Next Seminar: May 19, Celebrating Easter€¦ · April 2014 that night. 1. Neither the four-legged...

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Transcript of Next Seminar: May 19, Celebrating Easter€¦ · April 2014 that night. 1. Neither the four-legged...

“Death is swallowed up in victory.

Where, O death is your victory?

Where, O death , is your sting?”

I Corinthians 15:54b-55

Let me be honest. I’m a good news junkie. I

WILL search for the silver lining and I will

hunt until I find it. I WILL stop myself from

indulging in the negative and I WILL reset to

the positive. I will dare to find what is funny

in the gravest situations, not in a mocking way,

but in a way that allows me to me to make

light of burdens that seem unbearable.

And, in the spirit of honesty, I too get discour-

aged, though I’d like to think I am one of the

last man standing when the forces of negativity

make themselves so prominent that even I

can’t miss them.

If you go looking for bad news, you will find

it. And, even when you are looking for the

good, sometimes the bad is inescapable. Lately

the news has been full of horrific events that

even I cannot ignore. A plane full of people

disappearing. A sixteen year old boy wounding

dozens of classmates with a knife. A tour bus

full of teens being slammed into by a UPS

Truck. Children at a daycare being killed and

3871 Harlem Road, Buffalo, NY 14215 (716) 464-3681

April 2014

Volume 1, Issue 5 Pg 1 Devotion by Nancy Brawdy The Easter Issue Pg 2 Next Seminar Reader Shares Sunshine Easter Heart Pg. 3 Snapshot of a Seminar

If your church or organization would like to host a free Healing Damaged Emotions seminar, call the office today!

Next Seminar: May 19, full details on

Celebrating Easter: the Resurrection of our Lord

and Savior, it is a joyous occasion!!

HALLELUJAH!! John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world that He gave His only son! and Colossians 2:13-14 says: You were dead because of your sins and be-cause your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for He forgave all your sins. He canceled the record of charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.

What does all this mean? Apostle Paul says in Philippians 3:10..that I may Know Him and the Power of His resurrection! Paul's desire was to Know Him and that should be our desire. To Know the Power of His resurrection! Do we really under-stand what Jesus did on this day? The power of God's love? The forgiveness from God and the grace to forgive others? The debt that was paid/cancelled for our sins? The power of Healing for our minds, our emotions, our bodies, our relationships, our regrets? All of these things are there for the asking as we come to know Him. I encourage you today to look to Him for whatever it is you need. He knows what you need before you ask. He created you and He knows all about you. He knows our frame! (PS 103:14) Nothing surprises Him. He only bids us to come and tap into His power. It is all there in His word. Dig in!! I bid you today to desire to know Him and the power of His resurrection! This is why Jesus was nailed to the cross, died and rose from the dead. He is Risen! Alleluia!

By Nancy Brawdy Nancy leads a weekly women’s Bi-ble study at In His Name Counsel-ing every Monday from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon. All are welcome, no commitment needed.

THE EASTER ISSUE injured by a hit and run driver. And you can

probably come up with many more stories

that I have missed. On top of that , a new

“sign of the end times” is circulating (blood

red moons.) Remember the last one? It was

the end of the Mayan calendar. Before that

it was Y2K. Doom and gloom is the default

human occupation.

So where is the silver lining? Where is the

good news?

It is so simple, so obvious, that is almost too

hard to see. It is a story we have heard a

thousand times and if we are fortunate, it

will be a story we hear a thousand more. It

is a story, no a song, of a world created for

one purpose and one purpose only...that of a

Father wanting to bestow an amazing gift

upon his only beloved Son.

To think that death is a terrible thing is a lie.

Make no mistake, it is right and good to

grieve with those that are left here on earth

suffering the separation from their loved

ones that death brings, but to have the nar-

row view that the death that is around us is

the problem is a mistake. Some 2,000 years

ago a man/God named Jesus lived his Life

abundantly. He healed those who suffered.

He set captives free. He bent the laws of

physics that we are forced to obey time and

time again and made miracle after miracle

happen. Then, He loved us so much that He

chose to lay down his life so that you and I

can have His abundant life.

So, I say, bring on the “bad news”, bring on

the challenges and the conflicts. Because I

know that my redeemer lives. The news of

the world does not cause me to stumble. The

Lord I serve has beaten death and has called

to live a life of joy.

that night. 1. Neither the four-

legged or two-legged residents

were hurt in the explosion. 2. A

metal door separated the glass

from the inside of the oven, so

it was not at all risky to enjoy

the delicious casserole that I

had prepared. 3. The glass bits

had not flown far. Most were

resting in an 18” arc around the

front of the oven, a relatively

easy clean up. 4. As Kate and I

stared in amazement at the glass

on the floor we noticed the

shards were continuing to break

into pieces. It was really neat,

there would be a popping sound

accompanied by a flash of light

as the glass broke and the piece

reflected the light in the room

before settling down on the

pile. 5. I had a mystery on my

hands...and a brother who loves

to solve mysteries. I snapped a

few pictures and contacted John

to put him on the case. 6. Due

to my fabulous plethora of

The night before I sat down to

write this column, a new, excit-

ing event occurred in my life.

My seventeen year old daugh-

ter and I were preparing for

work. Dinner was in the oven.

Kate was in the dining room

and I was in the bathroom.

Suddenly I heard a loud “Boom

-shoosh!” Within seconds Kate

was calling for me.

“Is it an emergency?” I asked.

“Yes,” she answered, so I

bolted out of the bathroom as

fast as I could to find that the

glass on the oven door had ex-

ploded. It lay in tiny fragments

of black and sparkly glass on

the floor.

It was an amazing moment. I’d

never heard of such a thing anomaly had burst

in upon my routine. I’m a

“count your blessings” kind of

gal to the very core of me, so

let me cut to the chase and tell

you the blessings I experienced

multi-tasking skill sets, I got the

mess cleaned up and out the

door to get Kate to work on


I could go on and on about the

blessings that came from that

event. I could go on and on

about the bad things that could

have happened but didn't. For

example: One of the possibili-

ties for the explosion that my

brother came up with is that the

bottom burner may not have

been igniting properly. The

night before, Kate had made a

tray of brownies that did not

bake properly. So the worst

thing that could have happened

that didn’t was that we didn’t

lose our lives and/or house parts

in a fire. Praise God!

My mindset is firmly entrenched

in celebration. And that’s the

way, uh huh, uh huh, I like it! I

choose to see the event as an

adventure. My brother Chip said

it best. I posted the pictures on

Easter Heart

Reflection by Juliet Mark-Janik, Advanced Trainer NURTURED HEART APPROACH ®

my FaceBook

page and my

sister-in-law brought it to his

attention. Chip’s response: “Aw,

Julie gets to have all the fun.”

Yes, I do. Because I have an

Easter Heart. Even through

hardship and sorrow, I choose to

celebrate. The harder life gets,

the more I will rejoice. It is a

habit I have cultivated for as

long as I can remember. The

Nurtured Heart Approach makes

it easy to teach this positive

mindset to others, but short of

writing a book on the subject let

me leave you with this chal-

lenge. Christ is risen! His is

truly risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!

No matter what you are going

through, there is hope. No mat-

ter what you are going through,

there are good things happening.

What negative, human default

attitude can you entomb right

now to shift your focus to the

blessings that surround you?

Volume 1, Issue 5

April 2014

Page 2

Healing Damaged


Seminar! Saturday, May 17th

10:00 a.m. –3:00 p.m.

Spirit of Truth Urban Ministry

115 Gold Street, Buffalo, NY

(Parking lot on Davy)

Free and Open to the Public!

A must for anyone that has

experienced hurt.

Stories, music, and dramas to

encourage you.

Light lunch served!

To reserve your seat call (716)

464-3681 or go to website:

Hello I’m responding to the email about children. My heart goes out to you because I was there. My

job ended and I lost my apartment and every thing in it. I slept in my car. I was depressed but my kids called me crazy. I lost my car and was homeless. I

had severe pain in my chest so I was tested and my heart was good. I then was transferred to a

woman's homeless shelter. I was there for 13 months. Through my time there I accepted Jesus as my savior. That's what helped me through my crisis. My three kids now speak to me, only one

daughter wants nothing to do with me. She says all she wants is idle chit chat but not a daughter. I

now turn my life to God and I don't feel the pain.

This is the day God has made

and I will rejoice!

Dr. Leeland Jones, eminent Christian Psychiatrist, and author

of an upcoming book about wholeness, began his teaching

with a question and answer ses-sion and ended it with an amaz-ing analogy of how the function of the human heart echoes the

healthy cycle of human spiritual-ity. It was an uplifting message!

Seminar Snapshot

Have you ever wondered what a Healing Damaged

Emotions Seminar is like? Or were you unable to at-

tend the last one and want to know what you missed?

Your curiosity is about to be sated! Enjoy!

Music flowed freely at the Seminar! Pastor Gary and Dave

started the morning with song as people enjoyed breakfast

items and conversation. Vince played and sang later in the day

and Gwendolyn Bork played piano and sang songs off her

upcoming CD when she gave her presentation.

Agenda for the Day

10:00 a.m. Welcome Prayer

10:15 a.m. Testimony (Traci)


11:15 a.m. T.A.G. Team

11:30 a.m. Pastor Gary

12:15 a.m. Lunch

12:45 p.m. N.H.A. (Julie)

1:00 p.m. T.A. G. Team

1:00 p.m. Teaching

(Dr. Leeland Jones)

2:00 p.m. Testimony/Music (Gwen)

2:45 p.m. Giving it Up! (Dr. Donna)

A Power Packed Testimony! Traci was

right on with her message entitled

“Freedom from Unresolved Anger.”

Welcoming Smiles! Laurel is the greatness of

organization, Linda coordinated the refresh-

ments and the scrumptious lunch of pulled

pork sandwiches and salads!

Ann kept the ball rolling as well as

introduced us to the woman who

brought us together In His Name:

Dr. Donna Potter.

Doc pulled all the teachings to-

gether with a powerful exercise

and prayer for letting go of the

barriers to healing.

The T.A.G. Team

Packed a wallop

with insightful skits

about Christian


Gwendolyn Bork

Gwendolyn delivered a message of hope and healing in her fiery, passionate, honest style. Al-ways open about her dramatic near-death experi-

ence conversion to Christianity, Gwendolyn’s testimony and music are always moving!