Nickel Ni By: Nathan Regal. Overview Basic information Properties and characteristics Where it’s...

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Transcript of Nickel Ni By: Nathan Regal. Overview Basic information Properties and characteristics Where it’s...


By: Nathan Regal


Basic information

Properties and characteristics

Where it’s found

Types of deposits and mining/extraction process


Cost/ worth

Future and political standpoint

Basic Information

• Transition metal

• Atomic number 28

• Atomic mass: 58.69 g/mol

• Melting pt. of 1453.0° C

• Boiling pt. 2732.0° C

• Discovered by Axel Fredrik Cronstedt in 1751

• Silvery white with a gold tinge

Properties and Characteristics

• Hard, malleable, ductile

• Good conductor of heat and electricity

• Extreme resistance to heat and corrosion

• One of four metals that is magnetic at or near room temperature*

Where it’s Found






New Caledonia


Nonoc Island located in Surigao City

City resides on one of the biggest nickel deposits in Southeast Asia

Produced 440,000 metric tons in 2014



Largest deposit of nickel in the world

Produced 260,000 metric tons in 2014


Sulwesi & Halmahera

Produced 240,000 metric tons in 2014

2nd highest grade of nickel next to New Caledonia


Ontario’s Sudbury Basin

Thompson nickel belt in Manitoba

Ungava Peninsula in Quebec

Produced 233,000 metric tons in 2014


Murrin Murrin

Western Australia holds 1/3 of nickel producing laterite and sulfide deposits

Produced 220,000 metric tons in 2014

New Caledonia

Goro nickel project

Highest grade nickel

Produced 165,000 metric tons in 2014

Sulfide Ore Deposit

Derived from volcanic or hydrothermal processes

27% of nickel resources come from sulfide deposits

Easier to process, cheaper to mine

Resources are becoming depleted

Sulfide Ore Deposits

Nickel is typically found with other ore:

Sulfur and iron in pentlandite

Sulfur in millerite

Arsenic in nickeline

Sulfide Ore DepositsUnderground mining

Pyrometallurgy“Smelting”Material is heatedOre is decomposedLeaves metal base behind

Laterite Ore Deposits

Formed near the surface following extensive weathering

73% of worlds nickel resources come from laterite deposits

More extensive processing

Most future mining will come from laterite deposits



Laterite Ore Deposit

Open cut mining

HPAL “High Pressure Acid Leaching”

Ore is leached with sulphuric acid at high pressures and temperatures

Metal rich solution fed to solvent extraction “hydrometallurgy”

Nickel Uses

95% of nickel goes into the making of alloys

3,000 nickel containing alloys

Stainless steel, invar, monel, inconel, alnico, permalloy, hastelloys, nichrome

Equipment parts

Used as a catalyst

Stainless Steel

2/3 of all nickel goes into the making of stainless steel*

Contains 8% nickel

Corrosion and heat resistant

Cost/ Worth

Surge in price in 2006, 2007

Nickel was worth 9 cents

Melting for profit

Now it’s only worth 90% of face value

U.S. DependencyU.S. only has one active mine in Oregon

Import 43% of nickel

Eagle Mine in Michigan’s upper peninsula

Expected to produce 16,000 metric tons

U.S. military dependency

Political StandpointSustainable Development

Nickel products have a long useful life

Ability to collect and recycle

40% of all nickel used is from recycled material

4% increase in need annually

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