Newsletter Week 3

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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News, letter

Transcript of Newsletter Week 3


Autumn Term 1

Worsbrough Common Primary School and

Rising Stars Children’s Centre


After School


New clubs start-

ing this week and

running on Thurs-

days are:

Film Club


Children’s Centre

Child care available 1 hour to a whole day. For further information contact the Children’s centre manager.

Look at Books Group—Tuesday 1-3

Little Stars Baby Group—Wednesday 10-12

Toddler Group—Friday 9.30—11.30

Thank you!

Thank you to all our fantastic parent and carers for your support at

Parents evening on Monday and Tuesday of this week! It was great to

see so many of you there and hear your positive feedback. Apologies

as ever to parents/carers who had a longer than anticipated wait,

sometimes appointments do run over but we appreciate your support.


Thank you again to all those parents and carers who have taken the

time again this week to comment on the blog! We love to hear your

comments! I ‘d love to see some of you blogging too! From this week

we will be running a ‘Thunks’ Blog! On it will be a picture and/or

question to make you think! The log on details are on the page and

will allow you to post on our blog too—setting a fantastic example

for our children!

Go on have a go!

Ms D :)

Bruce Ave


S70 4EB

Worsbrough Common Primary

School and Rising Stars

Children’s Centre

Phone: 01226 289989

Have a good weekend!



What a fantastic response we

had to both our Breast cancer

‘Pink Day’ and our Children In

Need day!

Thank you for all your amazing


Pink day raised £190.65

Children In Need - £240

Thank you!

It’s a hat trick!

We have a scored a hat trick of girls!

Congratulations to Miss Crossland who finally gave birth to

baby Sophie last week! I think Sophie is going to be super

laid back just like her mum!


I can’t believe it’s Robinwood time already!

Make sure you pack your bags carefully and get

here on time on Monday!

We will be ‘blogging’ live over the 3 days!


Visitors in School!

Gosh we have had so many visitors in school this week—

including Barnsley’s new interim Director of Children’s

Services and THE amazing Ronnie Wood (not the Rolling

Stones one) they were all so impressed by the amazing

learners and teachers at Worsbrough Common who showed

them all what an amazing school and Children’s Centre we

have! As ever I am so proud to be privileged enough to be

the Headteacher of such a fab bunch!

Chess Club!

Back by popular demand!

Chess club restarts

Monday 17th September


Year 4 upwards.