NewStudent and Family Welcome Back -to-school Meeting 2019

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Transcript of NewStudent and Family Welcome Back -to-school Meeting 2019

Lycée Français International de Bangkok

โรงเรียนฝรั งเศสนานาชาตกิรุงเทพ

New Student and Family WelcomeBack-to-school Meeting 2019

Meeting Program

1. Presentation of the management team

2. The LFIB is an accredited establishment.

3. The LFIB is a part of the AEFE network.

4. The LFIB is a conventional establishment.

5. Structure, number of students and pedagocical organization

6. LFIB and the challenges of academic success

7. Canteen, Transport and AES

8. Opening time and access

9. Back to school and meeting with teachers

10. Communication

11. Others

The management team

Chananao VARUNYOU : Thai Principal

Yvan SCHMITT : Principal

Adrien LASNEL : Deputy principal

Isadore REAUD : School Manager

Nathalie BIEZ : Headmistress of the Primary School

Jérôme VANNIER : Administrative and Financial Director

Dominique GERARD : Senior Education Advisor

Administration Team

Executive Secretariat : Sasaporn CHAUVET

Thai Executive Secretariat : Visa JITSAMPANVET

Kindergarten Secretariat : Woratida SATIAN

Elementary School Secretariat : Chuanpit KHAMDEE

Accounting : Kwanlar PROMTHASupplies and travel : Punyawee MERCIER

Accounting Assistants : Naiyana WICHAIDIT, Kingkarn KONG-IN

Assistant to the Management Committee:

Sasaporn CHAUVET

The Accreditation

The LFIB is an accredited establishment

which offers complete teaching program from kindergarten to high school

which is an examination center for the

National Middle School Diploma

and the Baccalaureate

(and some other license exams)

The AEFE network

The LFIB is a part of the AEFE network.

The AEFE network ensures the continuation of schooling in every French educational institutions abroad.

The AEFE provides financial assistance and resources in terms of pedagogical management (continuous training, orientation, examinations, governance, security).

The AEFE network

The LFIB is a part of the AEFE network.

The school's main contacts are:

The Deputy Management Coordinator (CDAEFE) and head of the Asia Pacific sector at the AEFE : M. Gilles ALMOSNINO (in Singapore)

The National Education Inspector of the Asia Pacific Zone:

M. Bruno SEWERIN (based in Singapour)

The AEFE network

The LFIB is a part of the AEFE network.

The LFIB is supervised by

- His Excellency Mr. Ambassador : new appointment

- The Advisor for Cooperation and Cultural Action(COCAC) Mrs LUBIN


The LFIB is a "conventional" establishment,

The AEFE has signed an agreement with the French Foundation for Education (FFE) which is the the LFIB's education license holder in Thailand.

The French Foundation for Education delegates its attributions of financial control to the Bureau of the Parents’ Association, composed of 8 members elected by the enrolled students’ parents.


The Parents' Association - COGES

The 8 elected parents of the Bureau of Parents’ Association,

Sit on a Management Committee with the Management Team,

The Advisor for Cooperation and Cultural Action(COCAC)

(Representative of His Excellency Mr. Ambassador)

and the representatives of the school staff


The Parents' Association - COGES

Works in close collaboration with the Management Team:

- Drawing up and monitoring the budget (including the setting of school fees)

- Recruitment (on the proposal of the Principal) and career monitoring of staff recruited on local contracts

- Maintenance of the buildings and facilities

- Contracts with service providers, including catering, school transport and security.

School Bodies

Many school bodies are open to parents participation.

Elections of parents' representatives:

to the Primary School Council

to the School Council

Will take place on Friday, October 9th 2020,

There are also elections of each class representatives, both Primary and Secondary,

The pedagogical structure

The pedagogical structure at primary level

Kindergarten5 classes

1 PS

1 MS3 GS

Elementary school

19 classes

4 CP

4 CE1 4 CE2

4 CM13 CM2

Class Structure

The class structure in the Secondary School

Middle School :13 classes

4 classes for 6ème

3 classes for 5ème

3 classes for 4ème

3 classes for 3ème

High School :

9 classes

3 classes for 2nde

3 classes for 1ère

3 classes for Terminale

Some figures to begin the 2020 school year

The number of students as of August 28th :

? students in 46 classes

Kindergarten (5 classes) : ?

Elementary (19 classes) : ?

Middle School (13 classes) : ?

High School (9 classes) : ?

Les effectifs à la rentrée 2020

947 élèves


188 élèves


293 élèves


481 élèves

50,8 %


92 élèves


374 élèves


466 élèves

49,2 %

Effectifs par niveau, rentrée 2020-2021

Evolution of student number by levelfrom 2010-2011

864 901963 984

1 046 1 059 1 080 1 051 1 0611 008

Kindergarten Elementary Middle School High School


Students by nationality

Students by nationality at the

beginning of 2017 school year


The 2020 school year

Pedagogical organization at the primary level

•* Enseignement de Matières par l´Intégration d´une Langue Étrangère

Kindergarten• Petite Section, learning is essentially based on the French language. Language support in Thai is available for

Thai-speaking children.

• From the Moyenne Section onwards, language courses are set up according to the student's needs: English,

Thai, intensive French, FLSCO.

• Moyenne Section and Grande Section : linguistic bath

Elementary School• From CP to CM2, two programs "Classic Section" (English-4h) and "International Section" (English-6h).

• From CP to CM2, 1 hour of compulsory Thai language. Intensive Thai Option is available.

Pedagogical organization

Supplimentary language support in Primary School :

The presence of a language coordinator:

Madame Nadine SCHREURS

and two teachers in FLSCO (French as the language of school) :

Madame Tatiana MILETITCH and Mr Axel GAUTHIER (cycle 3)

The pedagogical organization

Assistance for students with special needs

The LFIB has recruited:

2 French speech therapists:

Mme Elsa LE COQ and Jennifer MASRI

1 psychologist at the Listening Point :

Mme Capucine PICHARD

Student Assistant can participate in classroom (working along with the teacher team but employed by the family).

The pedagogical organization

Pedagogical organization at the Secondary level

The French program is enriched with diversified offers in foreign languages:

English language teaching is in the heart of the school project.

English is the compulsory LV1 (classes organized by levels of competency at Middle School Level).

1 hour of language activities is offered to all students (Debates, History/Geography and English Literature).

An English Literature option is opened to all students.

The pedagogical organization

Pedagogical organization at the Secondary level

Some classes are in English (Musical education).

A European Section proposes classes in English at 2nde.

Optional British International Section is available for students entering 6ème and 2nde at the beginning of 2020 academic year.

The pedagogical organization

Pedagogical organization at the secondary level

The LV2 offered from the 5ème are German, Spanish and Chinese (other

languages can be followed by the CNED). Introduction to these three

languages is programmed in 6ème.

1-hour Thai is compulsory until 4ème and optional from 3ème onwards.

All LV schedules are intensive.

Latin and Ancient Greek options are proposed during the Middle School.

The pedagogical organization

The LFIB is a center for language certification,

DELF PRIM certification in French

in partnership with Alliance Française

CAMBRIDGE certification in English

DELE certification in Spanish

in partnership with Cervantes Institute

HSK exam in Chinese

The pedagogical organization

Preparing the Orientation

Resource Person in Orientation: M. GUILLEROT (librarian), working in collaboration with Homeroom teachers

Preparation of choices of orientation after:

- 3ème (only the general series are proposed at the LFIB)

- The final year of high school (Terminale) and the baccalaureate

Success in exams

The LFIB’s keys of academic success

Le Diplôme National du Brevet (end of de 3ème )75 candidates : 75 admitted or 100.7% (90,5% in France for 2020)

Le Baccalauréat série ES11 candidates : 11 admitted or 100 %(90,7 % in France pour la session 2020 – 99,1 % in AEFE network)

Le Baccalauréat série L3 candidates : 3 admited or 100 %(97,5 % in France pour la session 2020 – 99% in AEFE network)

Le Baccalauréat série S31 candidates : 31 admitted or 100 % (98,7 % in France pour la session 2020 – 98,9 % in AEFE network

Baccalauréat mention rate : 91,1 %

Projects of the AEFE network

The week of French Schools around the world from November

18th – 22nd, 2019

Ambassadeurs en Herbe (to be confirmed)

ADN- AGORA (to be confirmed)

PROZAP (Asia Pacific Zone Projects)

The LFIB will host

- The 9th Asian Football Cup (middle and high school), March 2021

- The Asian Rugby Cup (middle and high school), March 2021

Primary School Schedules

5 school days from 8:00 am to 2:10 pm

For students with the “Intensive Thai" option, the schedules are as follow

CP / CE1

Tuesday and Thursday : 8:00 am to 2:10 pm

Monday, Wednesday, Friday : 8:00 am to 3:10 pm

CE2 / CM1 / CM2

Monday, Wednesday, Friday : 8:00 am to 2:10 pm

Thursday 8:00 am to 3:10 pm

Tuesday 8:00 am to 4:10 pm

Secondary School Schedules

5 school days

classes from 8:00 am to 5:05 pm

Some optional physical & sport education classes end at 6:00 pm.

Some DS (supervised homework) take place on Saturday.

Extra-curricular Activities (AES)

A wide range of sport, artistic and cultural activities are listed in a given brochure with the back-to-school documents (45 activities).

Khun LEK is responsible for the organization and animation of the AES.

Communication at the LFIB

Various communication media

The LFIB benefits from the presence of a communication and marketing manager:


The school's website

Social networks: Facebook, Twitter

Pronote (Secondary school)

Occasional emails

The LFIB Infos

Direct meetings

Annex Services

School meals are provided by EPICURE.

Any student's specific diet must be notified at the time of enrolment. It can be modified later according to any changes in his schedule.

BLUE JADE can provide school transport.

Security is provided by SDS.

All service providers have signed a contract with the LFIB.

The beginning of the school year

The start of the new school year

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019 at 8:00 am: students arrive at the

school at 8:00 am.

The first day of school in Petite Section runs until 9:30 am only.

Teaching staff whose entry into service is delayed:


1 new teacher currently in fourteen

3 teachers back in France


Classroom teachers pass on the class preparation work to their substitute teacher.

Parents have already been informed of the replacements by the Director.

The start of the new school year

Teaching staff whose entry into service is delayed:


- 5 new teaching staff (including 1 librarian)

- 12 teachers who returned to France during the summer (and 1 school psychologist)

3 types of lessons :

In the presence of the teacher of the discipline

In the presence of a substitute teacher - in relation to the teacher being replaced

Live by videoconference zoom with a supervisor (technical verification - call - supervision of

students)accompaniment of EEMCP2 for the first lessons of new teachers

Parents are informed of the class / class arrangements this morning.

The start of the new school year

Some students will not be present at the start of the school year on 2


37 new pupils (12 in primary - 25 in secondary)

46 students who left Thailand during the summer and whose return is delayed (11 in primary school - 35 in secondary school)

The start of the new school year

Presentation meetings at the Primary Level

Classroom meetings with teachers

PS – MS – GS : Tuesday September 8th

CP : Thursday September 10th

CE1 : Monday September 14th

CE2 : Tuesday September 15th

CM1 : Wednesday September 16th

CM2 : Thursday September 17th

Parent-Teacher Meeting

Individual meetings between parents and teachers

in secondary school

- 3ème , 2nde, 1ère and terminale : Thursday October 8th, from 4 pm

- 6ème , 5ème et 4ème : Wednesday November 21st from 4 pm


- Canteen

- Transport Service

- Extra-curricular Activities (AES)