.Nicholas A. Virgilio 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

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Transcript of .Nicholas A. Virgilio 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

.Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 N iagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

Hie town

The moon on a Teushs

winter wind toppie a the head

of the 3now man.

The dark landscape -

a f lash of lightning;

a puzzle of farms.

xhe dark landscape,

lightning flashes

a puzzle of farms.

The dark landscape,

and a f lash of l ightning solves

a puzzle of farms.

A f lash of l ightning,

and the lash o f the oxen-driver

in the pampas grass.

A flash of l ightning,

and the lash of the ca t t le -d r ive r

in the pampas grass.

l ightn ing flashes,

and the driver in the pampas grass

lashes the oxen.

A maze o f mountains,

and a f lash o f l ightning solves

a puzzle o f farms.

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

Java tea leaves swirl:

f a l l in g in place, Medusa

with her Rorshach curl.

Autumn moon; Vthe old s to ry - te l l e r pointing,

a withered tree •

The sound is cold:

ha i l on the dark lantern.

Aha l Greedy culprits,

who drank the clover dew:

th irs ty , th irsty shoes 1

Waving str ipedly ,

At the other end

of the k i t e . . .

a p ig ta i led g i r l .

hy the harher-pole . . .

A hit The torch of the hunter.. .

f l icke rs in pampas grass,

A hot summer day.. .

miring in haze, -

l icks the autumn moon.

t i r ing cicadas.The torch of the hunter.. .

The dark landscape...

quickens over pampas grass,

l icks the autumn mocn.

brightening in lightning,The torch of the hunter...

becoming a puzzle of farms.quickens in pampas plumes,

l icks the autumn moon.

A dcry at sea . . . ^The hunter’ s to rch . . .

d r i f t in g into a sunbeam,\\

sh if t ing with thunder.quickens in pampas plumes,

l icks the autumn mocn.

Winter wind... A redwood by the r i v e r . . .

honing the waves on the bay, casting a shadow ashore,

sharpening the g u l l ' s cry. jo in ing i ts rhyme at the root

Winter wind on the bay.. . The hunter's to rch . . .-V

honing the waves, quickening in pampas plumes

sharpening 4 .g u l l 1s cry. l ick ing the autumn mocn.

A, shirt on the c lo th es- l in e .*/

shooing the chickens,

cuffing the hawk l

„ A f i r e f l y in the f i e l d . . .

pairing a g lar ing cigaret

and a dot of dusk.

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i c 1092 Niagara Hoad Camden 4, New Jersey

Waving str ipedly,

T*y the turning T®arVer-pole\

the sound o f the f la g f.

A distant s a i l -

A. distant sa i l fu r ls ,

and a ‘butterf ly on a rose

closes i ts wings.

A di stant

In the dark ce l la r -

cobwebs s i f t the autumn mist:

the smell of apples.

In the dark ce l lar -

cobwebs f lo a t on autumn mist:

the smell of apples.

A distant s a i l fu r ls ,

and a "butterfly on a rose

folds i ts wings.

In the ce l la r -

cobwebs s i f t the autumn mist:

the smell of apples.

In the withered swamp,

a reed spans the diameter

of the overcast sun

In the dark ce l lar -

autumn mist curls in a cobweb:

the smell of apples.

In the dark ce l la r -

autumn mist

In a sunbeam...

a lea f curls on a cobweb:

Cloud collars the peaks -

and faiobelow, lay the rocky su r f . . .

a strawberry shortcake.

Cloud collars the peaks -

and far below, by the rocky shore,

a strawberry shortcake.

In the blinding sun...

a lea f curls on a cobweb;

suspended dust.

and suspended dust s ir Issuspended dust


Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

Y/inter tw il ight


In the withered wood.

a aunray through a knothole

In the autumn f i e ld s ,

the afterglow hack drops

a wind-blown l e a f .

In the young grass -

a f ledg l ing and a worm

stare at each other*

In the young grass -

a f ledg l ing - jay and a worm

stare at each other*

In the tw i l igh t wood,

a lone f i r e f l y punctuates

wet leaves

In the tw il ight wood,

a lone f i r e f l y discovers

the huddled child*

in the young grass -

a f ledgling-robin

In the night wood,

a lone f i r e f l y discovers

the huddled child.

a flapping crow

In the tw i l igh t wood,

a flapping crow darkens

the snowy s t i l ln ess *

In the tw i l ight wood,

a lone f i r e f l y echoes

the distant tower l i g h t .

In the tw i l ight f i e ld ,

a lone f i r e f l y echoes

the distant tower l i g h t .

In the young grass -

a robin

In the tw i l igh t wood,

a lone f i r e f l y punctuates

the lea fy s t i l ln ess

wet leaves

In the young grass -

a robin-chick and a worm

stare at each other*

Nicholas A* V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

in the sunlit shallows.#

carp startu

The country doctor

examines the coated tongue

of the r iv e r .

The country doctor examines

the coated tongue o f the r i v e r .

dandelion seed d r i f t in g on the lake

Dr i f t ing on the lake

dandelion seed

the moon is with child

A country doctor

examines the coated tongue

of the r iv e r . evem

A country doctor examines

the coated tongue of the r i v e r .evening 3un seeds the waves:

the moon is with child

in the dark ce l lar

cohwehs s i f t the autumn mist:

the smell of apples.

The e lectr ic t ro l ley

3tops singing:

ci cada.

Homeless hermit crad . . .

the only vacancy,

a v ik ing 's horn.

Drif t ing on the la k e . . .

evening sun seeds the waves:


.Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Hoad Camden 4, New Jersey

Homeless hermit crab,

the only vacancy

is t

j-he caisson’ 3 wheel

crushes a tiny stone

Hovember 25, 1963

Squirrels on the moor

their ta i l s look more l ike pampas pi

than pampas plumes

B it ter afternoon: -

sparrows chatter with wind chimes

rhe r iss

the clouded sun.

A single rain drop

ripples the moon, another

a few moments la te r .

The r is ing cardinal

adds another shade of red

to the afterglow.

The departing plane

adds another shade o f grey

to the overcast hay.

A single rain drop ripples the moon##i

another,a few moments la te r .H

Heat waves from the l id ,

and wigglers in the rain barrel

r is e , and descend.

Heat waves from the l id ,

and wigglers in the rain barrel

ascend, and descend.

Beneath the street lamp,

wheeling moths halo

a wavering drunkard.

and the red-wing shoulders

the afterglow

I 1B it te r cold:

moonward, a departing plane

returns the evening sun.

Green scum on the la k e . . .

the r ipp les ' core

is la*5 carp's sucking mouth.

Nicholas A, V i r g i l i o1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

Lone red-winged blackbird

r id ing a reed in high tide

autumn cumulus*

A melting i c i c l e . . .

the sound, shade and shape

Crescent moon of spring:

the scar of an old love -

of the r ipp ling pool. she walks with another.

Girls and bu tte r f l ie s chase

a bouncing ba l l to second basei *in a puddle, lace and face.


A melting i c i c l e ;

the snotty urchin*s face

in a r ipp l ing pool.

A melting i c i c l e . . .

in the r ipp l ing puddle,

a snotty urchin's face.

Crescent moon of spring

arouses the scar

of an old love

Hair streaked breas ts . . .

her big toe traces the moon

through the glass-bottomed boat

Crescent moon of sp r ing . . .

she walks with another -

the scar of an old love.

Crescent moon of spring

i r r i t a t e s the 3car of an old love

Wet face, hair streaked breasts,

her big toe traces the moon

in the glass-bottomed boat.

• • •

f /We

Crescent moon of sp r ing .* . ,

scar of love -

she walks with another.

Moon of sp r ing . . .

scar of love -

she walks with another

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Hoad Camden 4, New Jersey

/ '

wet face

hair streaked


her big toe


the moon

in the glass


W £-T"

H A (ft.STiCiSft V<i(J 6

ripe grape wet

out hair

of reach streaks

might breasts

as we l l toe

be traces

sour. moon

in the river

wet hair


breas ts

her big toe


the moon

in the river.

lie K 1 r e dwet



in the river.7




trace s


Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Hoad Camden 4, Neis Jersey

Morning moon Departing sun’ s

train of dandelion glebes -

the r is ing mccn.

Poor scarecrow pelted with snow’ -•

the beggar l e f t his summer clothes.

Mountain-sky l i n e ;

a sunbeam fixed on a dinosaur bene

A withered tree . . .

even i ts re f le c t ion

dried up with the stream.

Morning moon

From scarf to scarf

in morning m ist , a f l y

alights on the poet*

The ris ing mccn -

and the evening sun’ s robe

of dandelion glebes.

The departing sun's

train of dandelion globes -

the r is ing moon.

A breeze through the f i e ld -

white bu tte r f l ie s swirl from weeds:

b il lowing clouds.

The crow’ s shadow -

Twilight wood:

the song of the cuckoo -

bones of the poet.

The crow’ s shadow -

white bu t te r f l ie s swirl from weeds:

b il lowing clouds.

A raindrop peps

a bubble from the corncob

Billowing clouds;

white bu tte r f l ie s swirl from weeds -

the cr ow’ s shadow•


Nicholas A. V i r g i l i c 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

In the sunlit shallows.*,

carp start up from the wakes

of id l ing rocks.

A branch of l ightning,

and a withered tree echoes

the r i v e r 's "branches*

In the r i r e r -

an acorn ripples the rhyme

of an oak•

A draneh of l ightning,

and a withered tree maps

the r i v e r ’ s "branches.

Caw l Caw t Caw l

a flapping crow is rhymed

in the waters o f the thaw.

In the r i r e r -

a willow joins i t s twin

at the root .

In the r iv e r -

an apple ripples the rhyme

of the tree.

A bil lowing cloud,

and a p i le of cotton is rhymed

in the r i r e r .

The c i t ies * r i r e r

at night, a ship supported

"by p i l la rs of l i g h t .

and an acorn ripples the rhyme

in the r i r e r .

Ass onance ashore . . .

an apple r ipples the rhyme

of the tree.

Assonance ashore,

and an apple ripples the rhyme

of the tree.

A leaning oak,

and an acorn r ipples the rhyme

in the r ire r

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

The cross on the h i l l . * ,

quartering the evening sun,

shadowing a fa l len scarecrow.

In the dark cavern

a candle slobbers, an i c i c l e drips

on a stalagmite*

A summer playground;

a cake on the tableIn the dark cavern -

a slobbering candle and dripping i c i c l e

on a stalagmite•A s i

In the cavern -

a slobbering candle and dripping i c i c l e

on a stalagmite.

In the cavern -

a slobbering candle drips

on a stalagmite.

A melting i c i c l e ,

and slobbering candle drip

on a stalagmite.

The dark night grove:

a lone candle on the table

l ights their faces.

The dark night grove:

a lone candle on a table

l igh ts their faces.

A summer playground:

a cake on a table

A summer playground;

The summer playground;

a cake on o

The s umme r playgr ound;

a cake on a shady table

l ights the kids' faces.

The summer playground;

an old s to ry te l le r at a shady table

l ights her face.

J-he summer playground;

an old s to ry te l le r in the shade

l ights her face.

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Hoad ^amden 4, New Jersey

A c i r c l in g buzzard...

centering a dead mare

frightening the colt

A summer playground; ..j

an old s to ry te l le r in the shade

l ights her face*

A summer playground;

an old s to ry te l le r in the shade

l igh ts her face.

A summer playground;

an old s to ry te l le r in the shade

l ights the kids' faces.

A scrawny cat in s l e e t . . .

pawing an empty garbage p a i l ,

walking up the a l l e y .

A summer playground;

an old s to ry te l le r in the shade

l ights their faces.

Hgw round the carp's mouth...

gulping green scum on the lake,

ringing a contraceptive.

How round the oar p's mouth..,

gulping green scum on the lake,

r ipp l ing a contraceptive.

How round the carp’ s mouth...

gulping green scum on the lake,

ru f f l in g a contraceptive.

A scrawny cat in s l e e t . . .

pawing an empty garbage pa i l

dashing a f te r a sparrow.

A scrawny cat in s l e e t . . .

pawing an empty garbage p a i l -

pouncing on a sparrow.

in the crowded church -

the sermon shapes up,

to a rounded knee*

in the crowded church -

the sermon is taking the shape

of a rounded knee.

A k i l ldeer

over the hot summer f i e l d . . .

sounds, and sweeps.

Nicholas A* V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

A deserted mansion:

the autumn wind seeps the eaves

of leaves

A game of jacks

is taking the shape

creviced ants

This f i l l i n g s a i l

is taking the shape

c f the crescent moon.

Creviced an ts . . .

taking the shape

of a game of jacks.

A distant s a i l

is taking the shape

of the crescent moon.

This jointed toothpick

is taking the shape

of a scorpion’ s t a i l .

A distant s a i l . . .

taking the shape of the crescent

r is ing tc a clcud.

This be' uThis fracturing toothpick

is taking the shape

of a scorpion’ s t a i l .

A distant train whistle

is taking the shape

of the summer tw il ight wood.

A distant train whistle ■ . *

Creviced an ts . . . i * taking the shade and shape

taking the shape of a game of the summer tw il ight weed,

of jacks.

A soaring skylark

is taking the shape

of a bil lowing clcud.

The heat,

and darkening sky taking the shap

of b it ing f l i e s .

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

An autumn f l y . . .

buzzing the sunlit window

disturbing^ dust.

An eld. farmer

Taking the shade

o f the mccn

in the winter twil ight f i e ld ,

trudges homeward.

A temple ruin:

a p i l l a r is taking the weight

c f the moon.

In the empty church -

a f i r e f l y l ights a flower

on the a lta r .

In the empty church -

a f i r e f l y at the a l t a r . . .

l ights a flower.

The temple h e l l t o l l s . . .

a single r ipple spreading

on the garden pool.

An a l igh t ing eag le ’ s

blanke ts

An a l ight ing eag le ’ s shadow

blankets a scampering rabbit

A lone blue jay

A blue jay

in si

A blue jay

in surnmer morning mist,

ca l ls my name.

taking the shape of the descendin

A scampering ra b b i t . . .

taking the shape of shadow

c f an a l ight ing eagle.

.Nicholas A.. V i r g i l i c 10 92 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

in the empty Vfrurch -

a lone f i r e f l y at the a ltar

l ights a f low er .

Autumn morning mist -

a "blue ja y 's cry

is the sound of my name.

The alumnus' forehead

is taking the shape of

The alumnus' forehead*.,

taking the shape of r ipples

from his sinking r ing.

A summer tw i l ight f i e ld ;

a lone puddle

holds the last of day.

Summer dusk in the f i e ld :

a lone puddle

holds the last of day.

In the corn f i e ld -

the stretching Thoreau

is , simply, another scarecrow.

In the withered corn f i e ld

the stretching Thoreau...

another scarecrow.

Autumn, mist -

a distant scarecrow..

Autumn mist -

a distant scarecrow

another hunter.

another grave-.marker

Nicholas V i r g i l i o1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

The cals on*s wheel

crushes a t iny stones

the day of the Burial

Summer ocean;

undulating sheep on the dunes -

"billowing clouds.

The s umme r o c e an;

undulating sheep on the dunes -

bil lowing clouds.

Bil lowing clouds -

undulating sheep on the dunes -

the summer ocean.

Billowing clouds -

undulating sheep on the dunes -

How smooth the ocean




Billowing clouds -

undulating sheep on the duhes

the smooth ocean.

The farm-bcy

A farm boy -

a mosquito pops the bubble

from his corncob pipe.

The farm boy -

a mosquito pops the bubble

from his corncob pipe.

The harvested f i e ld -

and a raindrop

on the scarecrow1 s cheek.

The harvested f i e l d ;

a raindrop on the scarecrow^ cheek —

\ the cold wind.

Bil lowing clouds -

undulating sheep on the dunes

the white capped ocean.

A farm boy -

and a raindrop pops the bubble

A farm boy -

the raindrop pops the bubble

from his corncob pipe. from his corncob pipe.

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i c 1092 Niagara Read Camden 4, New Jersey

Atuinn crescent


The Temple'"x

The temple b e l l t o i l s .• .

a single ripple spreading

on the garden peel.

Autumn morning mist

the blue ja y 's cry

is the sound of my name.

Underneath the eaves, —“

a sparrow on a linden branch...

picking l i c e from leaves.

I ts frozen eye . . *

a hare held by a hound

The clouded sun;

a hare held by a hound,

i ts frozen eye.

A dead-ripe banana...

peeling s tr ip -by-s tr ip -

How yellow the f ru i t l

A dead-ripe banana...

peeling str ip by s tr ip -

How yellow the f ru i t

xhe clouded sun

echoes in the frozen eye

The clouded sun echoes

The clouded sun

echoes bn the hare's frozen eye,

The clouded sun

grips the hare's frozen eye,

echoes on the hound's teeth.

The clouded sun

echoes on the buzzard's beak,

and the hare's frozen eye.and the hound's teeth

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

Overcast c i ty -

a newspaper on the wind

chases leaves I

-brom the sweater's

unraveling yarn, the spider

descends cn her thread.

I t s heart

with the hawk -

but the k i t e - s t r in g . . *

I t s sands have run outi

the black widow's red hourglass >

pierced by a wasp.

j»y the garden pool,

a f i r e f l y discovers jewels

o f the Galaxy.

H‘telephone wires:

the hazy moon is a note

in a minor key.

borne cn 1 copter-breeze ,

a thousand samaras launched

from maple trees.


ib is blind poet . . .(

fee l ing the character fcf spring,

f ingering dots of dusk.

yRhyme in the r ive r - j~j

assonance ashore**^

Lay of the Linden.

Autumn misfortune...

blown here .. . there - into my face

In the morning mist,

the scarecrow

is , simply another hunter.

Distracted by l e g s . . .

the old codger handing out

"Dan the bomb" pamphle ts .

in the autumn f i e l d s . . .

learning to be ignorant:

becoming a child.

Someone's misfortune

blown here .. . there - into my fa c e . . .

a twenty dollar b i l l 1

Misty autumn moon: J

the gypsy fo r tu n e - te l le r 's breath \\


on the crystal b a l l .

Out of the bock store -

into the snow storm

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i c 10 92 -Niagara Road Camden 4, .New Jersey

The farm hoy -

a mosquito pricks the bubble

on Ilia corncob pipe.

Out of the hock storeBlue sky,

and a Billowing cloud takingcrawling into the snow storm.**

a s i l v e r f i s h .

Eating pancakes -

through the restaurant window...

"breakers layer the shore.

/.from the podium...

the demigogue shakes his f i s t -

thunder and lightning 1

Blue sky,

and a Bil lowing cloud taking the shape

of the Orange Ball-sun.

A b il lowing cloud,

beyond the country f a i r

A bil lowing cloud -

the child at the custard stan$...

pointing: 1 want that color.

"I want that c o lo r " . . .

the child at the custard

The yellow moon

on the church spire -

or is i t a ballcxm ?

A b i l lowing cloud

above the custard stand,

swallows the yellow moon.

" k-want that co lor ,f . . •

the boy’ at the custard stand^pointing

to a bil lowing cloud.

J-he boy at the custard stand:

"Gimme that color ’. " . . .p o in t in g The bey at the custard stand


Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

The boy's anguished face

a face

Bitter wind; B it te r nights

the stars and wind chimes stars and wind chimes

Burn my ears. Burn my ears*

Bitter winds

stars and wind chime3 g l id ing eagle

Burn my ears. is s l id ing i t s undulating shadow

on the mountain*

The g l id ing eagle

is s l id ing an undulating shadow

on the mountain.A f i r e f l y a f i e ld

is s l id ing a fading shade of yellow

on a pool of stars. Beneath a street lamp,

wheeling moths halo a drunkard -

the heat 1

TlA f i r e f l y a f i e ld

adds a fading shade c f yellowA tiny f i r e f l y

adds a fading shade of yellowto the moon

to the moon

A c icada^ song

rises over the r ipp ling pond,

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i c 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

On the garden pool

A part o f l i f e that the reader in tu its

A c i c ad a ’ s s ong The clouded sun

rises over the r ipp l ing pond, grips the hare’ s frozen eye

darkening the rainbow. at the hound's f e e t .

The autumn moon At the hounds

silchuettes a reed on the swamp,

shadowing a nest of eggs. At the hound's: fe e t ,

the clouded sun grips

The clouded sunThe hound grips the hare,

grips the hare’ s frozen eye,and the clouded sun echoes

and the hound’ s teeth.on i ts frozen eye.

The hound's jaw relaxes, The clouded sun

and the clouded sun grips grips the hare's frozen eye

the hare’ s frozen eye. in the buzzard’ s beak.

The f lMoonlight on'i the swamp. . .

si lohuetting reeds,

echoing on 4 nest of eggs

Nicholas A* Y i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

The autumn moon

is mounting another head

she stood there


she stood there she stood there

and waited and waited

in the cradle in the cradle

( and ven ( and even before that


she stood there in the schoolyard

and waited the classroom

in the cradle at home

(and even before that) in the car

unaware anywhere

that she waited everywhere

in the schoolyard she stood there

the classroom and waited -

at h ome when he came

in the car



she l e f t with him.

she stood there

Nick Virgilio 1092 Niagara Hoad Camden, N*J« 08104

£ t n C ■ ; > . r r v ; c ~ e v i : » 1 , - ”■ '•0 ’ " r : . . : " ' C i ' l L

v V ' ’ 5- ■' f ' *• /•JV*7r ] ° * " + • * J • : , - A distant balloon

drifting over the county fair,; • ' ? a;-: - i ; ? ? » ; ' :t r c y r eclipses the moon* ’ ‘

t • * *• ' 4 * ' f * ’’ ' r ■ *- *•' (Haiku Y/est ̂ Magazine)* : r r; x ‘ : c i " x n . ; sji-

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; L r i C . L r T C i J C p k e y e T V

Nick Virgilio 1092 Hdfcgar a Road

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Camden, N*J* 08104■r i ; Vi : r c r d

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The empty highways

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The stadium fence Through the knothole in the stadium femce A sun ray plays on the cold "benchknocking out a knothole

old dog

The empty stadium through a knothole in the fence the evening sun

Through a knothole in the stadium fence a sun r&y guided

The empty stadium,,,VP

through a knothole in the fence a sun ray guides a fly

Through the knothole

in the stadium fence, a sun ray

plays on the cold bench.




The stadium fencesa sun ray through the knothole plays on the cold bench.

A single raindrop ripples the moon, another a few moments later. [ 0^ \y9

finds the knot hole in the fence

The empty stadium through a knothole in the fence

The stadium fence through the only knothole

The clouded moon baring its bottoms the autumn wind.

The stadium ruins through a knothole in the fence; the autumn moon. J

The empty stadium

through a knothole in the fence

a f ly in a sun ray.

The stadium fences a sun ray through the knothole plays on the lost ball finds the lost baseball.

.Nicholas A. vi r g i l i© 1092 Niagara Hoad Camden 4, hew Jersey

Summer storms

a clay pot co l lec ts rain

for the steam iron.

The evening s l e e t

is pa in t in g the peholed

o f the ebbing creek .

The f r e e z in g ra in

is p a in t in g the pebbled edge

ci the ebbing creek.

is g i l d in g the w i l lo w

A smcId e r i n g wreckf

on the shoulder o f the road

h s t r in g o f steppingstones

across the l i l i e d pond . . .

f o o tp r in t s o f the moon.

A s t r in g of l i l i e s

stepping across the pond

A s t r in g o f l i l i e s

s tepping across the s ta r r y pend

s t r in g o f l i l i e s

stepping across the s t i l l pend

The f r e e z in g ra in

is g la z in g the pebbled edge

o f the ebbing creek.

The fe ather mocn

Ju mine r 1m ght n in g

is s o lv in g a puzzle

Summer l i g h tn in g

i s c r e a t in g a crazy q u i l t

a s t r in g o f l i l i e s

s t r e t ch in g across the s t i l l pond;

the M i lky way

A water l i l y

is n es t led in the b e l l y

o f the quarter mocn.

A s t r in g c f s teppingst ones

s t r e t ch in g across

o f farms

Nicholas A. Virgilio1092 Niagara rtoad Camden 4, New Jersey

Moonlight on the dump...

streaming from a tinseled tree

showing the wind the way.

t i d a l wave

rumbling through the jungle is land ,

tumbles an i d o l .

The meadow brocks

The boar dw%lk at dawn

a turt ledove

emerges from shad’ow

^SfaSa t he me ad ow br cck 9

a dam o f dead branches

brakes a red maple l e a f .

The f i r s t snowfa l l

is coat ing a stack

o f ru st y cann cnba11s »

The f i r s t sn ow fa l l

is coat ing a small stack

o f cannon ‘b a l l s . i\

.'he f i r s t s nowfa 11 [\j 5 ft ( t > ■

is coat ing a small stack

o f rusty cannon b a l l s .

A str ing of puddles

/ s t r e t ch in g across the beach . . .

f o o tp r in t s o f the sea.

The morning mist

A d is tan t blue jay

sh r iek ing in the reek ing mist

betrays the sewage creek.I

betryys the blue jay

The f i r s t an ow f a l 1

is dust ing a small stack

o f rusty oannccn b a l l s .

A d is tan t blue ja y

sh r iek ing in the reek ing mist

A d is tan t blue jay

sh r iek ing in the reek ing mis

a dam of dead branches

brakes a maple l e a f

the stench o f the creek