Nieuwsbrief augustus 2013

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Nieuwsbrief augustus 2013

` U Boat Worx

U Boat Worx is currently developing a new catalogue for their submarines. Because not all submarines are yet in production, they’ve asked us to build some of the upcoming models in CGI. We even put them in the ocean for a little test drive.


` Jenever - Wittkampf

This bottle of Jenever (Dutch Gin) is a family piece from our colleague Marc Wittkampf. His family ran a Jenever Distillery until 1939. This actual bottle was produced in 1936.It has been in the family for more than 75 years. Marc has the last bottle from the distillery and thought it was time to capture this for eternity.

` Centagon - Philips Medical Magazine

Centagon asked us to shoot the portraits of various doctors for Philips Medical magazine.

Non- Commis- sioned WorkWhen our photographers leave on their holidays, it doesn’t mean their “work” automatically stops.The passion is even there on vacation. Marc shot these beautiful pictures during his holiday in Italy.We reserved a special place for his work in our newsletter. ‘La vita è bella!’

` De Mandemakers Groep

It’s always a challenge to give a showroom kitchen a domestic atmosphere. But, as shown in these pictures, with the right styling and lighting you can achieve a lot!

` Cooks Inc. - Unilever Soup Yourself

Together with Cooks Incorporated we created these visuals with the main theme; soup is healthy and gives you energy. The visuals were issued by Unilever Food Solutions.

` Make Wish - Ad van Geloven - TCC

Peek Creative Studios, Ad van Geloven and TCC were asked by the Make a Wish foundation to develop a fairytale video for Tamara. The Make A Wish foundation helps kids to fulfill their dreams. Tamara is a real Barbie fan and she wanted to direct and play a little role in a movie about Barbie.Tamara had a fantastic day and we are very proud that we could contribute to her wish.