina-Georgiana CHIRILĂSoftware Security


● Nikto - short introduction,● Burp Suite,● Wikto,● Nmap,● Metasploit,● Nessus,● OpenVAS,● Useful links.

Nikto - short introduction

● You manage several Web servers/applications● Need to find potential problems and security

vulnerabilities, including: - Server and software misconfigurations - Default files and programs - Insecure files and programs - Outdated servers and programs

Nikto - short introduction● Web server scanner,● Created by : David Lodge and Chris Sullo,● Version 1.00 Beta released on: December 27, 2001 ● Current version: 2.1.5,● Written in: Perl,● The name is taken from the movie: The Day The Earth Stood Still,● Sponsored by: Sunera LLC,● Official page :

Nikto - short introduction● Open source,● Performs test against web servers

for multiple items: - Looks for over 6500 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, - Checks for outdated versions of over 1250 servers, - Looks for version specific problems on over 270 servers, - Attempts to identify installed web servers and software, - Checks for the presence of multiple index files and HTTP server options,● Output can be saved in a variety of formats: text, XML, HTML.

Nikto - short introduction

NiktoWeb scanner

MetasploitVulnerability exploitation

Burp SuiteWeb scanner

NessusVulnerability scanner

NmapNetwork scanner

WiktoWeb scanner


Nikto DB

Logging to



OpenVASVulnerability scanner



Burp Suite● Integrated platform for performing security testing of web

applications,● Its tools work great togheter to support the entire testing process,

from initial mapping and analysis of an application’s attack surface, through to finding and exploiting security vulnerabilities,

● Gives full control , meaning combine advanced manual techniques with state-of-the-art automation for fast, effective results.

Burp Suite - key components● Proxy - an intercepting proxy , which lets you inspect and modify traffic

between your browser and the target application,● Spider - an application aware spider, for crawling content and

functionality,● Scanner - an advanced web application scanner, for automating the

detection of numerous types of vulnerabilities,● Intruder - an intruder tool, for performing powerful customized attacks

to find and exploit unusual vulnerabilities,● Repeater - a repeater tool, for manipulating and resending individual

requests,● Sequencer - a sequencer tool, for testing the randomness of session

tokens,● Ability to: save your work and resume your work later, write plugins.

Burp Suite - Nikto

Proxy - can intercept the http requests and show them in proper format so it can be used to analyse the queries made by Nikto and discover vulnerabilities.

Burp Suite - Nikto

perl -h localhost -useproxy http://localhost:8080/

Wikto ● Roles: checks for vulnerabilities in webservers,also in the

implementation, it tries to find interesting directories and files on the web site and it looks for simple scripts that can be abused,

● Written in: .NET C#,● Version:● Release date: 2008-12-14,● Created by: sensepost,● Cost: free,● License:GPL,● Nikto for Windows with extra features: fuzzy logic eror code

checking, a back-end miner, Google assisted directory mining, real time HTTP request/response monitoring.

Wikto - Nikto

Wikto uses Nikto’s database to perform different checks against web server.

Nikto DB

Nmap● Network Mapper,● Roles: network discovery and security analysis,● Technique: uses IP raw packets ,● Determine: what host are available on the network, what services

(application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running and other,

● Free and Open Source,● Available with: command line and GUI viewer( Zenmap),● Well documented and supported,● Portable: runs on al major operating systems,● Won numerous awards and was featured in twelve movies ,● Official site:

Nmap -NiktoScenario: Nikto supports scanning multiple hosts via text file of host names or IPs. A host file may also be a Nmap output in “greppable” format.

Operating systemWindows 7, 64 bit

NiktoVersion 2.1.5

Nmapcommand-line zip file:

Steps● Download and install Nikto and Nmap,● Put in the Environment Variables, Path for

the two folders of the programs mentioned above,

● In Start search for cmd, wait to open Command Prompt,

● Type the following for localhost, port 80:

nmap -p80 localhost/24 -sT -Pn -oG - | -h - -oG - greppable format, name of the file - , to be passed through stdin/stdout to Nikto,

-sT - TCP connect scan,

-Pn - no ping , disable host discovery.

Nmap -Nikto - scan results

Metasploit ● Vulnerability exploitation tool -> Framework,● Released in : 2004,● Project acquired by: Rapid7 in: 2009,● Open source platform for developing, testing and using exploit code ,● Commercial variants, also :

Pro Express Community Framework

Enterprise Security Programs& Advanced Penetration Tests

Baseline Penetration Tests

Free Entry -Level Edition

Free Open Source Development Platform

Web-based GUI Web-based GUI Web-based GUI Java-based GUI

FeaturesReal world security testingGet a security reality check with exploitation, vulnerabilility validation, advanced attacks and evasion techniques.

Vulnerability validationVerify which potential vulnerabilities really put your network and data at risk.

Productivity boostComplete assignments faster with efficient workflows, wizards, data management, APIs and automation.

Password auditingUncover weak passwords on over a dozen network services.

Web App TestingAudit on-premise and cloud-based web apps to identify OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities.

Teamwork and ReportingLeverage team members' expertise and create reports at the push of a button.

Support for Windows, Linux operating systemsWindows XP, Vista, 7, 8,, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x, 6.x - x86 ,Ubuntu Linux 8.04, 10.04, 12.04 - x86 , Kali Linux 1.0 .

Metasploit -NiktoHow to: Metasploit Framework

● Set a PostgreSQL database (u:msf, pass:password123)

● Set web xmlrpc interface at :, port 55553,

● Run a command like: db_vulns , after, to see how Nikto tested for and detected the vulnerability

[*] Time: Tue Nov 10 00:22:14 UTC 2010 Vuln: host=localhost port=80 proto=tcp name=nikto.005988 refs=OSVDB-5292

[*] Time: Wed Nov 10 00:23:08 UTC 2010 Vuln: host=localhost port=80 proto=tcp name=nikto.006453 refs=OSVDB-40478

How to: Nikto(logging to)

● Install Perl modules RPC::XML::Client and RPC::XML

● Add your own test for a vulnerability in

Nikto/Plugins directory

"006XXX","40478","b","/tikiwiki/tiki-graph_formula.php?w=1&h=1&s=1&min=1&max=2&f[]=x.tan.phpinfo()&t=png&title=","GET","200","","","","","This device may have a vulnerable installation of TikiWiki.","",""

where 006XXX is the one number greater than the last entry in db_test file, 40478 is the osvdb number

● perl -h localhost -Format msf

-o msf:password123@http://localhost:55553/RPC2

all scan results are saved in the msf database in realtime.

Nessus -Nikto● Started: as a project in 1998,● by: Renaud Deraison, ● to: provide a free remote security scanner, ● but: in 2005 Tenable Network Security take it ● and: make it closed source.● Can perform scans on: networks, operating systems, web applications,mobile devices,● Most popular and capable scanner, for UNIX systems particularly,● Support for different operating systems,● Has an extensive plugin database, updated daily, (plugin = vulnerability test written in

NASL(Nessus Attack Scripting Language) )● Various formats of the scan results : plain text, XML, HTML and Latex,● Last stable release: 5.2.1/May 7, 2013.

Nessus -NiktoNikto can be integrated in NessusHow: when Nessus finds a web server,automatically launch Nikto.


1. Nikto installation, 2. Put in PATH, 3. Ensure that nikto.nasl is present in the

Nessus install(Nasl Wrapper),4. Run “nessusd -R”, 5. Finally restart nessusd.

OpenVAS -Nikto● Open Vulnerability Assessment System,● Began under the name GNessUs, as a fork of the Nessus open source tool,● Framework of several services and tools,● Roles: vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution,● Cost: free,● Developed by: Greenbone Networks ,● Last stable release: 6.0/April 17, 2013.

Nikto● is integrated, as a tool, into OpenVAS,● the OpenVAS plugin for Nikto integration(nikto.nasl) needs to be present and enabled,● the results of a Nikto scan are included in OpenVAS final scan.

Useful links●,●,● http://research.sensepost.




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