Newsletter - Brighton Hill Community School...Miss June Copleston, Head of ICT; Mr Steve Coomber,...

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Transcript of Newsletter - Brighton Hill Community School...Miss June Copleston, Head of ICT; Mr Steve Coomber,...

October 2013

I am pleased to make this thirteenth contribution to the Brighton Hill Community School Newsletter.

The Summer Term ended on a high for us all with a really successful Sports Day. This was the last significant event organised within our previous Learning Community structure before our new structure of four

houses, Dorney, Stratford, Greenwich, Portland were introduced in

September. A real highlight of the Sports Day was the fact that a 30 year old record in the

100 metres sprint event was broken by a Year 9 student, Leon Williams (currently in Year

10). Congratulations to Leon and indeed all those students who participated.

This term has started really well for us. Our Open Evening on 16 September was followed by a series of Open Mornings which were well attended by those families considering applying for a place at Brighton Hill Community School for their Year 6 child.

Continued on page 2 Mr C Currie Headteacher




Always Learning

25 October 2013 School closes at end of day for half term

28 October - 1 November 2013 Autumn Half Term Break

13 & 14 November 2013 Year 11 Parents’ Evening

20 November 2013 Presentation Evening for our ex Year 11s

21 November 2013 Junior Dance Competition

21 November 2013 Senior Dance Competition

10 December 2013 School Carol Concert

18 December & 19 December 2013 Christmas Panto Production of Peter Pan

20 December 2013 Inset Day

23 December 2013 - 3 January 2014 Christmas Break

Calendar dates:

BHCS Continued from page 1 It was wonderful to hear so many positive comments from visitors to the school in recognition of the huge changes that have taken place at Brighton Hill over the last two years and about how we are continuing to develop our purposeful, business-like, inclusive and student centred approach to everything we do. I would like to say a particular thank you to our Head Boy and Head Girl and their team of Prefects and Senior Prefects for the superb contribution they make to this and many other school functions.

As a consequence of our improved Ofsted outcome the school has recently gone through a well publicised transition from having an Interim Executive Board to newly established Governing Body. I am delighted that all the previous members of the IEB have remained as Governors within the new structure and that the Governors are continuing to be led by Mrs Jane Pratt as Chair. I really enjoy working with our skilled and committed Governors – they are very supportive and hold me and the school rigorously to account. Following recent elections we are equally delighted to welcome three new Parent Governors and one new Staff Governor to the Governing Body. Congratulations to our new Parent Governors - Mr David Armstrong, parent of a Year 9 student; Mrs Betty Coombs, parent of a Year 10 student; and Mr Steven Lewis, parent of students in Years 7 and 9 who are joining us, along with Mr Guy Wilkinson as Staff Governor. Many readers will know Mr Wilkinson as the Head of Greenwich House and teacher of PE. I am looking forward to continuing to work closely with our augmented Governing Body as our school continues on its programme of improvements.

We have also welcomed the following new staff this year:

Mrs Laura Wiebe, teacher of English

Mr Les Graddon and Mr Rob Bullion, teachers of Mathematics

Miss Hayley Adkins, Head of History; Mrs Laura Ord and Miss Allyce Greenshields, teachers of Humanities subjects

Mr Joe Baker, teacher of Science

Miss June Copleston, Head of ICT; Mr Steve Coomber, Miss Laura McCabeteachers of Technology

Miss Jade Elmer, and Mrs Yvonne Davies, to our Support Staff

Our Year 7 students have settled in really well and I am looking forward to working with these students and their families throughout the next five years. Our new Student Support systems, including our Flexible Learning Centre, are providing a really good service for our students and are making a huge contribution to the increasing success of our school community.

Best wishes for the half term break to all members of our school community.

Mr C Currie


Expressive and Performing Arts Art Department

A selection of our students Art Work. Further examples can be seen throughout the Newsletter.

School Life

Humanities In Humanities we have had a very productive half term on the part of the students and the staff. Year 11 Geographers and Historians have been making good progress with their controlled assessments, each worth 25% of their final GCSE grade. The Geographers have finished writing up their Lee-on-Solent enquiry using scientific method and the Historians have been learning a new set of skills enabling them to analyse a range of historical sources on the American Civil rights movement. The skills they have been practising and applying in both of these controlled assessments will be trans-ferable to higher education and the work place. We have welcomed three new members of staff to the faculty who have all settled in well and are working hard on behalf of our students. We have a new Head of History in Miss Adkins, who in addition to raising the standard of teaching in the History department is also looking forward to reviving and adding to what we can offer in terms of extra-curricular trips. I am pleased to say that we have also added an international feel to the faculty bringing new perspectives and ideas. We have Mrs Ord from America who is a Philosophy Effects and Beliefs specialist and Miss Greendshields from Canada who is a Historian. This leaves us in a strong and stable condition to continue improving as a faculty.

Mr Langridge (Head of Humanities)

School Life

Year 11 Science Examinations Alert: All Year 11 Triple and Additional Science students have received letters outlining the

important examination weeks in their subjects. The main details are below: Students who study Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics)

Examination week 1 Monday 4 November 2013 to Friday 8 November 2013 Examined modules B1, C1, P1 Tier of entry Higher

Examination week 2 Monday 6 January 2014 to Friday 24 January 2014 [mock exam period] Examined modules B2, C2, P2 Tier of entry Higher

Examination week 3 Monday 31 March 2014 to Friday 4 April 2014 Examined modules B3, C3, P3 Tier of entry Higher

Students who study Additional Science

Examination week 1 Monday 6 January 2014 to Friday 24 January 2014 [mock exam period] Examined modules B1, C1, P1 Tier of entry Higher

Examination week 2 Monday 31 March 2014 to Friday 4 April 2014 Examined modules B2, C2, P2 Tier of entry To be confirmed

Please check the bottom of their school bags if you have yet to see it!

Mr Roberts

Homework Club

Homework Club has now moved to the Flexible Learning Centre. This is the ideal environment for students of all years to work on their homework after school. With over 40 available computers, 2 meeting rooms and ample work areas it is an ideal space for students to work quietly and independently with

help always available for those who need it.

There are many resources available for projects and the meeting rooms, which are bookable, are ideal for students working on group projects such as Business Study students or those working on Young Enterprise.. Homework Club is available to all students everyday from 3pm to 4.30pm. All students attending receive a free piece of fruit.

School Life

Introducing Catering Academy

The school’s new Catering Service from September 2013

Catering Academy is a dynamic, fresh & independent catering company, which is bringing innovative solutions to a wide range of education facilities.

We deliver a wide range of fresh food providing personalised menus and food solutions.

We deliver fresh and exciting dishes, prepared and served to the highest quality expectations.

We utilise local suppliers as well as our national supplier base, providing a national network of local supply, particularly important for all fresh produce.

Our food provision is assessed for compliance with Government standards; we use a nutritional system called “Nutmeg” in order to ensure food is healthy.

We encourage you to use our service at Brighton Hill Community School

Peter Pan

“…second star to the right and straight on till morning…” Why not come on the journey to Neverland with Peter Pan, Wendy, John and Michael? Allow Tinkerbell’s pixie dust work its magic, and you will of course need that happy thought.

Brighton Hill Community School is putting on a production of ‘Peter Pan’ by Piers Chater-Robinson, novel by J.M. Barrie, but this year with a difference. It is a student and staff pantomime.

If you would like to see Mr Du Heaume take the part of a dog, or Mr Beeching head up the Indians, then come along on Wednesday 18

th or Thursday 19

th December 2013.

Tickets for the event will be on sale 2 weeks prior to the first performance.

“So let’s jump on the wind’s back and away we go…”

Science Club and Exoplanets Year 9 Science Club students have embarked upon a

competition run by the Institute of Physics. This eight weeks project about Exoplanets (planets that orbit other stars), guides students through the process of finding Exoplanets, the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ and conditions needed for life to exist. Culminating in an Earth –like planet proposal being submitted by the students to the Institute of Physics.

Find out more in the next issue of the Newsletter Science Revision guides

To enable students to maximise their level of achievement in GCSE Science studies we are offering you the chance to purchase Edexcel revision guides for Science ( at a discounted price of £3 each as opposed to the retail price of £4. The revision guide reflects the topics studied in class and would provide a detailed, colourful and easy to understand additional resource which would benefit the learning and progress of your child.

Order forms have been distributed to year 10 students in the first instance. If you wish to order revision guides please return the order form to the finance office. Mr Roberts and the Science Team.

School Communities


It has been a super start for the new students of Greenwich House, one of the 4 new houses this academic year. Greenwich currently has a comfortable lead at the top of the House Sports table. Years 7, 9 and 11 girls were all victorious in their Netball fixtures, whilst the Year 8 and 9 boys were victorious in the Football tournaments. Year 7 boys are next to compete and all of Greenwich will be cheering them on hoping to finish this half term on a high where House Sports are concerned. Greenwich are, also, currently top of the overall House Cup standings. It is early days of course but we all hope that this positive start is a sign of things to come. Finally, within the Greenwich Cup some notable performances by GN5 (in the human pyramid competition) and GN2 in the noticeboard competition have left them in joint 1

st place at this early stage.

As Head of House for Greenwich I would like to say well done to all students and tutors on a fantastic start to the year and remember - Teamwork makes the Dream Work!

Mr Wilkinson

Year 7 & 8 Starting School in Style!

I would like to say a huge welcome to our new Year 7 students and congratulate them on a very successful start to their time at BHCS. I have been immensely impressed with the way they have immersed themselves into their lessons, tutor sessions

and extra-curricular clubs!

Our Year 8 students have had an equally successful start to the term and have shown a real commitment and drive to succeed this academic year. I am, also, very proud of the way they

all have helped and supported the Year 7 students settle into to life at BHCS.

Once again, congratulations Year 7 & 8 and I look forward to writing about all of your future achievements. Mrs H Mcdonald, Acting Head of Year 7/8


It has been a fantastic start for Dorney House. All the students have settled really quickly into their new groups and the tutors are very positive about their new tutees. It is so pleasing to see the teams working together cohesively and there is already a great deal of mentoring between older and younger students. All tutor groups have successfully completed the first two projects and there is much anticipation about the forthcoming Dorney Comes Dancing competition after half term.

Mr Beeching

Now a word from the wonderful Dorney prefect team:

So far this year we have conducted assemblies for Dorney House as well as other Houses in the school. We have been involved with many after-school and out-of-school events,

including Open Mornings & Open Evening. As prefects we have been around the Years 7 & 8 tutor groups to introduce ourselves and explain our role and we hope to continue with our

Year 7 & 8 mentoring. Student Voice is coordinated by us and other prefects and we hope the ideas that come from this will help make the school an even more enjoyable place to be.

Stuart (House Captain) Nathan (Head Boy)

School Communities


Portland house, led by Mr D Du Heaume, is one of the 4 new pastoral houses at Brighton Hill School. Mr Du Heaume is supported by the following team of tutors: Mrs Cook, Mrs Jones, Mr Elliott, Mrs McMillan, Mrs Williams, Mrs Espeseth, Mrs Duemke & Miss McCabe. Portland have made a very promising start in the house cup and performed well in each of the house competitions so far this half term. A particular well done goes to the Year 11 Football team and the Year 10 Netball team for winning their competitions for Portland.

Mr Du Heaume


This term the Stratford students have been ensuring their voice is heard in relation to the new company running the school catering facilities. In tutor sessions, students have been discussing what they liked about the previous company’s offerings and what improvements they were looking for from the new one. Following a Stratford Council meeting, our three house captains (Meghana, Ellie and Premsai) met with Mr Cass, the area support manager for the catering company. They had a very positive and productive meeting and were able to share all the views of Stratford students. Mr Cass said that they would be following up suggestions made by looking into the adding of a salad bar, homemade smoothies as a healthy drinks option and including a wider range of chilled food options.

Mr Allen

Brighton Hill Community News

ICT News

Facebook has announced another change to its privacy policies, allowing teenagers from the age of 13 upwards to post content publicly on the site, which will allow anyone anywhere to see their posts/photos etc. Facebook have said that the default setting will stay at “friends only” for 13-17 year olds, but this does not always seem to be the case.

To check your child’s Facebook settings and keep them safe, please follow the instructions on How to Control Your Facebook Privacy Settings:

Click on "Account" at the

top right corner of your Face-book page.

Click "Privacy Settings." We recommend that you set the following items on "friends only":

My status, photos, and


Bio and favourite quotations

Family and relationships

Photos and videos I'm tagged in

Can comment on posts

Places I check in to

Contact information

Asda Community Award

Asda Supermarket in Brighton Hill has very kindly sponsored a new School Award to be known as the Asda Community Award. This will be presented to one of our Year 11 leavers for their work in the wider community. The presentation will take place at our annual Awards Ceremony in November when our ex year 11 students return to receive their GCSE Certificates and when the school’s individual awards and prizes are presented.

We would like to say thank you to Asda for sponsoring this award and supporting the school.

J Halsey Assistant Headteacher

Brighton Hill Community School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The AGM report is now available to read on the School website.

Stop Press The date for the 2014 Leavers’ Ball has been confirmed as Sunday, 6 July 2014. To be held at Oakley Hall.

Thank you

We would like to say a big thank you to Oakley Hall who have agreed to lend us a red carpet for use at our Presentation

Evening in November.

J Halsey

Assistant Headteacher

...and finally A word of congratulations goes to Lawrence Zeegen who was one of the original students who joined the school when it opened in 1975. Lawrence who lives in London is now a Professor at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London.