NFP Brand Guidelines

Post on 23-Mar-2022

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Transcript of NFP Brand Guidelines

NFP Brand Guidelines

1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 4

Brand Idea ........................................................................................... 6

Brand Character ............................................................................. 8

NFP Purpose & Way .................................................................... 18

Rules of the Road ........................................................................ 22

2 Visualizing NFP ............................................................................. 24

Our Basic Brand Elements ...................................................... 26

Brand Signature .................................................................... 28

Do Nots .............................................................................. 32

Typography ............................................................................. 34

Colors .......................................................................................... 38

Underlying Grid System .................................................. 42

Title Block ................................................................................. 48

Visual Identifier .............................................................. 52

Imagery ..................................................................................... 54

Imagery Do Nots .......................................................... 58

Icons, Charts and Graphs ............................................... 60

Putting the Pieces Together ................................................. 64

Print System ............................................................................ 66

40,000-Foot View ......................................................... 68

20,000-Foot View ......................................................... 72

10,000-Foot View ......................................................... 76

On the Ground ............................................................. 80

Stationery System ............................................................... 84

Business Card ................................................................. 86

Letterhead ........................................................................ 88

Envelope .......................................................................... 90

Mailing Label .................................................................. 92

Presentations ......................................................................... 94

Table of Contents3 Our Voice .......................................................................................... 98

Content ........................................................................................... 100

Elevator Speech......................................................................... 102

Boilerplate ..................................................................................... 104

Tone .................................................................................................. 106

Communication Rules ........................................................... 108

Key Questions to Ask .............................................................. 110

Smart Writing ............................................................................... 112

4 Checklist ......................................................................................... 114

5 Contact ............................................................................................ 116



The NFP brand is the story of our business. And what a story it is! We’re a leading insurance broker and consultant that cares deeply about our employees’ and clients’ well-being. We’re honest, hardworking, dedicated professionals who love what we do and strive to lead by example. But in the end, what truly separates our company from the rest is that for us, business is personal. That’s what our brand celebrates.

Used correctly, these guidelines tell a clear story of what we do, what we stand for and our core values. They provide rules around the use of our brand signature and design system, which convey the NFP brand as approachable, creative and forward-thinking. They also provide carefully thought out messaging that ensures we all talk about NFP in the same way.

At the end of the day, our vision for this company isn’t a financial metric or a top 10 list. It’s that the name “NFP” becomes synonymous with a world-class company that’s authentic, genuine and real. A company whose passion for building enduring relationships built on trust and communication is in its very DNA. Our brand is the most effective way to communicate our unique culture alongside our expertise and scale.

I hope you feel tremendous pride in the NFP identity you’ve helped build through your exceptional work and commitment to excellence. Follow these guidelines carefully, and we’ll continue to achieve great things together!

Thank you for all you do each day to make us a company like no other.


Doug Hammond Chief Executive Officer

“These brand guidelines are a blueprint that will help you amplify the power that comes with being different.”

1 Introduction


Brand Idea

1 Introduction Brand Idea

Our Brand Idea defines NFP and captures the values that set us apart from our competitors. It drives the content of our written and verbal communications and guides all expressions of our brand.

These words aren’t intended to be used verbatim.

“For us, it’s personal. We’re a world-class

insurance brokerage, consulting and wealth

management firm. Our passionate and

collaborative team is dedicated to delivering

the best possible solutions to our clients.

We accomplish this by developing and

nurturing relationships built on trust and open

communication. We’re strategic partners,

not vendors. It’s our personal touch and

genuine care that creates enduring relationships.”


Brand CharacterNFP has unique character attributes that set us apart from our competitors and help us stand out. These attributes set the tone and style for all NFP actions, from digital or printed marketing materials and client conversations to the way we approach business in general.

1 Introduction Brand Character

NFP has unique character.

988 9


Uses company scale and expertise to deliver the best solutions for our clients.

1 Introduction Brand Character



Responds quickly and flexibly, tailoring solutions for each client. Not held back by bureaucracy or rigid structures.

1 Introduction Brand Character



Takes the time to understand each client’s needs and deliver smart, customized solutions.

1 Introduction Brand Character



Develops inspired solutions to help clients realize their goals.

1 Introduction Brand Character


NFP Purpose & Way

As NFP grows and continues to expand its products and services, our distinct way of serving our clients and valuing our employees forms the foundation of who we are. Our common purpose unites us as one NFP, in every relationship and every transaction.

1 Introduction NFP Purpose & Way


The NFP Purpose

Our passion is building strong personal relationships based on trust, transparency and open communication. This creates the best possible work environment for our employees and delivers the best possible solutions to our clients.

1 Introduction NFP Purpose & Way

The NFP Way


– Listen well to understand what’s important.

– Encourage creativity and fresh perspectives.

– Look to the future, anticipating the needs of our employees and clients.

FFantastic Results

– Collaborate and work as a team.

– Earn trust by exceeding expectations.

– Deliver peace of mind through amazing performance.


– Respect each other. We all matter.

– Build enduring relationships.

– Give back.

– Be real. Be authentic. Be genuine.


– Make sure all written materials are approved and branded.

– Comply with the guidelines in the most current versions of our visual and verbal guidelines.

– Avoid creating alternate business product or service brands. A formal business case for the creation of such brands must be submitted to Marketing for review.

– Submit marketing and advertising materials to for brand governance review prior to compliance submission, if required. Please allow five working days for review.

1 Introduction Rules of the Road

Rules of the Road

Your commitment to presenting a cohesive and compelling view of our brand is essential. Your efforts will help us build and maintain an accurate image of NFP. We understand the need to develop communications quickly at times, but keep in mind the rules of the road:

Questions regarding any of the above?

For general marketing inquiries, contact:

For brand-specific inquiries and approvals, contact:


Visualizing NFP

2 Visualizing NFP

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Our Basic Brand Elements

2 Our Basic Brand Elements

A kit of parts has been developed to accurately portray the NFP brand. When assembled correctly with care and precision, these parts create a strong, unique and recognizable look for NFP.

The basic elements are:

– Colors. Approved colors must be used for all internal and external printed and online communications.

– Typography. A particular font has been specified for use on all NFP materials.

– Images. Images used must follow a distinct style.

– Graphics. Visual design elements have been defined to create a unique style and look for all of our materials.

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Brand Signature Our Brand Signature is a prominent identifier of NFP. It represents what we stand for and what we deliver. The Signature is made up of two distinct parts: the NFP Wordmark and the Nexus Symbol. These parts should never be used independently. The proportion of these elements and their relationship to each other may never be altered. Use official master artwork files to ensure that our Signature is reproduced consistently.

The Signature should always be presented in approved color schemes, with the appropriate color assigned to each element. Always refer to this document when applying the Signature to anything, no matter the size, application or how inconsequential you may think it is.

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Brand Signature

The Signature, used with care and consistency, will help build further awareness of our brand.

Always use approved Brand Signature artwork. Signature artwork is available at Never attempt to redraw or recreate any part of the Signature, as each element has been precisely configured.


Brand Signature

Nexus Symbol NFP letters

We’re proud of what we do and what we stand for. We let our clients know that by using our Brand Signature on all communications. The NFP Signature consists of two elements:

– The Nexus Symbol

– NFP letters with the registered trademark symbol(®)

Our Signature is one of our most valuable assets. We must use it with care and consistency.

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Brand Signature

Clear SpaceEven in the tightest spots, we should maintain a minimum area of clear space around our Signature. This minimum area of

“breathing room” is equal to the height of the Nexus Symbol, as shown to the right. Don’t let anything infringe upon this space. Remember, this is a minimum. More room is better.

Minimum SizeTo maintain Signature legibility we determined minimum sizes. Always ensure the lines within the Nexus are clear and visible. If visibility of those lines is questionable, increase the size of the Signature.

Signature ColorsUse our Signature in NFP Green – PANTONE® 363C – whenever possible. When you can’t use our green – on forms and limited color communications – use black. Our Signature can also be reversed out to white for use on solid and dark backgrounds. The reversed Signature should not be used on complex backgrounds or a background without sufficient contrast.

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Print Minimum

4p6 or 0.75˝90px

Digital Minimum

Note that multiple sizes of RGB artwork have been created as part of the Master Signature Artwork library, which is available at Always choose artwork with a width greater than your intended size and scale it down. Never scale RGB artwork up in size, as it will pixelate.


Do Nots Changing the NFP Signature in any way will weaken its impact and detract from the consistent image we want to project. The examples below demonstrate some of the more common misunderstandings and misdirected good intentions in using the NFP Signature.

Don’t use an older version of our Signature.

Don’t add a stroke.

Don’t place on complex backgrounds.

Acme Brothers

cares...HowDon’t create lockups with any other logos.

Don’t use our Signature as a “read through.”

Don’t redraw any elements.

Don’t modify or change the color.

Don’t add effects or drop shadows.

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Do Nots

Don’t modify the letter forms or use another typeface.

Don’t use the full-color logo on colored backgrounds.

Don’t use the NFP Wordmark without the Nexus Symbol.

Don’t distort the logo.

Don’t add graphics or drawings.

Don’t decorate.



The words and numbers typeset in NFP materials use the Myriad Pro Family. Myriad Pro and its various weights and styles have an honest tone that is strong and professional but not imposing. The NFP Corporate Font Family is comprised of multiple weights and styles. Details on those styles and weights are on the following spread.

Use Myriad Pro for all materials, excluding day-to-day communications such as emails, letters, spreadsheets and on-screen presentations. In instances where Myriad Pro isn’t available, such as in Microsoft® Word® and Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Arial may be used.

Serif typefaces shouldn’t be used within any NFP branded materials.

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Typography

Typography MyriadPro

353434 3535

— Light— Regular

— Semibold— Bold

— Black

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Typography

Condensed weights of all of our fonts are available for use when space is limited or text is intended to be minimized. Condensed weights should never be used for primary or secondary content that appears in marketing materials.

Myriad Pro Light


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890-=!@#̀ ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Myriad Pro Semibold


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890-=!@#̀ ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Myriad Pro Regular


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890-=!@#̀ ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Myriad Pro Bold


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890-=!@#̀ ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Myriad Pro Black


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890-=!@#̀ ~!@#$%^&*()_+


ColorsColor plays an important role in communicating who we are, distinguishing one communication from another and building a memorable image for NFP.

As we use our colors consistently in the NFP Signature and supporting communications, they’ll help increase our recognition and audience awareness.

Always refer to a PANTONE PLUS SERIES COLOR BRIDGE® coated swatch book or fan for accurate color reference and matching.

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Colors

3938 39

Color Palette NFP has a broad color palette. There are a few basic rules regarding the use of color in our communications:

– Each communication should use a single column of color.

– Colors outside of the primary column may be used within the communication in a secondary capacity for chart elements and other instances when visual distinction is required to communicate effectively.

Always refer to a PANTONE PLUS SERIES COLOR BRIDGE® coated swatch book or fan for accurate color reference and matching.

NFP Light Orange


CMYK 0/12/34/0

sRGB 245/215/165


NFP Light Yellow


CMYK 0/4/62/0

sRGB 250/225/123

HTML FAE17B NFP Light Green


CMYK 40/0/50/0

sRGB 170/208/149


NFP Light Aqua


CMYK 44/0/11/0

sRGB 149/207/216


NFP Orange


CMYK 0/45/100/0

sRGB 235/157/0


NFP Yellow


CMYK 0/12/98/0

sRGB 246/208/58


NFP Green


CMYK 76/3/100/18

sRGB 79/146/55

HTML 4F9237

NFP Aqua


CMYK 84/0/18/0

sRGB 0/170/195


NFP Dark Orange


CMYK 0/69/100/2

sRGB 225/124/15

HTML E17C0FNFP Dark Yellow


CMYK 0/33/92/2

sRGB 233/168/0


NFP Dark Green


CMYK 71/8/100/50

sRGB 70/113/43

HTML 46712B

NFP Dark Aqua


CMYK 100/10/29/20

sRGB 0/125/145

HTML 007D91

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Colors

NFP Light Purple


CMYK 23/49/0/0

sRGB 191/145/186


NFP Light Red


CMYK 0/54/38/0

sRGB 231/148/138


NFP Light Gray


CMYK 10/4/4/14

sRGB 201/206/209


NFP Light Earth


CMYK 5/10/17/16

sRGB 202/191/173


NFP Light Navy


CMYK 70/3/0/0

sRGB 63/177/226


NFP Purple


CMYK 47/81/0/0

sRGB 154/73/139




CMYK 0/87/85/0

sRGB 221/81/67


NFP Gray


CMYK 33/18/13/40

sRGB 133/143/152

HTML 858F98

NFP Earth


CMYK 16/29/38/53

sRGB 137/120/99

HTML 897863

NFP Navy


CMYK 98/40/0/0

sRGB 0/116/188


NFP Dark Purple


CMYK 67/100/4/5

sRGB 122/50/126


NFP Dark Red


CMYK 0/97/89/45

sRGB 157/48/43


NFP Dark Gray


CMYK 65/43/26/78

sRGB 60/70/82

HTML 3C4652

NFP Dark Earth


CMYK 37/53/68/83

sRGB 73/59/41

HTML 493B29

NFP Dark Navy


CMYK 100/46/0/46

sRGB 0/84/131

HTML 005483

The PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® A widely used system of numbered color chips for color control and specification in printing

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) Used in four-color process printing

sRGB (Red, Green, Blue) Used for on-screen electronic applications such as websites and Microsoft® PowerPoint®

Hexadecimal (HEX) Specified colors are used online

The colors shown here have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc. for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Color Standard. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color. PANTONE® is the property of Pantone, Inc.

NFP Black

PANTONE® Black 6 C

CMYK 0/0/0/100

sRGB 0/0/0

HTML 000000

414040 41

Underlying Grid System

Our underlying grid system is the backbone our design system. It has been developed to aid in the organization and layout of content in our communications. Its use will help support the consistent image we wish to portray.

When creating NFP printed or digital communications, use our six- and/or seven-column grid. The margin and gutter measurements provided on the following spreads are designed to work on communications as large as 11̋ x 17˝ (U.S. Tabloid size) and as small as a 5˝ x 7˝ (postcard).

The application Adobe® InDesign® supports the use of underlying grids.

When creating a communication larger than or smaller than those sizes, the grid should be proportionally scaled to fit the desired media.

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Underlying Grid System








0.5˝ 0.5˝

0.5˝ 0.5˝

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Seven-Column Grid System

0.5˝0.25˝ 0.25˝ 0.25˝ 0.25˝ 0.25˝ 0.25˝0.5˝0.5˝ 0.5˝

44 45










2 Our Basic Brand Elements Six-Column Grid System 0.5˝


0.5˝0.5˝ 0.25˝ 0.25˝ 0.25˝ 0.25˝0.25˝

46 47

Title Block

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Title Block

A central feature of our look and feel is the “Title Block,” a rectangular panel. The block functions much like a large Post-it® Note to bring immediate attention to a title, main message or idea.

Title goes here

494848 49

Our Title Block may only be presented using colors from the NFP Color Palette. As shown to the right, white and gray may also be used to increase legibility or to convey a certain tone.

The main body of the Title Block should have some opacity. Set the opacity level to provide sufficient contrast for the Title Block text while ensuring a transparent effect.

For more details on the typographic standards for the Title Block, see pages 70 and 74.

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Title Block


2 Our Basic Brand Elements Title Block

Title BlockLorem Ipsum Dolar Sit Amet

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2 Our Basic Brand Elements Visual Identifier

Visual Identifier | Update Our audiences need to know and understand the business we’re in. We need to describe ourselves clearly and consistently at all times. A standard visual identifier system has been developed for use across our marketing materials.

As shown on this page, preferred placement is in the upper right corner of our brochures and sell sheets. It should print in black on white/light background colors, or reverse to white on dark color backgrounds. It may surprint or reverse over photography, provided good contrast is achieved.

The Standard Size specification below should be used for most materials. Application on oversize or environmental graphics may require proportional enlargement of the visual identifier as a single unit.

Our three primary business lines are Property and Casualty, Corporate Benefits and Individual Solutions. All products, product lines, platforms, etc. that fall within one of these three business line categories should use a visual identifier on marketing materials.

If you’re unsure about what to use for the visual identifier for the printed communication you’re developing, please contact

Page 1

Corporate Benefits | Healthcare Self-Funding

The Future of Healthcare Spending

Corporate BenefitsRx Solutions

Standard SizeSpecificationRule:

3pt stroke x 30pt length

Visual Identifier Line One, Business line:

Myriad Pro Bold 10 pt/14 pt Optical Kerning Title Case

Visual Identifier Line Two,

Business segment, industry vertical, product line, platform, service, etc.:

Myriad Pro Light 10 pt/12 pt Optical Kerning Title Case

Alignment: Flush Left

Note: In Adobe CC InDesign®, the rule is anchored inline with the accompanying text elements

Standard Size Examples

Corporate BenefitsExecutive Benefits

Property and CasualtyMerger and Acquisition Risk Solutions Group*

Individual SolutionsWealth Management

= 1p2 measure from bottom of rule to baseline of business line text at this scale

* Long business/vertical descriptors may break onto a second line as needed

Important: Update to Visual Identifier standard supercedes visual examples on current pp 68-83.


Imagery Update

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Imagery

The images NFP uses to express its brand require both relevance and sophistication to reflect its accelerating growth and stature in the field. This includes the ability to serve clients of growing scale and complexity. The emphasis is on real-world scenarios, consulting relationships and unchallenged expertise in the service of our clients.


2 Our Basic Brand Elements Imagery

Imagery Guidance Whether we create commissioned imagery or select from stock photo libraries, these are the guidelines that balance brand unity and project-specific communications priorities:

Permission to Believe

We give our audience permission to believe when we show real-world settings and people acting naturally within them. Over-exaggerrated gestures and expressions, overtly staged (and excessively sterile) sets and tired visual clichés undermine believability, and thus credibility.

Connection to Content

Image selection should reflect the content of the business and the differentiating messages that benefit from the accentuation of accompanying visuals. Decorative imagery that does not contribute to communication should be avoided.

A Human Touch

While the presence of people is not mandatory, image selection should connect to NFP’s PeopleFirst values, and its brand position as a partner helping individuals and companies address both the opportunities and challenges they face everyday.

Diverse Communities

When people are present in imagery, care should be taken to select images with a focus on diverse representaition of race, ethnicity, gender, age and ability. Not only does this broaden the relevance of NFP’s brand across these diverse audiences, it also validates NFP’s strong commitment to DIversity and Inclusion.

Technical Merit

Regardless of subject matter, imagery should showcase strong composition, contrast, perspective and more. Images featuring people should be more candid than posed (and avoid subjects staring straight into the camera). Select focus/depth of field, rich lighting, natural looking motion and more all contribute to imagery that is more engaging.


2 Our Basic Brand Elements Imagery Do Nots

Imagery Do Nots The imagery guidance avoids common and expected themes, as well as many of the worst artifacts evident in widely available digital imagery.

Straying from NFP’s corporate imagery style in any way will weaken our impact and directly affect the consistent and professional image we wish to portray. The images below illustrate some of the more common misunderstandings and misdirected good intentions. While they may look obvious, or even nonsensical, the fact is that imagery like this is still widely avaialable in stock photography libraries. Avoid these kinds of examples.

Don’t use abstract architectural photography.

Don’t use business clichés.

Don’t depict people in staged business settings.

Don’t depict professionals looking into the camera.

Don’t use meaningless abstract imagery.

Don’t use techno or special effects photo-illustrations

Don’t use vistas and landscapes with no creative purpose or meaning.

Don’t use cliché metaphors.

Don’t use cliché images with embedded text messages

Don’t use cliché illustrations.5958

Icons, Charts and Graphs

2 Our Basic Brand Elements Icons, Charts and Graphs

Our communications should always be clear. Icons, charts and graphs can help us communicate subject matter when imagery and text alone can’t do the job.


2 Our Basic Brand Elements Icons, Charts and Graphs

Icons, Charts and Graphs

Our icons, charts and graphs must be simple and clear. On this page you’ll see examples of our icon style and information graphics. Use these examples as inspiration when creating new ones to communicate your subject matter. Always follow our icon style of flat and simple. Ensure charts and graphs are easy to read and understand. Remember, our readers are not designers, so be sure your design is easily understood.

In certain situations, icons are used in a pattern when photography isn’t available or is inappropriate. Patterns should be neatly arranged and not complicated or overpowering. Examples of acceptable patterns can be found on pages 76-83.

Please contact if you’d like a pattern developed for your communication.


Charts and Graphs


Putting the Pieces Together

You’ll be doing your part to build strong positive recognition for the NFP brand and all it stands for by properly assembling our basic elements to create communications. Our basic elements, used in concert, form a unique visual expression that accurately portrays NFP.

2 Putting the Pieces Together

656464 65

A Print System with Options for Communicating at a Range of LevelsThe NFP print system allows brochures to focus on broad or specific subject matter. While subject matter will differ from item to item, they’ll visually interrelate.

2 Putting the Pieces Together Print System

The subject matter of this category of communications discusses a line of business in its entirety and does not cover specific details on individual products and services.

40,000-FOOT VIEW

20,000-FOOT VIEW

Communications in this category provide an overview of a single category of products, but don’t provide explicit details on individual products and services.

ON THE GROUNDThis classification is reserved for detailed product information.

Lipsum Dolar Sit Amet Limps

Caborro illant dellabore resciet molo beaque naturit dest pre molorec ullorum etur seque nonsequ asimint.Sumquatur resequam vernatibus reiuntis dolor remposa dus ipsandi officim inctatium quam voluptatum seque simusae nest ut modit hil ipid ea nonsedi ullam, corias peliat.

At praectat exeribus sumquoditat aut remo.Omnihici enteni veles cus peri ommodio totatest il ipsa dis ditiundamet alique peribus. Ullanis ea dolupta taquibu samendic to te volorum audaepero quia nonse cum volupta dolore paruptatur. Lipsum dolar sit amet sequitor veles quia nosense dis ipsa.

Otaquae voluptium cus etur sequaep erferor endaess edisinctotat il ilit porit expliquibus idi rem quost, consed quibusa nos rem. Ut volo que la qui dolorum quidit pa nullecaescia sitiasimi, cus delicip idellore prorpor iaestestio. Et pro que deliquam, core, tectaspitem doloreiurepe sus deligni hictatio dolores doluptas sequatur, sant ium, officip sumquibus.

70%$33bDit, qui officiti nus nis dellaut

harumqui tora nulparum quis

1 NFP lipsom ommodioa anamamgram sum dolor il corias petit officim 2 Lipsum dolar sit amet 3 Ehenit quate et quid quid quas est re officiet voluptatur?

Officaectia num remolor re que veligenihic to quis et pro vel iliquis volorep ellabo. Les iliquis consequatem il il inustis

Undignatur aut pelignis ut aut voluptas aut facea con nullaut

Is eos ut es



10,000-FOOT VIEW

This level provides details on an individual product or service but doesn’t provide long-form or explicit descriptions.


Affordable Housing Expertise


Fresh perspectives. Corporate benefits from a better vantage point.


40,000-Foot ViewOur highest-level communications leverage arresting and content relevant full bleed imagery. Imagery used at this level may be professionally photographed to avoid use of stock photography our readers may have seen elsewhere. This level also features our flexible Title Block to ensure our message stands out.

A brochure in this category will be at least four pages in length. Content will be written at a high level.

This level of communication can only be produced by NFP Corporate Marketing.

2 Putting the Pieces Together 40,000-Foot View



Visual Identifier Myriad Pro Bold 10 pt/12 pt Optical Kerning All Caps

Title Myriad Pro Bold/Light 35 pt/42 pt Optical Kerning 20 Tracking 1p6 space after

Headline Two Lines in Sentence Construction

Uses Storytelling to Support an Unexpected Image

Caps Only on Initial Words and Proper Nouns

2 Putting the Pieces Together 40,000-Foot View

Not all mishaps are big...

We have you covered big or small


Fresh perspectives. Corporate benefits from a better vantage point.

Having a different perspective can help you see a lot more.

Recruiting and retaining the best talent is a tough job that keeps getting tougher. Changing regulations, high administrative costs, complex legal compliance, an increasingly competitive talent marketplace — the roster of challenges seems to grow bigger every day.

Building an employee benefits program that can attract high-performing, loyal employees and satisfy legal, regulatory and other requirements is one of your most important – and potentially most daunting – responsibilities. You need a program exactly right for you — not an off-the-shelf package. One that’s based on your size, location, number of employees, demographics and type of business.

But finding that ideal solution depends on seeing the big picture as well as the intricate details. That’s where we come in. We have the right people, technology, experience and insights to provide the different perspective that’s critical to creating a customized benefits program designed to accomplish your goals.

The NFP approach to planning, analyzing, designing and implementing a benefits program is comprehensive and rigorous. It starts with getting to know your business and employee needs, from your vision and strategic goals down to the details of employee demographics and health care costs. We use robust analytical and diagnostic tools to model costs, benefits and market fluctuation. Then we design and implement a program tailor-made for you and your budget.

We don’t stop there, either. We stay with you throughout the rollout. We design and manage employee engagement and communications, and assist in finding superior technology that supports your needs.

Along the way, we monitor and measure performance, making appropriate program tweaks and refinements.

Most of all, we take the headaches out of the process.

Your business is only as good as your employees.

844-ASK NFP1

340 Madison Avenue 20th Floor New York, NY 10173

NFP Corp. (NFP) provides employee benefits, property & casualty, retirement, individual insurance and wealth management solutions through its licensed subsidiaries and affiliates to clients across the U.S. and abroad. Securities and investment advisory services may be offered through NFP Advisor Services, LLC, (NFPAS) member FINRA/SIPC or Executive Services Securities, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. PartnersFinancial and Benefits Partners are network platforms of NFP Insurance Services, Inc. (NFPISI), which is a subsidiary of NFP. Fusion Advisor Network is a network platform of NFPAS. NFPAS and ESS are affiliated with NFP and NFPISI. Some members of the network platforms are not owned or affiliated with NFP. Please check with your advisor for more information.

168527 01/16 (MKT-18756-15) ©2016 NFP Corp. All Rights Reserved.

About NFP

At NFP Corp., our solutions and expertise are matched only by our personal commitment to each client’s goals. We’re a leading insurance broker and consultant that provides employee benefits, property & casualty, retirement, and individual insurance and wealth management solutions through our licensed subsidiaries and affiliates. Our registered investment advisers and broker-dealers empower independent financial advisors with integrated technology, subject matter expertise and a suite of customized services.

NFP has more than 3,600 employees and global capabilities. Our expansive reach gives us access to highly rated insurers, vendors and financial institutions in the industry, while our locally based employees tailor each solution to meet our clients’ needs. We’ve become one of the largest insurance brokerage, consulting and wealth management firms by building enduring relationships with our clients and helping them realize their goals.

For more information, visit

Not all mishaps are big...

We have you covered big or small


Fresh perspectives. Corporate benefits from a better vantage point.



20,000-Foot ViewThe appearance of this level of communication is of similar quality to the 40,000-Foot View, still leveraging arresting and content-relevant imagery. However, images should be sourced from a rights-managed stock photography library. The cover layout incorporates the flexible Title Block, a flexible image area and white space to contain our Signature.

A brochure in this category will be at least four pages in length. Content will be written at a high level.

2 Putting the Pieces Together 20,000-Foot View




2 Putting the Pieces Together 20,000-Foot View


Personal InsurancePeace of mind for people with a lot to protect.



Insurance services provided through NFP Property & Casualty Insurance Services, Inc.

01/16 PCG-18864-15

Personal Insurance — And a Whole Lot MoreAt NFP Corp., our solutions and expertise are matched only by our personal commitment to each client’s goals. We’re a leading insurance broker and consultant that provides employee benefits, property & casualty, retirement, and individual insurance and wealth management solutions through our licensed subsidiaries and affiliates. Our registered investment advisers and broker-dealers empower independent financial advisors with integrated technology, subject matter expertise and a suite of customized services.

NFP has more than 3,600 employees and global capabilities. Our expansive reach gives us access to highly rated insurers, vendors and financial institutions in the industry, while our locally based employees tailor each solution to meet our clients’ needs. We’ve become one of the largest insurance brokerage, consulting and wealth management firms by building enduring relationships with our clients and helping them realize their goals.

For more information, visit

T 844-ASK-NFP1

340 Madison Avenue20th FloorNew York, NY 10173


From day one, you’ll be assigned a team that will stand by you throughout our relationship. Regardless of their individual specialties, each team member has one thing in common: a personal responsibility for getting you the answers, support or services you need, when you need them. This unsurpassed client service means you’ll always talk to one of us — not a call center or voice mailbox.

Your core team is only part of the vast network of knowledge working to help you rest easy. Each member is able to draw on the advice of our experts across the country to solve even your most complex insurance needs.


“Selling” just isn’t a word in our vocabulary. We’re too busy working on getting you the right protection at a fair price to throw a sales pitch at you. And you’ll never hear us ask for referrals, either. We believe that when you have a great experience with us, you’ll tell others about it. Our long-standing relationships are the result of the outstanding service we provide at every turn.


Do what’s right. It’s the principle that guides everything we do. And the only way for us to know what’s right for you is to see the world through your eyes. We take the time to learn about you and your needs so we can identify your exposures and vulnerabilities, instead of making assumptions. Because our sole purpose is protecting you and your possessions, we’ve built true expertise in assessing goals, gauging risks and helping you secure appropriate coverage.

No matter how unique your coverage requirements, we have the technical expertise and deep industry knowledge needed to untangle complexity. Our insurance solutions, backed by the very best insurance underwriters, include high limits of excess liability coverage and protection for:

• Exceptional homes

• Farm & ranch

• Watercrafts / yachts

• Personal aviation / aircraft

• Secondary & seasonal homes

• Group excess programs

• Flood insurance / excess flood

• Rental properties

• Automobile, including luxury, antique & recreational vehicles

• Valuable personal property, jewelry, fine arts, wines, etc.

• Personal families / kidnap & ransom

• Travel

• Domestic staff

Every day, we work to expand our expertise by gaining new knowledge through in-depth industry training and additional certifications. By staying sharp, we help make sure you know about new developments that can improve your security or make your coverage more valuable.


You want your family to feel secure.

That’s why we’re committed to building you a discreetly brokered insurance program personalized to your exact needs. A program that’s comprehensive enough to prepare you for the little surprises that often happen, and the challenges you never saw coming. One that combines top coverage with the type of service you probably thought didn’t exist anymore, so you can get what you want most — peace of mind.


We’re not a “once and done” kind of company. Life changes, and so will your protection needs. Once a year – and anytime your goals shift or the unexpected happens – we take a close look at your entire insurance program.

We’re able to:





Visual Identifier Line One Myriad Pro Bold 10 pt/12 pt Optical Kerning All Caps

Visual Identifier Line Two Myriad Pro Light 10 pt/12 pt Optical Kerning All Caps

Title Myriad Pro Bold/Light 35 pt/42 pt, Optical Kerning 20 Tracking

Headline First Line Names the Service; Initial Caps on All Words

Second Line Describes the Service and Uses Storytelling to Support an Unexpected Image

Sentence Construction with Caps Only on Initial Words and Proper Nouns


10,000-Foot ViewThe appearance and level of content details is between the 20,000-Foot View and the On the Ground level. Covers can use arresting and content-relevant imagery or a graphic solution with iconography. If images are used, they should be sourced from a royalty-free stock photography library. The cover layout incorporates the flexible Title Block, a flexible image area and white space to contain our Signature.

A brochure in this category is most commonly a four-page self cover.

2 Putting the Pieces Together 10,000-Foot View



2 Putting the Pieces Together 10,000-Foot View



Affordable Housing Expertise

844-ASK NFP1

340 Madison Avenue 20th Floor New York, NY 10173

NFP Corp. (NFP) provides employee benefits, property & casualty, retirement, individual insurance and wealth management solutions through its licensed subsidiaries and affiliates to clients across the U.S. and abroad. Securities and investment advisory services may be offered through NFP Advisor Services, LLC, (NFPAS) member FINRA/SIPC or Executive Services Securities, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. PartnersFinancial and Benefits Partners are network platforms of NFP Insurance Services, Inc. (NFPISI), which is a subsidiary of NFP. Fusion Advisor Network is a network platform of NFPAS. NFPAS and ESS are affiliated with NFP and NFPISI. Some members of the network platforms are not owned or affiliated with NFP. Please check with your advisor for more information.

168527 01/16 (MKT-18756-15) ©2016 NFP Corp. All Rights Reserved.

About NFP

At NFP Corp., our solutions and expertise are matched only by our personal commitment to each client’s goals. We’re a leading insurance broker and consultant that provides employee benefits, property & casualty, retirement, and individual insurance and wealth management solutions through our licensed subsidiaries and affiliates. Our registered investment advisers and broker-dealers empower independent financial advisors with integrated technology, subject matter expertise and a suite of customized services.

NFP has more than 3,600 employees and global capabilities. Our expansive reach gives us access to highly rated insurers, vendors and financial institutions in the industry, while our locally based employees tailor each solution to meet our clients’ needs. We’ve become one of the largest insurance brokerage, consulting and wealth management firms by building enduring relationships with our clients and helping them realize their goals.

For more information, visit

Having a different perspective can help you see a lot more.

Recruiting and retaining the best talent is a tough job that keeps getting tougher. Changing regulations, high administrative costs, complex legal compliance, an increasingly competitive talent marketplace — the roster of challenges seems to grow bigger every day.

Building an employee benefits program that can attract high-performing, loyal employees and satisfy legal, regulatory and other requirements is one of your most important – and potentially most daunting – responsibilities. You need a program exactly right for you — not an off-the-shelf package. One that’s based on your size, location, number of employees, demographics and type of business.

But finding that ideal solution depends on seeing the big picture as well as the intricate details. That’s where we come in. We have the right people, technology, experience and insights to provide the different perspective that’s critical to creating a customized benefits program designed to accomplish your goals.

The NFP approach to planning, analyzing, designing and implementing a benefits program is comprehensive and rigorous. It starts with getting to know your business and employee needs, from your vision and strategic goals down to the details of employee demographics and health care costs. We use robust analytical and diagnostic tools to model costs, benefits and market fluctuation. Then we design and implement a program tailor-made for you and your budget.

We don’t stop there, either. We stay with you throughout the rollout. We design and manage employee engagement and communications, and assist in finding superior technology that supports your needs.

Along the way, we monitor and measure performance, making appropriate program tweaks and refinements.

Most of all, we take the headaches out of the process.

Your business is only as good as your employees.

Visual Identifier Line One Myriad Pro Bold 10 pt/12 pt Optical Kerning All Caps

Visual Identifier Line Two Myriad Pro Light 10 pt/12 pt Optical Kerning All Caps

Title Myriad Pro Bold/Light 35 pt/42 pt, Optical Kerning 20 Tracking

Headline One Line with Initial Caps

Basic Description of Piece with Minor Storytelling


On the GroundCommunications at this level are reserved for detailed, single-product subjects. No photographic imagery is used, but graphic forms and iconography are leveraged.

These tactical communications are single sheets with content on either one or both sides.

2 Putting the Pieces Together On the Ground


A Straightforward Title for the Service or Solution Being Described

Initial Caps



Lorem Ipsum Dolar Sit Amet

Et Ad Que Coria Nulparum Que Denit Endia DoloremQuaeped maioratem que laut apitio od molupta dolorrovidus exceptam quid moluptam nonsequi omnim asi res perupti lipsum dolar sit amet lipsum quis nis ansdew vent non nis ille quam ilstomist little:

• Omnist ipsam quat

• Qui aute rem et volorpor

Am, nus pratum quam estem ipiscius quiatibus est, occumquis ma archit lab into quaeped maioratem que laut apitio od molupta dolorrovidus exceptam quid moluptam nonsequi omnim asi res perupti ncidus, se dit am facerchitam quis nis sande veniet vent endaersperis am, non nis illes quam im repersped exercil mi, omnist ipsam quat.

Am Nus Pratum Quam EstemEveni omniat. Imin nimaxim inciden ihillor epelic to esequamusam eum quasperi a dolo qui dolor aut am, sitatiae voluptatur soles si tentias veratiorum qui blaut alit ma doluptat dempore consequid eates et volore quae. Ut aceribusant liquo torem ius evel esciditam.

Non cuptur aceatis seditatum qui ipsam sa que molupie ndandit aut quidebit alibusdae non nestotas se cum quam vercipsam, secae ducidel in rescium utatur aligene nonsenistint rerciet vitatio storemqui

LipsumVelentio quibusci veni ium aborporest, omniant istrum harcia nonsectori nusdaec temporporrum quas pa non nihit que porpor aborepta sunt volores endanimus molut vendae post, quiandus comnia si quas res pro mintio tempor aboriora ide repeliquos eicae reped unt latur aut aspit res dendis aditis etur, totam, si offic tem. Iquatio nsequia quia nonestium intem volor repedit, ne nonsequam fugias etus.

Sit Amet LipsumAm, nus pratum quam estem ipiscius quiatibus est, occumquis ma archit lab into quaeped maioratem que laut apitio od molupta dolorrovidus exceptam quid moluptam nonsequi omnim asi res perupti ncidus, se dit am facerchitam quis nis sande veniet vent endaersperis am, non nis illes quam im repersped exercil mi, omnist ipsam quat.

Icianit mosante ilia nemperest vent inum eicit omnimus, cor apelitiunt latet eum que con commo dolum quam, quatqui qui con repraturiae. Ost inctem eium hilliquam ut fugitaectes ma doluptium re susandi il molo omnihil idipisit, occuptatur?

• Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet

• Pus pratum quam estem ipiscius quiatibus est


2 Putting the Pieces Together On the Ground

Lipsum Dolar Sit Amet Limps

Caborro illant dellabore resciet molo beaque naturit dest pre molorec ullorum etur seque nonsequ asimint.Sumquatur resequam vernatibus reiuntis dolor remposa dus ipsandi officim inctatium quam voluptatum seque simusae nest ut modit hil ipid ea nonsedi ullam, corias peliat.

At praectat exeribus sumquoditat aut remo.Omnihici enteni veles cus peri ommodio totatest il ipsa dis ditiundamet alique peribus. Ullanis ea dolupta taquibu samendic to te volorum audaepero quia nonse cum volupta dolore paruptatur. Lipsum dolar sit amet sequitor veles quia nosense dis ipsa.

Otaquae voluptium cus etur sequaep erferor endaess edisinctotat il ilit porit expliquibus idi rem quost, consed quibusa nos rem. Ut volo que la qui dolorum quidit pa nullecaescia sitiasimi, cus delicip idellore prorpor iaestestio. Et pro que deliquam, core, tectaspitem doloreiurepe sus deligni hictatio dolores doluptas sequatur, sant ium, officip sumquibus.

70%$33bDit, qui officiti nus nis dellaut

harumqui tora nulparum quis

1 NFP lipsom ommodioa anamamgram sum dolor il corias petit officim 2 Lipsum dolar sit amet 3 Ehenit quate et quid quid quas est re officiet voluptatur?

Officaectia num remolor re que veligenihic to quis et pro vel iliquis volorep ellabo. Les iliquis consequatem il il inustis

Undignatur aut pelignis ut aut voluptas aut facea con nullaut

Is eos ut es




Stationery System

2 Putting the Pieces Together Stationery System

Within our company, there’s an enormous daily flow of communications directed to each of our audiences: prospective and existing clients and employees. Even in today’s digital age, stationery is still one of the most common and visible ways we communicate.

Our stationery system provides consistent layouts, color treatments and information to support of our consistent brand image.

To order stationery, please visit


Business Card To order business cards visit Never attempt to recreate business card artwork on your own.

2 Putting the Pieces Together Business Card

Ugitasped excestiat. Et fugiatquasi ommoluptate apis ditis ipsapiet imus nus samus vollume niendan imincto illendandit, conecus cilicab orrovit quae voluptassin ape go redor reperciist que magnita sinvent id que reic to exerumq uidebis consequatia velescienis esto erati suntur lipsum dolar sit amet.

A few things to note:

• The Business Segment field can be used to designate your specific business segment, core competency or department.

• The CA License No. field is only mandatory for advisors working in the state of California.

• For advisors in New York, the License No. field should be replaced with the legal company name.

• Business cards are subject to legal and compliance review. Appropriate disclosures will be added as required.



To order letterhead or obtain electronic templates, visit Never attempt to recreate letterhead artwork on your own.

Word Processing Specifications Arial Regular 9 pt/14 pt U/lc Flush left Ragged right Single line spaced

Set the top margin to 3˝.

Set the left margin to 1̋ .

Set the right margin to 0.5˝.

Set the bottom margin to 1̋ .

2 Putting the Pieces Together Letterhead

88 89

Envelope To order envelopes or obtain electronic templates, visit Never attempt to recreate envelope artwork on your own.

2 Putting the Pieces Together Envelope

Word Processing Specifications Arial Regular 9 pt/14 pt U/lc Flush left Ragged right Single line spaced

Set the top margin to 2˝.

Set the left margin to 3.5˝.


Mailing Label To order labels or obtain electronic templates, visit attempt to recreate label artwork on your own.

2 Putting the Pieces Together Mailing Label

Word Processing Specifications Arial Regular 9 pt/14 pt U/lc Flush left Ragged right Single line spaced

Set the top margin to 1.75˝.

Set the left margin to 1.5˝.


Presentations Update

2 Putting the Pieces Together Presentations

Company OverviewCorporate Benefits Property and Casualty Individual Solutions

Helping organizations and people overcome complex challenges with specialized expertise and tailored solutions.

A new, corporate-wide Powerpoint template has been developed to provide a more adaptable and consistent format across corporate presentations. Important updates to take note of include:

Wide Format

The wide format provides more compatibility with modern devices, from larege flat-screen monitors common in conference rooms to contemporary laptop and desktop monitors.

Universal Font

The Arial font is considered the primary font family for corporate Powerpoint presentations due to its installation as a default font across operating systems.

New Slide Masters

The new template incorporates new slide masters to enable the rapid creation of a unified presentation. These vary from tight to loose constraints on the content intended for presentation.


Presentations Update

2 Putting the Pieces Together Presentations

Company OverviewCorporate Benefits Property and Casualty Individual Solutions

Helping organizations and people overcome complex challenges with specialized expertise and tailored solutions.

Divider Page

Slide Title

Add text, chart/graph or image content as needed


Divider Page

PresentationTitleDate | Presenter

Divider Page

Slide title

Add introductory text here for added emphasis

• Use bulleted text or place graphics in the right column


Slide Title

Add introductory text here for added emphasis

• Use bulleted text or place graphics in the right column


Divider Page

Presentation TitleDate | Presenter

Divider Page

Covers Content Slides

Guidelines for imagery, icons and charts/graphs can be found on pages 54-63.

Always build presentations using official NFP Microsoft® PowerPoint® templates.

Templates are available for download at

No matter how simple or complicated the subject matter of a presentation, it must comply with our Brand Guidelines. Pay careful attention when cutting and pasting content or importing legacy slides into the NFP Microsoft® PowerPoint® template, as prior styles may carry over and need to be corrected.

Cover Formats

Three cover options are pre-loaded into the template: global focus, universal and legacy (thumbprint). Custom covers should only be created in conjunction with the NFP brand team.

Divider Pages

A series of graphic divider pages is available to help organize longer presentations. These can also be used for single, high-impact statements or quotations.

Content Pages

The templates provided are flexible and accommodate an array of content, including text and bullet points, charts/graphs/tables, photography, infographics and more. Use different tempates to accommodate your needs, and to establish rhythm and contrast in your presentations.

For questions or help with a presentation, please contact

Dividers Slide title, no graphic bar

• Use this slide type when a larger or more complex information array is used


Slide Title

Add introductory text here for added emphasis

• Use bulleted or supporting text here


Optional Photo or Graphics area

Slide Title

Add introductory text here for added emphasis

• Use bulleted or supporting text here


Optional Photo or Graphics area

Slide Title

Add introductory text here for added emphasis

• Use bulleted or supporting text here


Optional Photo or Graphics area


Our Voice

3 Our Voice

Powerful brands have a voice that is all their own. When people hear or read their words, they feel familiar. The key is to understand that voice and be consistent in its use.

The verbal expression of our brand, which is the way we write and talk about the company, is as important as our visual identity. Tone of voice, message and style all reflect who we are and what we stand for. These verbal guidelines allow us to communicate our powerful story to clients, partners, the media and each other in a way that provides a consistent, unforgettable experience.


3 Our Voice Content


Content is king. What we say has to have real meaning and resonate with every audience.

Said another way, this is what we say or write — the actual content of a communication and the key messages we want to convey. The NFP Elevator Speech, Boilerplate and Brand Idea should drive the content of our messages. They define what products and services we offer and how we deliver them so that all our audiences understand the value we offer and what makes us unique.


3 Our Voice Elevator Speech

Elevator Speech

Imagine someone asking you, during a short elevator ride, where you work. You only have a few seconds to say something meaningful. Smart brands create language that briefly describes the company you work for and leaves them asking for more.

The elevator speech is this short description of who NFP is and what we offer. These are the words you should use when asked.

NFP is a leading insurance broker and consultant that provides employee benefits, specialized property and casualty, retirement, and individual private client solutions through our licensed subsidiaries and affiliates. Our expertise is matched by our commitment to each client’s goals and is enhanced by our investments in innovative technologies in the insurance brokerage and consulting space.


3 Our Voice Boilerplate

Boilerplate Messaging by Audience

We have to knit together language for each important audience so that the totality of our messaging shapes one powerful brand.

The NFP Boilerplate sums up our single, powerful suite of coordinated resources, delivered with our personal touch and genuine care. It’s used on the backs of brochures and in other materials that require a comprehensive description of who we are.

NFP is a leading insurance broker and consultant that provides employee benefits, specialized property and casualty, retirement, and individual private client solutions through our licensed subsidiaries and affiliates. Our expertise is matched by our commitment to each client’s goals and is enhanced by our investments in innovative technologies in the insurance brokerage and consulting space.

NFP has more than 6,000 employees and global capabilities. Our expansive reach gives us access to highly rated insurers, vendors and financial institutions in the industry, while our locally based employees tailor each solution to meet our clients’ needs. We’ve become one of the largest insurance brokerage, consulting and wealth management firms by building enduring relationships with our clients and helping them realize their goals.

Audience What We Want the Audience to Know Products & Services

All NFP is a leading insurance broker and consultant that provides employee benefits, property and casualty, retirement and individual private client solutions through our licensed subsidiaries and affiliates. Our expertise is matched by our commitment to each client’s goals and is enhanced by our investments in innovative technologies in the insurance brokerage and consulting space.

NFP has more than 4,700 employees and global capabilities. Our expansive reach gives us access to highly rated insurers, vendors and financial institutions in the industry, while our locally based employees tailor each solution to meet our clients’ needs. We’ve become one of the largest insurance brokerage, consulting and wealth management firms by building enduring relationships with our clients and helping them realize their goals.




Corporate Buyers

NFP is a leader in the provision of HR services and benefits. We offer a comprehensive package of products and services for clients’ employees, including health and welfare and executive benefits. We also offer commercial P&C and HR consulting. Our platforms provide a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining high-quality talent. We work closely with our clients, becoming strategic partners in the trenches, thinking about their business as much as they do, anticipating needs beyond the assignment. Our expertise is matched only by our personal commitment to each client’s success.

Property & Casualty

Health Care

Ancillary and Voluntary Benefits

HR Consulting

Retirement and Executive Benefits

Private Client NFP is a full-service provider of innovative solutions for wealth and risk management, retirement planning, estate planning, underwriting and insurance. Our expertise is matched only by our personal commitment to each client’s success.

Personal Insurance

Wealth Management

Estate Planning

Life Insurance

Employees NFP is a leading full-service provider of innovative solutions for risk management, employee benefits, retirement planning, underwriting, insurance and wealth management. Without our employees, there is no NFP. That’s why we put people first and offer tremendous opportunities for personal and professional growth through recognition, community, finance, well-being and professional development initiatives. We collaborate and work as a team, and we give back to our employees and communities.







3 Our Voice Tone


Strong brands also have a tone of voice that is unique, consistent and recognizable.

The NFP tone of voice is the way we write and speak. It’s what we say and how we say it. The tone of each message should be driven by the NFP Brand Character. It should reflect how we work and highlight our personal approach.

What we say is dictated by our values, experiences and aspirations.

How we say it is informed by our character, which should stand alone as uniquely NFP.

Brand Character How to Embody the Brand Character How Not to Sound

Strong Our messages should sound confident, professional and responsible. We want our audiences to know that we have the scale and expertise to deliver the best solutions and solve even the biggest challenges.

Arrogant, over-promising, self-important, patronizing.

Nimble Our messages should be clear, uncomplicated and easy to understand. They should reflect that we are “light on our feet” and can quickly respond to our clients’ needs and the changing environment.

Frivolous, lacking in substance, generic, cliché, unprofessional.

Thoughtful Our messages should be deliberate and clear. They should reflect a deep knowledge of the client’s situation and needs and a willingness and ability to consider all possible solutions before making a recommendation.

Pedantic, stuffy, pompous.

Creative Our messages should sound fresh and original. Don’t use words that are overused or jargon that nobody understands.

Unrealistic, living in a fantasy world, inexperienced, unprofessional.


3 Our Voice Communication Rules

Communication Rules

Having rules that control consistency and also allow for flexibility enables us to create strong communications.

We communicate with many audiences, each with its own specific needs and expectations. To make those communications credible and compelling, our messages need to be relevant to the target — and true to the NFP brand. Every message should be shaped around our Brand Idea, Brand Character and Boilerplate language to build a consistent image of NFP.


3 Our Voice Key Questions to Ask

Key Questions to Ask

As you work on NFP communications, ask these important questions:

– Who is our audience? Who we’re talking to determines what message we want to deliver. Is the audience external or internal? Are we talking to an individual or a company? Someone who knows NFP or is new to us?

Tailoring the message means you end up with a communication that’s relevant and a lot more effective.

– What’s the audience’s perception of NFP? Do they have a good understanding of what we do? Are they aware of our full range of services?

Using clear service descriptions to more clearly communicate what we do makes sometimes complex information easy to understand.

– What’s the communication’s goal? Do we just want the audience to better understand us and all the services we offer? Or do we want them to actively engage with us?

Getting someone to become a new client or accept a job offer requires more persuasive language than if we just want them to learn about us.

– In what format should we deliver our message? Would a mass communication in the form of an email or brochure be right? Or should it be a personalized letter to an individual? Does a phone call make more sense?

Breaking through the clutter and achieving your communication goal requires a relevant message delivered in the right format for each specific audience. ?


3 Our Voice Smart Writing

Smart Writing

NFP has a great story to tell. These tips will help you tell it well.

NFP Editorial Style Guide

The NFP Editorial Style Guide ensures that all written communications developed for internal and external audiences are consistent and professional. The guide provides specific information on subjects such as what to capitalize and what not to, whether a word is hyphenated or not, the exact name of an NFP business line or resource, when a number should be spelled out and what products and service names should be trademarked.

This easy-to-use, searchable document is updated regularly. You can find it in NFP Brand Central at under “Brand.”

– Know what you’re going to write about and why. Define the point of view of your piece before you begin writing.

– Be personal and real. Speak confidently in a personal and authentic voice to instill confidence in your audiences and make them more willing to engage. Address their pain points with solutions and answer their most important question:

“What’s in it for me?”

– Be original and creative by avoiding overused words and jargon.

– Be direct, simple and to the point. Big words and long sentences are not personal or engaging. Make every word count.

– Be less formal. Our messages and word choices should sound warm and inclusive to help build strong relationships with our partners and clients. Use a conversational tone. For example, write “make sure” instead of “ensure” or “start” instead of “commence.”

– Use active rather than passive language to communicate that we’re confident and driven.

– Limit a sentence to a single thought to clearly communicate the point you’re making.

– Avoid repetition.

– Use subheads and bullets to separate thoughts/points and to break up blocks of text, making it easier to read.

– Use strong, short headlines and subheads that convey a clear message. Avoid vagueness.

– Reread your work. Errors can be interpreted as a lack of professionalism that takes away from a message.


4 Checklist


You now have an understanding of how to create NFP communications. Before sending a communication to be printed, presented or made public online, please take a moment to view it as a whole and ask yourself:

Have you used approved artwork for the NFP Signature?

Is the NFP logo placed and sized correctly and does it read clearly?

Have you maintained the proper clear space around the NFP Signature?

Are you using colors from the NFP Color Palette?

Have you selected photographs that follow our guidelines?

Are you using the appropriate typographic styles?

Have you captured the distinctive look and voice of NFP?

Has your communication been approved by NFP Marketing and your legal compliance contact?


5 Contact

Lost? Need Help?

If you have questions regarding the proper use of the NFP brand, please contact NFP Marketing at

NFP Corp. (NFP) provides employee benefits, property & casualty, retirement and individual private client solutions through its licensed subsidiaries and affiliates to clients across the U.S. and abroad. Securities may be offered through Executive Services Securities, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC, and investment advisory services may be offered through NFP Retirement, Inc., subsidiaries of NFP. Securities may also be offered through Kestra Investment Services, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC, and investment advisory services may be also offered through the affiliate RIA, Kestra Advisory Services, LLC, neither of which are affiliated with NFP. Investor Disclosures: PartnersFinancial and Benefits Partners are network platforms of NFP Insurance Services, Inc. (NFPISI), which is a subsidiary of NFP. Some members of the network platforms are not owned or affiliated with NFP. Please check with your advisor for more information.


1250 Capital of Texas Highway S. Building 2, Suite 125 Austin, TX 78746

T 512.697.6026© 2021 NFP Corp. All Rights Reserved.Q2 2021