NHS 'Death Pathway' to Be Scrapped Within a Year Following Damning Report _ Mail Online

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  • 7/28/2019 NHS 'Death Pathway' to Be Scrapped Within a Year Following Damning Report _ Mail Online


    NHS 'death pathway' to be scrapped within a year following

    damning report

    Liverpool Care Pathway to be 'phased out' in six to 12 months

    Independent review found shocking examples of abuse across NHS'We need a whole new system of better end of life care,' care minister

    By Daniel Martin

    PUBLISHED: 23:07, 12 July 2013 | UPDATED:23:11, 12 July 2013





    Care ministe r Norman Lamb w ill announce and end to the controversial Liverpool

    Care Pathway on M onday

    The controversial Liverpool Care Pathway is to be phased out over the next six to 12 months after an independent review found shocking examples ofabuse across the NHS.

    Care minister Norman Lamb will announce on Monday that the scheme, under which treatment is removed from those deemed close to death, will bescrapped.

    It follows a review which heard allegations that the vulnerable were being put on the pathway without consent, they were being unnecessarily sedatedand that others were being denied food and water.

    The Neuberger inquiry also found numerous examples of poor implementation and worrying standards in care which meant the LCP needed to bereplaced.

    The Daily Mail has led the way in campaigning against the so-called death pathway, highlighting how hospitals were being paid bribes by the NHS to hittargets.

    The Department of Health will also reveal that these incentive payments will be scrapped under whatever new system is introduced.

    Last night Mr Lamb vowed that the replacement will definitely not be called a pathway.

    He said: We need a whole new system of better end of life care tailored to the needs of individual patients and involving their families. I took thedecision to launch this review because concerns were raised with me about how patients were being cared for and how families were being treated

    during this difficult and sensitive time.

    Every year 130,000 patients are placed on the LCP, which usually involves heavy sedation with morphine or similar drugs.

    The Mail has revealed that NHS trusts were receiving six-figure sums for using the end-of-life regime leading to fears that doctors were put underpressure to use the pathway.

    Aintree University Hospitals Trust, in Liverpool, received 308,000 last year for achieving goals including the Liverpool Care Pathway.

  • 7/28/2019 NHS 'Death Pathway' to Be Scrapped Within a Year Following Damning Report _ Mail Online


    Part of the money was tied to it achieving an LCP figure of 43 per cent against a target of 35 per cent. Salford Royal NHS Trust had LCP-linkedpayments halved for failing to hit targets.

    Aintree University Hospitals Trust received 308,000 last year for achieving 'goals

    including the Liverpool Care Pathway'

    Salford Royal NHS Trust had LCP-linked payments halved for failing to hit targets

    The report found no evidence of misuse but Mr Lamb said the bribes give such a bad impression that they should be scrapped.

    Michelle Mitchell, of the Age UK charity, said: Any decision on the future of the Liverpool Care Pathway has to be based not just on what the guidancesays but also on the reality of how it is being implemented.

    As a society we must be able to ensure that people at the end of their lives are treated with compassion and dignity.







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  • 7/28/2019 NHS 'Death Pathway' to Be Scrapped Within a Year Following Damning Report _ Mail Online


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    Its more somthing needs doing in the hospitals about this. In my job role we have used the LCP several times when an elderly person is coming to the end of life, and its not

    about removing food & drink etc etc, its about having an ease of access to any pain relief or medication which is needed, so as to make the dying process as pain free &

    peaceful as pos sible, & families are most certainly kept in the loop. So instead of phas ing it out, surely itd be m ore apt to look into hospitals i ncorrect use of it & do s omthing

    about it!

    - rachael, widnes, 13/7/2013 10:02

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    Oh, they're not going to just re-name it then, like DM claimed in an article a couple of weeks ago? People need to remain alert to what is going on and not be fooled into thinking

    that this kind of thing is no longer happening.

    - ceegeebee, rotherham, 13/7/2013 10:01

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    Changing the nam e wont stop government from seeking to cut expenditure by killing of the old and dying.

    - bonydiver, manchester, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:59

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    Why the delay a quick e-mail "Stop It Now" job done

    - pamwe chete, Ilminster, 13/7/2013 9:55

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    Naive. It will be known by another name is all. Well done DM for making this a death sentence when it was merely a pathway to care for the dying to ensure s ame care and

    treatment on a national s cale to ensure equity in healthcare.

    - dawn4101, Liversedge, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:55

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    Why is it that in the UK things can start instantly but take years to stop??

    - Dave, Hitchin, 13/7/2013 9:46

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    In reality there is nothing wrong with the LCP itself if implem ented properly. The problem is how Doctors have used and abused it, fail to gain informed consent, fail to explain it

    properly, fail to regularly review the patient, fail to regularly hold multi disciplinary reviews, fail to stop the pathway when the patient improves. The pathway if followed correctly

    DOES help patients to be treated with dignity and respect, are the doctors who failed to us e it as it is written going to be held to account by the General Medical Council or courts?

    - DW, East of England, 13/7/2013 9:46

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    I still don't get it. The government condones starving the terminally ill to painful death but still will not legalise a quick and painless injection.

    - Chuck, LalaLand, 13/7/2013 9:42

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    Click to rate Rating 109

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    Are you honestly proud of this achievement Daily Mail? Is this a badge of pride for you? All you have are one sided s tories which at best is lazy journalism and at wors t

    scaremongering. The pathway is a tool used when all medical options are exhausted, when the illness is in its end stages. When it is the time to stop sticking needles in and

    taking blood and subjecting the patient to invasive interventions. It is the time to stop that and allow them to be comfortable and pain free and to allow family time to s pend with

    their loved ones. There will always be people who find it hard to believe that more can't be done and yes it's tragic that a 30 s omething year old has to die of cancer but when they

    have had every chemotherapy drug possible and radiotherapy and still the cancer grows what do you really expect Doctors to do? When they have suffered for months and

    maybe years.

    - Freda the Tortoise, Manchester, 13/7/2013 9:41

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    end it now not in 12 months time ...............

    -j s, Berkshire, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:39

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    My guess is they will simply rename it to something like "Easy Exit". I wouldn't trust anyone in charge of the NHS as far as I could throw them.

    - Gizmo, Wellingborough, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:39

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    I am appalled by the 'achieving goals' s tatement. An end of life regime should be caring, concerned and as comfortable as any human being could wis h for instead of callous,

    cold and clinical. Another C could be us ed too - cynical. We owe a duty of care to the end of life process, as we as individuals would ourselves wis h for that care on a do as you

    would be done by maxim. Humane, pain free, comfortable and to gently slip away...............as a nurse it is what i would want.

    - Cloud, Cuckoo Land, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:36

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    Good. Now euthenasia should be brought in for those who want it, and those who don't should be looked after properly up to the last s econd of their lives.

    - Helene, France, 13/7/2013 9:36

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    This is a relief to know. It will no doubt return under another name. The reasons for it being wrong were, lack of consultation with nearest relatives on occasion, the restriction of

    fluid ( to be thirsty is torture whether or not you are dying) ,the obs cene idea the there could be a payment made for freeing up beds( encouraging staff to put as m any people as

    possible on the pathway ) and, not least, the terror felt by those who are very ill , if they have to be admitted to hospital. If an individual plan is to be drawn up for each patient in

    future, let's hope it isn't arrived at by someone ticking boxes who knows no detail of the current condition.

    - Pat Murray, Warrington, 13/7/2013 9:33

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    What???? Within a year??? Just stop it right now....

    - Well I Never, "Formerly" GREAT Britain, 13/7/2013 9:33

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    It's this abuse of the LCP by a minority that makes the argument agains t euthanasia so powerful.

    - Londoner, London, 13/7/2013 9:32

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    Doctors have been playing God for decades. My father was put in a room alone and never fed or given water. It was never discuss ed with the family who were told his ram blings

    were due to his cancer not from dehydration. He was never told was wrong with him as the doctors had decided he could not cope so I got to tell him. That was 25 years ago in a

    hospital in the West Midlands and both my parents had been nurs es for 30 plus years. I will ensure that I never have to rely on doctors to decide how and when I am going to die.

    - patti28, kent, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:29

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    The devil really is in the detail here the report says that it needs to be REPLACED but replaced with what? Something s imilar with a different name will be no better. What we

    really need are compass ionate medical staff that don't have to hit targets and more carers, and I s ay carers because nurses don't actually do nursing as we know it anymore

    they are sim ply tick box managers. Carers are the ones who do traditional nursing as we know it we don't have enough of them and they are undervalued and underpaid.

    - PIX, Essex, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:27

  • 7/28/2019 NHS 'Death Pathway' to Be Scrapped Within a Year Following Damning Report _ Mail Online


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    Financial Incentives to the NHS to kill people - unbelievable. The NHS has become a horror story that is now unfit for purpose

    - Socialist Shirker, EUSSR, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:27

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    My mother in law was placed on this -She is 'STILL' alive three year's later-So som eone was wrong.

    -AZBO, IRVINE, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:27

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    No worries, the government is planning an "HS2" replacement.

    - Richard, Rugby, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:26

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    and what of those who have already watched their loved ones suffer. ?

    - heath, Ibiza, 13/7/2013 9:20

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    'THEY' all admit that its a disaster, so why the hell is it going to take another YEAR to stop it - is there a Target to meet, 'THEY' need to stop it NOW - or can't they cope with more

    people in hospital staying alive? - Why have a CARE Minister - does'nt the HEALTH Minister cover CARE anymore - Pay twice and split the blame?.

    - Jay, Swindon, 13/7/2013 9:19

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    Hmm. Why is there a delay on stopping the LCP. Simple they can bump off more of our eldery to save money on Pensions etc etc.. My mother had a bad time with no liquid

    intake.... I made them put her on a drip... till the end... Germany intoduced such a system pre- second world war.. and we all know where that led..

    - Mike, West Midlands, 13/7/2013 9:16

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    Why phase it out? If it should not be used stop it now. Typical of anything to do with officialdom these days, don't do today what you can put off until tomorrow.

    - meangelo, The forgotten NW of England, 13/7/2013 9:16

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    I a so di sappointed that the implemen tation of the LCP failed. The philosophy behind the team who developed it was ethically and morally based on the desire to improve the

    standard of care for the dying person in this country. When it is used as it was intended it does m ake a difference. So sorry for all the families who have suffered because o f poor

    application of the process. The LCP was good. It was the poor application that failed.

    - marie hudson, Liskeard. Cornwall, 13/7/2013 9:13

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    As a NHS employee I can not even bring m yself to read this! The LCP is not a death pathway as the media li ke to make out! It makes my blood boi l that the LCP continues to be

    so m isunderstood! The LCP is there for patients who are ALREADY dying to ens ure they receive the bes t possible care in their last hours.

    - dhaddon, London, 13/7/2013 9:13

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    Why wait a year? Why not stop now!

    - Cllr Cabbie, To the right, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:13

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    This "pathway" should never have been implemented in the first place. It must have been clear that it would be open to abus e and mis-us e. As for payment to hospitals for

    meeting targets, this is breathtaking that such payments were given at all - it only encouraged such abominable abuse, and an element of competition which is di sgraceful, to

    put it mildly. It should be scrapped now, not within a year. There must be no targets or payments whatsoever.

    - ElizabethA, Bristol, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 9:08

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    My mum was put on "the pathway" and TLC in March. She was given no medication for about 10 days, only water and nothing else. This allowed her body and her mind to

    recover. She is now living quite contently in a nursing home close by. My point is that I believed I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she could have no quality of life at all and

    release for her, and for me, would be the right thing. I couldn't have been m ore wrong. I was always pro euthanasia before this happened but now I am full of doubt on this is sue.

    - Jules99, Midhurst, 13/7/2013 9:04

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    Gone, in fact, on it's own 'Liverpool Pathway'. Scrap it NOW: if it's wrong, not one more person should be dehydrated to death.

    - Slightly Bored, Nonny-On-The-Wold, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 8:57

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    I see, they are phasing it out over a year, giving them time to invent a new regime with a different name that won't include the word "pathway". Keep watch over your elderly

    relatives because nothing is going to change except the name.

    - BnT, Devon, 13/7/2013 8:51

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    My mother recently passed away after being subjected to ECT, a barbaric practice that has been sanitized with the use of drugs. The hospital gave her the treatment without my

    consent or that of my mother and kept her ali ve by feeding her through a drip as s he would not eat. I was relieved when eventually she was allowed to pas s away peacefully.

    - kemills1, Granada, Spain, 13/7/2013 8:49

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    you would have to be incredibly naive to expect it to just " stop". In my opinion the LCP has suffered very bad press, but is a valuable way of ending life swiftly when all else fails. If

    you have seen someone terminally ill and in pain, with no hope of recovery and their body is struggling to 'die' naturally, you would understand why its an option that should be

    available, provided there is frank consultation with the family. Its as good as the team applying it.

    - grumpster, cambridge, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 8:47

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    Well done Daily Mail!!! Thanks to your "campaign", many of my patients will now die in agony, having unnecessary food and water forced on them by ignorant relatives and

    without the Morphine and Midazolam they need for a dignified pas sing. Nice one.

    - Dominique, Golders Green........, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 8:45

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    You wouldn't believe the callousnes s of s ome doctors and nurses until you have seen how they deal with your own dying parent with your own eyes.

    - Lurch, Palma de Mallorca, 13/7/2013 8:41

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    It will be the same policy under a different name.

    - LERENARD, Love n Light, United Kingdom , 13/7/2013 8:32

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    My friends uncle in his 80's, is i n a care home at great expense. He cannot do anything at all for him self, but only this week had an expensive operation on the NHS and survived,

    presumably to stay a vegetable and dependent. How can that be right? You would not allow an anim al to get in such a state so why are humans treated differently? Denying

    euthanasia/pathway when requested, or when a pers on is totally dependent, sick and in their 80's 90's i s in breach of human rights.

    - forthright, norfolk, 13/7/2013 8:29

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    Death is inevitable so lets get it right for the terminally ill and suffering and at leas t consider their wishes.

    - madmike1, Bangkok, 13/7/2013 8:28

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    I cannot believe what I am reading. A hospital has its payments halved for FAILING TO MEET TARGETS. I am speechless. How can you have a target for the number of people

  • 7/28/2019 NHS 'Death Pathway' to Be Scrapped Within a Year Following Damning Report _ Mail Online


    who die. What do they do if not enough people are on the point of dying this week - shove a few more on the LCP s o that we get the payment and m eet the targets. I have been on

    the receiving end of appalling NHS care resulting in extreme harm to m e. I already don't trust the nursing staff because of that. Now I'm s eriously worried about the doctors and

    consultants as well as it is they who decide to put you on this pathway. I wonder how m any people are shoved on the LCP to cover up operating/care mistakes. We'll never know

    because they are dead.

    - LindaMary, Templecombe, 13/7/2013 8:24

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    The LCP, used correctly and well, was not completely bad. It was the inappropriate use and the abus es that wrong (as well as the controversial withdrawal of fluids ). I hope that

    there is a replacement but that it is not jus wt a rebranding exercise. We all die and doing s o in peace and dignity rather than having treatment forced on us is good - but no-one

    should be left begging for water and far better safegaurds s hould be in place.

    - Common Sense, England, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 8:24

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    Why "phased out"/ Why not stopped immediately?

    - bj22, Preston, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 8:20

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    Does that mean we all have to suffer till the bitter end and that there will be no easing of pas sage available?

    - rw, southampton, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 8:18

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    My mother has parkinsons and is currently in hospi tal with a chest infection. The attitude of some of the doctors and nurses is dis gusting who no longer view her as a hum an

    being with a right to care and compas sion, but rather an individual who is a drain on resources. As a family we feel we have had to fight the administration in order for mum to

    recive the treatment she deserves. This procedure of ending the lives of the most vulnerable in society is inhum ane and I s hudder to think what would happen to our mum if we

    were not there caring for her in the hospital 24 hours.

    - roses, bradford, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 8:15

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    "NHS pathway to death to be scrapped within a year". No, not in a year, scrap it now. All those poor families grieving for their loved ones and the way some stranger decided to

    end their relative's lives is a shocking and awful blot on this Country. Someone should be hauled into Court to account for their decision to encourage and allow this to have

    become part of 'caring' system. I seeth at their arrogance.

    - Susan, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 8:08

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    I wonder what the secret new name the powers that be will call it? Evil hypocrites that's what the will call it!!!!!

    - Lost in France, Toulouse, 13/7/2013 8:06

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    Why not end it now? We know its wrong. How many will die in misery in the next year?

    - Bill Stickers, London, 13/7/2013 7:58

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    The LCP IS a step by step guideline that provides patient care in a holistic and dignified approach which all ows a patient to die where comp lex symptoms related to the cancer

    can be effectively be managed. Diam orphine is usually used as pain is escalated due to their cancer is it exceptable to leave someone in pain this is the rationale of introducing

    the syringe driver. But the people who have decided to stop this pathway are detached from the reality of dying with cancer or a life limiting condition . Surely retraining and

    competences in the introduction and evaluation of the pathway would be more beneficial and s aving the taxpayers m oney.

    - Crafty, Manchester, 13/7/2013 7:55

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    If it is not right scrap it today!!!!

    - Slimy Limey, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 13/7/2013 7:51

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    When Huddersfield hos pital put my mother-in-law on the Liverpool Path Way, we were as sured that she would be gone in "a day or two". Despite being 104 years of age, she

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    died 12 days l ater. Compassionate? Obviously money speaks louder.

    - GeGeK, Ipswich, 13/7/2013 7:49

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    fgs ...again...its not a DEATH pathway, the hysterical reporting of this has been ridiculous

    - chloejsb, Gosport England, 13/7/2013 7:46

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    Does the s crapping of LCP also mean the end of GP's being told to identify a number of patients who they believe will die within the next 12 months ? Neither the patients nor

    their relatives were to be told of this action. What would be done with this information I could not establis h when I asked the ques tion of my MP but I have heard it said that the

    NHS and Treasury expected a 1.1B saving!! This s tinks! Why we don't have an adult and i nformed dialogue on the m erits or otherwise of voluntary euthanasia I jus t don't

    understand. Doctors are it s eems prepared to secretly implem ent LCP so where does this leave their major objection to open, honest and non duress voluntary euthanasia?

    Lets face the process of death and s uffering now not after some Royal Comm ission has taken 10 years to pontificate and poli ticians another 10 to draft legislation. Lets start

    now with the aim of implem enting Voluntary euthanasia within 2 years.

    - loyalist john, chelmsford, 13/7/2013 7:43

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    I agree genocide! How do we reduce our pens ion bill waste everyone over 70, 65, 60, 55? Yup Blake's Run! We paid for our pens ion's it's success ive governments that raided

    our pension money! Let's take all of the politicians who em bezzled our pens ion fund and put them on trial as traitors?

    - Liberty for All, Freedom for England, 13/7/2013 7:42

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    How many people wil l die unnecessarily in the year before it's scrapped! Stop it now!

    - toolate, london, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 7:38

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    Its sad because this a good tool, but like everything it needs to be used correctly! After having full training on it, & having seen i t in use , ive seen how it can relax a person so there

    is no pain in their las t few days & m ake the eol process easier on their body. Ticking boxes & hitting figures is not what care at the eol is all about, its about ensuring the person

    who is ready to leave us is in comfort & looked after correctly, & got the access to pain relief if they so need it.

    - rachael, widnes, 13/7/2013 7:34

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    Just a change of name, that's all. Same as the QCC frequently changed its nam e, each time it was dis credited.

    - mailtony, exeter, 13/7/2013 7:32

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    My elderly father died on Thursday in our local Coventry hospital. After more than two weeks of fantastic care and every possible effort to cure him he went on end of life care.

    From the doctors to the nurses , catering staff and cleaners he could not have had better care or support. Also the s upport and compass ion they showed to me was amazing. I

    am so grateful to them all.

    - Eve, Warwick, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 7:30

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    And replaced with ?

    - ripped off peasant, Newmarket, 13/7/2013 7:28

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    So hands up everyone who wants very frail and elderly patients to be s ubjected to all s orts of painful and invasive medical tests in their dying days? The LCP, when properly

    used, ie to s upport good care and comfort when all other medical care is futile, is good

    -Angelina, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 7:28

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    Instead of going on the pathway, these patients' relatives should take them home. They would be getting the best care then......

    - imp, Manchester, 13/7/2013 7:21

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    6 - 12 months? I s uppose that makes a change from "After the next election"

    -Adrian, Stoke-on-Trent, 13/7/2013 7:13

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    Won't be long before 'Soylent Green' comes along!

    - Tip of the iceberg, Milton Keynes, Bucks, 13/7/2013 7:11

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    Why 'whithin a year'? Could it be that there is already a certain amount of 'individuals' (a word that nicely strips people of any humanity) that is needed to 'make up the numbers'

    for this state sactioned conveyor belt to oblivion??

    - Formerly of London, Copenhagen, Denm ark, 13/7/2013 7:11

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    A rose by any other name, they are not aboli shing it, just calling it by another nam e and how com e its going to take six months to a year to change. it can be changed in minutes

    by a simple email to all hos pitals. they can then continue killing their patients. Simple.........

    - Rebel18, herts, 13/7/2013 7:04

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    I think families shou ld do m ore to take care of their loved ones. Not stick them in a care home or LCP and moan

    - Tamrind, timbuktu, 13/7/2013 7:01

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    This evil policy is in practice the exact equivalent of the Nazi T4 Euthanasia Programme where ' a new bureaucracy, headed by physicians, was es tablished with a mandate to kill

    anyone deemed to have a life unworthy of living.......' or leading burdensome lives and be useless eaters. Don't you jus t love our bureaucrats and elites ? They rail against

    the Nazis and fascism crying crocodile tears and what did they become ?

    - Tony, Worthing, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 6:57

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    Whoever authorised these 'bribes' should be dealt with like ...Shipman . Whoever, wherever they are . Exposure and punishm ent is required .

    - Balmy zephyrs, Brighton, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 6:57

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    Please God dont let me be ill within the next 12month OR till this whole sorry saga is dealt with! Would the DM follow this through & inform us of any change of name that results

    in the LCP ?

    - linda, South Tyneside, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 6:51

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    Why do we have two opposing things running along in parallel?, i.e. most of the health service will not 'allow', or 'help' someone who wishes to die to do so. Whilst, at the same

    time, there is this ludicrously named 'pathway', where neither the 'victim' nor the relatives know that it has been decided to allow s omeone to die, simply by neglect? What most of

    the population want to see is a system of care until or unless a person decides for themselves that they find their life not worth living because of physical OR mental ill health. It

    should be poss ible, whilst of sound mind, to create a legal document so that assistance will be there whether physically ill or by now not able to provide ins truction or


    - CHRIS, Southampton, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 6:50

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    The Pathway isn't a bad idea as long as the family are aware of it or told that the patient will be better off going gradually like my father. What people don't like is a hos pital that

    takes it upon thems elves to put a patient on this Pathway without consulting the family. We had time for everyone to visit and the hos pital phoned all of us individually with the

    news when the end came, which saved just the one person phoning everyone up. We decided to end his life as there was no hope of recovery, like people who have their pet put

    down we done what we thought best for him and were not pus hed into it. If we decided against it, yes he would have lived, gone back into the home to then be put back into

    hospital. There comes a time when you have to say STOP.

    - Moe, London, 13/7/2013 6:46

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    They will change the name, and carry on killing peaple.

    - noelmonk, Fleetwood, 13/7/2013 6:46

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    had som eone put on the LP it was awful to watch. until this point I thought hospitals and/or hosp ices were there for something els e. I'd hate to have went through that pain

    -jcbc, Scotland, 13/7/2013 6:45

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    Murder I Cry...the politicians and doctors who facilitated this evil pathway should be tried for murder... LCP makes a mockery of British Justice for the sake of money!

    - The_Old_Curmudgeon, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 6:36

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    So the LCP will be s crapped, new system will be put in place. Some will again misuse the new system, or not follow all it's protocols and procedures. Another report will then

    say its a 'murder pathway', and we'll go through the whole s hebang again. The LCP isn't perfect, but when necess ary and appropriate, is a brilliant tool and facilitates a calm,

    dignified, pain free death.

    - Confused, Devon, 13/7/2013 6:34

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    I was talking to a nurse the other week and brought up this Mengele scenario and s he remarked it was a 'brilliant idea''? Just goes to show how brainwas hed the NHS has


    - Freddy.Johnson, Pennan Aberdeenshire, 13/7/2013 6 :32

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    Certainly proved to be a redistribution strategy, guaranteeing nobody in their right mind, s eeks NHS "help with their health". It's going and s hould s tay "gone".

    - Olivier Dickenson, The Wold, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 6:13

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    As the generation gets close , the war that's going to happen ! No one in NHS will get away with anything be it law or anything else.......... Watchful/Essex. 13/7/13

    - Therese, Essex, England, 13/7/2013 6:07

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    I have witnessed many people at the end of their life, I have seen m any frightened and in pain, and I have seen how, with the family's input, the LCP can work. It shouldn't be

    about reaching targets, or getting bonuses, but about the individual, making them comfortable, and giving them dignity and support at the end of their life. I fully agree that it

    should be tailored to the individual, and that family should be involved in all decision making. Because the LCP has been abused by a som e, people have come to fear it, but

    from what I have seen, if it's used correctly, it is a far more humane way of dying. - MrsWoman , Lancashire, United Kingdom , 13/7/2013 02:23 There is nothing humane about

    watching someone die of dehydration. I, for one, am glad this disgus ting 'scheme' is ending...but it should end NOW.

    - chris davies, Wales, 13/7/2013 6:06

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    My father in law was put on LCP due to incurable cancer. It was a week of torture for him & for us watching him die. This would be i llegal for animals so why allow it for humans.

    We know that he was going to die from cancer but there should have been a more hum ane way to go. To be perfectly honest I agree with eu thanasia & would prefer that to what

    my poor father in law was subjected to.

    - tln, Yorkshire, 13/7/2013 5:55

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    So they have another 6-8 months to m eet their quotas and earn som e cold cash? Not right, should be stopped now. @ MrsWoman, a humane end-of-life care routine does not

    include dehydrating a patient to death. I too have witnessed e-o-l care (hospice volunteer in the US). Death by dehydration is excruciating so if you've seen it I truly don't know how

    you dare call it hum ane.

    - MrsPaul, Forfar, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 5:45

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    Six to twelve months before Let's Cill Patients i s finally got rid of! That is at leas t another 130 THOUSAND people, probably even more now this money making scam will be

  • 7/28/2019 NHS 'Death Pathway' to Be Scrapped Within a Year Following Damning Report _ Mail Online


    ending. It should be ended immediately. I leave my life in the hands of hopefully well trained medical s taff and not in the lap of the Gods. If they want to get rid of the elderly and

    those who need extra care at leas t give the people the choice of euthanasia.

    - despairing eve, exeter devon, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 5:42

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    I wouldn't want to die like that its I humane euthanas ia! By all means sedate and provide pain relief but I don't think it's right to withdraw fluids to hasten death that can jus t cause

    suffering. Provide bas ic care like fluids and let nature take its course... Some can recover. Or make a proactive decision to euthanise not le t people die over hours or days.

    - Kiri, Bristol, UK, 13/7/2013 5:33

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    So are the government just going to change the name from Liverpool Care Pathway to something els e, and we sha ll all be happily done in with by another name. Plus why

    phase it out rather than stop it immediately. My God what has become of this country,

    - minnie, Northampton, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 5:20

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    Phased out in the next six to twelve months, this is still not acceptable, Why not with immed iate effect.Stop this us e of so called legal euthanasia today.

    - Janet, Warminster, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 5:10

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    The LCP was all about saving money so that more billions are available to throw away as overseas aid.

    - George, London, 13/7/2013 4:59

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    I am su re a more s ubtle approach will now be used to end l ives! I cannot imagine that individual rights will override economic policy in our caring NHS! I guess the NHS will be

    looking forward to a bumper year of deaths in the final year!

    - casperoff, Bristol, 13/7/2013 4:31

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    Those caught up in the wind down must feel like soldiers in the end of a war, wondering who will be last to die for someone el se's stupidity or benefit.

    - Heliflyer, Gibsonville, 13/7/2013 4:10

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    What I find intolerable are the reports , highlighted by Mail Online and other news agencies , that some patients were placed on LCP without the knowledge or consent of the

    families and I have further concerns about the poss ible placing on LCP of those with no relatives or close friends . Dignity is param ount !

    - Transficks, Wigan, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 3:59

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    lies again. the new s ystem is already in place. ask them to clarify.

    - thegoodshepherd, Manchester, 13/7/2013 3:44

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    Will that 'pathway' be scrapped - or just exported to the States?

    - DrMallard, West Palm Beach FL USA, 13/7/2013 3:33

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    6-12months.I think the words you are looking for are NOW! and THOU SHALT NOT KILL!

    - margaret42-belfast, belfast, United Kingdom, 13 /7/2013 3:27

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    Why wait a year, what is wrong with stopping it immediately.

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    - lesann61, alberta, Canada, 13/7/2013 3:11

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    Denying water to a dying person is inhumane. How this can be part of a 'care pathway' beggars be lief.

    - Sandra, Leeds, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 3:04

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    More like go back to being a secret....

    - Glad 2B Gone, Philippines, 13/7/2013 2:54

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    Another name would be genocide! If you are old and unable to pay taxes you mus t die. It's a shame the same governments wi ll not allow voluntary euthanas ia. If they want to

    save money start training s ome decently educated doctors who cure people rather than worry about their pay scales; s top health tourism and charge the doctors for work done to

    non NHS patients and allow voluntary euthanasia rather than forced genocide by inadequately trained im migrants with no s ympathy for the British People! It might not s ort out the

    whole mes s but it would be a start!

    - billwallace, Vancouver, 13/7/2013 2:25

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    End of life care should be about dignity and respect but not about ticking boxes for others benefit

    - Lelah, Dundee, 13/7/2013 2:24

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    MURDER. The killing of a human being by a human being. With intent express or implied, with malice aforethouth. IT ALL FITS.

    - Sir Percy Blakeney, York, UK, 13/7/2013 2:24

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    Nothing short of cold blooded m urder dressed up . This needs to be stopped now and those involved brought before the courts

    - J Fadertin, Herts, 13/7/2013 2:24

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    If I understand this article the NHS said they will continue to kill the sick and the elderly for at least another year? I wonder if they will amp up the deaths before Pathway is

    brought to a close?

    - Max Wilson, Dallas, 13/7/2013 2:23

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    Only people who had been in hos pital and care home, and observing what happen, I'd just truly speechless.

    - Commonsensepls, Somewhere, United Kingdom, 13/7/2013 2:23

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