Newsletter Week 4

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Newsletter Week 4

Transcript of Newsletter Week 4

3rd May 2013

Summer 1 Week 3

Worsbrough Common Primary School and

Rising Stars Children’s Centre


Absence and Sickness

We have had a number of children off as a result of a sickness bug over

the last few weeks and there have been mixed messages given about

the time they are required to stay of school.

I have now sought clarification from our School Nurse;

Vomiting only—children need to remain off school until 24 hours after

they were last sick.

Vomiting and Diarrhoea—children need to remain off school until 48

hours after their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea.

We regularly remind children at school and in the Children centre about

the importance of washing their hands after they have been to the toi-

let and appreciate your support at home with this.

Back to normal!

Thank you for your patience and support

over the last few weeks with regard to

assemblies! Hopefully our Smartie pants

assembly will be able to go ahead next

Friday! A few technical hitches with the

hall space is the reason for their



Children are

more than

welcome to bring

Water bottles to

school so that

they can have a

drink at break

times. Please do

not send children

with anything

other than water

or milk.

Worsbrough Common Primary School

and Rising Stars Children’s Centre

Bruce Avenue


S70 4EB

Tel: 01226 289989

Have a great weekend!

Fit Reds!

Calling all men! If you are interested in taking part in

the Fit Reds programme, which is due to start at the

centre in May please let us know! The course is free,

run by Barnsley FC and will involve one hour exploring

health topics e.g healthy eating, men's health and one

hour of physical activity. If you want to know more

come and ask at Reception or for one of the FSW



We’ve all been busy in school

practising our subtraction skills in

school this week using number

lines, brain only methods and lots

more! Ask your child/children how

they manage tricky subtractions

or check out the blog!