NEWSLETTER€¦ · NEWSLETTER February2017 This week I had the pleasure of attending the regional...

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Transcript of NEWSLETTER€¦ · NEWSLETTER February2017 This week I had the pleasure of attending the regional...

NEWSLETTER February2017

This week I had the pleasure of attending the regional academies roadshow at The Telford Langley School. Listening to both Mr Carter, Executive Head teacher and Mr Hamilton, CEO of the Community Academies Trust reminded me how important it is that we reflect on the values of the school and how important they are. We are relentless in our desire for all of the students to achieve more than they ever dreamed possible in all aspects of life.

The production of Grease the Musical this half term was wonderful and didn’t the students show us how much you can achieve when you rehearse and put your mind to it. Our year 7’s performed a selection of songs from Oliver with great confidence too.

This has been a busy half term for exams and the students from years 10, 7 and 8 have conducted themselves very well during the examination period. Students sit exams for a number of reasons, it’s a practice for the real thing and more importantly the results of the examinations enable teachers to build more personalised learning programmes for all students. Year 9, if you feel left out don’t worry your exams are not far away!

Many visitors and candidates for teaching posts have visited the school over the last half term, all of which have commented on the politeness of the students and calm working environment that exists within the school. I’m so proud of the young people of this school and the way they conduct themselves.

An upcoming date for your diary is the Year 7 & 10 consultation evening on Thursday 2nd March 4.30pm-7.00pm (appointments are bookable online)

Have a lovely half term, especially if you are going on the school’s ski trip!

Holly Rigby

Head of School

Get In Touch The Telford Park School

Grange Avenue



01952 387400


As we approach the half way point of the academic year, it's great to see so many of our students still looking so smart in their uniforms. Just a couple of reminders: Hair - Please do not send your child to school with a distinct line or pattern shaved into their hair. - If hair is short at the sides please ensure that it blends with the hair at the top so there is not an extreme contrast between top and sides. - If hair is dyed then the colour should be natural. Footwear - No boots please, this means no shoes above the ankle - Shoes should be plain and black, not canvas.

Details of this can be found on our website:

On Wednesday 14th December 2016 we held

an afternoon tea and presentation for

students who excelled at Accelerated Reader

during the first term.

Criteria for the event was based on having

read five or more books within the student’s

ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) and

having maintained an average quizzing

percentage accuracy of 85% and above.

The event was well attended by parents and

carers and there were double the amount of

students receiving awards to the one in July.

Students, parents and carers were treated to

a selection of delicious cupcakes kindly

donated by Mrs Tranter. Nibbles and drinks

were generously provided by Valerie Sleath,

the Community Champion form Tesco in


The next afternoon tea and presentation will

be Thursday 6th April and a different

qualification criteria will apply this time

which students will be advised of in the

coming weeks.

Accelerated Reader Honour Roll

As part of offering further challenge to our more able students the Accelerated

Reader Honour Roll was created.

Students were selected on their reading age being well above their

chronological age and an Investment made in higher level texts such as Catch

22, 1984 etc.

The challenge to achieve the first level of Bronze Honour Roll was to achieve

100 Accelerated Reader points by February half term.

We are proud to announce that Year 9 student Georgina Andrews achieved

this target and was presented with her Bronze Honour Roll badge at our

Accelerated Reader afternoon tea and presentation

Home Connect

All KS3 students from 16th January to 27th January will be issued Home Connect homework to be completed and submitted by a date advised by their Accelerated Reader Teacher. The homework does require internet connection and a Parent/Carer email address. If there are any questions relating to the homework please contact Ms Foley at

Library books

There are still a number of school library books that were not handed in prior to

the Christmas break. Would Parents and Carers please take a moment to look

around and see if there are any at home?

Our school books have a coloured sticker on the spine and a barcode on the

inside cover.

Reader Leader

Congratulations to the winners of the Reader

Leader Trophy – Mr Dolphin and his 8.2 group.

Every class is targeted to achieve above 85%

average accuracy in their Accelerated Reader


Here are the results

We have been making Star Wars models in the Bridge this half term, two of them are pictured. They’ve been so popular that Bridge students have even made some for staff members to take home!

Students have taken part in the Rotary Young Photographer of the Year competition. We have had lots of entrants this year with fantastic

photographs showing how talented students are at The Telford Park School! Fingers crossed for these pupils!!


Here are more stunning entries


Grease – The Musical

January 24th and 25th 2017

Auditions took place in September and throughout the months the cast have been getting together to rehearse their talents in Grease the musical.

The talented company lead by Summer and Josh excelled in their roles and delighted audiences with Summer Nights and Greased Lightning, and with solo touches from Elise with “There are Worse Things I Could Do”, and Chloe with “Freddy My Love”.

Mrs Fyles directed the show with Mr Cosco ably assisted by Y7s Jack Willis providing the lighting and sound operation.

This was a first for Telford Park School to do a published piece of musical theatre and we are now looking forward to our outside production of Romeo & Juliet just before the summer holidays.

A few of our stars

Handwriting intervention takes place 4 days a week. It allows students the opportunity to develop skills so that they have independence in their lessons. The success for some students has meant that they no longer need to attend and all work produced in their book is legible. A new group of students are currently being identified and they will be engaging in the handwriting programme in the near future. If you feel you need handwriting intervention please come and see one of our handwriting intervention Teaching Assistants at tutor time on the 3rd floor, or speak to your teacher who will refer you for help. Elvis is showing off his beautiful cursive script. Well done Elvis.

At Telford Park School we value the different cultures and languages of all our students.

Each month in school our students that have English as an additional language are encouraged to educate the rest of us with some key words and phrases in their mother tongue or other languages they are exposed to at home, as well as share stories of what school is like in their home country.

This month Bogdan and Adriana have been responsible for the language of the month board in room A3.58, and have done a brilliant job of teaching us some Russian words. They went as far as translating words both phonetically and using Cryllic translation, as well as teaching us to pronounce words correctly.

We think they did a fabulous job- Spasibo (thank you) Bogdan and Adriana

P E News Ski Trip – Pila 2017

On Saturday 18th Feb some lucky Park students will be off to Italy with some Telford Langley School

students for a week’s skiing in the Italian Alps. Pictures and a report will be in the next newsletter.

They next ski trip will be launching very soon, keep an eye out for the letter and information!


The year 7/8 boys’ team played Abraham Darby on Thursday 2nd February. It was the most complete

performance yet from the team who ran out easy

winners, well done boys! Man of the match was

Connor Edwards who scored 5 tries.

Next up is the year 8/9 boys’ team who are also

playing Abraham Darby on Thursday 9th March.

It’s great to see so many students now playing for

local rugby clubs. We have several boys playing at

Telford Hornets and Newport Rugby Club.

Well done to Patrick Dodson who has been

headhunted by Abraham Darby Rugby Academy

following his performance in a recent game against them. They were impressed with his leadership and

attitude on the pitch. He was invited to play with the team and is now considering continuing his

education in year 12 and 13 at Abraham Darby within their Rugby Academy.


The year 10 football team played their District Cup second round tie against Madeley Academy on

Tuesday 31st January. The Park boys were well in the game at 2-1 down until the last 10 minutes when

unfortunately they conceded several quick goals, losing 7-1. They played well as a team and the score line

did not reflect the quality of their performance.

The year 9 boys’ team also had their second round District Cup match against William Brookes on

January 25th. Again, the score line does not reflect the quality of the Park boy’s performance. They

succumbed to 3 sloppy goals which ultimately cost them, losing 7-4.

The year 11 footballers played Burton Borough School in the first round of the District Cup on January

26th. A lack of defensive organisation resulted in a heavy defeat against a well organised Burton Borough


Boys team: Jack Tarpey, James Luo, Harvey Gratton, Demetrius Dankwah, Piotr Borkowski,

Elvis Appiagyei, Michael Manu

Girls team: Olivia Stephan, Madison Greenhill, Sophie Felton, Elise Meredith, Chloe Growcott, Kamila

Luto, Ernestina Afrifa, Elisha Nurse


The year 10 girls and boys handball team played in the inaugural Telford Schools handball competition

on Tuesday 8th February, held at Telford Langley School. Both the Park teams played fantastically. The

girls came third out of 6 schools, winning a Bronze Medal each.

The boys came second only to a very slick Charlton School team. They left with a Silver Medal each and

a place in the Shropshire School Games Finals on Thursday 16th February at William Brookes School.

Well done!!


Girl’s netball club is still growing each week with a core of regular girls attending each session. They

have games against Telford Langley and Ercall Wood coming up soon.

PE Star of the Week

Since returning in January we have begun issuing a weekly “Star of the Week” to a boy and a girl from

each year. The award is given to the students that display the most effort and focus or do something

special over each week.

Roll of Honour so far:

Year 7: Girls: Poppy Gratton, Robyn Jones Rebecca McCollom // Boys: Jack Willis, Cian Attwood,

Aaron Jewell

Year 8: Girls: Shenaz Sahota, Cassandra Boadu, Norrie Randhawa // Boys: Pedley Adjei, Josh Oliver,

Dylan Cook

Year 9: Girls: Sophie Williams, Chloe Slater, Lauren Bellamy // Boys: Callum Boden, Mason Green,

Dion Harding

P E News continued