Nikam industries website project report

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Nikam Material handling equipment founded on 1st August 2012, by an Mr. Vishwajit Nikam having presence in Nashik ( Maharashtra) to provide Handling Solutions for the various Industries all over india. Since then Nikam material handling equipment has excelled in providing practical and efficient methods of rotation, transfer, relocation and movement of materials and products weighing between 100 kgs and to well over 10,000 kgs. Nikam material handling equipments professional team of experienced personnel supplies a wide range of standard or custom designed systems to meet assembly, tooling and material handling needs for large, awkward and heavy loads.

Transcript of Nikam industries website project report

“Nikam Industries Project Report”

Nikam Material handling equipment founded on 1st August 2012, by an Mr. Vishwajit Nikam having presence in Nashik ( Maharashtra) to provide Handling Solutions for the various Industries all over india. Since then Nikam material handling equipment has excelled in providing practical and efficient methods of rotation, transfer, relocation and movement of materials and products weighing between 100 kgs and to well over 10,000 kgs. Nikam material handling equipments professional team of experienced personnel supplies a wide range of standard or custom designed systems to meet assembly, tooling and material handling needs for large, awkward and heavy loads.Nikam Material handling equipments success is based upon our continuing research, development and integration of the latest technologies in moving and assembling heavy and cumbersome loads. Over the years Nikam material handling equipment has become a problem-solving company that provides customers with solutions to their handling problems.

Detailed Functionality of Nikam Industries Website:

● This Website lists out the various handling equipments manufactured by Nikam Industries.A Slider Effect is used which displays the images of all Handling Equipments.

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● A Horizontal Menu bar is used for representing data in a proper format.Tooltip effect is used to indicate vertical Menu Bar whenever a mouse is being Hovered on a Menu bar items like Project,Product and Services.

● This website categorises various products manufactured by industry into different Product categories like Hydraulic Equipment,Handling Trolley,Drum Lifter etc.

● A Footer is used to provide a contact information along with a social media integration, so that a user can connect to a social media platform like Facebook,Twitter,LInked-In,Pinterest etc.

● Beside all this functionalities, this website most importantly provides a CMS solution to the Client.Using CMS, a client can add,edit and manage the website.Not only do content management systems help website users with content editing, they also take care of a lot of "behind the scenes" work such as:

➢ Automatically generate navigation elements.➢ Making content searchable and indexable.➢ Keeping track of users, their permissions and security settings.➢ And much, much more.

Components Used :

● Image Slider with auto slide enabled.● Google Maps API version 2.● Data Sharing API for Social Media Integration like Facebook,Gmail,

Twitter etc.● JSON Parsing API.● Server-side Connectivity using PHP Scripting.● Database Connectivity using MySql.

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Screenshots of Nikam Industries Website:

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Homepage of Nikam Industries Website

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Product page of Nikam Industries

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