
Post on 13-Jul-2016

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Transcript of NHL0047153.pdf


Videos were shown to the GM's where as many as 35 head contacts occurred in a contest. At this point they said they did not want a minor penalty assessed as the officials would do as they were told and we would have far too many penalties in this area. Breakout and

It was touched on at the November GM meeting and at the March GM

meeting it really got legs and the process was accelerated. The results

from a concussion study was presented showing 50% of concussions

were caused by lateral blows and it also took on a new life because he

Savard hit happened the first nigh~ ...... ') ~

It was expressed that the rules are~·l\readY;~i·~pJace to call a shoulder check to the head but I dip~ ag~e ~~~·~'at:_hloulder checking was considered legal and in order to get to the Match there would be a great deal of inconsistency in the application and interpretation.

The immediate response was that there needed to be supplementary

discipline enforced on these types of hits. Under the current rules

there really was nothing to support SD in this area but the feeling was

there needed to be.

Last year the two that put the media and the focus over the top were

the Booth hit and the Savard hit.

The rise in player concussions. It can be argued equipment, speed,

inihilate vs separate, lack of respect etc. The reality was that more

heads were being contacted.

Historical let's review how we got to where we are and you understand

the spirit and intent of the rule:

Head Hits


In other words, "respect for the head."

We have taken an aspect of shoulder checking and made it illegal. We have shifted from "keep your head up" to the "hitter must be cognizant of the hit he is about to deliver and where contact is going to be made."

Having said all of that, we are not going to be perfect and I am sure

over the course of the season there will be calls hotly debated. It is a

call that is best seen and made on the ice but the teeth of this rule is

really in supplementary discipline. Hits are ultimately judged by the

rest of the hockey worked in video time. You guys will do an excellent

job in real time. Initially there was talk of supplementary discipline

being the only tool but some GM's("wanted immediate payback for a

head hit and hence the 111-a·or~and~ g9rpe.1. ~

Rule Slide _ --i., \1\1 ~

This penalty in my mind is one that will be very evident to each one of

us and you will not have to seek it out now that we have a rule to apply.

When you step on the ice this will not be in the forefront of your mind

like the obstruction standard was when we first started it because this

more of an unsafe devastating act as opposed to an unfair tactic. To

me it is like the major for interference, it is something that is there it is

not something you seek out.

To date if a penalty was assessed you had to be somewhat creative to

come up with a penalty for a shoulder check to the head.

discussion groups came back with some original wording which began

the process of coming up with a rule.


The key criteria is that the check first must be delivered from the blindside and then all other elements kick in. However, if it is not delivered from the blindside other rules can be enforced or it can be deemed a legal play.

Judge the act not the result, We can't get into the mindset, "it wasn't that bad." By nature some'l\aye1~r"d~(~ o~·b.Qtts then others.

·~ 1.1 \I I L1 Every rule has fallout and in this case it is the head snap faking contact.

Not get them all but you will know when to react. To me this rule is like the major for interference, it is not an epidemic but at the same time it puts players on notice and give supplementary discipline more teeth.

The speed alley area is more likely where this type of hit is to occur and will be where your heightened awareness will be early on.

Around the boards in my mind will look after itself. Elbow, board, interference, charge. Don't morph this rule into these calls

This will all be about sightlines and meeting the criteria we have listed.

Buzzwords: East-West, blindside, lateral, target, initial point of contact.

This not to say that there aren't still good hits where contact with the head occurs but they are North and South in nature or straight on or east-west without head contact.

We are transferring responsibility to the hitter in an area that was once legal. When a player throws a high hit he runs the risk of it being called in this category. High hits-bad things can happen. The checks that we see now are where the player explodes into is opponent.