Newsletter 10 June 25, 2014 - · Tuesday, July 22nd School Social Wednesday,...

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Transcript of Newsletter 10 June 25, 2014 - · Tuesday, July 22nd School Social Wednesday,...

Newsletter Issue 10 June 25, 2014

Wagin District High School


You may prefer to pay school accounts through Direct Debit. The school bank account details are as follows:

Account Name: Wagin District High School BSB Number: 036 153

Account Number: 139315 (Westpac - Katanning)

Please ensure that the student’s name is used as the reference for all Direct Deposits

WAGIN DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL 10 Ranford Street Wagin WA 6315

Principal: Mrs Cassandra Harris-Moroney Primary Deputy: Mrs Robyn Willey

Secondary Deputy: Mrs Jolene Abbott Registrar: Mrs Ann Ward

Phone: 9861 1877 / Fax 9861 1835 Email: Website:

Canteen: 9861 1348

Wagin Secondary students, along with Narrogin SHS and Katanning SHS students were invited by the AFL Regional Development Officer to participate in a football carnival on Wednesday 11th June at Matera Oval. Wagin took a boys and a girls team to this interschool event and had so much fun on the day, the weather was perfect for kicking goals. A big thankyou to Peter Hamersley, our boys team assistant coach, and to all our fantastic parents who offered their support. The kids are still raving about how much they love football, espe-cially our girls. The girls had a flying start and were up by 5 goals in their first game. They drew their first match, lost by a goal in the second and kept the dominating Katanning girls team to a very low score in their third game. Wagin was the only school to include Year 7s in their boys team and although they lost both games the younger boys played a strong part of the team. I was extremely proud of all our students, both teams represented our school with pride and thoroughly enjoyed the day. All want to attend another carnival later in the year and include AFL in Phys Ed! Jodie Sercombe

From the PrincipalFrom the PrincipalFrom the PrincipalFrom the Principal Reports Student reports will be available for collection from school on Monday June 30. Primary reports can be collected from classroom teachers in your child’s classroom. Secondary reports can be collected from Form teachers in the Library. Wagin DHS will be reporting using Australian Curriculum in History, Science, Mathematics and English this year. All students from Pre-Primary to Year 10 will receive an A-E grade according to their achievement.

The table below explains the letter grade system

In mid-year reports, all teachers make a professional judgement regarding the level of achievement that the student is demonstrating relative to the achievement standard, taking into account the curriculum that has been taught and assessed to that point in time. As always, our school is committed to helping students achieve to the best of their abilities and engaging parents as partners in the education process. A letter explaining this in greater detail was sent home previously, attached to the Newsletter dated May 28, which is available on our school website School Audit Our school was subject to an external review by a Department of Education auditor earlier this term. This rigorous process takes four days to complete. Pleasingly we received an overall assessment of Excellent. I would like to thank our staff for their professionalism and dedication to ensuring our school is run effectively and efficiently. With special recognition going to Ann Ward for her management of systems and reporting requirements related to school financial and human resources. 3 Year Old Kindy and Super Starters We would like to invite all parents with children who are due to start Kindy in 2015 to attend Super Start-ers and our very own Wagin DHS 3 Year Old Kindy. Super Starters will commence on Tuesday July 29th from 9:30-11 a.m., further details are provide in the newsletter. Three year old Kindy will continue on fortnightly rotations after Super Starters. The purpose of 3 Year Old Kindy is to continue to develop the skills learnt in Super Starters and to assist families in becoming part of the Wagin DHS school community. If you have a child due to start Kindy in 2015 or know someone who does please come along and/or share this information. Year 6 Camp Fundraiser Miss Hogg and the Year 6 students will be holding a Cake Stall outside the Newsagency on Saturday morning from 8-11 a.m. If you have any produce you would like to donate they will happily receive it. Alternatively pop on down and buy some of the yummy cakes, preserves and vegetable seedlings they will have on sale.

Cass HarrisCass HarrisCass HarrisCass Harris----MoroneyMoroneyMoroneyMoroney

Letter grade Achievement descriptor

A The student demonstrates excellent achievement of what is expected for this year

B The student demonstrates high achievement of what is expected for this year level.

C The student demonstrates satisfactory achievement of what is expected for this year

D The student demonstrates limited achievement of what is expected for this year

E The student demonstrates very low achievement of what is expected for this year

Phone: 9861 1877 / Fax 9861 1835 Email: Website:


Super Readers Congratulations to the following students who have reached milestones in their Home Reading: Caleb, Deizel, Jack, Liam, Guy, Giana, Maddison, Olivia, Issaiah, Raymond, Oliver, Kandra, Hayley, Shaun, Luke, Michael, Jax, Kaitlyn, Vincent, Natalia, Jade, Kiara, Georia, Katrina, Leila, Louisa, Mitchell and Oscar. It is fantastic to see so many students enjoying reading so much!!!

Phone: 9861 1877 / Fax 9861 1835 Email: Website:

The final whole school assembly for the Term is on Monday, 30th June. Secondary parents are always welcome to attend, as there are Secondary students who receive merit certificates.

The Secondary reports will be given out to parents in the library after the assembly from 2.30pm. It is a good opportunity for parents to discuss any issues or ask questions of teachers during this time. The reports that are not collected by parents will be given to students to take home. Please read the reports with your child to further support them with their academic achievements. The reports will inform you of your child’s progress but also suggest areas for improvement. Interview requests can be arranged through the front office.

On Monday afternoon when collecting your child’s reports the Year 9 and 10 students invite you to observe their display in the Secondary corridor comparing life in the 1960’s and 1970’s to present day and what has influenced the change.

Students have been training hard for Country Week team selection. The teams have now been announced. Congratulations to those students selected. Mrs Sercombe and Mr Mullin will continue training this term.

Our Art students have been challenged to replicate artwork based on Van Gogh's Starry Night. Students have needed to use painting techniques to represent movement and texture and select complementary and contrasting colours. The masterpieces are displayed in the art room.

For year 10 parents: There will be a re-run of the Parent Information Session for WACE 2016 at Wagin. This information session will take place in the library at 5.30pm Thursday 26th June. Career Information

Notre Dame University will be holding ‘A Day in the Life of a Uni Student’ during the July school holidays. It is open for all Year 10-12 students on Friday, 18th July at the University of Notre Dame Fremantle. See for more details.

Curtin University Open Day is your chance to explore the Curtin campus, learn about courses, speak to lecturers and current students, participate in activities and have lots of fun. It is on Sunday, 3rd August. See for more details.

Canteen Roster

Please attend by 9am. Children are not

allowed in the canteen, due to insurance

requirements. Any queries; ring the

canteen on 9861 1348. Thankyou for your time and support.

Thursday, June 26 Narelle Gibbs

Friday, June 27 Sonia Nalder

Monday, June 30 Sam Liddelow

Tuesday, July 1 Sue Piesse

Wednesday, July 2 Jane Trowl (2 hrs) Thursday, July 3

Shelly Hamersley Friday, July 4

Mandy Harrington Monday, July 21

Lyn Lucas Tuesday, July 22 Mandy Harrington

Wednesday, July 23 Kelly Edwards

Thursday, July 24 Sonia Nalder

Friday, July 25 Gaenor Stephens

Phone: 9861 1877 / Fax 9861 1835 Email: Website:

Term 2

Week 10: June 30 - Year 2 Hamer

Whole School Assemblies 2014 Assemblies are held on Mondays

starting at 1.50pm

Term Two Diary

WEEK 9 Friday, June 27 - Yr 4-7 Katanning Winter Carnival

WEEK 10 Monday, June 30 - Whole School Assembly

Thursday, July 3 - Incursion - Raw Dance Company


Friday, July 4th STUDENTS RETURN TERM 3 -

Tuesday, July 22nd

School Social

Wednesday, July 2 from 5pm-8pm Brenda O’Neil Courtyard

$5 entry for Country-week fundraising Drinks & snacks for sale

Canteen Notes Some necessary increases have been

made to our canteen menu prices.

These increases will come into effect

from the start of Term 3,

Monday, July 21st.

Please refer to the latest, attached menu

Phone: 9861 1877 / Fax 9861 1835 Email: Website:

Student of the


Congratulations to the following students who were nominated by their teachers for this award in

Weeks 8& 9:

PP/1 H – Talegan, Willey-Errol, Stacey Devon & Cole

1/2A – William & Tamsin H Year 2H – Tylah, Bailey

Maddison & Rico Year 2/3P – Kandra, Declyn, Guy

Deizel, Luke & Xaviar

Wagin District High School

Applications for Enrolment to attend the Early Childhood Centre in 2015. If your child will be 4 years of age by the 30th June 2015, and you wish for them to attend Kindergarten in 2015, an Application for Enrolment must be completed before 30th July, 2014. Applications for Enrolment can be completed at the School office. Please bring your child’s Birth Certificate and immunisation records.

Southern Wheatbelt Primary Health

Super Starters – A Kindy Readiness Group Southern Wheatbelt Primary Health is running “Super Starters” in Wagin in term three. The group works with families to help them facilitate their child’s development in preparation for kindy and the school years beyond. We also work with schools to help promote a strong early relationship between the family and the school and a smooth transition into school life. The group will run in Wagin at the Wagin District High School Kindy commencing on Tuesday 29th July, 2014. All children attending kindy in 2015 are welcome to attend with their parents. The group will run between 9.30am and 11.00am. At each session we work with a theme. Children work with their parents and rotate through three activities with speech and language, fine motor and gross motor focus. There are also mat sessions with stories, singing, dancing and discussions. Fruit will be provided for morning tea for the children. The sessions will be facilitated be a Speech Pathologist, Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist. Bookings are essential so please contact Primary Health Reception on 98810385 to register your child.

Phone: 9861 1877 / Fax 9861 1835 Email: Website:

PRODUCE STALL Next Saturday 28

June will see the

Year 6 group holding

a produce Stall

between 8am and


The stall will take

place in front of the Newsagency, with all

proceeds going to Year 6 Camp fundraising.

Uniform shop

The Uniform Shop will be shut on Friday 27th June.

The new scarves have finally arrived, come in , grab

one and rug up for just $7.50.

We now sell iron on, personalised name labels-the

best way to stop uniform items ge'ng lost. $1 each

or 3 for $5.




TERM 3 Tuesday 22 July - Friday 26 September

Monday 21 July - Friday 26 September

HOLIDAYS Saturday 27 September - Monday 13 October

Saturday 27 September - Sunday 12 October

TERM 4 Tuesday 14 October - Thursday 18 December

Monday 13 October - Friday 19 December


RAW Dance Company is coming to Wagin DHS Thursday July 3. Students in Years PP - 10 to participate - COST $3 each

Includes performances and workshops for Secondary students

Check them out at: ; Find them on FACEBOOK or Instagram ; Follow them on Twitter and watch them on Youtube.




Phone: 9861 1877 / Fax 9861 1835 Email: Website:

WAGIN NETBALL CLUB Inc Movie and Dinner Fundraiser-Friday 4th July

How about ending the Term by dropping the kids off at the movies and heading to the District Club for dinner! Maleficent is a Disney film with outstanding reviews. A light supper and drink will be provided at the movies, all tickets costing $15. Dinner is also being served at the District Club from 7-9pm for $25 and this includes a buffet style meal, fresh bread, salads and dessert. This is a major fundraiser for our club and a great opportunity for all families to enjoy a night out Bookings for the movies can be made at the CRC and dinner reservations can be made by calling the Club on 98611 141.

Colds Upper respiratory tract infections or colds are every-where, especially in winter, so it is almost impossible to stop children from catching them. Here are some points which may help:

Teach your child to cover his/her nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, and to wash hands straight afterwards. Hands should be washed after blowing noses and before eating. Use tissues once and then throw them in the bin. (Avoid using handkerchiefs.) Keep your child home from school if he/she has a cold/cough/fever/pain. Make sure that your children eat a balanced diet of plenty of healthy foods. Keep children away from smoke – it irritates their eyes and nasal passages, making it more likely that they will catch a cold.

What to do if your child gets a cold No treatment will cure a cold or make it go away more quickly, but you can help your child feel more comfortable:

Rest: This need not be in bed. Provide extra drinks: If your child doesn’t want to drink much, try giving lots of small

sips of water, milk or juice, or iceblocks to suck for older children. For more information contact your school health nurse.