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news, letter week 3

Transcript of Newsletter

21st September 2012

Autumn Term 1

Worsbrough Common Primary School and

Rising Stars Children’s Centre


Children’s Centre

Child care available 1 hour to a whole day. For further information contact the Children’s centre manager.

Look at Books Group—Tuesday 1-3

Little Stars Baby Group—Wednesday 10-12

Toddler Group—Friday 9.30—11.30

Cadbury’ World

Year 5 and 6 had a great trip to Cadbury’s World this week! Mr

Fletcher and Miss Walsh said behaviour had been fantastic and all

had a great time! Funnily enough my chocolate hasn’t found it’s way

up the office yet...Mr Fletcher?

Check out the Year 6 blog to find out more!

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Next Friday 28th September 2012

9-11.30 am

We will be holding a coffee morning to raise

money for Macmillan Cancer


Please come along and support us and share a

cuppa and a cake!

Any donations of cakes to sell would be grate-

fully received!

Ms D :)

Bruce Ave


S70 4EB

Worsbrough Common Primary

School and Rising Stars

Children’s Centre

Phone: 01226 289989

Have a good weekend!


The barrier will now be down all day.

Parents/carers will only be

allowed access up the school drive if they are accessing the Children’s Centre

and have been allocated a password.


The children and all of us have been thrilled this week to see so

many of you commenting on the school blog! We love to see your

comments! We have made new friends in Australia and Canada

this week all because of blogging. Keep your comments coming!

Reading, Reading and more Reading!

Please can you support us and your child by reading

regularly with them at home—5 minutes a day makes

a huge difference! We are aiming to get the school

library back up and running more effectively this

half term, if you need an extra reading book for

child or have any questions about how to help your

child with reading please come and ask!

School Security

Please could you support us in keeping our children safe

by ensuring that you always shut the gate at the side exit

of school and the nursery gate. I would also be grateful if

where ever possible parents/carers avoid walking through

school to exit via reception, please use the classroom


Thank you

Face book/Twitter

We have a Face book and Twitter ac-

counts (@WCPS_RSCC) make sure

your following!

Year 1 and 2 Local walk

There have been some

strange goings on in Year 1

and 2 this week , involving an

Alien called Zoobla!

On Tuesday they all stretched

their noticing learning muscles

as they walked around the lo-

cal area, spotting things they

could tell Zoobla all about.

Have a look at their super

blogs to find out more!

Year 1 also paid a visit to Rev

Keightley at St Lukes, they

had a great time and brought

back some super book marks.

Multi Skills

Barnsley Football Club have restarted the

multi skills club this week!

Tuesday 3.30—4.30 pm

£2 a session

All welcome!