NEWSLETTER CALENDAR TERM 4 - St Matthew's … WEEK 3 TERM 4 OCTOBER 26, 2011 CALENDAR ... Amy Hodge...

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Transcript of NEWSLETTER CALENDAR TERM 4 - St Matthew's … WEEK 3 TERM 4 OCTOBER 26, 2011 CALENDAR ... Amy Hodge...


CALENDAR DATES TERM 4 Tuesday November 15 & 29 Kinder orientation Surnames A to M 9am-11am Wednesday November 16 & 30 Kinder orientation Surnames N to Z 9am-11am Tuesday November 22 Kindy Orientation Night 7:00pm—St Matthew’s Tuesday November 22 Catholic Out of School Hours Care Info Night 7:00pm—St Matthew’s Thursday November 24 Grandparents Day Talent Quest Tuesday December 13 Year 6 Graduation Friday December 16 Last school day for 2011 School Terms 2012 Term 1 January 27—April 5 Term 2 April 23—June 29 Term 3 July 16—September 21 Term 4 October 8—December 21


St Matthew’s Catholic Primary School

12 Tebbutt Street Telephone: (02) 4577 3463 PO Box 406 Facsimile: (02) 4577 6461 Windsor 2756 Email: Web Address

Dear Parents, “Growth and Development” Last evening, Stage 3 parents gathered with teachers to lead into their work on Growth and development this term. As a school we are clearly focused on our students as whole people. Our approach to all aspects of life is referenced back to our beliefs and our faith. Being a Catholic school means we have a particular world-view. Enrolling your child at our school means that you want your child to experience that world-view, a different appreciation of our lives and relationships. Holy Ground is critical to how we are different. I invite you to ask your child what Holy Ground means and looks like at St. Matthew’s. Perhaps you could share with them your understanding of how we make our school a place of Holy Ground, a different and faith-filled community. Our growth and development is something we all continue to foster. Our lives and abilities are a gift from God. A “New” Staff Member We welcome back Mrs McGee (previously known as Miss Stevens!) Congratulations from all of us on your marriage. Thank you also to Mrs Anne Glass for her great work with the class in Mrs McGee’s absence. Walkathon What a great success! Thank you to all who participated. Please chase up and send in your sponsorships so we can look to making good use of all your hard work.. Kind regards, Stephen Dowd Principal

What’s happening in your class? Term 4 Weeks 3 & 4

Kinder We are very excited now that we have planted the seeds in our gardens. We will be watering our gardens and waiting for our vegetables to grow. We also took a container home to watch it grow, and some cucumber plants have already started to grow. How exciting Stage 1 Stage 1 have all been so busy learning about Procedures. We have followed Procedures to make pizza swirls, origami butterflies and chocolate teddy-mobiles. We then wrote some great procedures for each of them using some fantastic language! What will we make next??? Stage 2 We have successfully completed our surveys for eating out to discover what St. Matthew’s students are eating when they eat out. We are also collecting ideas for developing a product that we will advertise and sell in HSIE—some of our ideas are very “tasty”. Stage 3 This term Stage 3 are learning all about electricity. We will be investigating how batteries work and how electricity is made. We are also learning about how Australia is globally connected in every aspect of our lives. What an exciting term we have ahead of us!

St. Matthew’s Sacramental Program will take place on: Monday, November 14 at 7.00 pm in St. Matthew’s Church for children whose surnames begin with A-K. Tuesday, November 15 at 7.00 pm in St. Matthew’s Church for children whose surnames begin with L-Z.

Just a reminder:………. If your child is absent from school for any reason, an explanatory note must be supplied to your child’s teacher within one week. If this note is not received within the week, the school must record this time away from school as “Absent Without Explanation”.


Josephine Muscat Amy Hodge Marina Polakov

Amy Hodge Ros Brassil

WEDNESDAY 2/11 THURSDAY 3/11 FRIDAY 4/11 Amy Hodge Sharon Allen Liza Tabone

Ros Brassil Louise Law Amy Macchietto Kylie Mizzi

WEDNESDAY 9/11 THURSDAY 10/11 FRIDAY 11/11 Lisa Toth Kylie Mizzi Marina Polakov

Amy Hodge Ros Brassil Josephine Muscat Natalie Miskelly

If you can spare some time to help out in our canteen even if it’s only for Recess or Lunch. We would really appreciate your help and anytime you can offer. Please just contact the

ladies in the front office.

Reminder lunch & recess times have changed

Lunch time 11.00—11.45am

Recess time 1.45—2.15pm

Kindergarten’s Acrostic Poem

School S – Skipping and sport C – Clever cookies H – Homework O – Our manners always O – Often writing L – Learning and listening


Kinder: Jayden Xerri For improvements in ready. Well done!! Oscar Smith For showing enthusiasm and a commitment to his learning. Matthew Isles For overall improvement in all areas of class work. Maddison Davis For always striving to do her best. Year 1 Ellie Galea For always trying her best. Mikhael Andonian For always looking for ways to help the teacher Year 2 Katelyn Vella For working hard to improve her understanding of 3 digit numbers In Maths. Adele Dagher For using a broad range of punctuation in her writing Dominic Dimachua For demonstrating an excellent understanding of Water Safety in3 Health. Year 3 Holly Higginson For a terrific attitude in all subjects. Martin Skrzypacz For being an excellent mathematician . Year 4 Sherredan Stone For staying focused on writing tasks. Reese Jones For being a cooperative classroom member Stage 3B Blake Walsh For his enthusiasm and skill when videoing and editing our m ovies Rebecca Daley For a great improvement in all areas of Mathematics. Stage 3T Aaron Millar For using great adjectives in English. Thomas Moncrieff For enthusiastic work during media activities.

Stage 2 Impressions about the Walkathon

Today on the walk my partner was Martin and we stayed at the back for most of the walk. The river was dirty on the left side of the bridge. My legs gave up after a while but I still had to finish. It was fun because we got to talk to our friends and walk with them. Lewis Calabro Year 3 On our walk I experienced some stairs I have never seen before. All was going well until my stupid ankle decided to roll itself. It was hurting like crazy but I managed to get to school and as soon as I arrived I ran straight into the office and got some ice for my ankle. Bethany Dimech Year 4 This morning I was excited to go on the walkathon. Later on I rolled on my ankle and jarred my hip and calf. This morning I should not have been so excited. This was my bad day. Mikayla Sharp Year 4 Today on the walk I saw lots and lots of beautiful colour plants. Today on the walk I saw lots of dogs being walked by their owners. Today I went on the walk and it taught me to never give up and to keep on going. Today I went on the walk and I had lots of fun. Holly Higginson Year 3 Today on the walk I saw a dark, black hole with a mouse popping its head out. Today on the walk I felt like dying I needed my energy tank refilled. Today on the walk I saw a man sun-baking on the sand. His back was as red as a rose. Today I felt really hot I could have jumped in a pool to cool my body down. Scarlett Putamorsi Year 4 Today I saw the large football field and it had long, long grass and my legs also got itchy. I was guessing Mr H’s last name “Hafsteins” and none of us were able to say it properly. Anyway I was so thirsty and I was walking with sweat all over me. When we got back to school, guess what we got? Ice-blocks! Claudia Tabone Year 3 Today on the walk everything went well until my legs wanted to sleep. On the walk I saw two baby lizards and a colourful bird. Also on the walk we went under a bridge twice and we went a lap around a football field. Isabelle Touma Year 4 We saw people on the river canoeing and others sunbaking. The types of birds we saw were pigeons and eagles around the football field. After walking all that way I felt like dropping dead on the floor. Eventually we got an ice-block and finally got to sit down. Luke Zahra Year 3 As I walked rapidly down the path trying extremely hard to keep up with my partner I found a bright creature and it was bursting with colour. It was a rainbow lorikeet. When I stared at it, it stared right back with its beautiful, big, bulging eyes. It felt as if I had just seen a rainbow. Taryn Finch Year 4 On the walk I enjoyed seeing all the buildings and parks. I enjoyed seeing the peaceful river too. All went well until my legs felt like they were going to drop off. So for the rest of the walk my legs were aching. Tahlia Palminha Year 3 On the walk I was in my dirt bike gear and in the hour of walking I experienced lots of different things. One of the things I saw was all of us in a very big trail of kids in very light colours and it looked like a snake. Suddenly I saw somebody trip over but he was not hurt. The walk felt like it went forever and my body just went weak for some reason. Then I got up and kept on walking. Then we got back to school and were a good time with an ice-block. Tom Law Year 3 I saw three dogs on my walk. They had to be going on a long journey. I think they have been tired because we were on the same walk. We were luckier, we got ice-blocks back at school. Jesse Pearce-Smith Year 3 At the beginning of our walk, it was easy. I was complaining that we weren’t going to go the long way. We walked down the street under the bridge and to the football fields. When we reached the football field all I wanted was a drink. I thought our walk was easy but I was complaining a lot. Erin Calder Year 4 Today we went on a walk that was called a walkathon. There was about 5 footy fields where we were walking. We went on one bridge and under one. On the walk you could only see green at one point. Declan Anderson Year 3

Unfortunately, headlice have struck again. There are many products available at the chemist to treat headlice. We have also been asked to reprint the following advice from a 2008 newsletter: Step 1 Comb inexpensive hair conditioner on to dry, brushed (detangled) hair. This makes it difficult for lice to grip the hair or run around. Step 2 Wipe the conditioner from the comb onto a paper towel or tissue.

Step 3 Look on the tissue and on the comb for lice and eggs.

Step 4 If l ice or eggs are found, the child should be treated

Step 5 If the child has been treated recently and only hatched eggs are found, you may not have to treat since the eggs could be from the old infection. There is a wealth of information and advice on the treatment of headlice on the internet, so please have a look and help us prevent Headlice at St Matthew’s. If your child has headlice – tell anyone who has had contact with them and ask them to check their family for headlice.

Monday and Wednesday – Primary (Year 3 – Year 6) Monday and Thursday – Infants (Kindy – Year 2)

Just in time for Christmas…….. or that last minute birthday gift... or a special treat for yourself! One of our school mums, Jeanine Dimech, is promoting a line of Nutrimentics beauty products! If you are interested in Nutrimetics products or maybe hosting a girls fun beauty party, give Jeanine a call on 0417 751 829