NG 2214 Week 5 Ethics - Bicycles Create Change · Week 5Workshop Ethics & Measurement. Yugarabul,...

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Transcript of NG 2214 Week 5 Ethics - Bicycles Create Change · Week 5Workshop Ethics & Measurement. Yugarabul,...

2214MED Public Health Research Methods

Week 5 Workshop

Ethics & Measurement

Yugarabul, Yuggera, Jagera and Turrbal peoples

Weekly Reading

1. Interview Ethics. Liamputtong (2017) pp. 52

2. Focus Groups. Liamputtong (2017) pp. 63

Weekly Reading 1

Social Research Methods: Qual & Quant Approaches. Neuman (2014) pp. 201-223

• What are the three features that separate quantities from qualitative approaches to measurement?

• What is the value of developing conceptualization and operationalization measurement processes?

• Why are reliability and validity so important in research?

Weekly Reading 2

Neuman (2014) p 209.

Need to know this for next week!

Next week’s Reading

Make sure your team can access:

Liamputtong (2017) pp. 257-289

Detailing quantitative study designs.


Literature review


Research questions


Data collection

Data analysis


Assessment 2&3

Week 3

Week 4

Weeks 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12

Weeks 8, 9, 10

Weeks 3, 13

Week 2

Assessments 2 & 3

Assessment 2

Assessment 3

Assessment 3

Assessment 3

Assessment 1 = Group work documentsAssessment 2 = Group literature review (with annotated

bibliography)Assessment 3 = Final research report The complete research process

Issues that underpin ethical conduct

•Voluntary participation

• Informed consent

•No harm to participants

•Anonymity and confidentiality


Ethical considerations in this course…What topics are you researching:

- Any personal info needed?

- Any harm implications?

Informed consent:

- Perhaps a Respondent Information Sheet?

- Anonymity and confidentiality

Ethical Clearance by GU:

- Not required for unpublished student projects

- GU Research ethics scope checker


Your final research project…

You needto:

1. Make ethical considerations in your final report e.g. how would you address

the issues of informed consent, anonymity, voluntary participation?

2. Submit an informed consent form with survey as an appendix to your final

report (see Assessment 3 info L@G)

Griffith University Research Ethics Manual (GUREM)• 46 booklets about ethical conduct in research, like recruitment, consent,

social media in research and the exposure of illegal behaviour.• Have a look at the booklets related to your project. Include key ideas,

considerations and terms.

Griffith>Research>Office of Research>Ethics, integrity & compliance> Human Research Ethics>GUREM

Nina’s hot tip for Ethics

From week 4…

• Devising research questions (not descirption RQs)

• Include research questions at the end of your group literature review DUE NEXT WEEK (Week 6)

• NB: When you submit –name your upload accurately:

Cassowarry. GINSBERG, Nina (s1234567) Assessment 2 Lit Review and RQs. 2214MED T1, 2019.

This week

Group literature review tasks:

• How to write the literature review

• How are you going to collate your annotated

bibliographies into a literature review?

• Discuss the literature review guidance – structure etc.

• Discuss the rationale for your research

• What are the gaps (what we don’t know)?

• Was there conflicting evidence?

• What would your group be interested in finding out?

• Devise your research questions

• Write the literature review

Not just description – analysisHigher marks for analysis- not just description

Why, who , so what?

Synthesis of sourcesUse DQs less (not more than 3 short)

Paraphrase & synthesizing

2 or more sources in each sentence

Need a minimum 3-4 different sources in each paragraph

Include full APA Reference List at end of Lit review

Be careful with your languageFrom the literature reviewed …

From this literature subset is appears that …

Avoid 100 % language (none, every, all )

Avoid 100% languageSee GU EnglishHELP Hedging & Boosting (you want hedging!)

Nina’s hot tips for Lit Reviews

Bicycles Create> Resources Page

1. The Lit Review: The continuation

2. The Lit Review: Bring Critical

3. UQ Lit Review for Students

Manchester Uni Academic Phrasebank

Referring to sources

Nina’s hot resources for Lit Reviews

Team Meeting

Have a great week