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Key dates



Friday 25th MarchGood Friday

Monday 28th MarchEaster Monday

Tuesday 29th MarchInfants Primary Assembly 5G Presenting and Term 1 Captain’s Awards and Principal’s Commendations) 2.30pm in the hall

Thursday 31st March-Friday 1st AprilCSSA Secondary State Touch Football

Thursday 31st MarchStage 5 Public Speaking Finals

Friday 1st April Year 12 Parents Prayer Meeting in the Staff Common Room 9.15amStage 4 Public Speaking Finals

Saturday 2nd AprilTwilight Fete and Open Day 4pm-8pm

Monday 4th AprilPrimary Vocal Group Community Visit

Tuesday 5th AprilPrayer time with the Principal 9.15am in Staff Common Room

Wednesday 6th AprilStage 5 & 6 Art Express Excursion & Stage 6 Design & Technology Powerhouse Museum Excursion

Thursday 7th AprilICS Combined Schools Cross CountryAssociation Information Session 7.30pm at Tongarra Campus

Friday 8th AprilLast Day Term 1

Saturday 9th AprilBike for Bibles Training Ride 9am (Meet at Unanderra Pool)

Wednesday 27th AprilStudents Return Term 2

Wednesday 27th April-Thursday 28th AprilCIS Secondary Swimming

Monday 2nd MayCSSA Primary Girls Soccer Gala Day

Saturday 30th April-Monday 2nd MayBike for Bibles

Tuesday 3rd MayInfants/Primary Mother's Day Stall

A message from Mr Lainson“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

God reveals some of his thoughts to us in his word and in his creation. God has given us enough in His word to guide our living and thinking. In Romans 12:2 we are told that our thinking needs total transformation. The world presents ideas about ways of living and thinking that are at complete odds with the standards set by God. If we are in Christ, and with the Spirit of truth, our minds are continually made new and new again. How do we actively participate in this renewing? We meditate on the word of God. We seek Godly counsel. We take every thought Captive and submit them to Christ. “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3 – 5)

School Car parkPlease do not drive into the school car park unless you have prior permission from the school principal or are a prep parent. When parking on the school premises please do not double park and please park wholly within the spaces provided. We know our parking facilities are limited and we thank you for your cooperation.

Fete and Open DaySaturday 2nd April 2016


What is still needed for the fete?Second hand books - please bring your donations of second hand books to the Resource Centre (Library) and place in the container marked second hand books. Please ensure they are in good condition.Plants - If you can donate plants for the plant stall, please label your donated plant and drop into the office the week of the fete.Silent Auction - If you own/run a business and can donate an item for the silent auction, please email

"Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave, just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Matthew 28:26-28

• Give thanks for Jesus' sacrifice for us.

• Pray for preparation for the Twilight Fete and Open Day.

• Pray for excursions coming up over the next couple of weeks.

• Pray for those in our school community who are unwell.

• Pray for preparation for Bike for Bibles.

TERM 1 WEEK 8• 24TH MARCH 2016

t. 02 4239

Cordeaux Campus 4 Tyalla Place, Cordeaux Heights

Member of

Concession CardsNew Concession Cards for students who are 16 years or over are available and can be collected from the office.If required, there are also proof of age cards for students who are under 16.

Extend Outside School Hours Care Enrol now for Before and After School Care. Simply enrol and set up your account online at Please note – all children must be enrolled before attending. We have heaps of fun activities planned this term and we can’t wait for you to attend! Activities include a range of arts and crafts, sports, team games, science, cooking, and much more.Last week at extend we created Easter baskets, fossils and played a few fast games of Pac Man. We also had some fun baking delicious Easter bunny rice bubble bars. Congratulations to Claire W for receiving the Extend Superstar Award this week for always trying her best and working hard. Well done Claire and keep up the good work. Please do not forget to check the Newsletter for our weekly program :)Week 9 Activities:Mon 28 March: Easter MondayTues 29 March: Gardening - Herb plantingWed 30 March: Craft - Bubble paintingThurs 31 March: Craft - DIY marble runFri 1 April: Science - Coke and Mentos


Year 10 ParentsTo All Year 10 Parents and CarersCoffee and dessert night at Murphy's Bar and Grill Unanderra Monday 4th April at 7.30 pm This a fantastic opportunity to catch up and meet our new familiesRSVP Sunday 3rd April Text: Parent Rep on 0401520922

Fete Cake StallJust a reminder to bake for the upcoming Fete. You would have received the cellophane home via your child. We appreciate your home cooking and look forward to receiving it on Friday 1st April at the office or on Saturday at the stall.

Fete VolunteersThere are still opportunities to help out at the Fete and Open Day. Please contact the office and you can be put in touch with a stall coordinator.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours

Mondays 8.30 - 11.30am and 1.30pm-4.00pm

Wednesdays 8.30am-11.30am Ph: 4239 5220

e: Uniform to be worn from the First Day of Term 2. Parents, please ensure that your child has the correct uniform by checking your copy of the Parent Handbook.You are also reminded that sports and regular uniform are not to be interchanged under any tracksuit jackets are NOT to be worn with the regular uniform and the woollen jumper may NOT be worn with the sports uniform.

Secondhand UniformsThe Secondhand Uniform Pool has had a ‘make over’ and is now much more user friendly, making items much easier to find. Many thanks for your continued support of the secondhand uniform pool via your donations of no longer needed uniform items. Our supplies have grown and there are now most items available for purchase (not all sizes are available).The Stock list can be found on the ICS Cordeaux Website under uniforms, look for the ‘preloved’ uniform list. This list is updated at the beginning of each week.Donations and payment are made via the office. Enquiries to Sam Palmer, 0410 559 009

Come and Pray with our principalThe first Tuesday of each month parents and friends of ICS are welcome to come and pray for our school with Mr Lainson. The next date is Tuesday 5th April 9.15am-9.45am in the Staff Common Room.

Leave outside of normal School Vacation timeA reminder that if families are thinking of taking time off outside of normal school vacations, parents are required to write to the principal to request special leave before the event. A special “Student Exemption from Attendance Form” also needs to be filled in. These can be obtained from the school office. Principals are legally required to monitor school attendance and only approve appropriate leave.

Information EveningsJoin us for an information evening.

Year 11 2017 Information Evening Cordeaux Campus Hall - Tuesday 10th May 2016 7.00pm

Year 7 2017Information Evening Cordeaux Campus Hall - Tuesday 17th May 2016 7.00pm

Year 9 2016Information Evening Cordeaux Campus Hall -Tuesday 24th May 2016 7.00pmFor more information talk to our registrar 4239 5200 or e: cordeauxregistrar@ics.

Infants Primary AssemblyTuesday 29th March - 2.30pm in the HallInfants Primary Assembly 5G Presenting and Term 1 Captain’s Awards and Principal’s Commendations - Parents Welcome.

Community AnnouncementsDapto Anglican Presents - Lego Pupil Free Day. Tuesday 26th April 9am-3pm $15 BYO Lunch. More info and online rego at:

TERM 1 WEEK 8 • 24TH MARCH 2016

Illawarra Christian School is a member of Christian Education National, educating students from Prep to Year 12 at two campuses:

Cordeaux Campus at Cordeaux Heights & Tongarra Campus at Albion ParkApplications are invited from committed Christians of reformed persuasion for the following position:

Prep/ Early Childhood Assistant(12 month maternity leave position - Tongarra)• EstablishedPreplocatedonsiteatICSTongarra• Monday,TuesdayandWednesdayduringtermtime(20hrs/wk)• MinimumCert3earlychildhoodqualificationsrequired• Dynamicandsupportedenvironmentinabeautifulruralsetting

Applications close: 4pm Friday 22nd April 2016


Applicationsmaybesubmittedeither:• inhardcopyto: TheOperationsManager Illawarra Christian School Business Centre POBox80,AlbionPark2527NSW

• orelectronicallyto:

For further enquiries please contact: Beth Ellerman (Operations Manager)

email: Phone: 02 4230 3777

Process for Application:Theapplicationformandpositiondescriptionareavailableonourschoolwebsite.• Youmustcompletetheschool’sapplicationforminordertoapply.Please do not just

send a resume.• Pleaseincludeallotherdocumentslistedintheapplicationform, certified as true

copies by a J.P. Applications will not be considered if not complete.

It is an offence under the NSW Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 for a person convicted of a serious sex offence to apply for these positions.